Heroes Of The Feywild Pdf Download

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  2. D&d Heroes Of The Feywild
  3. Heroes Of The Feywild Mediafire
ROLEPLAYING GAME SUPPLEMENT Rodney Thompson-+ Claudio Pozas-+ Steve Townshend
CREDITS Design Rodney Thompson (lead), Claudio Pozas, Steve Townshend Additional Design Jeremy Crawford, Ari Marmell, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett Development Jeremy Crawford, Stephen Schubert Editing Michele Carter, Cal Moore, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Ray Vallese Producer Greg Bilsland Managing Editing Kim Mohan D&D RPG Senior Manager Mike Mearls D&D Senior Creative Art Director jon Schindehette D&D Brand Team liz Schuh, Kierin Chase, Laura Tommervik, Shelly Mazza noble, Chris lindsay, Hilary Ross Playtesters Angela Amburn, Bryan Amburn, C.j. Thrasher, Douglas Kilpatrick, Eva Orta, Galen Mullins, Greg Hartman, lan Ramsey, james Auwaerter, Jeff Barnes, john-Alan Pascoe, Jonathan D'Silva, jordan Conrad, Kevin Lawson, Lori Anderson, Mark Knobbe, Matt Fuchs, Nick Wolfanger, Patrick Neal, Pieter Sleijpen, Renout van Rijn, Shawn Merwin, Todd Keck, Tom Dale, Tony Lawrence, Yourik de Voogd
620·31731000·001 EN ISBN: 978-0-7869 -5836-8 First Printing: November 2011
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... 4
Bard's Tale: The First Elves ..... ... ... .... 4
Welcome to the Feywild. ..
. ... 6
An Outsider's Perspective .. . ... 6 .... 6 A land of Enchantment A land Fraught with Peril .... 6 7 A Storybook land ................ . A land of Unknowns ....... .. 8 A Feywild Native's Perspective ........ 9 Fey Crossing Hamlets . . .... 9 Many Worlds, One Feywild .. 1 0 The Feydark... . .... . . 1 0 Eladrin Cities . . ... .. 1 0 Astrazalian . . .... . 1 0 Mithrendain . 11 Shinaelestra ... .. 11 12 Factions of the Fey ............. Demesnes of the Archfey. . .. . 12 Senaliesse .. .................. 12 Vale of the long Night .... 13 Borderlands and Wilderness....... 14 Brokenstone Vale.. . .. 14 Cendriane .. ........ . 14 The Isle of Dread . . 15 The Fomorian Cities . . ... 16 The Maze of Fathaghn .... 17 The Murkendraw 17 Nachtur, the Goblin Kingdom ...... 18 Bard's Tale: The Vanish ina Villaaers ... 1 9 o
0 .. .
.. ..... ..
Skald .................. .... .......... .. . 54 Skald Race Choices ....... ...... . .... 56 Bard's Tale: The Skald's Apprentice .... 58 New Bard Powers.... . ... 59 Bard's Tale: Halaaar's Stand .......... 65 Druid ................ .. 69 Protector.. . . 69 Protector Race Choices ... 76 New Druid Powers ........ ..... ... 77 Bard's Tale: The Lady of the Wood .. 7 8 Wizard...... . ........ . 86 Witch .. ... 86 Worlds with Many Moons . . 89 Witch Race Choices 90 New Wizard Powers ...... ... ........... 91 Bard's Tale: The Foolish Prince ....... 94 o
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Wild Hunter .. .. .. Witch Queen ............. 0
... 123 . 124
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Multiclass Feats ... 126 Familiars ... ..... .. .. . .. .... 131 Your Familiar. . .. 131
Feywild Gear .... Magic Items .............
133 136
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Totems ........ . ........ ... . ... 136 Wondrous Items 137 Consumables . .... 138 ... . 140 Fey Magic Gifts ..... . ... .. For the DM: Alternative Rewards ...... ....... 140 Bard's Tale: The Niehtmare Fairies .. 143 0
. .. 144
Bard's Tale: The Future-Teller ......... 144 Upbringing ........ 146 Eladrin Nobility...... . .. 146 Feydark Refugees ... 146 Merchants ....... .. ............ 146 .. 147 Peasants ... .... . . ..... ....... .. . 147 Slaves .. Foster Parents (Cruel) ... 147 Foster Parents (Kind) ... . 14 7 Civilized lands...... ....... ......... .. 14 7 Astrazalian ..... .. .. . 147 Mithrendain .. 148 ... . 149 Senaliesse ....... Shinaelestra ...... ..... ... 149 Wilderness locations ...... . . 150 Brokenstone Vale. . . 150 Cendriane .. . ... 151 Fey Crossing Hamlet. . .... 151 Feydark Opening Hamlet ......... 1 52 Feywild Trails .... 152 The Isle of Dread . 1 53 The lake of Dreams ........ 153 The Maze ofFathaghn .... 153 The Murkendraw. 1 54 Plains of Echoing Thunder........ 154 The White Well. ..... . ...... 1 54 Dark lands ..... ... ... ... . . 155 Feydark Wilds . . ........ ..... 155 Fortress of Frozen Tears . 155 Harrowhame ........... .. .. .. 155 MagTureah ....... .. ... .. . .. 156 Nachtur . . ..... .. .. ..... 1 56 VorThomil .... ..... . ...... .. ..... ... 157 Events.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... 157 Start Your Adventure . . .... 159 Bard's Tale: The WanderinB Child ... 159 o .. . ... ... .. . . . . .
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Racial Benefits ........ .. ... . ... o· .. Bard's Tale: The Knieht and the Pixie ... . 20 Hamadryad. .. . .............. .. 22 Hamadryad Beauty .. 26 Hamadryad Utility Powers 26 Pixie. . ... . .. 28 Special Rules. ... . 29 Bard's Tale: The Unruly Girl ... 32 Hitching a Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 2 Pixie Utility Powers .... 33 Satyr... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 34 Bard's Tale: The Three Fair Beauties .. .36 Bard's Tale: The Ualy Satyr ............ 3 8 .. 38 Satyr Utility Powers
. . 102 Bard's Tale: The Sid he Lord and the Satyr... . ...... 1 02 Character Themes ...... ... 0.... ... 104 Choosing a Theme....... 1 04 Themes in Character Creation . 1 04 Themes in the Party.. . .. 1 04 Fey Beast Tamer .. .......... 1 OS Fey Beast Companion Actions ... 1 06 Sid he lord . . ...... ..... 1 08 Tuathan.... . .. . ... 110 Unsee lie Agent .. ..................... 114
Bard's Tale: The Three Travelers ... ..... 40
Paragon Paths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 116
Barbarian. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ....... . 4 2
Berserker . . . . . . . . . . . Berserker Race Choices New Barbarian Powers
. ... 4 2 . 45 . 46 Bard.. .. ......... .. . ... 53 Signs of Influence ....... .......... 53 0
.. ...
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.. . . . . .
Deadly Berserker .... .... .. ... .... . 116 Master Skald .......... .... ... .... ..... 117 legendary Witch ...... .... ... .... 118 Inner Circle Initiate ....... .. .... .. ... 120
Epic Destinies Shiradi Champion ...... ........ .
.. 121 0 .
· o ••••••
·o . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix: Character Advancement Table ......
.. 0


AS A TRAVELER heads east from Fallcrest, winding along the King's Road over the Moon Hills and down beneath the sheltering boughs of Harken Forest, sometimes he or she feels a slight change in the wind. Like the perfumed whisper of a seductress, a breeze ofhoneysuckle, lavender, and eglantine wafts from the fastness of the wood. The weary trav· eler cannot help but sigh and reflect upon the spring of youth, when the world seemed new and alive. Most people stay the course, following the King's Road toward their destination and the duties that await. Fields must be planted and sown, wars must be fought, horseshoes mended, and family provided for. Travelers mindful of their responsibilities move on, thinking no more of the wind's chance direction than a passing reminiscence of what might have been. But some do not stay to the road.
The young, the romantic, and the adventurous might follow the soughing wind between tall trunks, across deer paths, and down steep defiles until all at once the wood shifts, and high on a forested hill now stands a bright metropolis, its crystal towers glittering as brightly as starlight. Radiant eladrin with shining eyes and silver-spun hair stride gracefully through the city's idyllic streets, and nymphs frolic like children beneath h anging gardens and fruit trees. Fair maidens with eyes the color of m eadow violets sing the wind's song note for note, and their voices float through the wood like silver embers. As dusk settles on the eladrin city, pixies rise quietly from the forest floor, trailing golden stardust in their wake. On gossamer wings they paint the sunset across the sky in colors known only to the hearts of dreamers, poets, and lovers.
BARD'S TALE: THE FIRST ELVES In the beginning, when the dew of creation still lay wet upon the planes, there were three elves. The youngest sister was the most cunning, the oldest daughter was the wisest, and the middle child was the most eager. Their father watched over them from afar, and together they made a beautiful and sometimes capricious trio, and all was well in the realm of the fey. However, such paradise among the siblings could not last for long. The youngest sister had always been quick of mind and bold to a fault, and had no fear of exploring dark and dangerous places. With her brother and sister elsewhere, the youngest elf began exploring the shadowy reaches of their plane, and she discovered that there were invaders there, creatures that had once served the gods but had been cast out for their refusal to obey. Herself headstrong, the youngest sister sympathized with these outsiders, and began treating with them as if they were her allies. When the older siblings learned of their sister's dealings with dark creatures, they confronted her. Unwilling to bend, the youngest sister lashed out at her brother, striking so quickly that, at first, the brother thought the attack to be some kind of dark joke. Only when the oldest and wisest sibling intervened did the
Into the Briaht
truth become known: the youngest sister had turned against her siblings, and there was unrest in the fey realm as a result. The royal children of the Feywild, once idolized as a trio, had now been sundered forever. After the attack on her brother, the youngest sister fled, then rallied her supporters to her side. For what seemed like eons, the youngest sister waged war on her older siblings, who in turn had marshaled their own forces. The lush and verdant Feywild ran red with the blood of elves, and violence became the standard of the day. Finally, after years of conflict, the brother and older sister cast their youngest sibling out of their land. Those who allied with the sister were marked and cast aside as well, fleeing underground to become the first drow. The youngest sister embraced her new home and became a queen of her realm. And so the harmony of the fey realm had been permanently disturbed. No longer unified with their sibling, the oldest sister and middle brother also parted ways. Some of their followers even left the fey realm, choosing the world of men with all its dangers and flaws over the despoiled paradise ofthe Feywild. Thus, the three elves became the first eladrin, elves, and drow.
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Welco111e to the Feywild The Feywild, also sometimes called the land of Faerie, is a place bright with magic. Those who wander its enchanted roads discover miracles and wonders undreamed of in the mortal world. In the Feywild, the laws of science, logic, and reason defer to the arts of magic, story, and rhyme. Ordinary animals and objects converse as eloquently as any worldly mortal. Enchanted forests wander across the landscape like herds of roving sheep. Glorious castles perch on mountain spires that touch the starry heavens, and a bold traveler can board a vessel to a fey palace on the moon. Fairies anoint the dewdrops on morning flowers, and in the evening, satyrs play their gentle pipes to lull the world to sleep. Yet for all its dreamlike splendor, the plane can be as perilous as the Elemental Chaos with its random explosions of stone and fire, and as deadly as the life-sapping Shadowfell. Here wicked hags place everlasting curses on their enemies, change mortals into toads, and blacken the moon in their flight across the midnight sky. Capricious fey play careless games with mortal lives. Underground caverns sprawl the length of the world above, and in these dark places, fomorian tyrants, brutal cyclopses, and hateful drow await the day when they will overthrow the surface dwellers. Those who are drawn to this realm of enchantment and danger must take care, for wonders and horrors beyond imagining lie around every bend in the woodland road.
AN OUTSIDER'S PERSPECTIVE Although most mortals are raised on fairy tales, few continue to believe in such fancies as they grow older. Rural commoners might blame pixies, boggles, and hags for spoiled milk, sick livestock, or misplaced items, but town and city dwellers scoff at what they consider base superstition. By and large, the civilized peoples of the world, surrounded day and night with the ordered workings of their own hands, think little of the Feywild except as a passing fancy of childhood. The practicalities of day-to-day work, trade, and family dim the vivid wonders of the fairy stories until they fade from memory like dreams. But regardless of whether they truly believe in the CHAPTER 1
I Into the Briaht
Feywild, mortals from the world tend to view it in the following ways.
A Land of Enchantment There is a land beyond the world where the wildest dreams can come true. In this place, magic is inherent in all things, and anyone can realize his or her heart's desire. In this place, wild unicorns gallop across the endless meadows like shooting stars, and frolicsome nymphs lovelier than the dawn take mortals as partners. In this land, a maiden enchanted to sleep for a thousand years can be awakened with true love's kiss. Clever mortals can outwit mighty giants, trolls, and dragons, winning fantastic treasures. Here, the pinnacle of mortal ambition is within reach, and each soul can attain its grandest potential. Those who visit the Feywild and return to the mortal world rarely, if ever, readjust to their normal lives. The fey realm instills in them an adventurous, revivifying spirit. Visions of a flight of pixies setting the evening stars alight, or the sight of the city of Astrazalian shimmering on the dusky sea, leave impressions on a mortal heart that can never be erased. It is said that in the Feywild, time passes differently than it does in the natural world. In some areas of the plane, time virtually stands still, basking in eternal summer or frozen in endless winter. After spending only a few days in the Feywild, a mortal might return to his home in the world to find that everyone he knew perished long ago. Thus, eladrin and other creatures that live in these timeless realms seem practically immortal to those with mortal life spans.
A Land Fraught with Peril For all its enchantment, the Feywild is perilous to people who do not understand its ways. The changeable fey place little value on the brieflives of mortals. Fortunate visitors from the ordinary world deal with fey that are ambivalent toward them rather than fey that toy with them for amusement. Aside from the unpredictable nature of fey creatures, numerous stories tell of hags, tyrannical fomorian kings, and powerful archfey that rule over vast, dark demesnes and command goblins, ogres, trolls, werewolves, and other creatures that savor the taste of mortal flesh. These villains can be as fundamentally evil as devils or demon lords, and they wield powers of comparable might. Only rarely can they be defeated by mere sword or spell. More typically, special conditions prophesy their overthrow or reform.
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Keldar and Rowena prepare to enter a fey crossinB that leads to the Fortress of Frozen Tears
For example, it is said that the heart of the archfey known as the Prince of Frost froze when his true love betrayed him and escaped elsewhere in time with a mortal lover. If the prince ever finds his love again and forgives her, the icy casing around his heart will melt away, transforming him back into the Prince of Summer he once was. Or a powerful hag might be defeated only if a cold iron dagger forged at the hour of her birth is plunged into her heart by a man who was never born. Mortals visiting the Feywild do well to remember that fanciful rules govern this place, and few quests follow a direct path to victory.
A Storybook Land You know from the stories of your childhood that the rules that dictate life in the fey realm are different. In the world, natural laws govern the physical environment and the study of arcane magic, but the chimerical Feywild rejects such conventions. Here, you can travel to nearly any location conceivable, whether it is the moon above, a dryad's spacious mansion inside the trunk of a beech tree , or a kingdom that exists atop the flowery fields of a dandelion stem. Any creature or object might live and speak in its own manner, including rabbits, roses, placid lakes, and the stars in the night sky. As
happens in stories, occurrences that at first seem impossible often prove inevitable. The bards who dwell near fey crossings believe that reality is made from stories and that the events that occur in one's life are merely the threads of a larger tale. These bards see the storybook rules of the Feywild as the purest form of reality, only as consistent as the larger story currently unfolding. Mortals who attempt to survive in the Feywild by strength of arms alone are doomed to fall to beings that wield magic far more cunning than any blade. Those who adapt to the storybook logic of the Feywild and learn to live by their wits stand a far better chance of survival. The Feywild is a land of destiny both imposed and fulfilled. A mortal who trespasses in a fey demesne might be forbidden to leave until he or she completes seven seemingly impossible tasks, such as milking all the cows in the world in the course of a day, slaying seven immortal giants, drawing the song from a blade of grass, or interpreting the dreams of a boulder. Yet within the logic of the Feywild, these feats are possible. However, woe to any creature that breaks a contract. The story magic that makes all things possible in the Feywild works both ways, and oath breakers CHAPTE R 1
I Into the BriBht
find themselves at the mercy of those they seek to betray. A human who vows to praise a nymph's beauty in song for a fortnight had best keep his promise to the letter, or the nymph might take his voice, leaving him unable to sing for the rest of his days.
A Land of Unknowns
Nistyncia araues with two mischievous male pixies in the Brokenstone Vale, while Keldar waits impatiently CHAPTER 1
I Into the Brisht
In the natural world, mortals stake their lives on physical boundaries. Cottage walls keep out the wind and weather, town fortifications separate civilization from the wild, and castle walls repel invading armies. While the empire ofNerath flourished, mortals felt secure within the protection of its borders, but since its fall, civilizations have become points oflight in an indefinite sea of darkness. The definable borders and boundaries of the world are important; you rely on them for security and protection. But what of the places that are neither one location nor another? The twilight that separates day from night, the uncertain days between one season and another, the perimeters of doorways and windows that are neither inside nor outside-these places are subject to superstition, which claims that demons, fey, and other frightening creatures can enter the world through indefinable regions. In the natural world, magic too is governed by rules. Wizards study arcane texts, learn to cast specific spells, and improve their techniques through research and dedication. Fey magic, however, bends and breaks such rules. The humblest midwife can pledge herself to powers that can instantly plague mortals with curses that last a lifetime. Many fey change shapes as easily as a mortal changes clothing. Such unknown quantities inspire fear in the people of the natural world. Fey creatures are not without limits, but their boundaries are more flexible and, at the same time, more binding. Most fey that make pacts and bargains are magically bound to their promises. Breaking an oath or granting a favor places the fey under the power of another creature. Thus, fey rarely swear oaths or promise favors, usually only in desperation or when they desire high-stakes fun. Fey establish their borders and parameters based on conditions: 'before the next moonrise,' 'only a mortal who dances with a griffon,' 'when the seventh son of the witch queen is slain,' 'until the towers of Astrazalian sink beneath the sea,' and so forth. Similarly, fey respect ancient conditional laws, such as those that block them from boundaries ritually sealed with cold iron. Like a hag's curse that transforms a prince into a frog 'until he receives the love of a princess,' conditions act as boundaries for the fey, as strong as any wall and as binding as shackles of iron.
A FEYWILD NATIVE'S PERSPECTIVE Those who were born in the Feywild and those who dwell near a fey crossing have an entirely different perspective about the lands beyond the veil. If you are a Feywild native or grew up near the places where eladrin cities appear in the mortal world, you are aware of the perils and enchantments of the place. The magic of the plane runs in your blood, and your life has given you at least some exposure to the wonders that lie beyond the ordinary world. You might have taken the blessings and enchantments of the Feywild for granted, acknowledging them as an intrinsic part of your existence. For example, you are less likely to be swept away by a fairy's flight through a dusky glade or by the sudden appearance of a glorious eladrin city. In addition, the dangers that lurk in the Feywild are far more apparent to you than they are to outsiders. You are well aware of the brutal fomorians and sadistic draw in the Feydark below and their desire to overthrow the surface world. You know of wicked hags in the Murkendraw swamp that eat mortal flesh, lure unwitting fools into ironclad pacts, or turn them into newts. You know about wild pixies, skulking boggles, and capricious nymphs that play so hard with visitors that few survive the experience. You also have a basic knowledge of important Feywild locales and others close to where you live. In the same way that mortals can point out areas of the natural world, you can provide general directions to the eladrin city ofMithrendain, the fomorian city of Mag Tureah, or the Summer Queen's palace in Senaliesse. Given the shifting boundaries of the Feywild, however, even the most carefully detailed map can lose accuracy between one sunrise and the next. The following sections give you an idea of the mood and feel ofliving in a well-known Feywild locale, or in a mortal locale that has a fey crossing nearby. These sections also detail traditions and customs that your character might know if you hail from the vicinity.
