I Cant Download Anything On Google Chrome

  1. Can't Download Google Chrome On Internet Explorer
  2. Why Can't I Download Google Chrome
  3. Google Chrome Can T Download
  4. Can't Get On Google Chrome
  5. Google Chrome Won't Load Anything
  6. I Cant Download Anything On Google Chrome Free
Posted by3 years ago

Basically whenever I try to download something it shows this. Relating to the Google Chrome and Chromium web browsers, Chrome apps. Can't download Google Chrome, need help. So I uninstalled Google Chrome from my desktop which runs windows 10 now. However, when I try to install it again (from Google's own site) it won't really do much; it only says 'Downloading' and nothing more, the download-bar doesn't move at all.


Chrome won't download any files and when I try to exit Chrome it says 'Downloads are currently in progress. Would you like to cancel and exit?'

Just started happening last night. I have been using Windows 10 since early August and haven't changed anything on Chrome recently.

Once I try to exit and get the 'downloads in progress' message, if I click 'cancel downloads' it will exit but if I click 'continue downloads' it takes me to the download history and shows nothing in the history.

I have restarted my computer, cleared all history and then restarted, and cleared all history, uninstalled Chrome, then restarted and reinstalled Chrome and am still having the issue. I can download pictures and programs perfectly fine in Microsoft Edge.

I researched the problem and other people have had the same issue in the past but their posts were from years ago and a solution was never given.

Edit: Just noticed that when I go to YouTube, after about 10 seconds the tab will freeze up but I can still scroll and do anything on my other tabs. When I try to exit out of YouTube all of Chrome freezes for about 2 seconds and then the tab closes and Chrome goes back to normal.

Edit 2: About 30 minutes ago I tried to save an image and Chrome just now prompted me to download it. In the download history it shows the image downloading at 0 B/s.

Edit 3: Well I got back from my morning class today and was going to try some more troubleshooting however everything seems back to normal. YouTube isn't freezing anymore and if I try to save a picture or program the prompt asking me where to save pops right up. Don't know why it decided to act normal today but the only thing I did overnight was put the computer to sleep.

Edit 4: Just got back from the rest of my classes and Chrome is now having about a minute delay after I try to download anything. YouTube froze just like before but I went back to the tab after the download prompt finally came up and the tab is no longer frozen. Very confused about what is going on.

FINAL EDIT: Since people are still finding this post I just wanted to let everyone know that I never found a fix for this problem. I ended up giving up on it and swapped over to FireFox and I haven't gone back to chrome since.

85% Upvoted

I click the direct link to the file and it just does nothing. No loading or anything. Some places work, some places don't. I also checked in my Downloads folder, nothing started downloading.

Any suggestions?


4 Answers

Okay, since the problem is definitely with your profile, what you want to do is to transfer as much of your existing profile to a new one as possible. The easiest way to do it, losing as little as possible is as follows:

Can't Download Google Chrome On Internet Explorer

  1. Leave your old profile alone (ie, don’t move or delete anything from it, even consider zipping it, just in case)
  2. Create a new profile if necessary (Chrome automatically creates one when run if one does not exist)
  3. Close Chrome
  4. Copy one of the files from your old profile to the new one, overwriting the existing one (or rename the existing one)
  5. Run Chrome and test to see if the problem exists
    • If it does, delete that file and let Chrome re-create it (or delete the copied one and un-rename the other one)
    • Note the file that caused the problem
  6. Go to 1. and repeat for another file until you have processed everything in your profile

Some notes:

Why Can't I Download Google Chrome

  • You can try copying a few things at a time, then narrow it down from there, especially since some things are unlikely to be the problem such as extensions, themes, scripts, local storage, etc. In fact, the most likely problem is Web Data. Try that one first.

  • Once you have narrowed the problem down to (hopefully) a single file, then you can look into copying as much from the old one to the new one as possible (most of Chrome’s data files are in SQLite3 format, so you can/may/should be able to export the old data and import into the new one).

  • Consider doing it the other way around: instead of migrating your old data to a new profile, just make a copy of your old profile and delete one file at a time from it (thus letting Chrome re-create it), then check to see if the problem is fixed.


Try another browser and see if you have the same issue. Its probably an AV/firewall issue. A while back I had a conflict with Spyware Doctor and Chrome. Even if I created an exception to allow full access, it wouldn't work. Had to disable kernel compatibility mode. So check your protection settings for any anti-malware you are running including the not so obvious ones.

Google Chrome Can T Download

Why can t i use google chrome

Can't Get On Google Chrome

Head over to about:flags and check if you have the 'New Download UI' enabled. If so, disable it.

Sathyajith BhatSathyajith Bhat

I had the same issue some time ago, just for some pages. For me it was my virus scanner (avast... or was it avira, one of them). I just exchanged it.

I Cant Download Anything On Google Chrome

protected by CommunityFeb 9 '14 at 12:05

Google Chrome Won't Load Anything

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