Visualizing Human Biology 4th Edition Pdf Download
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Visualizing Human Biology 4th Edition Pdf Download Free
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Living things have several characteristics. Thesecharacteristics define rock and plant as alive or not alive. First,living things are made of cells. Plants are made of cells. Rocksare not made of cells.
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The fact that rocks are not made of cell and they are does nothave mobility it is sufficient to determine that rocks are notliving things. There are other characteristics that define livingthings. Living things use energy, respond to the environment, grow,and reproduce.
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It is obvious that rocks cannot produce offspring. In addition,rocks do not use energy to do cellular processes. Rocks could beaffected by the energy, but they do not use the energy for survivalpurposes.
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Plants have mechanisms for reproduction. In addition, plantsmake energy by doing photosynthesis. Furthermore, plants docellular processes, respond to the environment, and grow. Hence,plants are living things.Rocks are not living things.