Fey Crossing Hamlets In the quiet wilderness far away from the cities of the natural world, small villages rest near areas where the border with the Feywild wears thin. You live in one such place, and every day passes much the same as the one that came before. You and your neighbors plow and harvest fields, hunt game, pull flax
for linen, shear sheep, dye wool, forge metals, and mare-a series of never-ending labors common to village life. But as long as you have lived here, you have noticed something strange and magical about the hamlet. When pestilence and famine strike other nearby settlements, your crops grow tall and strong, wild game is plentiful, and your water remains pure u.J and clean. The mists that rise in the evening suggest > shapes of fantastic beasts such as unicorns and grif1-fons. Sometimes after dusk in the moonlit woods and < fields beyond your village, you hear strange sounds Z like the tinkling laughter of faraway bells, and you see distant colorful Jights dancing slowly through the air like fireflies. Sometimes strangers happen by your hamlet, smelling of faraway scents that create cloud ..... castles in your mind; they speak of domains of eternal summer that are home to elf maidens of surpassing beauty. Although the land around your village is rich and fair, the elders forbid your people from wandering in the woods after sunset, warning of villagers through the ages who strayed from the known paths and were lost in a fairy realm. Some are said to have returned years later, not a day older than when they disappeared. But those who return never truly recover. Their eyes remain aglimmer with distant yearning as they recall enchanted forests, majestic hills, and flawless skies, like a dream one struggles to capture as it fades from memory. Residing near a fey crossing in the mortal world, you are privy to charms, superstitions, and rumors regarding the creatures of the realm. In some villages, once each week the priest circles the settlement with a bag of iron shavings donated by the blacksmith. He sprinkles pinches of the shavings on the ground as he goes along, followed by chattering children and dogs sniffing for handouts. When you were young and ambled in this train, you asked the priest why he circled the village so, and he told you of the power of cold iron to ward away the creatures of fey. Not being of the mortal world, they must respect its boundaries and cannot pass over a border of cold iron without risking great peril. The local wise woman disagrees with the priest, claiming that only iron forged without heat can ward off the fey. The storyteller of your village offers a different tale, saying that the creatures of the Feywild are magic beings far older than iron, and every mechanical achievement decreases their magic and strength in the natural world. And you once spoke to a traveling sage who refuted all these claims, swearing that only iron forged from a fallen
I Into the Brinht
star can weaken the fey, for stars are beings of magic incarnate, with bones made of solid iron.
The Feydark Just as the natural world has an Underdark, so does the Feywild have its own reflection of that dangerous subterranean realm. The Feydark is a vast underground tangle of caverns and tunnels occupied by some of the most dangerous creatures of the Feywild. The fomorians are the greatest organized threat in the Feydark, with their cyclops servants, but other fearsome creatures lurk in the shadows. The Feydark, like the aboveground portions of the Feywild, teems with magic and life on a much greater scale than the Underdark of the natural world. Many sections of the Feydark, especially those inhabited by myconids, could be described as verdant. Food and water are plentiful for the underground inhabitants, but so are predators and malicious fey that inhabit the subterranean realm.
Eladrin Cities Throughout the Feywild, the cities of the eladrin are bastions of civilization. They are often filled not only with natives of the Feywild but also with visitors from the mortal realms.
The crystal stone towers of the City of Starlight sparkle like the wide sea that surrounds the island's emerald slopes, like the coins and gems that trade hands on its winding streets, like the stars that are the city's namesake. In spring and summer, this city you call home occupies an island in the natural world. It is the crown jewel of the eladrin realms, the incarnate dream and the envy of every mortal race. As an inhabitant of Astrazalian, you are surrounded by affluence, diversity, and trade. You might be a merchant with the Star and Dolphin Coster, a warrior in service of Lady Shandria (niece of the Summer Queen and ruler of Astrazalian), or a student of magic at the oldest and m ost prestigious school of wizardry in the planes. If you have lived in Astrazalian for any amount of time, you cannot help but feel overwhelming pride when you look to the city's banners high among the clouds, the graceful swan boats in her harbor, and the bountiful magic that brings luxurious conveniences to every citizen. Perhaps other grand cities exist, but if there is one more perfect, richer with opportunity and diversity, you have never seen its like. Yet for all Astrazalian's qualities, it is nearly impossible for you to attain significant power here. The ancient noble houses hold fast to their positions, as they have done for time out of mind. Your custom is to treat others with courtesy and respect, even if the CHAPTER 1 [ Into th e Brinht
MANY WORLDS, ONE FEYWILD Whether your campaign takes place in the region of the Nentir Vale, the world of the FoRGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting or the EsERRON campaign setting, some other published setting, or a world of your OM's creation, you can use the material in this book with little o'r no alteration. For all practical purposes, the Feywild exists as described in these pages (and in sources such as Manual of the Planes) regardless of the mortal world to which it is connected. You can view this consistency as a mys· terious property of the Feywild-its features mirror every world at once-or as a convenience to make this material as useful as possible to the game. Your OM might add or modify details of the Feywild depending on his or her campaign, and these changes might open up new possibilities for your character. For example, if you're playing in a FoRGOTTEN REALMS campaign, you might play a star elf (eladrin) from Sildeyuir, the star-shrouded fey forest linked to the Yuirwood in the nation of Aglar· ond. In an EBERRON campaign, you could come from one of the feyspires, the seven jewels of the Faerie Court that travel between Thelanis and the world. In Athas, the world of the DARK SuN campaign setting, the Feywild (referred to as the lands Within the Wind) is reduced to pockets scattered across the burned world. A fey character in a DARK SuN campaign can come from these pocket planes, but Athasian characters are unlikely to have extensive adventures in the shattered Feywild.
honeyed words (yours or theirs) are false. You cannot tell who might rise to power or when, and it is good to have as many 'friends' as possible when opportunities present themselves. You recognize the arrogant deceits that corrupt the veins of your home, though when you go abroad amid crude mortals, Astrazalian's legendary civility and grace never stray far from your heart. You know a few mortals, but you rarely know them well; they can never secure power in Astrazalian. At the end of summer, they pack up their families and stalls and leave your beautiful city before it makes worldfall back to the Feywild. All through the autumn and winter, savage fomorians besiege Astrazalian from their Feydark borderlands in hopes
of plundering the city and using it as a base from which to raid the natural world. The City of Starlight is lean and grim during these annual periods of war, and you are accustomed to enduring the giants or fighting them on the battlefield. The darkness that taints your home, both internally and externally, has taught you that supreme beauty cannot exist without corruption, but the beauty is worth preserving at any cost. Astrazalian is the grandest city in the known realms, and you have long acknowledged that a grim price must be paid for your bounty.
Growing from the forest floor like a copse of towering trees, the fortress city of Mithrendain glints with copper, bronze, and gold in the amber rays of fey sunlight. Here, time drifts by as gradually as the first tentative falling leaves of autumn. As an inhabitant of the Autumn City, you are accustomed to the slow passage of time. Mithrendain has no clocks, sundials, or magic timepieces, and you live your life as if ageless, basking eternally in the golden afternoon. In the light that glimmers through the russet boughs above, your people work toward the slow perfection of everything they touch. In a city without time, there is no hurry, no project left forever incomplete or abandoned, and no sense of early, late, or never. You consider it rude to place expectations on timeliness except in the most dire circum· stances, such as war or invasion, and this attitude frustrates alienated mortals-especially impatient humans. The results of the Mithrendain perspective show in the sheer artistic perfection that surrounds you at every natural angle. As a resident of the Autumn City, you have grown accustomed to this point of view, regardless of whether you embrace it, and you appreciate any task that is carefully and flawlessly executed. A legend told in Mithrendain speaks of an age when time moved more quickly. In fact, it moved so quickly that it formed a wide, deep hole in the Feywild from which issued fomorians, draw, and all the evils of the Feydark underworld. According to the tale, seven eladrin wizards placed seven powerful seals on the hole and built a brooding for· tress around the maw, in the spot where the golden Citadel Arcanum stands today. Then this council of wizards banished time from Mithrendain so their wards might remain ever new, thrumming with the magic that courses through every leaf, rock, and
timber of the plane. Everyone in Mithrendain knows this legend, but few, if any, know whether it is true. Nevertheless, its legacy remains in the customs and traditions of your home. Timekeeping devices are considered ill fortune, and at every grand festival in Mithrendain, an hourglass is shattered before the crowd, its sands scattered to the winds. V If you are from Mithrendain, you might have a u.J relaxed perspective or a wandering focus , letting time > pass as it will, unmoved by panic or hurry in others. Altermi.tively, you might have left Mithrendain due to ~ 2 what you perceive as a stagnant stubbornness in the city, believing that your people might play in autumn but cannot forestall the winter forever.
Shinaelestra Every midnight, after the stars w..~ have appeared in the skies of the Feywild, the eladrin city of Shinaelestra starts to shimmer in the darkness
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FACTIONS OF THE FEY Fey creatures are divided into a number of factions. Though these factions claim some loyalty to their chosen archfey, there is little to bind a creature to a faction permanently. Court of Stars: Periodically, representatives of the factions assemble in a grand conclave hosted by the Summer Queen. Each of these gatherings is partly a political or business meeting and partly a time of revelry and friendly competition. (For more information on the Court of Stars, see the Shiradi Champion epic destiny, page 121.) Among the factions that might be in attendance at any time are those described here. Court of Coral: The Court of Coral encompasses the aquatic and island-dwelling fey, ruled by the Sea lords. The Sea lords are Elias and Siobhan Alastai, siblings who oversee the rivers and seas of the Feywild, respectively. Gloaming Fey: The Gloaming Fey are associated with dreams, darkness, stars, twilight, and dusk. They owe allegiance to a variety of archfey, the most famous of which is the Maiden of the Moon, a formidable hunter and the bane of alllycanthropes. Green Fey: The Green Fey are the servants of Oran the Green lord, the loftiest of the archfey of nature. Most of the Green Fey are forest-dwelling creatures, such as hamadryads, satyrs, and elves. Summer Fey: The Summer Fey embody the innate beauty and power of their patron, Tiandra, the Summer Queen. Of all of the archfey, Tiandra commands the largest following of Sid he lords and other eladrin. Winter Fey: Fey creatures bound to the icy power of winter rarely consider themselves to belong to any faction and have no true leader. The most powerful among them is the Prince of Frost, and those who follow him and similar fey lords are roughly grouped together as the Winter Fey. Unseelie Fey: Though they have no true representative among the Court of Stars, there are fey creatures of evil, maliciousness, and corruption that are collectively known as the Unseelie fey. Many of these creatures draw power or are shaped by the power of shadow, drawn from the Feywild's opposite counterpart, the Shadowfell.
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isolation that many eladrin place between themselves and other races. If you come from Shinaelestra, you embrace your sylvan fellows, the elves, as close kindred, and you recognize the value of allying with humans who share your goals. It is your custom to offer small gifts and tokens to new friends and potential allies as an outward show of trust. Some people refer to your home as the Fading City not because of its nightly worldfall but because they deem it a dying civilization. However, no one who witnesses your fighting spirit would dare make such a comparison. Under the able leadership of the ranger lord Calenon Thray, the people of Shinaelestra embrace the challenges they face, fighting more ferociously than drow and celebrating more vigorously than lusty satyrs. Wonder-struck mortals who chance upon your city pass on tales of elegant warriors, radiant as starlight, who hunt for the heads of giants. Ever victorious, the fey heroes feast and revel until dawn in marvelous halls arched by the boughs of trees, open to the night sky.
Demesnes of the Archfey Among the most alluring and dangerous places in the Feywild are the demesnes belonging to the archfey. The personal realms of the mightiest fey creatures, these locations reflect the true nature of their lieges, each acting as a mirror of what lies within its core.
Senaliesse Cresting the titanic silver trees of the Summer Queen's demesne is a palace woven from the living wood by the hand of Or an, the Green Lord, one of the greatest of the archfey. Summer never ends in this realm, hung with curtains of ivy and cascades of orchids, lavender, and roses. Here, the archfey of the Court of Stars gather to confer, revel, and scheme. Courtiers and petitioners from every realm in the known universe, overburdened with wondrous gifts, come to beg the Summer Queen's favor. Cradled in mighty silver limbs high above the Feywild, the Summer Queen's demesne is a sacred haven reserved for the Court of Stars and those who have business with the archfey. The sheltering light of high Senaliesse bathes the enchanted forest for miles around in the protective glow of the Summer Queen's presence. It is here in the land of eternal summer that you make your home. Industrious gnomes flit amid the massive roots of great trees while sun-eyed summer nymphs play in the shady groves among passionate satyrs, stately treants, and quiet dryads. When the sun sets over the Feywild, unicorns the color of midsummer stars emerge to drink from the enchanted streams, and the tall grasses giggle with the childlike laughter of pixies reveling in the warm summer night. If you hail from Senaliesse, you are accustomed to a life of perpetual merriment, experiencing every
sensation as iffor the first time. Your people never tire of games and sport. Visitors to Senaliesse who refuse to play become the targets of your tricks and pranks-a game unto itself However, you give each friend of the fey a blue chrysanthemum that never loses its petals; those favored few can travel through your realm without molestation. Diplomats and courtiers of every stripe pass through your enchanted forest, including benevolent sprites, wicked hags, and everything in between. Few creatures encounter as many powerful beings in their lives as you do in the course of a year, and you are quite comfortable in the presence of such beings. When you cross paths with a mighty archfey or hag, your people chant the rhyme, 'Beneath the sun or falling rain, I yield to thee thy path again,' in deference to the dominant traveler. Such verses have power in the fey realm, and anyone who recites that particular rhyme must immediately be excused for any perceived slight against the archfey. Despite the wonder of Senaliesse, as an adventurer at heart you yearn for something beyond the protective light from above. Even among the most exquisite sights in existence, a restless part of you craves the conflicts and struggles of the wider world. People come to the Summer Queen for favors, bringing desperate causes, terrible tragedies, and tales of tyrants and monsters to be overthrown. And when they cannot find succor among the Court of Stars, some turn to you, begging for your help.
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Vale of the Long Night
Beneath the oppressive snowfalls that drown the land in a crystalwhite ocean of winter, the Fortress of Frozen Tears rises from a high glacial spire like a jagged icicle. The constant glow of the ever-full moon shines down on frozen lakes, gnarled and barren orchards, and lonely, snow-covered mountains. The stars burn coldly overhead, as distant and pitiless as billions of icy snowflakes poised in the everlasting darkness, waiting to descend. Long ago, the Summer Prince who lived here lost his heart to one of the fair Daughters of Delight (see 'Court of Stars: The Prince ofFrost' in Draaon 3 74). She betrayed him for the love of a mortal hero, escaping to a time and place beyond his reach. As a result, the prince's heart turned to solid ice, and his demesne became a desolate realm of frozen night, the least hospitable land on the surface of the Feywild. Only the winter fey feel at home here, although they do not share the intense spite exhibited by the Prince of Frost. If you hail from the Vale of Long Night, your existence constitutes little beyond grim survival in the endless moonlight. You spend your days hunting the hardy game animals that feed on tundra moss and grass, making clothes of their hides and tools of their
Keldar and Rowena (in cat form) approach the Fortress of Frozen Tears, the Prince of Frost's demesne CHAPTER 1
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bones; the realm has precious few resources, and even fewer crops grow in this area. Winter fey sculpt the snow to make ice castles, hags take flight across the frosty skies, and winter nymphs ride on the backs of wolves, howling across the tundra in search of prey. You might cling to this place for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the Prince of Frost froze you in a block of ice and kept you captive in his fortress for years or centuries, then recently released you to further his ends. You might be part of a nomadic tribe living on the border of the Vale oflong Night, or a subject of the prince, dwelling within the walls of his cold fortress. If you are a hamadryad, perhaps the vale contains your tree home, and you subsist on moonlight and snow rather than sunlight and water. However you came to be here, your survival depends on your wit, strength, endurance, and capacity to make uncompromising choices. The indecisive are extinguished as quickly as candle flames in the winter wind. In this land, emotions are flaws to be manipulated, and the weak fall quickly to stronger predators. As a native of the Vale of long Night, whenever you allow your emotions to rule your actions or words, it is your custom to spill three drops of your blood on the ground. You take this action in homage to the Prince of Frost, whose frozen heart can no longer feel or bleed.
Borderlands and Wilderness The Feywild offers breathtaking vistas of natural beauty-forests that are graced by unicorns, mountain peaks that sweep the stars, sparkling oceans that resound with the songs of mermaids-interspersed with small cities that dot the great expanse of the magical realm.
Brokenstone Vale Deep in the shadows of a mountain pass lies Brokenstone Vale, a haven for werebeasts and shapechangers that was conceded to them by the eladrin after years of brutal warfare. According to an ancient pact b etween the shape changers and the Court of Stars, no creature can set foot in Brokenstone Vale without the lycanthropes' permission. If any careless traveler does so, his life is as good as forfeit. This pact also works the other way; lycanthropes that hunt beyond the vale can be slain by the Maiden of the Moon, an archfey who keeps her wary eye on them. You come from the forested mountains above Brokenstone. By day, you hunt in the woods, farm the lower mountain slopes, or practice your trade. C H APTER 1
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In their humanoid forms , the lycanthropes can be useful (if intimidating) trading partners, and many seem good-natured and genuine. However, others eye you when you pass by as if you were nothing more than a potential meal. It is the cries of these predators that seem the strongest when the vale fills with a chorus of feral howls beneath the light of the moon. During these times when the monsters are on the hunt, painting a silver stripe across the door to your dwelling tells the shapechangers that you have silver and the protection of the Maiden of the Moon. Even the most bloodthirsty of their kind heed the sign of the stripe. You also know that the lycanthropes will not touch the wolfsbane that grows on the slopes of Brokenstone Vale. It is said that a touch of the plant, when properly applied, transforms a werecreature into its humanoid form and prevents it from changing again until the next moon rises. Displaying wolfsbane around your dwelling usually deters lycanthropes, but use of the plant can enrage them and single you out as a target. Wolfsbane is often dangerous to obtain because aside from its toxic nature, hags and witches collect the plant for use in their charms and spells. These creatures flit like black shadows across the face of the moon while the terrible howls fill the night from below.
Cendriane In the midst of a dark, twisted forest as old as the world stands the abandoned city of Cendriane, its crystal towers rising through the treetops like polished skeletal fingers emerging from the earth. The city's desolate streets sprawl through the wood, creating a unique harmony between nature and the ruins of civilization. Natives of the forest surrounding Cendriane believe that this place, once the most radiant of eladrin realms, is cursed. Ages ago, the longest battle of the bloody war between the eladrin and the drow took place here, and ever since, Cendriane has known no birdsong, no signs oflife, nothing but the pall of silence surrounding the city's perfectly preserved architecture. Giant spiders, displacer beasts, and owlbears make their lairs in mansions where noble eladrin once dwelled, and sometimes by night terrifying specters drift through the streets. If you come from this region of the Feywild, you stay clear of the abandoned city and its dangers, making your life in a small settlement on the perimeter of the forest. Why do you live in such close proximity to the haunted ruin? Perhaps your family originated in glorious ancient Cendriane and never had the heart to leave it far behind.
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Lyrindel and Andronus find themselves shipwrecked on the Isle of Dread
During your time on the outskirts, you have accumulated a variety oflore regarding the city within the wood. One rumor suggests that the elders of your settlement belong to an order that is dedicated to preventing outsiders from entering the ruined metropolis. Another story claims that the elders are charged with keeping something dangerous contained within the dark forest . Outlaws and exiles eke out solitary lives in the wood, but they rarely last long. Eventually, rumors of fabulous wealth still unclaimed in Cendriane reach their ears, and they go out in search of ancient libraries stocked with eldritch scrolls and treasure maps , or they try to find vaults hidden beneath the city that are said to be filled with gold and magic. Such explorers seldom return. You have seen treasure seekers walking the road to Cendriane. They come through your settlement, eyes glittering with visions of wealth. Before these would-be heroes enter the forest, your people offer to paint their faces and bodies black and white in equal measure. It is said that this ritual appeases the spirits of the draw and the eladrin that haunt Cendriane. Over time, the ritual has adopted new meanings, and now it is used on anyone who goes forth from home. Natives ofCendriane who hold with tradition carry two tokens, one pitch black and one snow white, as a reminder that long ago, the two fey races that fought
and died in the ancient city were one people. According to the stories of your people, anyone carrying two such tokens will always be recognized as a native of Cendriane by draw and eladrin alike, no matter how dire the circumstances.
The Isle of Dread Somewhere above the coral kingdoms of the Sea Lords rises a tropical island ringed with treacherous reefs and storm-tossed seas. The sands of its beaches are as dark as the jagged obsidian mountains in its center or the plumes of smoke spewing from its volcanoes, and its coasts are littered with the wreckage of ships. Sinister stone ziggurats break the canopy of verdant jungles blanketed in clouds of steam. Unseen beneath the dense foliage, enormous reptiles of the primeval world hold sway. The Isle of Dread is also the home of the dreaded su monsters, dangerous treetop predators created by the wizard Halkith. Su monsters use their psychic link to monitor events that transpire on the island, including keeping tabs on the island's population of yuan-ti. If you come from the Isle of Dread, you managed to stay alive in an environment determined to kill you. The island constantly shifts from the Feywild to the natural world at random, possibly at different points in the ocean of time. Ships from diverse CHAPTER 1
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historical eras and dimensions are battered to ruin upon its shores, and before the surviving castaways can be rescued, the island goes through another worldfall, pulling them to yet another time and place. Chances are that you are one of these castaways. Once you had another life among more ordinary people-perhaps you were a merchant, a soldier, a trader, or a member of royalty-but your old existence was wrecked along with your ship. You became part of a tribe that might have consisted of your former shipmates, another group of castaways, or primitives you encountered on the island. You spent your time hunting any game you could catch, harvesting the bounty of the jungle, and searching for a way off the island. Among the ruins, you found terrifying mon· sters and powerful magic, which shaped you into the person you have become and facilitated your escape from the island's clutches. The Isle of Dread tests every person it pulls to its shores. Few live long enough to escape or be rescued. Friends betray one another for survival, a chance to leave the island, or leadership of the tribe. Those who survive together-even if they come to hate one another-are forever bound; no other living being can understand their shared experience. If you come from the Isle ofDread , portals that cross between worlds might make you anxious , and the customs you remember from your life before the island might be from a different time and place. Groups hold deep meanings and associations for you, and you cannot help but see your party members as your tribe. A close-knit group is everything, for such bonds contribute directly to survival. Did you get along well with the other members of your island tribe, or were you an outcast? What happened to the rest of your tribe? Did anyone escape with you? Do you dare speak of your island experiences, or will your new companions dismiss your stories as mad ravings?
The Fomorian Cities Across the enchanted surface of the Feywild, fair eladrin cities glitter like bright jewels in the Summer Queen's crown. Deep beneath the fey realms , in sub· terranean caverns vast beyond imagining, the warped reflections of fey civilization glimmer like evil eyes glaring hatefully upward. Three of these domains are fomorian cities: Harrowhame, Mag Tureah, and Vor Thomil. Each is ruled by a ruthless giant that has become twisted in body and mind as the result of wielding stagger· ing arcane power. As a humanoid subject of one of CHAPTER 1
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these cities, you were captured to serve as a slave or born to enslaved parents; at best, you bore the title of servant or herald, though the distinction is purely academic. For a long time, your life was one of constant toil in the subterranean night while you feared being killed at any time for any reason. Most of the beings you regarded as companions were slain in the dark by quickling assassins, smashed into formless stains on the cavern floor by cyclops guards, or charred to ashes and dust by a chortling fomorian overlord. Captured eladrin, tuathans (humans touched by fey magic), and gnomes shared your confinement, but any alliances seldom lasted long because slaves inevitably betrayed one another to save their own lives. No matter which fomorian city you came from, you knew only misery and peril beneath the fist of its warped tyrant. In Harrowhame, you mined tunnels or dug for precious gems in narrow Feydark channels where toxic gases brought silent death and dangerous monsters made their lairs. In Mag Tureah, you were employed as expendable infantry in bloody skirmishes against legions of myconids and vicious drow. In Vor Thomil, you served as a gladiator, a court entertainer, or an object of street sport hardly expected to survive a day in the Feydark. Of all your city's terrified inmates, only the gnomes, who had endured captivity under fomorian rule for time out of mind, could find wonder in the dismal circumstances. Their optimism called to mind the old gnome saying 'There are diamonds, too, in the darkness.' Despite their miserable lives, few try to leave these nightmare tunnels. Attempted escape is punished by a brutal death beneath the blades of vicious spriggans and quicklings. Besides, if a prisoner somehow managed to escape and gain freedom, where would one go after such long captivity below? Most chastened subjects choose to remain with the dangers they understand rather than flee toward unknown perils. When you meet another survivor of fomorian captivity meet, you recognize one another in an instant. The sign is not a brand of the flesh-the fomorians consider all creatures their subjects and find little point in taking the trouble to mark them-but rather a familiar faded look in eyes that have beheld the unspeakable horrors of the Feydark. The two of you rarely trade stories, for words cannot sate a survivor's guilt. Silently, each of you buries a small black stone next to the other's, and you part ways. This custom derives from a Feydark cant acknowledging your mutual time of darkness, of which the less said, the better.
The Maze of Fathaghn There is a place in the Feywild where the trees grow close together and the twisting brambles are as tall and thick as living walls. Here the trees speak their secrets in the faint whisper of rustling leaves. The woodland path loses its way among shifting copses and the trunks of wandering treants, and playful nymphs and dryads lure unwary travelers along twisting detours to shady glades from which they will never emerge. If you come from the outskirts of this perilous woodland labyrinth, you are almost certainly a fey creature, since few other humanoids can survive here for long. As enchanting and abundant as the Maze of Fathaghn might seem, it is no less a stronghold than Mithrendain, Mag Tureah, or the Fortress of Frozen Tears. The treants, dryads, nymphs, gnomes, pixies, and other fey denizens of this place might appear whimsical or harmless, but each is dedicated to safeguarding the secrets at the center of the maze, where it is said that the dryad queen Fathaghn protects the great Mother Tree that gave life to the first Green Fey. As a fey inhabitant of the maze, you spend your time at play, in harmony with nature. However, when necessary, you frighten intruders away or lure them to their deaths in the maze. Legends warn that if a trespasser were to destroy the Mother Tree, your lives too would come to an end-or, worse yet, the Feywild would lose all its magic and become as ordinary as the mortal world. In the Maze ofFathaghn, you had protection and security, surrounded on all sides by some of the most powerful natural forces in existence. Why did you leave? Did you go forth to stem a stream of infiltrators at its source? Did mortals capture you from the maze and bind you into service elsewhere? Were you sent on a mission by Queen Fathaghn, chosen as her living representative beyond the maze? Whatever your reason, you carry your home within your heart. Though some creatures feel paralyzed when presented with a choice of routes , abundant options give you a familiar sense of comfort. For example, at a woodland crossroads where paths diverge, you seldom deliberate. Instead, you turn around slowly three times to gain a strong impression of what lies in every direction. Then you choose one path and whisper a blessing down the other. You have little concept of what it means to be lost, for all roads lead somewhere for you, and fey natives of the Maze ofFathaghn take comfort in knowing that, in time, you will discover your destination, wherever it might be.
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The Murkendraw If the Feydark is a cancer that eats at the beauty of the Feywild from below, the Murkendraw is a pustulant boil on the face of that splendor. The bleak, sodden landscape in various shades of brown, gray, and black festers beneath thick swamp fog that is sometimes poisonous. Clotted mud gives way to sudden quicksand or curtains of assassin vines and yellow musk creepers. In the starless night skies, only the moon gazes down, casting its stark light across the drab wasteland. The Murkendraw is a swamp the size of a sea, infested with feymire crocodiles as large as the flatbottom skiffs that float among the putrid detritus. Fat, bloodthirsty marsh flies, some the size of dogs, buzz through the late afternoon air. Thunderstorms cover the area for days at a time, riddling the swamp with lightning, and hags such as the infamous Baba Yaga exult in the unbridled chaos. If you come from the Murkendraw, you are accustomed to living in inhospitable conditions. Survival here requires extreme care; a single misplaced step can spell your end. However, for those who know the perils of the swamp, it can prove a stalwart ally. Witches driven from civilization by zealous clerics learn to use the natural environs of the Murkendraw against witch hunters, whose corpses feed the crocodiles, marsh flies, and quicksand pits. Natives of the swamp learn to be careful, patient planners. The Murkendraw hags have a saying: 'The one who strikes blind is stricken from behind.' Here, brash, impulsive behavior leads to death. Inhabitants of the Murkendraw bury a cold iron knife beneath each door and window of their house
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or hut. Doing so is said to prevent hags and other evil fey from entering. Murkroot Trade Moot: Somewhere beneath the sodden soil at the edge of the great Murkendraw Swamp, a secret hides from the angry nobles of the Summer Court. Lost to all but those who have been there before, this place remains beyond the reach of those who would destroy, conquer, or exploit itat least until someone who has been there betrays it. The Murkroot Trade Moot is an underground bazaar of the illegal and the illicit in the Feywild, a black market of things the Sid he lords don't want the people of their realms to know about. Suppliers of slaves, purveyors of poisons, mixers of uncertain elixirs, merchants of mercenaries, innovators of unusual items-all meet at the Murkroot Trade Moot to sell their wares. When an eladrin chokes upon wine at a ball or falls in the forest after the scratch of a dart, poisons purchased at Murkroot might be held responsible. When a princess swoons at the sight of a pauper or a priceless jewel vanishes from a vault, the potions of Murkroot frequently take the blame. The curse that cripples the hero might have its origins in Murkroot, as might its cure.
Nachtur, the Goblin Kingdom Along the overland route between the eladrin realms and the goblin kingdom ofNachtur lies a great expanse of wilderness. To the south of eladrin territory, this wide swath ofland is green and thickly forested. As a traveler moves east and north, the forest gives way to open meadows and eventually to dry, rocky ground before it becomes gray badlands of fissures, crevices, high cliffs, and glowering hills. These wastelands are the gates to Nachtur, the realm of the goblin king known as the Great Gark. When the goblins come storming from their domain in the company of giants, ogres, and trolls, they take what they want and slay at random. In these twilight borderlands in which you dwell, rumor says that the goblins steal fey creatures and children and drag them back to the palace of the Great Gark, where the innocent are eaten and the malicious are changed into goblins. Perhaps you were kidnapped from the natural world, escaped or were rescued from the goblins, and have been stranded in Nachtur ever since. Few but exiles, witches, and loners live in the badlands, and if you willingly make your home here, you must tread cautiously. Those cast out from their own societies wash up in dingy border towns on the outskirts ofNachtur with nowhere else to go. For eladrin, such a sentence is often as good as death; the goblins are many, and their hatred of eladrin is especially CHAPTER 1
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In the kin8dom ofNachtur, Viltham and Lyrindel attempt to convince the Great Gark not to kill them
fierce. Some outcast eladrin make deals with the goblins to act as informants and spies; others broker inform ation to both the goblins and the eladrin of the cities, hoping for a reprieve from one or acceptance from the other. Exiles or outlaws that collect a hundred goblin heads might be offered such a reprieve and a commission into an army or a specialized group of adventurers. If you dwell in Nachtur, you must be wary not on ly of goblins, giants, trolls, and ogres but also of boggles skulking in the night. These small fey are cowardly when confronted. Boggles can m ake holes between
distant spaces, reaching through from far away to steal your belongings or strangle you in your sleep. Goblins prize boggles as p ets and have some success training them as assassins. The fairy tales told on the borders ofNach tur rarely end with the hero defeating a foul ogre. Instead , they are cautionary tales-true (or supposedly true) accou nts of fools wh o dabbled in the affairs of goblins or tried to outwit trolls and consequently came to gruesome ends. Others might deem your stories bloody or morbid, but in the lands ofNachtur, that's just how life is.
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BARD'S TALE: THE VANISHING VILLAGERS Once upon a time there was a small village on the edge of a deep, dark forest. In that village, there was a boy on the threshold of manhood who was unruly and caused problems for almost everyone else. The boy was selfish, and wanted to be treated like a man, but everyone in the village could see that he was not ready. One evening at twilight the boy was sitting on the edge of the dark forest , a common test of bravery among the children of the village, when a frightening creature emerged and approached him. 'I am a goblin in the service of the Great Gark,' the creature said, 'and I have come to grant your every wish. My lord has heard your whispers into the dark of the night, and the Great Gark knows that your people do not appreciate your potential.' The boy was frightened by the goblin's appearance, but the creature's words touched something deep and black in the boy's heart. 'Very well,' the boy said. 'If you are to give me my every wish, then I wish to be rid of the blacksmith. He refused me apprenticeship and told the village elders I was not ready to be treated like a man.' The goblin bowed, and vanished into the forest. The next morning, when the boy awoke, a crowd had gathered in the village around the smithy. When the boy went to see what had happened, he discovered that the blacksmith had vanished in the night, and tiny footprints were left in the mud all around the house. That day, the boy went to see the village baker. The baker was young and pretty, and the boy fancied her. However, she would not be wooed by him, and the boy left angry, his advances spurned. When the goblin came to him again that night, the boy said, 'If the baker will not allow me to court her, then no one will be allowed to! I wish to be rid of her.' The goblin bowed, and disappeared.
The next morning, the people of the village gathered around the baker's house, and again all that remained were dozens of tiny footprints- no sign of the baker herself. This time, there were some people in the village who remembered seeing the boy courting the baker, and recalled his disagreements with the blacksmith. 'The boy has something to do with this,' they said, and began to question him on his involvement. Frightened, the boy fled back to his home and locked himself in, refusing to let even his parents inside. The villagers banged on the door and demanded he come out and face them, but the boy would not relent. Night fell, and the villagers drifted back to their homes. The goblin appeared to the boy again, this time in his own home, and asked what the boy wished for. 'The people of the village have turned against me,' he said, 'And I cannot face them. I wish the villagers would trouble me no more!' The goblin bowed, and disappeared. When the boy awoke the next morning, there was no crowd outside. In fact, when he emerged from his home, he found that there were no villagers either. The entire community was empty, and the ground was covered with goblin tracks. In this way, the boy found himself free of the villagers' accusations. At first the boy was pleased that he had no one to reject him and no one to answer to. But as the days passed, the boy became lonely. Eventually, he realized that he needed the company of his people, and he hoped for a chance to take back his wish. But the goblin never appeared to him again. So the boy prepared for a long journey and then set off into the dark forest, seeking out the goblin kingdom of Nachtur, where he hoped he might find out what happened to the vanishing villagers.
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C H A P TE R 1
Into t h e B ri B h t
- - - - - -- --
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MYRIAD RACES dwell within the Feywild, many of which have long since journeyed to the mortal realm. The eladrin and the drow are perhaps the best known of these, but they are not the only heroic fey peoples who travel in both worlds. This book presents three new Feywild races suitable for any campaign. Hamadryad: Hamadryads are the enchanting spir· its of oak trees. At one with nature, they can be as calm as the autumn sunset one moment and as violent as a thunderstorm the next. Pixie: Childlike fairies full of wonder and magic, the tiny pixies fly on vibrant wings and vanish into thin air on a whim. Satyr: H alf humanoid and half goat, satyrs love music and celebration , and they constantly seek the chance to prove themselves good friends and deadly enemies.
RACIAL BENEFITS Each of the new races presented h ere offers a variety ofbenefits, summarized below. Ability Scores: Your character race offers a bonus to one ability score and a bonus to your choice of one of two other scores. Speed: Your race determines how fas t you can m ove. Vision: Certain races, including the ones presented here, have the ability to see clearly in dim light. Languages: Some races master a wider variety of languages than others, based on their culture and history. Pixies, for instance, can speak to the beasts of the world and those of the Feywild. Racial Powers: Each fey race has a special racial p ower-usually a utility power, but sometimes an attack power. In addition, characters of a fey race h ave access to unique powers that they can take instead of class powers.
BARD'S TALE: THE KNIGHT AND THE PIXIE Once upon a time there was a brave knight who was riding on the fringe of the Borderlands when he came upon a wounded pixie lying just on the edge of a dark forest . The kn ight, being kind of heart and gentle of hand, scooped up t he pixie, laid it gently across his saddle, and returned to the keep whence he had departed. For days, the knight nursed the pixie back to health. When the pixie finally awoke, some days after the knight found it, the tiny creature was disoriented and afraid. Yet the pixie was still too weak to flee, and so the knight continued to bring the pixie food and water, and they came to trust one another, at least enough that the pixie did not try to escape at every opportunity. Over time, the knight and the pixie became friends. The pixie shared fantastic stories with the knight about a magical land of elves and satyrs and dryads, and the knight regaled the pixie with stories of the world of man. The knight told of places he had been,
people he had met, all the while continuing to pay rapt attention when the pixie spoke of its world. As the pixie recuperated, the knight also taught it some of the things that he had learned from years of life on the Borderlands, like tracking a quarry or sneaking unseen past sentries. The pixie shared a few secrets of the fey realm in turn, and before long they were exchanging truly valuable knowledge. One day, the knight was called upon to leave the keep and venture forth into the world once more. Knowing that the pixie could not travel with him, the knight stole away when it was dark, leaving a note behind explaining to the pixie not to follow. When the pixie awoke, the knight was already gone, and the pixie was hurt and angry that the knight would leave so abruptly. Mostly, though, the pixie felt concern for the knight, who had told many stories of the dangers of the world. The pixie set out to find the knight, and it continues to search for the kind man to this very day.
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HAMADRYAD Enchantin8 spellcasters, unparalleled beauties, wild queens of the fey
Racial Traits Average Height: 5'6'-6'2' Average Weight: 130-180 lb. Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom; +2 Intelligence or +2 Charisma Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Vision: low-light vision Languages: Common, Elven Skill Bonuses: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Nature Female Only: All hamadryads are female. Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. Forest Walk: You ignore difficult terrain that is part of a tree, underbrush, or some other forest growth. Oaken Vitality: Your tree heritage grants you a +5 racial bonus to Endurance checks to resist the effects of starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and you can survive for twice the normal time period before you are required to make such checks. You do not require sleep, but you must meditate at least four hours each day to absorb light (even from as small a source as a candle), soak in water, or connect with the earth beneath your feet. This meditation grants you the benefits that other races receive from an extended rest. While meditating, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. Tree Mind: You gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against effects that daze, dominate, or stun. Hamadryad Aspects: You have the hamadryad aspects power.
Hamadryad Aspects
Hamadryad Racial Utility
Drawina on fey maaic, you call on your primal beauty and strenath to thwart your foes. Encounter Minor Action Personal Effect: Choose one of the following aspects each time you use this power. You gain that aspect's benefits. +Spellbinding Beauty: Every enemy that can see you grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn. +Wooden Form: You gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn. Leve/11 : Resist 1 0. Level 21: Resist 1 5. C H APTER 2
Races of the Fey
Hamadryads are the incarnate spirits ofliving oak trees. Part flesh, part wood, and part fey spirit, they are the granddaughters of the seasons and the wind, and the supreme manifestations of nature's wild beauty. At the beginning of time, the world had four daughters more beautiful in form than any creature-and more wild. They were called Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring, and they chased one another around the world while the primordials and the gods looked on. In their play, they frolicked with the brothers of the wind, and fro m this union the first nymphs were born. They were named Summer Ash, Autumn Oak, Winter Fir, and Spring Flower,
and they were the spirits of the first trees that grew in the world. The capricious nymphs played their own wild games in the forests of the dawning world for time out of mind. But they were not all to dwell in such bliss forever. With the rise of mortals, certain autumn nymphs-the wisest and most pensive of the tree sisters-withdrew from their games when they began to perceive the state of natural life in decline. Woodlands were burned, dryads' groves cut down, and great swaths of the world left lifeless by the wars and the avarice of reckless mortals. To protect their homes, these autumn nymphs embraced their wild natures entirely. They gave up their carefree fey immortality and began the slow transformation into the wild tree maidens known as dryads. In these forms, they would protect their f~rests from harm with mighty branch and crushing hmb, using their wisdom to understand the minds and motives of mortal creatures. Hamadryads stand at an intermediate state between playful nymph and fierce dryad. Bound to a living tree, a hamadryad ardently protects the forests of which she is a part. She calls on the mighty strength of the wood to smash her enemies, summoning the spellbinding beauty of her majestic fey heritage to bewitch and charm mortals and thereby alter their destructive behavior. H amadryads retain the flawless physical perfection of their autumn nymph form with all its grace and charm. However, they can harden their flesh to match that of the oldest tree in an instant, just as they solidify their wooden hearts against any hope of compassion. Typically, a young hamadryad is bound to a tree home that somewhat resembles her feminine shape. As a youth, she remains in the forest where her tree grows, for her life is bound to its existence. However, rare hamadryads are able to break the connection to their tree home by some twist of fate or destiny. Some do so in the course of surviving the destruction of their tree homes by natural disaster or monstrous forces. Others are drawn far from their forests in the name of undertaking quests meant to save those forests. Some hamadryads dwell close enough to the settlements of the civilization of other races that they take up the struggles of those races. Answering their heart's yearning call, they uproot themselves from the earth and leave all they know behind-seeking the wondrous perils and delights that are the stuff of mortal knowledge and emotion.
Physical Qualities Born of the power of nature, all hamadryads are female, and they present themselves in two aspects. In their nymph form, these granddaughters of the seasons and the skies are idyllic paragons of fey perfection and physical beauty. Their hair and eyes match the colors of autumn leaves, from green to russet, gold, orange, red, and brown. Autumn leaves and acorns might dangle from a hamadryad's hair, and her eyes are clear orbs of green, white, or gold. The d ryad aspect of a hamadryad is not dissimilar. However, when a hamadryad draws on her dryad strength, her features take on the appearance of skillfully carved wood, the patterns of the grain manifesting across her form like ripples on the surface of a pond. Inside their forest homes, hamadryads walk ~nclothed in their dryad aspect, blending easily mto the background ofbark and foliage. When they appear before mortals and civilized creatures, hamadryads favor light, gossamer clothing. Adventuring hamadryads who set out to right the world through physical force favor armor made from natural materials such as leather or hide. Those who don heavier protection prefer the light mithral armor crafted by the eladrin and elves. When hamadryads wear armor, they ornament it with carved designs or embroidered patterns representing the natural order of their forest homes and the causes for which they fight . Hamadryad heroes who leave their forests carry a piece of their tree with them-a char m carved from the wood of a fallen branch, or a garland strung with autumn leaves whose colors never fade. As the spirits of the autumn oak, most hamadryads live as long as the trees to which they are bound. Some have short lives at one or two hundred years. Others have been known to live for millennia. When a hamadryad's tree home dies, she undergoes a period of deep grief and mourning.
Attitudes and Beliefs When the first autumn nymphs underwent the metamorphosis into hamadryads, they gave up their innocent immortal existence. Likewise, all hamadryads experience a fundamental change in their nature and outlook in the pursuit of worldly destiny or unfulfilled yearning. Like a tree shedding its leaves in autumn, a hamadryad abandons the joyful games of secrets and whispers she once played among her sisters, and the chill of winter settles over her heart. No longer an entirely capricious fey, she is ruled now by the purposes and goals that dwell within the hearts of mortals. Despite this change, hamadryads retain the passionate, impulsive nature of their nymph heritage. CHA P TER 2
Rac e s of the F e y
Lyrindel uses her maBical beauty to beBuile and distract 8 oblins in the kin9dom ofNachtur, while Viltham sneaks up behind them
They are accustomed to having their way with mortals, and sometimes have trouble understanding why they are denied what they ask for. Hamadryads new to the world sometimes lack the patience to absorb and mimic the extensive cultural traditions and taboos of the mortal races. When their natural charm fails, frustrated hamadryads sometimes manifest their dryad aspects to unleash brute natural force. Many of the hamadryads that venture out into the world are disenfranchised forest spirits seeking justice or revenge for the destruction of their woodlands. Others have observed some aspect of mortal life that they themselves lack, and they become obsessed with understanding it. The spirit that drives mortal humanoids to undertake grand quests and sacrifice everything for principle has stirred many hamadryads, causing them to abandon their idyllic existence in the name of seeking something more. Sometimes the prospect of mortal love moves a hamadryad to leave the security and peace of her woodland home. Though such mortal emotion is rare among the nymphs, those who feel its pangs or dwell too long thinking on its nature are doomed to try to fill the lonely, questioning void it creates.
I Races of the Fey
Hamadryad Communities Hamadryads live a lonely existence. In their youth, they dwelled happily in the woodlands of the world and the Feywild, frolicking with others of their kind. The choice to seek a life in the wider world means that a hamadryad loses the fellowship of her sisters. When a hamadryad adventurer leaves her tree and ventures off into the world, she walks alone. As beautiful as they are, hamadryads naturally attract the attention of other humanoids-some who seek to serve that beauty, and others who hope to take advantage of a hamadryad's inexperience with the world. Hamadryads quickly learn to congregate where other fey are found, and they are typically welcomed among gnomes, pixies, eladrin, elves, and satyrs. Some fey communities go so far as to treat hamadryads as honored guests or royalty-leading some hamadryads to expect this sort of deference at all times. This expectation, combined with a hamadryad 's inability to adjust to the social norms of other cultures, can cause a hamadryad to come off as haughty or graceless in the eyes of those around her. A hamadryad who travels in the wider world is eventually drawn back to a place within her wood that reminds her of her pain or longing. Here she dwells in isolation, planting her feet against the earth
and setting down roots that delve deep into the soil. As her body becomes a tree, it grows tall and strong even as it retains a semblance of her nymph's form. Other fey creatures are attracted to the hamadryad 's place of solitude, and pixies and gnomes are prone to make their homes in the vicinity.
Hamadryad Adventurers Hamadryad adventurers are fey spirits who turn their backs on immortality to seek the knowledge and experience found only beyond their forest homes. Destiny, revenge, or compassion draws them into a world they do not understand, where they are as eager to learn as they are to dispatch any creature that stands in the way of their goals.
The forest is a hamadryad's realm, and its inhabitants are her subjects. In her tree home, she is fed by sun and rain. Her roots take sustenance from the soil, and birds and squirrels play in her oaken boughs. Hamadryads who choose to become druids embrace their inborn nature to the fullest, channel· ing the primal powers that are their birthright. A hamadryad is wiser than almost any other creature in the ways of the woodlands, for her grandmother was the season of autumn and her grandfa· ther was the wind itself. Hamadryad druids protect and preserve nature at any cost, using all the power and cunning at their disposal. For all her fey beauty, majesty, and charm, a hamadryad is uncompromising and ruthless when dealing with creatures bent on despoiling the natural world.
Ranger Hamadryads of a warlike bent adopt the path of the ranger, defending their forests and taking vengeance on those that would despoil or destroy the natural world. Armed with blade or bow, a hamadryad ranger does not rest until she has proven herself by ending the threats of nature's enemies once and for all. Hamadryad rangers most often wander the forest lanes peace· ably, content to protect the sanctity of their woodland glades. Some of the most savage hamadryad rangers are those who have survived the loss of their tree homes to wanton destruction. With her innate connection to nature stripped from her by careless mortals, a hamadryad will take up mortal weapons to settle the score in blood.
Hamadryads are accustomed to being served and obeyed, and they leave their tree homes only if they are consumed by a resolute passion and a purpose. A hamadryad warlord rallies others to that purpose, using her companions' weapons and abilities as extensions of her own. A hamadryad's spellbinding beauty and charm settles like a spell over those that follow her into battle, obeying her every command in precisely the way such majestic fey would expect. When enemies behold a hama· dryad warlord, those that survive take away the impression that they have encountered a fierce warrior queen, or a goddess and her angels of battle. All count themselves fortunate to have escaped with their lives.
Like all nymphs, hamadryads are experts at entrancing mortals and binding them to their will, dazzling them with alluring dreams and fantastic illusions. As a result, hamadryads make talented wizards, and are well suited to becoming illusionists and enchanters. However, many hamadryads lack the patience for dedicated academic training or access to suitable tutors. Such hamadryads join the witch subclass (page 86) or become warlocks, seeking their patronage and powers from Oran the Green Lord, Tiandra the Summer Queen, or a power such as the Maiden of the Moon or Sehanine. Hamadryad wizards change reality to fit their idyllic vision of the world, weakening the will of brutal foes , bewitching the hearts of warriors and kings, and unleashing their magical wrath against those that would despoil the forests.
Roleplaying a Hamadryad When creating a hamadryad adventurer, here are a few points to consider. You are accustomed to being in charge. Like all nymphs, you are accomplished at using your beauty and power to sway mortals to your will. However, as a hamadryad, you have grown tired of using your powers for frivolous games, and are motivated now by a desire to protect and reshape your world. Although others might disregard your desires or dismiss them out of hand, you are used to being heeded. As such, those who ignore your wisdom or your advice also rouse your wrath. You are a fey creature wise and wild, a granddaughter of the skies and the
Races of the Fey
seasons, and your concerns are more important than the trivial whims of mortals. You are a stranger in the world. You never expected the world beyond your forest home to be so vast and wide. Everywhere you look, mortals have built up civilizations of wood and stone, constructing monumental works of m agic and architecture to rival those of the eladrin. The ways of the other races are foreign to you, and often seem backward. As a result, the first lesson you learn is that you have so much more to learn. Though your fey nature leads you to be impetuous-some might call it vain-you know you must compromise if you are to accomplish your goals. If you are to succeed, you will need to adjust to the strange customs and peoples of this place, enlisting their aid to your cause and goals. Experience, knowledge, love, and purpose. The world offers delights that are strange to you. Other races are driven by the pursuit of momentary goals, and they enjoy simple pleasures that intrigue and delight you. Every new sensation is a boon to your pursuit of experience and knowledge. The greatest mystery of the mortal world, however, is love. You understand compassion, for you feel that emotion for your friends and your forest home. You understand the concepts oflonging and seduction, for these are the ways of nature and have long been your tools. However, the devotion of true love is alien to you, even as you sense that its power over mortal hearts and minds makes it worthy of investigation. Perhaps even you can experience its strange power. Hamadryad Character istics: Capricious, curious, enchanting, graceful, magnificent, placid, impulsive, vain Hamadryad Names: Aileia, Celindara, Eilonwy, lrinea, Lyrindel, Rhiana
HAMADRYAD BEAUTY The dryads oflegends and tales are always renowned for their beauty, which hamadryads live up to in reality. Hamadryads have a supernatural beauty to them that can befuddle the minds of mortals, even affecting those such as eladrin who are accustomed to such visions. Most hamadryads have no concept of their own beauty, however, and often ensorcell mortals without ever intending to.
I Races of the Fey
Hamadryad Utility Powers When your hamadryad character gains a class utility power after 1st level, you can forgo taking a power granted to you by your class. Instead, you gain a hamadryad utility power of the same level or lower.
Body of Solid Oak As the spirit of a living tree, you can transform your flesh into wood and bark, shrugging off blows that might otherwise lay you low. Axe, arrow, and claw pose less danger to you when you employ this power. However, fire becomes a more significant threat. Body of Solid Oak
Hamadryad Utility 2
Your body hardens to take on the strenath and resilience of the miahtyoak. Daily Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to 3 + one-half your level. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to AC and Fortitude, but you also gain vulnerable 5 fire. Sustain Minor: The bonus and the vulnerability persist until the end of your next turn.
Wooden Sanctuary
You are equal parts flesh and fey tree spirit, and as such, you walk the line between the waking world and that of the forest that created you. Your unique nature allows you to enter any tree or wooden object to draw strength from its essence, then slip back into the fight where your foes least expect you to appear.
Wooden Sanctuary
Hamadryad Utility 6
You abandon your body momentarily to slip into a secret sanctuary, reappearin& strenathened and rejuvenated. Daily + Healing Move Action Personal Requirement: You must be adjacent to a Medium or larger tree or other wooden object, such as a door or a table. Effect: You can spend a healing surge. In addition, you are removed from play until the start of your next turn. At the start of your next turn, you return to play in the space you vacated or the nearest unoccupied space. Alternatively, you appear in an unoccupied space adjacent to a tree or a wooden object within 20 squares of your starting position.
Spirit Form The connection you once forged with your tree home allowed your body to naturally shift into a semisolid state as you merged with its living form. With effort, you have trained yourself to consciously trigger this instinctive impulse, taking the form of a drifting ethereal creature for a time.
Lyrindel speaks to a jun9le animal on the Isle of Dread, askin9 it for directions, while And ron us waits impatiently
Spirit Form
Hamadryad Utility 1 0
Your physical form fades into a diaphanous vision that can pass throuah the solid world like a ahost. Encounter Move Action Personal Effect: You are phasing and insubstantial until the end of your next turn. In addition, you shift up to 2 squares.
Fey Mind Mirror
Feyborn Majesty
Those that would harm a powerful creature of the Feywild soon come to regret their rash action. When your body suffers a grievous hurt, the fey spirit within you flares with brilliance that unnerves your enemies.
Feyborn Majesty
Fey Mind Mirror Creatures of the Feywild are known for their resistance to the control of others. You have focused this innate resistance, allowing you to ignore the most debilitating coercion of mind and body even as you laughingly turn your foe's attack back on its creator.
Hamadryad Utility 16
As you reel from your Joe's attack, your fury creates a display of otherworldly liaht all but impossible to look upon. Encounter Immediate Reaction Special Trigger: An enemy attack bloodies you or hits you while you are bloodied. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you shed bright light to a radius of 5 squares, the triggering enemy grants combat advantage, and enemies take a -5 penalty to attack rolls against you.
Hamadryad Utility 22
As you shake off an enemy's control ofyour mind and body. you turn the tables by usina its own power aaainst it. Daily Immediate Interrupt Special Trigger: You are subjected to an enemy's dazing, dominating, or stunning effect that a save can end. Effect: You make a saving throw against the effect. If your saving throw is successful, the triggering enemy must make a saving throw against the same effect. If that enemy's saving throw fails, the enemy is subjected to the effect (save ends). If your saving throw fails, you do not expend this power.
CHAPTER 2 I Races of the Fey
PIXIE Maaical fairy folk , childlike mischief makers, enchanted caretakers of nature
Racial Traits Average Height: 0'6'-1' Average Weight: 1-4 lb. Ability Scores: +2 Charisma; +2 Dexterity or +2 Intelligence Size: Tiny Speed: 4 squares, fly 6 squares (altitude limit 1). You cannot use this fly speed if you are carrying more than a normal load. Vision: Low-light vision languages: Common, Elven Skill Bonuses: +2 Nature, +2 Stealth
Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. Speak with Beasts: You can communicate with natural beasts and fey beasts. Wee Warrior: You have a reach of 1, rather than the reach of 0 that is typical for a Tiny creature. You also take a -5 penalty to Strength checks to break or force open objects. When wielding a weapon of your size, you follow the same rules that Small creatures do. Pixie Magic: You have the pixie dust and shrink powers.
Pixie Dust
Pixie Racial Utility
You hurl a briaht a lobe off ey maaic that arants your fri end the ability to soar throuah the air for a moment. Encounter Move Action Ranged 5 Target: One ally Effect: The target can fly up to 6 squares as a free action.
Pixie Racial Utility
At your touch, an object shrinks to your wee size or is restored to its oriainalstate. Encounter Minor Action Melee 1 Target: One object that is sized for a Medium or Small creature, is not inside a container, does not contain anything, and is not held, worn, or carried by anyone other than you Effect: The target shrinks to a size appropriate for a Tiny creature's use. The new size ends at the end of your next extended rest unless the shrunken target is on your person. The size also ends if you or another pixie uses this power on the shrunken target. While shrunk, the target keeps its game statistics, such as damage dice and weight. A shrunken weapon, however, becomes an improvised one-handed weapon for a non-Tiny creature.
I Races of the Fey
An enchanted race born of raw fey magic, pixies are the diminutive fairy folk of the Feywild. Under the direction of the Court of Stars, they etch the patterns of frost on the winter ponds and rouse the buds in springtime. They cause flowers to grow and sparkle with summer dew, and they color the leaves with the blazing hues of autumn. Some believe that the pixies stole the secret of honey from the mead goblet of the Summer Queen, then sold it to the bees. It is said that they taught the birds to fly and to sing. These childlike sprites have a penchant for mischievous fun, and there is no game a pixie will not play, no sport it will not attempt, and no revelry it will avoid or decline. Once upon a time in the green-gold of the dawning world, the Summer Queen gave birth to a beautiful child. No one knew which of the archfey was the child's father, and the Summer Queen refused to say. Powerful archfey of the Court of Stars gathered around her so that each in turn might bestow his gift on the new fey royalty, for each believed the child was his own. The first gift came from the child's motherthe gift of whimsy, so that like the warm winds of summer, she might roam wherever she pleased. 'But whimsy needs a course and a direction, lest it give way to the destruction of storms,' said the Sea Lord, who believed the child was his own. 'As young rivers play upon the land b efore maturing into · the great wide sea, so shall the child play.' And he bestowed the gift of play on the fey child. Then Oran the Green Lord, who also believed the child was his own, said, 'Like the frivolous waters, play can overreach its bounds and wreck the labor of others. So I give this child the gift of care. As young seeds are nurtured in the earth that bounds the rivers and the seas , so shall the child care for all things green and alive.' The Prince of Frost, who knew the child to be his sister, only laughed at the other archfey. 'By her silence does the Summer Queen have us doing her bidding for the sake of a child whose provenance we will never know,' he said. 'And so laughter is my gift to the child. Laughter is the north wind's breath that elevates the spirit in the face of those that would channel, bind, or control it.' So the child was blessed with the four gifts the Court of Stars had bestowed upon her-whimsy, play, care, and laughter. But after the others had departed, the child's true fathe r secretly appeared beside her gossamer cradle. And then, Corellon, lord of arcane magic, blessed his daughter with the gift of wonder that is the purest form of magic, so that she and all her descendants should ever retain their childlike spirits. Legends of the mortal realm say that because the Feywild is the bright reflection of the world, pixies are a reflection of humanity. As the bards
X 0..
SPECIAL RULES As a pixie, keep the following rules in mind. Sharing a Space: Because you are Tiny, you can enter the space of a Small or larger creature and end your turn there (forced movement must still end in an unoccupied space, unless noted othe rwise). Two creatures are considered adjacent ifthey are in the same square. Altitude limit: You fall at the end of your turn if you are using your racial fly speed and are more than 1 square above the ground (see the rules for flying and falling in the Rules Compendium). Weapons: Because you follow the same weapon rules as a Small creature, you cannot use a twohanded weapon unless it has the small property. Whe n you use a versatile weapon, you must use it two-handed but don't gain the normal + 1 bonus to damage for using it in that manner.
pushing the fairy folk back into the Feywild and into the dark unknown beyond civilization.
Physical Qualities
tell it, whenever a human child is born, a pixie also comes into existence. The personalities of the two races are indistinguishable during the first few years oflife. However, human adolescents cast off their childhood ways, while pixies retain them forever. Sometimes pixies feel compassion for mortals who retain a degree of childhood innocence. They often watch over such humans, secretly aiding their 'flawed' reflections with magic when they fall on ill circumstances. In the world, pixies were once as prevalent as they were in the Feywild. However, during the years that mortals have ruled, they have diminished and gone into decline. As humanoid civilizations began to flourish, they encroached on the pixies' homelands,
Barely over a foot tall, pixies resemble diminutive eladrin with gossamer wings. These wings sprout from their backs like those of dragonflies or butterflies , but are grander and more beautiful than either. Pixie wings come in as many colors as there are shapes to dreams. Despite their almost insubstantial quality, they are as bright as the clear dawn and as luminous as the full moonrise. Pixies rarely appear to onlookers unless they wish to be seen, and other people who happen to spot a pixie are astonished at the first sight of these tiny fey. When pixies fly, a shower of sparkling dust follows in their wake like the glittering tail of a shooting star. Pixie dust is said to be composed of the dreams of the living forest, the gold of the brightest sunbeams, and the starlight cast upon lovers. When such elements are combined as one, they elevate the soul and grant the ability to fly. Pixies' eyes come in as many different colors as their wings. When pixies interact with mortals in the world, their eyes appear to have pupils. However, the natural state of a pixie's eye is a single glittering orb like that of an eladrin. Pixies wear light, ephemeral clothing that grants maneuverability while they fly. Noble pixies array C H A P TE R 2
themselves like princes and princesses of the fey, wearing flowing gowns and doublets of spider and caterpillar silk that sparkle like moonlight on a pond. Wild pixies dress themselves in acorns, leaves and bark, and the pelts of woodland beasts. Pixies prefer armor made of acorns, insect chitin, leather, the scales of reptiles, stiff bark, or fine mithral mail. They rarely wear heavy armor. Pixies live as long as eladrin. In the Feywild, the race measures time in centuries, and pixies are effectively immortal unless they are slain. However, legends claim that some pixies are so bound to their human reflections in the world that they perish when that human dies.
Attitudes and Beliefs According to the oldest tales of the mortal races, pixies are as enchanting as the heart's true desire and as dangerous as the kiss of fate. Possessed of simple desires, pixies frolic in the sunlight, sing in the rain, and dance beneath the moon and stars. Eternally childlike, they find their joy in new games and new experiences, and boredom is their constant adversary. Pixies thrive on randomness and excitement. The banal, common, and everyday routine of ordered life that mortal humanoids must endure is anathema to the long-lived pixies. Their restlessness gives rise to the kinds of tricks and pranks for which pixies are best known. When pixies enchant mortals to fall in love with ugly beasts or with their most hated enemies, they do so not only for their own amusement. Such magic is a gift that allows a bewitched mortal to break the ordinary routine of his or her life. Despite their love of chaos, pixies obediently serve the Court of Stars and obey the commands ofits leaders. They divide themselves into orders that revere their own rulers. Some serve the Summer Queen, others the Prince of Frost. In the world and in deep pockets of the Feywild, wild pixies can be found who serve no master. These dangerous fey view the members of other races as intruders in their realms, and are known to torture and slay them for sport. Even the benevolent pixies who serve the Court of Stars can be dangerous. Mortals who wander into a fairy ring during a pixie dance can cross over into the Feywild without warning, becoming trapped there for years. Like other fey, pixies rarely perceive short-lived humanoids such as humans as equals, living as they do only in the moment. Nevertheless, they believe that even the clumsiest mortals have the potential to experience the freedom and wonder that all pixies know.
Races of the Fey
Pixie Communities In the world, pixies make their homes in deep forests or hidden grottos beneath the hills, far beyond the sight of other humanoids. In these places, pixies cast their shimmering lights to color their domains in incandescent hues, gradually shifting from soft red to bright yellow to deep violet and back again. Some say that the realms of the pixies are the places where rainbows begin and end, and those rainbows are pixie roads emanating from the light of the kingdoms they connect, which can be seen by mortals only when the sun shines through the rain. Though pixies prefer to keep out of sight, they can be found almost anywhere in the Feywild. As intrinsically magical as they are whimsical, pixies enhance the world around them with their presence. At the beginning of time, the Court of Stars passed down decrees on each type of pixie, charging it with duties to uphold in the Feywild. Some pixies brush the flower petals with morning dew, while others are responsible for conjuring the evening mists. Some are charged with awakening the winking stars in the night sky, while others paint each sunset into a masterpiece of vivid colors. Such labors keep pixies focused on putting their magic to benevolent uses, rather than becoming a source of pure mischie£ Pixies in the world carry these traditions over with them. A creature that strays near a pixie home finds the world more alive somehow, thrumming with life, color, and breathtaking natural beauty. Pixie settlements vary as widely as the shifting spectrum of color found in them. Isolated pixies build their homes among the roots of great trees
in settlements similar to those of the gnomes. Larger pixie settlements resemble kingdoms in miniature, expanding to fill underground caverns or the insides of entire hills. Wild pixies live high up in the trees, where they tame birds and arboreal mammals for war and labor. Pixie communities. are ruled by nobility, usually a hereditary king, queen, prince, or princess whose ancestor was granted this title by the Court of Stars in the distant past. Pixie monarchs are at once wise, graceful, fierce, and powerful-a wonder to behold. Although pixie rulers enjoy mischief and play as much as any other member of their race, the responsibility given them by the Court of Stars keeps such behavior in check.
Pixie Adventurers Pixies who venture forth into the world do so for a variety of reasons. Some go at the command of their monarch to assist clumsy mortals on their quests. Some go forth to fight a great evil that threatens the pixie realms or the Feywild as a whole. Some take up a life of adventure simply because they are bored, seeking the excitement that comes with travel and the inherent chaos that comes with entanglements in the mortal world.
Bard As one of the kinds of fey creatures most likely to travel far and wide, pixies are among the greatest of storytellers ... when they can be convinced to actually part with their stories. Pixies are also natural masters of arcane magic, and the combination of being well traveled and skilled in the arcane arts makes pixies excellent members of the bard profession. A devoted pixie bard is a stalwart ally as well, buzzing across the battlefield while shouting orders and singing inspiring songs. Despite their small stature, pixie bards know how to throw their weight around just as well as their larger companions (figuratively if not literally) and impose their will on the world around them. Ranger
Only a fool laughs at the notion of a pixie warrior armed with a miniature blade or bow, for what pixies lack in size, they make up for in deadly accuracy and precision. Wild pixies have been known to set upon intruders like a pack of vicious wolves, tearing their foes apart. Most pixie warriors are lightly armored rangers who ride the wind and fight their enemies with the fierce determination intrinsic to the fey. When these skilled warriors leave the homes they protect, they most often do so to hunt down a dangerous threat or trespasser. However, some venture out simply because they find their settlements too safe, wishing to test their skills against the chaos and danger to be found in the wider world.
Rogue Their tiny size makes pixies perfectly suited for the life of the rogue. Pixie rogues serve as spies to the Court of Stars, undertaking missions of stealth that few others will risk. Strongholds all but impregnable to larger creatures are no trouble for a pixie rogue, who can squeeze through arrow slits, hide in the smallest shadows, and take to the air to avoid traps. In the world, pixie rogues are devious tricksters and thieves who occupy themselves bedeviling mortals and leading them on merry chases. Most such rogues steal for fun rather than profit. Rumors abound of retired pixie rogues who have hollowed out small hills for use as trophy rooms, glittering with their ill-gotten wealth.
Races of the Fey
Tales are told of pixies dazzling mortals with love spells or enchanting their legs to make them dance wild jigs. As creatures of the Feywild, pixies hold magic as their birthright. They excel at the casting of mischievous enchantments and are nearly as fond ofbefuddling mortals with playful illusions. Pixie wizards almost always receive their patronage and powers from an archfey of the Court of Stars or from Corellon or Sehanine.
Roleplaying a Pixie When creating a pixie adventurer, here are a few points to consider. A childlike perspective. Pixies experience the world much as children do. They focus on the present, concerning themselves little with the past or the future. This is not to say that a pixie is not deeply saddened by the passing of a close companion, or that pixies are incapable of real emotion. Pixies simply don't dwell long on such matters, instead committing fully to the present moment and the experiences it has to offer. You give your full attention and interest to the task at hand, but cannot be bothered to reflect on the events of yesterday or tomorrow. For this reason, some creatures view you as flighty and capricious, even as others see you as a wise mystic, free from attachment and constantly living to your fullest potential. Possessive of things, protective of friends. Though they abhor typical civilization, pixies have a strong sense of ownership. You do not keep many possessions, but those you do carry-a bird skull helmet, a bat wing cloak, a fine ribbon, a silver bell-are your treasures. No pixie will tolerate another creature handling such possessions without permission. By the same token, pixies see their friends as possessions. Anyone who threatens to harm your companions rouses your ire and will likely suffer for it. Braver, bolder, and fie r cer than you appear. Though pixies are tiny in stature, they exhibit a bravery that surpasses their size. When pixies take to arms, they fight with a singular ferocity. In their mail of shining leather, scales, or insect shells, they resemble miniature versions of the eladrin stalwarts of old. Pixie Characteristics: Brave, charming, childlike, energetic, fierce, magical, mischievous , outgoing, playful, possessive, stealthy, vigilant Pixie Male Names: Acorn, Barleycorn, Briarthorn, Buckthorn, Dogwood, Hawthorn, Hayseed, Hazelwood , Hoarfrost, Juniper, Maplesap, Mistlethrush, Nettle, Pinecone, Sparrowhawk, Thistledown Pixie Female Names: Appleblossom, Bluebell, Cobweb, Cottonwood, Dewdrop, Heartsease, Holly, Hyacinth, Ivy, Larksong, Lilyflower, Mistletoe, Moth, Mustardseed, Peasblossom, Willowbough CHAPTER 2
Races of the Fey
BARD'S TALE: THE UNRULY GIRL Once there lived a wild little girl who caused so much trouble that her parents did not know what to do with her. She overturned the milking buckets, spooked the horses, and cut off a stray eat's tail so she could fasten it to the back of her ragged skirt and pretend to be a monster. One day while she was far afield hunting geese with a handful of stones, she came upon a band of pixies playing games in the shade of an oak tree. The girl asked if she could join their sport, and the fairy folk agreed, for pixies love all children. Never had the girl played such wild games. The pixies changed her into a pigeon, and she fl ew through the fields terrifying mice and squirrels while the fairy creatures flew alongside her. But the girl soon became bored and started chasing the pixies, seizing their wings in her beak and talons. So the pixies sprinkled their magic dust upon her and bade her not wake again as a girl until the first light of dawn touched her eyes. Then they crept away. The girl slept through the night under the oak tree. just before sunrise, a tailless cat came stalking through the field. What a stroke of luck for the beast-a plump, juicy pigeon lay asleep beneath the boughs of a nearby oak. The cat gobbled it up and went away feeling pleased with himself. He lived happily on the farm until the end of his days and was never hungry again.
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HITCHING A RIDE Pixie adventurers who have a lot of trust in their comrades sometimes allow themselves to be placed in a pouch or pocket while the group is traveling. Hiding a pixie in this manner is a great way to sneak in an extra adventurer when the characters are infiltrating a dangerous place. The presence of an extra hero can often turn the tides against an unprepared opponent.
Pixie Utility Powers
When your pixie character gains a class utility power after 1st level, you can forgo taking a power granted to you by your class. Instead, you gain a pixie utility power of the same level or lower.
Ventriloquist Prank
Pixies delight in causing mischief by creating disembodied voices to startle gullible mortals. With their ability to communicate with all manner of birds and beasts, pixies can mimic a staggering range of sounds. Focusing that ability through your magic, you leave your disconcerted foe uncertain which way to move or unable to defend itself. Ventriloquist Prank
Pixie Utility 2
You a!eefully project an a!armina noise that distracts and hinders your foe.
Fairy Dance The fey are well known for their wild, chaotic revelry. In fairy rings beneath the light of the moon, pixies lure mortals to join in their dances. However, only those you favor will be able to keep up with you. With this power, you compel every creature around you to dance to your tune.
Encounter + Illusion Minor Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature that isn't deafened Effect: Roll a d6 to determine the power's effect. 1-3: You slide the target up to 2 squares, but not into hindering terrain. 4-6: The target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Pixie Invisibility As a tiny creature of equal parts mischief and magic, you must remain unseen to carry out your best tricks. Creeping carefully and invisibly under the noses of friend and foe alike, you are a spy and a saboteur beyond compare. Pixie Invisibility
Pixie Utility 6
Focusina all your concentration, you vanish from siaht. Encounter + Illusion Minor Action Personal Effect: You become invisible until you attack or until the end of your next turn.
Gift of Flight When you fly, you leave a trail of pixie dust glittering in your wake. By tossing up a shower of that same dust, you grant your allies the freedom of flight for a time. Gift of Flight
Pixie Utility 10
With a sprinklina of pixie dust, your companions take to the air. Encounter Close burst 1 Minor Action Target: Each ally in the burst Effect: Each target gains a fly speed of 6 until the end of his or her next turn. If the target doesn't land at the end of this movement, he or she descends to the ground without taking falling damage.
Fairy Dance
Pixie Utility 16
You strike up the enchanted music of the fey, arantina your companions arace even as your foes trip and fumble around you. Daily + Aura, Charm Minor Action Personal Effect: You activate an aura 2 that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any ally who starts his or her turn in the aura can shift 1 square during that turn as a free action. Any enemy that starts its turn in the aura is slowed until the start of its next turn. Sustain Minor: The aura persists until the end of your next turn.
Pixie Teleport Trick As a child of the Feywild, you are in tune with the shortcuts between dimensions. With your pixie teleport trick, you disappear and reappear to confound an enemy's efforts to get the better of you in battle. Pixie Teleport Trick
Pixie Utility 22
Even as you reel from a foe's attack, you vanish in a puff offrasrant smoke and reappear a safe distance away. Daily+ Teleportation Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever an enemy attacks you, you can use an immediate reaction to teleport up to 5 squares.
I Races of the
SATYR Adventurous fey, wild revelers, curious explorers
Racial Traits Average Height: 5'2'-5'10' Average Weight: 120-190 lb. Ability Scores: +2 Charisma; +2 Dexterity or +2 Constitution Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Vision: Low-light vision Languages: Common, Elven Skill Bonuses: +2 Nature, +2 Thievery Male Only: All satyrs are male. Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. Light of Heart: You can make saving throws both at the start of your turn and the end of your turn against fear effects that a save can end. Pleasant Recovery: You regain 1d8 additional hit points for each healing surge you spend during a short rest. Sly Words: Bluff is always a class skill for you. Lure of Enchantment: You have the Jure of enchantment power.
lure of Enchantment
Satyr Racial Utility
A softly sun& tune causes your enemy to wander as you direct it. Encounter + Charm Free Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with an attack. Effect: You slide the enemy up to 3 squares, but not into hindering te rrain. The enemy grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
A race branded by folklore as tricksters, hedonists, and charlatans, satyrs only partially deserve the dark aspect of their reputation. Satyrs first came to the mortal realm when the world was young and had not yet fully healed from the destruction of the Dawn War. That war drew the Feywild closer to the mortal realm, connecting the two through rifts in the fabric of the planes that the inhabitants of the natural world would come to call fey crossings. Possessed of mischievous and investigative souls , satyrs ventured cautiously through the fey crossings and made contact with the fledgling races of the world. Most of these early meetings were brief and violent. Though adventuresome, satyrs are also skittish, even as the humanoids of the world often see CHAPTER 2
Races of the Fey
unintended threats in the strange and the unknown. From these early encounters came the seeds from which the folk tales sprung-stories of satyrs appearing within frontier villages to spread merry mayhem, and using the magic of song to charm children, maidens, and matrons alike. Over time, the growing conflicts of the mortal realm saw the satyrs abandon the fey crossings to sequester themselves in their safe havens in the Feywild. There, they avoided the wars of other races, content to spend their days in revelry rather than try to interfere in the troubles of mortals and fey alike. In recent times, the mortal realm has begun to call to the satyrs once again. With the fall of great empires and the collapse of civilization down to isolated outposts in a widening wilderness, the satyrs are drawn to explore that wilderness once more. Their race has become well known to the barbarian tribes and civilized outposts along the borderlands, where they emerge from fey crossings to sate their curiosity regarding the mortal realm.
Physical Qualities Born of a union between satyr and nymph, a satyr is always male. Satyrs resemble humans with the legs of goats, and they are covered in fur from the waist down. Most satyrs have a pair of small horns
Nistyncia carries an unseelie candle as she and Andronus journey throush the Murkendraw
sprouting from their heads, ranging in shape from a pair of small nubs to the curling horns of the largest rams. They display the broad shoulders and powerful upper bodies of humans, and most sport some kind of facial hair. Their wild, curly hair ranges in length, with younger satyrs keeping their hair short. Older satyrs let it grow as they age, until it hangs about their shoulders. Though not as robust as other fey, satyrs lead long lives compared to most humanoids. They reach adulthood at around the same age as humans, but can live to be two hundred years old or more. Satyrs become tough and serious as they age, losing the mischievous appearance of their youth to resemble stern grandfathers and stoic leaders. However, a twinkle of troublemaking still shines in even the oldest satyr's eyes. Young satyrs grow quickly to maturity. Though they remain small in size as children, satyrs are capable of complex speech and movement in a matter of weeks. Young satyrs resemble infants in size and appearance, but they speak and interact with the competence of a human adolescent.
Attitudes and Beliefs Satyrs are driven by curiosity and hedonism in equal measure. They have a natural sense of wonder regarding the world around them and the creatures with which they share that world. Though many satyrs are shy, satisfying their curiosity cautiously and from the shadows, they all have a burning desire to see, touch, and know more. This is not to say that they are reckless, however. Satyrs exercise great caution in their exploration, a result ofliving in the Feywild with its wild magic and hidden dangers. In addition, satyrs seek to satisfy their curiosity through the spread of stories and songs, allowing a satyr to feed the inquisitiveness of others by retelling a tale of his exploits. Most satyrs are proficient with at least one musical instrument, and a satyr revel is always a musical affair. A satyr will take risks , but those risks are typically measured against his preparation and cunning. A satyr seeks to gain any advantage that he can early on, then presses that advantage. When meeting new creatures, satyrs are cautious to the point of outright suspicion. When new people have proven themselves trustworthy, a satyr becomes a dedicated and relentless ally. CHAPTER 2 [ Races of the Fey
BARD'S TALE: THE THREE FAIR BEAUTIES Once upon a time, a prince rode through the wood regaling the animals and trees with songs in praise of his true love. 'She sings more sweetly than thee, little bluebird,' said the prince. 'I'll wager my heart there's no lady more beautiful in all Faerie!' just then the bluebird alighted in his path, transformed itself into a resplendent fairy damsel, and accepted his brash challenge. The prince tried to rescind his words, but a wager spoken before the fey cannot be unsaid. The damsel said that she would show him three fair beauties in that very wood, and if his lady proved superior to them all, the fey would bless his wedding. But should the prince speak falsely, he must yield his heart to the shapeshifter's dagger. The damsel showed the prince a spring nymph that enticed his lust, and a hamadryad that awakened his wonder. As splendid as they were, the prince swore that neither was as fair as his love, and he spoke truly from his heart. 'But is she more beautiful than I?' said the damsel at last. The prince looked upon her dark eyes, her shapely form, and the sapphire feathers strung through her midnight locks. At last, after great deliberation, he said, 'Aye, even more so than thee.' The lady transformed into a bluebird and flew away, and the relieved prince was spared his life. The prince married his true love and ruled his kingdom, but for the rest of his days, he never looked upon her or anything else of beauty without yearning for the fairy damsel, who possessed his heart as surely as if she had carved it from his chest.
..... Satyrs allow no opportunity for revelry to pass them by. They celebrate any holiday they have ever heard of-and are entirely cognizant that the civilizations of the world have enough festivals and holy days between them to justify celebrating on a nonstop basis. However, despite their love of wine, song, dance, and stories, satyrs are rarely reckless in their hedonism. In the midst of a celebration, a satyr maintains an awareness for danger, and he ensures that his revels do not cause the creatures he cares about to come to harm.
into the world rarely do so in groups, however. Most often, a single satyr goes exploring on his own to satisfy a unique curiosity. Satyrs remain rare even in cosmopolitan cities, and are scattered and not part of a cohesive community. As cautious as satyrs are, they also jealously guard their explorations and rarely allow let others of their kind to join in. Satyrs in the Feywild congregate in places of beauty and safety. Forest glades, patches of open grass near babbling streams, and shaded ponds under willow trees are all excellent places to find satyrs at rest. Satyrs build their homes as a part of the landscape, with houses constructed in the trunks of trees or dug into the ground like burrows. Their homes are humble and comfortable, for although they love revelry, they enjoy the simple pleasures the most. When entering a satyr's home, one finds a well-stocked pantry and a collection of fine food and drink from far-flung places. Despite these comforts, satyrs spend little time in their homes, instead preferring to dwell in the open beauty of nature.
Satyr Adventurers With their natural curiosity, it is no surprise that satyrs seek out great adventures. They do so in their own special way, with goals that are more personal than lofty. A satyr can be a boon as an adventuring companion-provided that his curiosity is aligned with his companions' in a way that overcomes his natural reluctance to put himself in danger.
Bard The satyrs' love for song and story makes them excellent bards. Satyrs enjoy few pleasures as much as a compelling tale, and a satyr who has a vast collection of such tales earns the respect of his people. Your fey nature means that you also have an innate connection to magic, which lends itself to mastering the bard's repertoire of arcane tricks. As a satyr bard, you are always searching for the next great story-and all the better if you yourself are the star of that tale.
Satyr Communities
Rogue Satyr adventurers are cautious in their exploration, and no class better suits this mind-set than the rogue. Building on your race's reputation for cunning and curiosity, you lurk in the shadows to gain the advantage over more powerful foes. In social situations, you are a silver-tongued charmer, defusing dangerous conflicts with a few well-placed words or convincing others to help you by crafting an exquisite set oflies. Satyr rogues have a reputation for slyness and creativity, and you attempt to use your wits first to escape any sticky situation.
Satyrs have always dwelled in the Feywild, and most of their communities are found there. They live in small clans, usually numbering one to two dozen but sometimes as small as five or six. Satyrs who venture
Sorcerer Satyr bards take up their magical training over time, but a spark of arcane power sometimes takes a stronger hold in a satyr-manifesting without
CHAPT E R 2 I Races of the Fey
warning or choice. Such satyrs often become sorcerers, harnessing their innate magic in a way that fuels their adventurous spirit. As a satyr sorcerer, you channel the wild magic spell source, as befits your kind's hedonistic bent. The magic of the Elemental Chaos reflects the wildness in your heart, and in turn provides an outward representation of your free-spirited nature.
Satyrs deal with powerful fey creatures on a daily basis. It is natural, then, for a satyr's curiosity to inspire it to forge a pact of power with such creatures. Satyrs typically become fey pact warlocks to protect themselves from the dangers that arise as they explore the Feywild and the wilderness of the world. If your sense of exploration pushes you more toward the role of an arcane warrior, you might bargain with a powerful entity of the Feywild to become a hexblade warlock.
Roleplaying a Satyr When creating a satyr adventurer, here are a few points to consider. You live life to the fullest. Satyrs don't let any opportunity for reveling pass them by, but this is not to say that you are completely self-centered or obsessed with your own hedonism. Rather, everything you do is focused in some way on adding to your full and rich life. To satyrs, much of what constitutes a rich life consists of good wine, good friends, and the company of the nymphs they love. However, even the most shallow of satyrs knows that a life of leisure doesn't come easily. As an adventuring satyr, you do what you do in pursuit of something you love, whether excitement and thrills, new stories and experiences, or simply material wealth. Friends are better than enemies. Given the choice between easily making an enemy and going out of his way to make a friend, a satyr will almost always try the harder course. Satyrs are fond of saying that no one ever had to look over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being chased by a friend. Satyrs dislike conflict, and would often rather give up some personal comfort on a short-term basis than offend someone. They prefer to get along with everyone if they can, believing that with peace comes prosperity. As such, you almost always greet every stranger as if he or she were an old friend, in the hope that such people might eventually become trusted allies. If you do make an enemy, you try to rectify the situation if you can. However, even the most optimistic satyr recognizes base villainy, and you are not easily taken in by duplicity or false friendship. Never fight on even footing. Those that have seen a satyr's friendly side often make the mistake of assuming you are easily cowed in combat. But when conflict arises as it inevitably does, satyrs fight with
a ferocity that belies their cautious reputation. You look for every possible advantage in battle, and you have little regard for the idea of honorable combat or a fair fight. Your inclination to avoid conflict when out of combat makes you a more dangerous enemy in a battle, since satyrs believe that failing to finish off a disadvantaged foe means risking another fight with that foe in the future. Though you do not seek out combat, you recognize that the faster it ends, the quicker you might return to the more important pursuits oflife. You live the life you deserve. Satyrs believe that the fate that befalls all sentient creatures occurs for a reason. You believe that the winds of good fortune and ill fortune alike blow according to how every creature lives his or her life. When you have the advantage, you never take it for granted, acknowledging those who have stood by your side and helped you live a fulfilling life. When things turn bad for you and your allies, you understand that it is simply because you haven't tried hard enough yet to tip the balance of fate in your favor. Satyr Characteristics: Amicable, capricious, inquisitive, lighthearted, mischievous, tricky Satyr Names: Adronus, Barases, Canteon, Dantes, Gilderos, Pan, Puck, Romeus, Silenus, Tarteron
Satyr's leap
BARD'S TALE: THE UGLY SATYR Once there was a young man who loved a lord's daughter. Night after night he came to her window to woo her, but each time the lady refused him, saying, 'My love's face is secret, my love is most rare, my love plays the music upon the night air.' One night, as the young man went out to woo his lady, he heard a beautiful melody in the wood. He followed the sound to a glade where an ugly satyr played the pipes with skill beyond mortal reckoning. 'If you would teach me that tune, I would give you anything you ask,' said the young man. The satyr agreed in return for a small vow, and he taught the man the tune upon the pipes. When the man played it at the lady's window, she consented to marry him. A wedding day was set, guests were invited, and all was made ready. On the eve of the wedding, the ugly satyr arrived to claim his due: a kiss from the lady who adored his music. The young man scoffed at the request and turned the satyr away. The man then set a circle of cold iron around his beloved's chamber, for the creatures of Faerie cannot cross such boundaries. That night, as the man slept, a beautiful new melody drifted from the forest and into the bridal bower. On the morning of the wedding, the lady was gone from the tower. The only trace of her was a single delicate footprint outside the circle of cold iron. Try as he might, the man who broke his vow to the satyr never discovered where she had gone.
Satyr Utility 2
You crouch and sprina to catch your fo es off auard, puttina your powerful leas to aood use. At-Will Move Action Personal Effect: You jump with a +1 0 power bonus to the Athletics check. When you make this jump, you are always considered to have a running start. The distance you jump cannot exceed your speed.
Bending the Balance Most satyrs believe that all creatures get what they deserve, and you have learned not only to accept fate but to push its boundaries to your benefit. After all, your allies deserve their good fortune , just as your foes will get what's coming to them. Bending the Balance
Satyr Utility 6
Your very presence causes fate to twist in an ally's favor. Daily Immediate Reaction Ranged 1 0 Trigger: A creature within 1 0 squares of you regains hit points or takes damage from an attack that hits it. Target: The triggering creature Effect: The target either regains 2d6 additional hit points or takes 2d6 extra damage.
Tune of Enchantment
In legend, satyrs are said to produce music that is so captivating because it draws on fey magic for its power. Such legends arise from the satyrs who h ave practiced the art of the tune of enchantment. When you play your song, its haunting notes burrow deep into the minds of your enemies, who find themselves enthralled by your music.
Tune of Enchantment
Satyr Utility 1 0
You play a whimsical tune in the heat of combat that clouds your enemies' minds.
Satyr Utility Powers When your satyr character gains a class utility power after 1st level, you can forgo taking a power granted to you by your class. Instead, you gain a satyr utility power of the same level or lower.
Satyr's Leap A satyr's legs are as powerful as those of the wild goats of the mountains, enabling him to jump incredible distances with no effort. Whether you are vaulting over the heads of fo es or bounding through the forest to avoid terrain that might slow you, your distinctive leap is one of your most recognizable features.
Races of the Fey
Daily-+ Aura, Charm Minor Action Personal Requirement: You must be playing a musical instrument. Effect: You activate an aura 5 that lasts until the end of the encounter. Any enemy must roll twice when making saving throws against charm effects while in the aura, using the lower result. The aura is deactivated if you are not playing your musical instrument at the end of your turn , but you can reactivate the aura as a minor action.
- - ·- -
Rowena n eaotiates with a satyr of niaht, while Viltham sneaks up to steal the ever-bloomina rose
Foes into Friends As with all satyrs, you would rather m ake allies than enemies. You have learned a natural charm that allows you to intervene when an enemy would fall , controlling that fo e to spare its life-or taking revenge to show it the error of its ways. Foes into Friends
Satyr Utility 16
Channel the Unseelie
Though most satyrs seek the bright pleasures oflife, there also exist satyrs of the night-shadowy creatures that have been trans formed by exposure to dark magic. By manipulating subtle currents of this magic, you temporarily take on the form of a dark creature.
Channel the Unsee lie
Satyr Utility 22
You draw an enemy back from the brink of death, holdin& it under your spell.
You tap into dark fey power, transformin& yourself into a creature of shadow.
Daily+ Charm Immediate Interrupt Ranged 1 0 Trigger: An ene my within 1 0 squares of you drops below 1 hit point. Target: The triggering enemy Effect: The target instead has 1 hit point, and it is dominated by you until the end of the encounter. The target cannot regain hit points, and a missed attack cannot damage it. If the target still has 1 hit point at the end of the encounter, it drops to 0 hit points. You choose whether it dies or is unconscious.
Daily + Polymorph Minor Action Personal Effect: You transform into the form of a satyr of the night, and you remain in that form until the end of the encounter. While in this form, you have partial concealment, and when you would normally have partial concealment because of dim light, you are instead invisible. Additionally, you take only half damage from necrotic attacks.
Races of the Fey
is a realm of magic; this much anyone who has ever heard a fairy tale knows. The very substance of the plane is infused with arcane magic, and many of the creatures that inhabit the realm are so tightly bound to arcane power that it is a natural and instinctive part of their very being. As such, it should come as no surprise that those who hail from, and venture into, the Feywild often develop a natural aptitude for arcane magic. However, the Feywild is also a wild and verdant place where primeval natural landscapes remain untouched since their creation. Moreover, the influ· ence of the Feywild spills over into the mortal world at fey crossings. Many of those who live on the borders of the Feywild and the natural world develop a rapport with primal spirits, emboldened by the verdant growth the Feywild fosters. ;
Some of the material in this chapter is for use with classes found in other books. The barbarian and the bard appear in Player's Handbook 2, the druid appears in Player's Handbook 2 and Heroes of the Foraotten Kina· dams, and the wizard material is for use with either the Player's Handbook or Heroes of the Fallen Lands. This chapter includes the following material. + New powers for the barbarian, as well as alternate class features for the berserker subclass. + New powers for the bard, as well as alternate class features for the skald subclass. + New powers for the druid, as well as alternate class features for the protector subclass. + New powers for the wizard, as well as alternate class features for the witch subclass.
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BARD'S TALE: THE THREE TRAVELERS Once upon a time there were three travelers who had entered the realm of the fey and were following one of the lesser known paths through a thick forest. The first was a bard of one of the human tribes that lived just on the other side of a crossing, in the world of men. The second was an elf whose druid circle protected that same crossing on the other side, in the Feywild. The third was a satyr, young and brash and prone to berserk rages when upset, who traveled with the other two for their protection. One day the trio came upon a place where the path seemed to bend around a massive tree. As they examined the odd sight, a dryad emerged from the tree, beautiful and terrifying. She demanded that each of the three travelers do something to honor her, stating that only then would she send them on their way. The first to speak was the human bard, who lamented that he could only immortalize the dryad in story or song, for they were the greatest tools at his disposal. 'Fool!' the dryad cried. 'Can you keep no secrets? Your songs would bring woodsmen and devious creatures right to my tree.' She beckoned the bard closer, whispering a secret of arcane magic in his ear. 'Now, I have given you one secret. A second is the secret of my
tree's location, which you must also keep. Only when you find a third secret, a secret greater than all others, can you return to this land.' Saying that, she waved her hand and banished the bard from the Feywild. Angry at seeing his friend so cursed, the satyr leaped forward, bringing a wicked axe to his hand and flying into a screaming rage. As the berserker lunged for the dryad's tree, intent on chopping it down, the dryad struck him on the forehead with her palm. 'I left your friend with the memory of my secret, to bind him with the power of three. You shall not be so lucky.' With that, she stole his memories from him, cast him out of the Feywild, and spoke that only when all three travelers were reunited would his memories return. The elf, seeing her friends cursed and banished, approached the dryad humbly. She offered to use the knowledge of her circle to make her tree stronger, to fill the area with verdant growth, and to change the course of the path to carry it around the great tree. The dryad was pleased, and she gave the druid a staff made from one of the branches from her tree. 'Seek out the ancient dryad that inhabits the great World Tree, and give her this. You will be rewarded beyond your wildest wishes.' And, as the dryad said that, the druid was free to go.
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I Classes
Barbarian Barbarians are commonly thought to be uncivilized and savage. Wielding mighty weapons, barbarians show little control or discipline in the way they fight, and they call on the forces of nature to aid them. But even among the barbarian peoples, there are those individuals who stand out from all others for their unbridled fury during combat. Those warriors not only call on the primal spirits to aid them, they let those spirits inhabit their bodies, using the spirits' power directly. In this section, you will find new powers for the barbarian, introduced in Player's Handbook 2, including some tied to the new barbarian subclass, the berserker.
BERSERKER Martial and Primal Defender and Striker: Your skill and experience make you good at defending others, but when your rage surfaces, you become an aggressive attacker. Key Abilities: Strength, Dexterity On the edge of civilization, far beyond the comfortable life within cities and towns, tribes ofbarbarian peoples maintain a simple yet primitive existence. Life for these people is not easy, and it is made more difficult because fey crossings commonly appear in their lands. As children, tribe members are taught about the perils of crossing into the Feywild, and about the monsters that emerge from that realm with malicious intent. Faced with this constant danger, the barbarians continually fight to maintain their way oflife. Some among them have fought so hard for so long that they know little other than violence as a means of protecting their tribes. These individuals, prone to rage that transforms them into whirling forces of destruction, are known as berserkers. Most berserkers are skilled warriors with keen survival instincts. When their ire is stoked, however, much of that experience and discipline is replaced by an animal fury unmatched among other warriors. If fury and aggressiveness was all that berserkers had to protect them from harm, they would eventually tire and be overcome by their enemies. When the berserkers' unbridled rage overtakes them, they become beacons of the spirit world, and their rage sounds like a gong calling to the primal spirits. Those spirits are drawn to such strong emotion, and are able to inhabit berserkers during their rages, protecting them against harm. The spirits also lend their energy to the berserkers, allowing them to perform incredible, even supernatural, feats.
It is not just barbarians in the mortal world who become berserkers . Within the Feywild are many savage warriors, and that bright realm is a place where warriors who are as mercurial as the berserker fit right in. Many berserkers are found among the lycanthrope tribes of the Broken stone Vale, others are among the elves who still dwell in the forests of the Feywild, and yet others can be found anywhere civilization has not yet encroached upon.
Creating a Berserker A berserker is a type ofbarbarian, a class introduced in Player's Handbook 2. To create a berserker, use the character creation rules in the Rules Compendium or the Player's Handbook. The Character Advancement table (page 160) summarizes how many powers and feats your berserker should have at each level, as well as when ability scores increase. A berserker lacks all of the barbarian class features from Player's Handbook 2: Barbarian Agility, Feral Might, raae strike, and Rampage. A berserker gains new class features: Berserker Fury, defender aura, Heartland, Poised Defender, and venaeful auardian. In addition, a berserker has proficiency with light shields. Because of these new features, a berserker can serve as both a defender and a striker.
Berserker Traits Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to 15 + your Constitution score. You gain 6 hit points each time you gain a level. Bonus to Defenses: +2 to Fortitude Healing Surges per Day: 8 +your Constitution modifier Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide; light shield Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis) Trained Skills: Three from the list of class skills
Ability Scores When you determine your ability scores, keep in mind that a berserker is best served by superior Strength and Dexterity scores. Strength should be your highest score, since the berserker's attacks rely on it. When thinking of your character's personality, consider your highest scores other than Strength and Dexterity. A berserker with a high Wisdom might be a tribal leader who tries to maintain control of his or her rage and is filled with regret each time it is unleashed. A berserker with a high Constitution might be a large, brawny survivor, whose battle scars are a testament to his or her persistence in facing danger and surviving. A berserker with a high
You have cultivated certain abilities that are based on 'UJ ~ your experiences in your heartland's environment. You choose one of the following terrain types that UJ 1.11 best represents your heartland and gain its benefit.
' 'co UJ
Arid Desert You hail from a hot, dry desert region and are accustomed to the blistering heat and searing sands of your heartland. Your people prize light pro· tective clothing that keeps you from overheating, and compensate for lighter armor with greater agility. Benefit: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.
Frozen Land You hail from a land covered in ice and snow, and as such you know how to survive in cold environments. You are comfortable when others are shivering with cold, and you have become toughened by constant exposure to harsh temperatures. Benefit: You gain a+ 1 bonus to Forti· tude and Will. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 cold. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level. Temperate Land You hail from a land covered in forests and plains. Your people are accustomed to having access to abundant resources and typically carry defensive gear such as shields. Benefit: While you are wielding a one-handed weapon and using a shield, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage rolls of any weapon attack you make with that weapon. At 4th level, you gain a+ 1 bonus to speed while charging.
Intelligence could be a barbarian chieftain who, if he or she had been born in civilization, would have been a great military tactician; instead, the berserker stands at the forefront of a horde of raging warriors, directing them into battle.
Class Features A berserker has the following class features, starting at levell.
Heartland Berserkers live on the edge of civilization, where they are closer to the land and more shaped by the environment than other warriors are.
Defender Aura You've spent a good deal of time engaged in a battle against enemies, natural or otherwise. Your fighting skills are honed to the point where you stand as a capable defender of your people, interposing yourselfbetween enemy and ally. Benefit: You gain the defender aura power. Defender Aura
Barbarian Utility
You work to occupy nearby foes, usin& a combination offi&htin& skill and clever tactics to keep them distracted. At-Will + Aura Personal Minor Action Effect: You activate an aura 1 that lasts until you end it as a minor action or until you fall unconscious. While in the aura, any enemy takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls when it makes an attack that does not include among its targets either you or an ally of yours who has this aura active. Marked enemies are not subject to this aura.
Poised Defender As long as your primal rage does not take over, your martial training helps you dodge and parry incoming attacks if you're not burdened by heavy armor. Benefit: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus toAC. Vengeful Guardian
Protecting your family while living on the frontier of civilization, or some other uncivilized land, has taught you how to draw attention to yourself and away from those you protect. When an enemy is foolish enough to ignore you and go after your loved ones, you punish it for its oversight. Benefit: You gain the venaefulauardian power.
Vengeful Guardian
Barbarian Attack
Your nearby enemies learn the hard way that it is unwise to i&noreyou.
At-Will + Martial Opportunity Action Personal Trigger: An enemy subject to your defender aura either shifts or makes an attack that targets an ally of yours, without targeting you or an ally who has an active defender aura. Effect: You make a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy and deal1 d8 extra damage to it. Leve/11: 2d8 extra damage. Level 21: 3d8 extra damage. On a miss, the attack deals half damage to the triggering enemy.
Berserker Fury Though you are a warrior of skill and poise most of the time, when your ire is stoked you become a force of destruction on the battlefield. At times of desperation, or when the scent of your enemies' blood fills your senses, you fly into a frenzy of rage. While engulfed in this primal rage, you abandon much of your discipline and training, allowing primal spirits to flow into you and assume control. Benefit: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects. + Your defender aura ends, ifit was active, and you cannot use defender aura or venaefulauardian until the fury ends. + Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers. + Your melee basic attacks deal1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.
Powers Your berserker starts with four barbarian powers of your choice. +Two 1st-level barbarian at-will attack powers +One 1st-level barbarian encounter attack power +One 1st-level barbarian daily attack power See the Character Advancement table (page 160) for the powers you gain as you advance in level. When you select powers, consider the barbarian powers introduced in this book, which are tailored for the berserker and offer a mix of martial and primal options. Player's Handbook 2 and Primal Power present a variety of other barbarian powers to choose from.
Skills You should consider Athletics for one of your trained skills, because the ability to reach an enemy by climbing, jumping, and swimming is essential for someone who fights face to face. Acrobatics is useful to help you blunt the damage of falling long distances, and to help you cross dangerous surfaces without falling. Training in Nature can represent your connection to the natural world, developed over years ofliving in a rustic environment. Likewise, if you emphasize Intimidate, that choice reflects a life lived in a more primitive society, where influence over your peers is as important as dominance over your enemies. A focus on the Heal skill could indicate that you have learned how to manage your many wounds, or perhaps you had an apprenticeship under your tribe's shaman, learning how to deal with basic ailments and battle injuries.
Feats Your choice offeats not only shapes your abilities, but speaks to your past and your origins. For example, if you choose one of the feats from the learning and lore category such as Linguist or Skill Training, it could reflect your history as a learned barbarian, flouting the view of primitive tribes held by city-dwellers. If you come from a particularly religious tribe, you might choose one of the divine devotion feats such as Disciple of Strength to represent your dedication to the gods. If you want to focus more on martial prowess and your ability to defend allies, consider defensive feats from the armor training category such as Armor Proficiency: Chain mail. If you want to emphasize strong primal attacks, consider feats from the weapon training category, such as Two-Handed Weapon Expertise (page 130), and other feats that boost your damage output. Additionally, since you can use martial powers only when you are not under the influence of your
BERSERKER RACE CHOICES The following races make good choices for a berserker. Half-Ore: Half-orcs have natural strength and agility, which align perfectly with the berserker's nature. Moreover, the half-ore's furious assault racial power adds extra savagery to a raging berserker's attacks. Since most berserkers don't wear heavy armor, a half-ore's ability to gain temporary hit points when bloodied provides extra protection in the thick of battle. Half-ore characters come naturally to the role of the berserker. All half-orcs are likely to have grown up on the fringes of society or as an outcast. In the culture of the tribes that roam the wilderness, petty differences such as ancestry are overlooked, allowing a berserker's contributions to be the measure by which his or her place in the society is determined. Human: In any region, tribes of human barbarians are usually more common than those of any other race. Not only do humans have the persistence and toughness to survive in brutal environments, they also naturally band together, increasing their chances for survival through cooperation. The versatility and adaptability of humans makes them excellent berserkers, because their strength is a boon when making attacks, and their wide range of abilities and overall hardiness helps them overcome any defensive vulnerabilities. Wilden: The wilden (Player's Handbook 3) make good berserkers because of their ability to channel the wrath of nature. Wilden come from the primeval, untouched reaches of the Feywild, and any encroachment on those unspoiled lands by drow, goblins, or other interlopers often provokes a quick and violent response. Though wilden do not have a Strength bonus, their bonus to Dexterity helps improve a berserker's AC. More important, wilden have the option of choosing a racial power for whichever role of the berserker you want to play. If you are feeling more like a defender, after an extended rest choose the wrath of the destroyer racial power. If you are feeling more like a striker, choose pursuit of the hunter.
Berserker Fury, you should consider multiclassing into one of the Strength- or Dexterity-based martial classes and picking up or swapping in a power from that class. The fighter makes an excellent choice for multiclassing with the berserker, since the fighter has many martial powers designed for a defender. You might also consider the warlord as a good way to pick up a martial power, allowing you to be well-rounded and adaptable.
Equipment You start with 100 gp to buy your starting equipment. You should consider buying an adventurer's kit, a weapon (two-handed if you choose to be from an arid desert or a frozen land, or one-handed if you are from a temperate land), and a shield (if you are from a temperate land). Alternatively, you should choose a one-handed weapon and a shield if you are from an arid desert or a frozen land and want to lean toward a defender role. Your high Strength means that you can carry a lot, but you might choose to avoid being burdened with a lot of other gear. As a barbarian accustomed to long overland journeys, you could opt for lighter equipment that can be carried over long distances without fatiguing you .
NEW BARBARIAN POWERS The barbarian powers in this section expand on those found in Player's Handbook 2, Primal Power, and other sources. These powers are among your options when you choose barbarian powers of the given levels.
Level 1 At-Will Powers Aggressive Lunge
In the wild places of the world, you have encountered beasts and monstrous creatures that respond only to aggression. You've learned to show such creatures the same lack of fear, lunging toward them to force them back.
Aggressive Lunge
Barbarian Attack 1
You lunae forward at your enemy, hopina to send it reelina. At·Will + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1 [W] + Strength modifier damage, and you push the target 1 square. You then shift 1 square into the space the target just left. Level21: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Berserker Fury: This attack gains the primal keyword and deals 1 d6 extra damage. Level11: 2d6 damage. Level21: 3d6 damage.
Jarring Smash
An enemy knocked offbalance is one that can soon be taken out of the fight. You strike at your foes in such a way that they reel from your attack in pain and disorientation.
Jarring Smash
Barbarian Attack 1
You slam your weapon into your enemy, causina it to reel at the force ofyour blow. At-Will+ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1 [W] + Strength modifier damage, and th e target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn. Level21: 2[W] +Strength modifier damage. Berserker Fury: This attack gains the primal keyword and deals 1 d8 extra damage. Level11: 2d8 damage. Level 21: 3d8 damage.
Run Down You have spent much time hunting for food for yourself and your family, and you h ave learned methods of keeping your prey from escaping. A quick strike to the legs, a slash at a hamstring, or a well-placed shove keeps your opponent close.
C H APTER 3 [ Classes
Run Down
Barbarian Attack 1
You smash your enemy in a vulnerable place, slowinB it and keepina it from escapina you. At-Will+ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1 [W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Level 21: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Berserker Fury: This attack gains the primal keyword and deals 1 d8 extra damage. Level11: 2d8 damage. Level21: 3d8 damage.
Stalk and Strike Nimble and skittish prey will startle and run when a pursuer gets too close. You have experience in stalking your prey from a distance, then suddenly striking, and have learned to apply those techniques to making quick dashes in combat. Stalk and Strike
Barbarian Attack 1
You creep toward your enemy, low and lurkina. and then strike with surprisina speed. At-Will+ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: You shift up to 2 squares before the attack. Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1 [W] + Strength modifier damage. Level21: 2[W] +Strength modifier damage. Berserker Fury: This attack gains the primal keyword and deals 1 d8 extra damage. Level11: 2d8 damage. Level21: 3d8 damage.
Level 1 Encounter Powers Batter Down A cowed enemy is a defeated enemy. You know that once you can stand over your opponent, you have the advantage. You have learned how to throw your weight b ehind a strike to send a foe sprawling. Batter Down
Barbarian Attack 1
You hammer your enemy, knock ina it to the around before you.
Encounter + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you knock the target prone.
Savage Cut When the bloodlust takes hold of you, you swing your weapon with strength and fervor that can come only from some supernatural force. As you cede control to rage-filled primal spirits, you can push your body beyond its normal limits.
Savage Cut
Barbarian Attack 1
Ignore Pain
Barbarian Utility 2
You drive your weapon into your enemy in the way that the jaws of a wolf seek its prey's throat, and you rend it savagely.
When your enemies hurt you, the strength ofyour rage allows you to shove the pain aside for a time.
Encounter+ Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W) + 1 d8 + Strength modifier damage.
Daily + Primal Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You take damage. Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering damage.
Level 1 Daily Powers Life-Ending Strike Death is a part of nature, and the primal spirits that inhabit your body when you give yourself over to your fury know this better than any other creature. When your enemies have been battered and beaten back, the spirits guide your hand and fuel your ferocity, ensuring a quick demise for those who oppose you. Life-Ending Strike
Barbarian Attack 1
You lash out at your enemy with a mighty strike that presages the end of its life. Daily + Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4(W] + Strength modifier damage. Miss: Half damage. Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.
Sweeping Cut You have sometimes found yourself surrounded by enemies, seemingly with little hope of survival. But you have always come out victorious. When you find enemies on all sides, you know how to use techniques that work against multiple foes , making them pay for ganging up on you. Sweeping Cut
Barbarian Attack 1
You sweep your weapon in a wide arc, driving your foes to the ground where they will be at your mercy. Daily + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy you can see in the burst Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] +Strength modifier damage, and you knock the target prone. Miss: Half damage.
Level 2 Utility Powers Ignore Pain
When the rage overtakes you, part of your mind recedes, replaced by something primal and dangerous. For a short time, pain, hunger, and fear fall by the wayside, the troubles of a mortal body disregarded by the force of nature you have become.
Nomad's Rush You have traveled through many kinds of dangerous terrain throughout your life. You know that you can't always avoid such places and must be able to pass through them unscathed. In battle you apply that same principle, moving through dangerous terrain as if it wasn't there. Nomad's Rush
Barbarian Utility 2
Your training allows you to spot rough terrain with ease- and dash over it without a second thought. Encounter + Martial Move Action Personal Effect: You move up to your speed + 4. During this move, you ignore difficult terrain.
Level 3 Encounter Powers In1placable Advance When you select your foe, you know it is your responsibility to keep it from harming your allies. Once an enemy becomes the target of your attention, it can do little to escape, because you press your attack when it tries to retreat. Implacable Advance
Barbarian Attack 3
You advance on your enemy and strike, continuing to close with your foe even if it tries to flee. Encounter + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2(W] + Strength modifier damage. In addition, the first time the target moves before the end of your next turn, you can shift up to your speed to a square adjacent to the target as a free action after its movement.
Thundering Smash
Sometimes, the primal spirits that control you when your fury emerges also channel elemental power. You can funnel this power into your attacks, unleashing a weapon strike that carries a concussive effect.
Thundering Smash
Barbarian Attack 3
You attack your enemy with such crashing force that the foes around it feel the effect of the blow. Encounter + Primal, Thunder, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] +Strength modifier damage, and each enemy adjacent to the target takes 5 thunder damage. CHAPTER 3
C lasses
Level 5 Daily Power
Level 6 Utility Powers
Dangerous Presence You've seen your share ofbattles, and you have the scars to prove it. When you set yourself against a group of foes and lay waste to one of their number, they see that you are an opponent to be feared.
Cull Weakness Youknowthewaysofthe wild; nature demands that the strong survive and the weak be culled. The spirits that enhance your abilities while inhabiting your body enforce this law, giving you the strength to uphold the tenet of survival of the fittest.
Dangerous Presence
Barbarian Attack 5
You strike quickly and decisively, showing your deadly skill to your enemies and causing them to cower in fear. Daily + Fear, Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, enemies grant combat advantage while subject to your defender aura.
Feral Rampage Your rage fuels your speed as well as your strength. When you succumb to your bloodlust, the spirits inhabiting you make your heart race and your reactions quicken, allowing you to dash from enemy to enemy like a wild beast. Feral Rampage
Barbarian Attack 5
The passion of the predator flows through you, allowing you to move between your enemies and cut both of them down like stalks of wheat. Daily + Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One or two creatures Effect: You can shift up to your speed after the first attack. Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier damage. Miss: Half damage. CHAPTER 3
Cull Weakness
Barbarian Utility 6
Only the strong survive, and you let your enemies know that you are a survivor as you strike down the weakest among them with ease. The others quail before you as their wounds mount. Daily + Primal, Stance Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the cull weakness stance. Until the stance ends, bloodied enemies grant combat advantage to you, and you gain a +4 power bonus to damage rolls against them.
Wilderness Step
Vines cannot hold you, sand trap you, nor stones impair you. You've spent so much time in the wild, tackling the worst terrain that nature can create, that no obstacle can hinder you for long.
Wilderness Step
Barbarian Utility 6
Your skill in traversing the wilderness allows you to bypass hin· dering effects that would delay others. Encounter + Martial Free Action Personal Trigger: You start your turn subject to an immobilized, restrained, or slowed condition that a save can end. Effect: You make a saving throw with a + 2 power bonus against one triggering condition.
Level 7 Encounter Powers Deny Escape When your enemies grow wary of your might, some try to flee the battlefield. You know how to ensure that they do not get away.
At the h eight of your ~ rage, your weapon strike carries the power of a raging IJ.J storm. The primal spirits that fuel your rage lend you $ their strength, and you blast an enemy away from you ~ with the force of a roaring gale. z
Wrath of the Storm
Deny Escape
Barbarian Attack 7
In your bloodlust, lettins an enemy so isn't an option. You attack with sreat force, preventins your foe from esc apins your .fury. Encounter + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2(W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Shattering Strike When th e primal spirits fight from within you, your attacks have the weight of supernatural force. By letting the magic of the spirits flow freely from you, you are able to wound creatures that are barely harmed by normal attacks. Shattering Strike
Barbarian Attack 7
The primal force jlowinsfrom your body enables your attack to strike true even asainst ethereal tarsets. Encounter + Force, Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier force damage. This damage ignores the insubstantial quality.
Level 9 Daily Power Eye of the Maelstrom When your back is to the wall and the odds against you are overwhelming, you call upon all your experience as a warrior, evening the odds. You dare enemies to come within striking distance, and then you punish them when they don't devote their full attention to you. Eye of the Maelstrom
Barbarian Attack 9
You attack your foes with incredible speed and strensth, becomins a vortex of whirlins strikes that seek out any fo e that unwisely isnores you. Daily + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3(W] + Strength modifier damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your defender aura expands to an aura 2, and you can shift 1 square as a free action before making a melee basic attack granted by your vensefulsuardian power.
Wrath of the Storm
Barbarian Attack 9
Your rase is like that of the how!ins storm. When you attack, you violently sweep aside thefo e that dared to stand in your way. Daily + Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. Miss: Ha lf damage. Effect: You push the target up to 4 squares and knock it prone.
Level 10 Utility Powers Circle of Battle Among the barbarian tribes you associate with, the rite of single combat is often used to determine which side of a conflict is in the right, avoiding the bloodshed of battle. You've learned how to apply that fighting style, enabling you to single out and defeat a foe as you would an opposing tribe's champion. Circle of Battle
Barbarian Utility 10
You command your allies to clear out a space, allowinB you to draw an enemy's focus to yourself. Encounter + Martial Melee 1 Minor Action Target: One enemy subject to your defender aura Effect: As a free action, each of your allies adjacent to the target can shift up to 2 squares to a square that is not adjacent to the target. Additionally, until the start of your next turn, when you hit the target with an opportun ity attack or a vensefulsuardian attack, you immobilize it until the end of its next turn.
Surge of Fury W hen the primal spirits flow through you during your rage, they also offer you some protection. W hen an opponent seeks to incapacitate you or to overcome your will, the spirits h elp you ignore such threats. Surge of Fury
Barbarian Utility 1 0
You release a howl that blocks out the whispers ofyour enemies and fills you with afury that sives you a clarity of purpose. Daily + Primal No Action Personal Trigger: You start your turn subject to a dazing or dom inating effect. Effect: You end the triggering effect. Until the end of your next turn you are immune to effects that daze or dominate you.
C H A PT ER 3 [ Class e s
Level 13 Encounter Powers Drive to the Ground An unbalanced enemy is a quickly defeated enemy. You have mastered the ability to send your foes stumbling to the ground when you strike them. When you do so, your enemy is both at a disadvantage in combat and unable to threaten your allies effectively for a time. Drive to the Ground
Barbarian Attack 13
You drive your weapon into your foe with such ferocity that it staaaers away and crashes to the around. Encounter + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier damage, and you slide the target up to 2 squares and knock it prone.
Blood for Strength When you cleave your enemies, the blood that spills does more than whet your appetite. Such an offering strengthens your connection to the primal spirits, who must be placated lest they abandon you when you need them most.
Slash at the Knees This attack is especially useful when you're at the center of a battle, which is where you like to be. You can wound and hinder a number of enemies at one time, making them easier targets for your allies. Slash at the Knees
Even thouah surrounded by fo es, you become a whirlwind of death, hurtina and incapacitatina every one of them. Daily + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy you can see in the burst Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Miss: Half damage.
Level 16 Utility Powers Distracting Advance You have learned how to attract an enemy's attention, making the foe hesitate so that your endangered allies can get to safety. Distracting Advance
Blood for Strength
Barbarian Attack 1 3
You deliver a brutal wound to your enemy, offerinB the result of your bloodlust to the spirits that fuel your raae. Encounter + Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] + 2d8 +Strength modifier damage.
Level 15 Daily Powers Bloodletting Assault With the spirits driving your fury, you can rush across the battlefield and deliver a massive strike against your enemy, harming it severely if not killing it outright. Bloodletting Assault
Barbarian Attack 15
You sprint over the intenenina around, then drive your weapon into your enemy with an unnatural strenath that cannot be denied. Daily + Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 6[W] + Strength modifier damage. Miss: Half damage. Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.
I C lass e s
Barbarian Attack 1 5
Barbarian Utility 16
You bolt into the fray, bellowin& a battle cry that distracts your foe lana enouah for your comrades to move away. Encounter+ Martial Move Action Personal Effect: You shift up to half your speed. If you end this shift adjacent to an enemy, each of your allies adjacent to that enemy can shift up to 3 squares as a free action to a square that is not adjacent to that enemy.
Path of the Predator Primal animal spirits hunt alongside you, remaining invisible but lending you their strength. When you throw yourself against your enemies, overflowing with fury, these spirits surge with you, granting you newfound strength and speed. Path of the Predator
Barbarian Utility 16
You lunae forward with such quickness and a race that you pounce on your foe before it sees you comins. Daily + Primal Move Action Personal Effect: You shift up to twice your speed. During this shift, you can make Athletics checks to climb, jump, and swim. If you end this shift adjacent to an enemy, that enemy grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.
Level 1 7 Encounter Powers Forceful Spirits When you unleash your fury, some of your strikes are more powerful than you can normally make because the spirits surround your weapon, lending their aid to increase the speed and strength of your blows.
Torrent of Destruction
Your rage sends ripples out through the world, attracting primal spirits as moths are drawn to a flame. When they come, you let the spirits take hold of you , turning you into a creature of primal power whose speed and strength is augmented by supernatural forces.
Torrent of Destruction Forceful Spirits
Barbarian Attack 17
Your attack is driven by the power of the spirits, sendinBfoes near your enemy reelinB. Encounter + Force, Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. In addition, each enemy adjacent to the target takes 5 force damage and is pushed up to 2 squares from the target.
Unavoidable Stalker You are a predator that cannot be escaped. Years ofhunting, whether for wild game or fleeing enemies, have taught you how to relentlessly track your quarry before bringing it down. Unavoidable Stalker
Barbarian Attack 17
You strike your tar9et and then continue to track it, remaininB in step with it no matter where it 9oes. Encounter + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier damage. In addition, at the end of the target's next turn, if it is not adjacent to you, yo u can shift up to your speed + 2 to a square adjacent to t he ta rget as a free action.
Level 19 Daily Powers Terrifying Presence When you enter your battle fury, your appearance takes on a dangerous cast, as if death is hovering near you. W hen you attack, you leave those near your foe quaking from your frightening countenance. Terrifying Presence
Barbarian Attack 19
The spirits spur you into action, 9ivin8 you the speed and fury to sweep across the battlefield like a windstorm. Daily + Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: You shift up to your speed. During the shift, you can make the following attack once against each creature to which you move adjacent. Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. Miss: Half damage.
Level 22 Utility Power Limitless Advance W ith the power of the primal spirits supporting you, you can surpass mortal limits of exertion. You can now leap across chasms, swim mighty rivers, and scale sheer surfaces without slowing. Limitless Advance
Barbarian Utility 22
No enemy is beyond your reach, and you let no obstacle stop you from reachinB afoe. At-Will + Martial, Primal Move Action Personal Effect: You move up to your speed. During this movement, you can jump horizontally a number of squares up to your speed without needing to make an Athletics check, and you can climb and swim at full speed rather than half speed. Your total distance moved cannot exceed your speed. Additionally, any falling damage you take is reduced by 20 until the end ofthe turn. Special: You can use this power only once per round.
Barbarian Attack 19
You land a miBhty blow and face your enemies, terrif.yinB them with the visa9e ofyour battle lust.
Daily + Fear, Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until your defender aura ends, enemies in your defender aura grant combat advantage and cannot make opportunity attacks.
I Classes
Level 23 Encounter Powers
Level 2 7 Encounter Powers
Driving Smash When the spirits are fueling your rage and answering its call at the same time, nothing can stand between you and your foe. You know how to bend the spirits' power to your will, harnessing their magic to drive past any defenses.
Forceful Evisceration You have battled enemies that have defenses so tough that your allies' attacks barely scratch them. In a fight against such a foe, it is your responsibility to wound the enemy b adly, opening it up to further assaults from your friends before it can recover.
Driving Smash Barbarian Attack 23 As your weapon strikes home, you shatter your enemy's defenses in addition to dealing it a vicious blow. Encounter + Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. This attack ignores the insubstantial quality and the target's resistances.
Wracking Wound
A wounded enemy will take risks, sometimes causing itself as much injury as if you had struck it a heavy blow. You know how to inflict pain on a foe with every step it takes.
Wracking Wound
Barbarian Attack 23
You slash at your fo e, dealing it a wound that causes great pain when your enemy moves.
Encounter + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier damage. Until the end of your next turn, the target takes damage equal to your Strength modifier for each square of voluntary movement it undertakes.
Level 25 Daily Power Unmatched Precision Many warriors hear tales of becoming one with the flow of a battle, where it seems as though time slows down and all of one's attacks slip past enemy defenses with little effort. You are able to achieve this state, finding intense focus when the situation is most dire. I
Unmatched Precision
Barbarian Attack 27
Encounter + Force, Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4[W] + 3d8 + Strength modifier force damage, and the target loses all resistances until the end of your next turn.
Keep It Down Fighting from a disadvantageous position is dangerous, but if you can put an enemy into the same situation, its chances of survival drop rapidly. You've learned how to not only drop an opponent, but to keep it off balance, allowing anyone nearby to attack it as it tries to right itself. Keep It Down
Barbarian Attack 2 7
You put your enemy down on the ground-and keep it there. Encounter+ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you knock the target prone. Until the end of your next turn, the target provokes opportunity attacks whenever it stands up.
Level 29 Daily Power Deadly Sweep W hoever strikes the quickest remains standing at battle's end. You h ave perfected the technique oflashing out with several blows at those around you, which can make the difference between taking a life and losing your own.
Barbarian Attack 25
You strike down your foe with such focus and poise that it seems as though your attacks cannot miss. Daily+ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 6[W] + Strength modifier damage. Berserker Fury: This attack gains the primal keyword and deals 2[W] extra damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, while you have no unused encounter attack powers, whenever you make an attack roll for a melee basic attack or a barbarian at-will attack power, you can roll twice and use either result. C H APTER 3
Forceful Evisceration
You channel the primal power around you into your weapon and strike. The attack not only causes immense damag e, it leaves your enemy devoid of its natural protection for a time.
Deadly Sweep
Barbarian Attack 29
You execute a series of strikes so blindingly fast that your enemiesfall before you or are driven back. Daily + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy you can see in the burst Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: S[W] + Strength modifier damage. Berserker Fury: This attack gains the primal keyword and deals 2[W] extra damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: You can choose to either push the target up to 2 squares or knock it prone.
::::l ....J
Bards play an important role in the Feywild and among those who live near its fringes. Bards are not only masters of a form of arcane magic, an important part oflife in the Feywild, but also are the keepers of knowledge and history, revered for their role in preserving the past. In this section, you can find new powers for the bard class, introduced in Player's Handbook 2, as well as optional class features and a new bard subclass, the skald, that can be made by swapping out one set of class features for another.
0 Vl
SIGNS OF INFLUENCE Optional Class Feature All bards wield some influence no matter where they go among civilized peoples. Even in hostile cities, you might be regarded with respect, however grudging. The Signs oflnfluence optional class feature repre· sents the extent of a bard's influence in the world. If you and your DM agree, your bard gains access to certain qualities known as signs of influence. Each sign of influence provides an ability that the bard can use to gain some benefit in a civilized area. Most signs of influence provide benefits oflittle monetary value, but they can be a great boon or relief when a bard leads a bedraggled group of adventurers back into civilization after a harrowing adventure. Benefit: At 1st level, your bard gains two Signs of Influence options of your choice. At 13th level and 17th level, you can choose an additional option.
Attract Attendants In any civilized area that reveres bards, there are always those who are eager to please, hoping to have themselves represented in the bard's tales. These seekers offer their services to the bard for a short while, allowing the bard to focus on important business while the attendants take care of menial tasks. Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, town, or other civilized location that reveres bards, up to three servants will attend to your needs while in that loca· tion. These servants run errands for you, help you with physical tasks (such as moving chests of treasure or cleaning), and carry out any mundane task that a servant could reasonably be asked to perform.
Demand Audience Refusing an audience with a bard is tantamount to writing yourself into history as a villain of one sort or another. Bards can often gain entry into places that others would be turned away from, and even the
most powerful rulers know better than to refuse a bard who requests a meeting. Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, town, or city that reveres bards, you can receive an audience with someone representing the ruling power within 24 hours, and you are guaranteed safe passage to that audience by the local authorities. You can use this ability no more than once a month in a particular settlement.
Ritual Beneficiary Though the bard is a master of many talents, sometimes you might have to call on someone who has greater knowledge in a certain field, especially in CHAPTER 3
matters related to magic. When you have need of magical expertise, sages and magic users that respect your calling are eager to provide you with their services. Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, a town, or some other civilized location where a person lives who is capable of casting rituals , once per day you can have any ritual cast for free if it normally has a component cost of 150 gp or lower, provided that the ritual caster is not hostile toward you. The ritual cannot be one that produces a permanent item.
Travel in Style Bards spend a lot of time on the road. They like to travel with a bit of style when possible, or at least with speed and comfort. Many consider it an honor to give or loan one's horses to a bard, and many a good word has been included in a bard's tale for a kindly stable master. Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, town, or other civilized location where horses, carts, and carriages can be obtained and where bards are revered, you can procure horses for you and up to seven of your allies, plus a single cart or carriage at no cost, from someone in that location. Before you can use this ability again, you must return the horses and cart or carriage, leave them at a predetermined location, or pay for them. At the DM's discretion, you can obtain other modes of transportation of a similar value when available. For example, when visiting Cendriane, you might be able to obtain griffons to carry you to the city ofMithrendain, provided that the eladrin valued the use of griffons similar to that of horses and carts in the mortal world.
Welcome Guest Having a bard stay under one's roof is a great honor indeed. Innkeepers often compete vigorously for the opportunity to offer shelter and food to visiting bards, and the winner brags about having such a guest for weeks or months to come. Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, a town, or a city that has a public inn where bards are revered, you can use your influence (and perhaps the promise of a performance) to obtain meals and a comfortable room for you and up to seven of your allies for the duration of your stay in that location. CHAPTER 3
I Classes
SKALD Arcane and Martial Leader: You combine a strong tradition of martial training and expertise with arcane tricks that you pick up along the way. Key Abilities: Charisma, Intelligence Those who live on the fringes of civilization, or who come from places where civilization is nothing like what the mortal races understand, rely on chroniclers and historians who maintain their history as oral tradition. These individuals, respected for their knowledge and insights, serve as the keepers of the heritage of their people. It is their responsibility to make sure that none forget the past. They are both observers and storytellers; what they see becomes the legends and tales passed on from one generation to the next. These historians are known as skalds. A skald is no mere entertainer. Skalds are responsible for witnessing firsthand the great events of their time, committing those events to memory, and then passing on those tales. They learned all the tales of the previous generation as well, and theirs is a line of storytellers who pass on the entire history of their people. Skalds travel from one place to the next, acting as witnesses to the events of their time. Along the way they pick up new stories and bits of magic and other tricks that add to their mystique. Among the people of the world and other realms who know of this bardic tradition, skalds are nearly sacred. They can move freely through enemy territory and are considered untouchable even during the most bitter of tribal feuds. In many ways, skalds are like holy leaders: All but the most honorless thugs hesitate to attack them, and they are revered and respected for their role as masters ofhistory. When a culture's entire history is contained within the tales told by a single person, that person is more than just a storyteller; he or she is the sum total of that history, and that of all its ancestors, given flesh. In the Feywild, a skald is treated as a visiting dignitary, no matter where he or she comes from. From Cendriane to Mithrendain, even the most unmannered and barbaric skalds can find food, shelter, and respect throughout the lands of the eladrin. The Summer Queen herself would not refuse an audience with a skald, though most skalds know better than to bother powerful fey lords and ladies with trifling matters in such sessions. The status of a skald
Andronus plays a tune on his lute, lullinB the dinosaurs on the Isle of Dread to sleep, as he and Lyrindel pass safely by
is perhaps even more elevated in the Feywild than it is in the mortal world, so that few in the fey realm would risk being savaged in the stories of a skald, their names blackened for the rest of history because of an offense they committed against a storyteller.
Skald Traits Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to 11 +your Constitution score. You gain 5 hit points each time you gain a level. Bonus to Defenses: +1 to Reflex, +1 to Will
Creating a Skald To create a skald, use the character creation rules in the Rules Compendium or the Player's Handbook. The Character Advancement table (page 160) summa· rizes how many powers and feats your skald should have at each level, as well as when ability scores increase. A skald lacks several of the bard class features from Player's Handbook 2: Bardic Training, Bardic Virtue, majestic word, and Multiclass Versatility. A skald gains new class features: Deceptive Duelist, skald's aura, and Master of Story and Song.
Ability Scores When you determine your ability scores, keep in mind that a skald is best served by superior Charisma and Intelligence scores. When thinking of your character's personality, consider your highest scores other than Charisma. If you have a high Constitution score, it could indicate that you come from a brutal environment, such
Healing Surges per Day: 7 +your Constitution modifier Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail; light shield Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged, military ra nged, longsword, scimitar, short sword Implement Proficiencies: Wands Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Arcana (lnt), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), Heal (Wis), History (lnt), Insight (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis), Religion (lnt), Streetwise (Cha) Trained Skills: Arcana, plus four more from the list of class skills
as the frozen wastelands of the north , or the craggy, broken steppes of a mountain range. If you have a high Intelligence score, it might represent your past as a scholar of some kind; if so, what drew you away from your studies to a life of travel and storytelling? If you have a high Wisdom score, it might signify your C HAPT E R 3
SKALD RACE CHOICES The following races are particularly good choices for a skald. Human: Skalds are frequently found among human tribes and in settlements on the fringes of civilization. When making a human skald, you should consider putting your racial ability score bonus in Charisma, since you will use Charisma not only for social skills but also for your attacks. You could also choose to put your ability score bonus in Intelligence to improve your AC and Reflex. Since skalds already receive several skill choices, you should consider for your human bonus skill one that reflects your character's history and upbringing. Human skalds possess the tenacity and ambition of humanity. As they travel in search of new tales, they often come across strange and mysterious powers, finding themselves changed by their experiences in a way that their own people might find alien. Pixie: Pixies may be capricious and winsome, but they are also eager explorers and seekers of knowledge. As such, the calling of the skald is a natural fit for the pixie. Pixies are also natural users of arcane magic, a nd their ability to inspire their allies with story and song rivals that of any other race. Pixie skalds are all well respected in the courts of the archfey, since they have often seen and heard things that no other creature has. It is not unsual for pixie skalds to be summoned to the Summer Queen's court to regale the Court of Stars with tales from across the Feywild. Satyr: Though satyrs are naturally concerned more with their own entertainment than the dramas of the larger world, they make excellent skalds because of their love of good stories and their tendency to seek out such tales for their own amusement. Satyrs tend to be flamboyant storytellers more than historians. They love the drama of their tales, and are likely to embellish their stories a bit; a satyr skald is more interested in the spirit of the tale, rather than getting the details right. However, just like other skalds, a satyr garners respect wherever he goes, since satyr skalds are often seen as the most trustworthy sources of information in the Feywild- if the listener can hear through their embellishments to the truth of the tale underneath.
C HAP TE R 3 [ Classes
prior position as an elder or leader of your people. Perhaps you are a member of a tribe's ruling council, or a village elder from a place near a fey crossing. If your Dexterity is high, you might have spent years as a roguish minstrel, wandering from realm to realm, getting yourself in and out of trouble as you gathered and created tales.
Class Features A skald has the following class features, starting at levell.
Deceptive Duelist A skald depends not on speed of sword or strength of arm, but on the natural ability to read enemies and trick them into making themselves vulnerable. You know how to use your cunning in combat to make your enemy all but fall onto your blade or in some other way open itself up to your attack. Benefit: When you make a melee basic attack with a one-handed weapon, you can use Charisma instead of Strength for the attack roll and the damage roll. Skald's Aura When danger strikes, often the only thing standing between your allies and their defeat is their morale. Your ability to inspire your allies gives them (and you) the energy to fight on. Benefit: You gain the skald's aura power. Skald's Aura
Bard Utility
You chant, sina. or otherwise inspire your allies with your words, allowina them to draw the strenath to battle on from your encouraaement. Encounter + Aura, Healing, Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: You activate an aura 5 that lasts until the end of the enco unter. If the aura ends prematurely for any reason, you can reactivate it during the encounter as a minor action. Twice per encounter but only once per turn, you or any ally in the aura can use a minor action to spend a healing surge and regain 1 d6 additional hit points. Alternatively, you or any ally can use a minor action to allow an adjacent ally to spend a healing surge and regain the additional hit points. level6: 2d6 additional hit points. level11: 3d6 additional hit points. Leve/16: 4d6 additional hit points, and the healing can be used three times per encounter. Level 21: Sd6 additional hit points, and the healing can be used three times per encounter. Leve/26: 6d6 additional hit points, and the healing can be used three times per encounter.
Master of Story and Song
The skald's greatest ability is his or her mastery of song and tale. When the situation is most dire, the skald can recall stories and ballads that provide great hope or inspire the strongest zeal. The skald's memory for such art is legendary, and it rarely fails. Benefit: You gain two 1st-level bard daily attack powers of your choice, but each day you can use only one bard daily attack power. When you gain a bard daily attack power at 5th level, you can use two bard daily attack powers per day, but no more than one of a particular level. Similarly, after you gain a bard daily attack power at 9th level, you can use three bard daily attack powers per day, but still no more than one of a particular level. At level15, 19, 25 , and 29, you gain a bard daily attack power of your level or lower without having to replace a power, but the number that you can use per day remains at three.
Song of Rest It is said among the fey races that the right notes of a song, or the right words to a tune, can not only soothe pain but actually help the healing process. Whether this assertion is true or not, bards are always good to have along on an adventure, thanks to their ability to use their talent with music to provide a more refreshing rest. Benefit: When you play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier with each healing surge. A character can be affected by only one Song of Rest at a time.
Skill Versatility Your travels have taken you to places where you have encountered many strange and wondrous things. It benefits you to remain versatile, and you are adaptable to almost any situation. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to untrained skill checks. Words of Friendship
Bards use magic to honey their words and turn the simplest argument into a compelling oration. Benefit: You gain the words offriendship power.
Words of Friendship
Bard Utility
You infuse your words with arcane power, turning even the simplest speech into a compelling oration.
Encounter + Arcane, Charm Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to the next Diplomacy check you make before the end of your next turn.
Powers Your skald starts with five bard powers of your choice. +Two 1st-level bard at-will attack powers +One 1st-level bard encounter attack power +Two 1st-level bard daily attack powers granted by the feature Master of Story and Song See the Character Advancement table (page 160) for the powers you gain as you advance in level. When selecting your powers, consider the bard powers introduced in this book, which are tailored for the skald. Typically, a skald is either a master of oratory, speech, and storytelling, or a musician who puts tales to song. Many of these powers modify your C HAPT E R 3 [ Classes
skald's aura and reflect the nature of the tale or the song your allies hear from you. Player's Handbook 2 and Arcane Power present a variety of other bard powers to choose from.
Skills Training in both Diplomacy and Bluff can be invaluable for the skald, who is often the social representative for a group of adventurers. Skalds develop excellent communication skills thanks to their storytelling abilities, and they know when to deal honestly with people as well as when to pull the wool over their eyes. Streetwise, too, can be invaluable for the skald, since it is a skill most often associated with gathering information in a civilized setting. A skald who has training in Dungeoneering or Nature might have spent a lot of time exploring, satisfying his or her curiosity by visiting distant lands or dusty ruins. A skald who has training in History or Religion might have started his or her career as a scholar, then moved on to a more practical pursuit of history by becoming a gatherer of stories. Though most skalds pick up a few arcane tricks along the way, few are actually trained spellcasters or masters of the arcane. If you choose to have training in Arcana, that choice could represent your dedicated study of the magical creatures and events you come across during your travels.
Feats When you choose your feats, consider those that benefit your basic attacks, since they are the only attacks you will make. Weapon Focus for your chosen weapon, or the relevant weapon expertise feat, will go a long way toward helping you bring down your foes. Since you are a master of skills and knowledge, feats from the learning and lore category make excellent choices for the skald, particularly since Skill Focus can help boost your already impressive skills such as Bluff or Diplomacy.
BARD'S TALE: THE SKALD'S APPRENTICE Long ago there was an old man, a storyteller of such great skill and reputation that young people came to him from all across the land, begging to be his apprentice. After many years of refusing them, finally the skald relented, taking on a young half-elf female as his apprentice. For months they traveled together as the skald passed on his knowledge to the apprentice. The apprenticeship was not easy, for the skald demanded perfection from his student, but she was determined and hard-working, and eventually she proved herself worthy of his secrets. One day, when traveling through a dark forest, the skald and his apprentice were set upon by seven great dire bears. Though the apprentice was quick and skilled with her rapier, she knew that the skald's fighting days were well behind him. 'I will protect you,' she said, 'but I believe these bears will be the death of us both.' The skald, smiling as though he was not facing certain death, said to his apprentice, 'How much you have learned, yet how little you know. It is not just the words of a tale, but the telling of it that has power.' With that, the skald began to recite the tale of a foolish bear cub who was stung by a hive of bees, and though the dire bears could not understand the skald's words, to her astonishment the apprentice saw the animals begin to back down. After a few minutes, the dire bears turned and fled. 'My master,' the young apprentice said, 'How did you do it? Those bears should have been our deaths!' The skald turned to the young woman, and said in a kindly voice, 'The bears might not have understood my story, but they could hear my voice. All things, in nature and in the world of men, can sense the power of a skald's words.'
You might also consider taking feats from the enduring stamina category, such as Great Fortitude and Improved Defenses, since they can help boost your Fortitude, which might lag behind your other defenses.
Equipment You start with 100 gp to buy your starting equipment. You should buy a weapon of your choice, hide armor, and an adventurer's kit. If you plan on having your skald be a part of a musical tradition, you should purchase a light and portable musical instrument to carry with you on your travels, such as a harp or a mandolin. CHAPT E R 3
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NEW BARD POWERS The bard powers in this section expand on those found in Player's Handbook 2 , Arcane Power, and other sources. These powers are among your options when you choose bard powers of the given levels.
Level 1 At-Will Powers Bolstering Speech Though some would scoff at the thought of a few mere words affecting the outcome of a battle, just as many would say that a briefbit of inspiration can turn the tide, even in the middle of combat. Many military leaders hire bards as standard bearers or drummers for their armies, counting on the bards to provide words of encourage· ment at just the right moment. Bolstering Speech
Bard Attack 1
You offer up a story that inspires and reinforces the morale of your allies, ur9in9 them to Ji&ht past their pain. At-Will + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you use another bard at-will attack power, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Each time you hit an enemy with a basic attack, one of your allies in the aura gains temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier.
Song of Savagery Among many barbaric tribes, songs of victory are laced with the most violent and brutal descriptions of battle. The bards of these tribes say that it is the viciousness of the lyrics that keep battle in the minds of their tribe's warriors at all times, and that when those songs are ch anted on the battlefield, they drive the warriors into a frenzy. Song of Savagery
Song of Serendipity
Bard Attack 1
You sin&a son9 that tells of serendipitous events, 9ivin9 your allies a keen eye for openin9s in your enemies' defenses.
At-Will + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you use another bard at-will attack power, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Each time you hit an enemy with a basic attack, one of your allies in the aura gains a +4 power bonus to his or her next damage roll before the end of your next turn.
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At-Will + Martial 0.. Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you use another bard at-will attack power, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Each time you hit an enemy with a basic attack, one of your allies in the aura gains a + 2 power $ bonus to his or her next attack roll before the end of your UJ next turn.
Words of Gravity
Stories about the perils of the world are among the most common stories told by bards about the Feywild. Though most children eventually grow too old for such tales, there are some stories even adults know better than to ignore. These stories, told in the heat of combat, can focus the mind and keep allies from falling prey to attacks.
Words of Gravity
Bard Attack 1
You tell a storyfull of dan9er and violence, ur9in9 your allies into a defensive mind-set. At-Will+ Martial Personal Minor Action Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you use another bard at-will attack power, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Each time you hit an enemy with a basic attack, one of your allies in the aura gains a + 2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Level 1 Encounter Powers Lesser Dimensional Step Many creatures of the Feywild, such as eladrin, can teleport short distances. You've learned the secret of these teleporting creatures , and you can use it to put yourself and an ally within striking distance of a foe.
Bard Attack 1
You sin& a son&that imparts a tale of violence and sava9ery; 9ettin9 your allies' blood up and drivinB them into a frenzy.
Lesser Dimensional Step
Bard Attack 1
As your weapon strikes, you and one ofyour allies vanish from one spot and appear in another, confusinB your opponent. Encounter+ Arcane, Teleportation No Action Close burst 5 Trigger: You hit an enemy within 5 squares of you with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The attack deals 1 [W] extra damage to the enemy you hit, and you and one ally in the burst can teleport to a square adjacent to that enemy.
Song of Serendipity Luck and fate are two concepts that find their way into almost every song and tale about the Feywild, for the fey races seem to be masters at bending chance to their will. Bards who sing about these events often find that their allies are suddenly overcome by a streak of good luck themselves. Some believe that it is enough to sing of the fey in order to steal their luck, but most bards b elieve it is simply the ally making his or her own good fortune. CHAPTER 3
Lesser Flash of Distraction Malicious fey often use distraction and misdirection to cause a mortal to drop his guard for a moment. After experiencing such an event firsthand , you learned the trick of creating small flashes oflight that can temporarily dazzle your enemies.
Dirge of the Damned Among the litany of songs you know, some can only be called funeral dirges. These songs or chants sound much like those sung for fallen allies, but instead hold woeful portents for your enemies. Dirge of the Damned
Lesser Flash of Distraction
Bard Attack 1
A sudden burst ofliaht and a blast of noise leaves your foe momentarily disoriented. Encounter + Arcane No Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The enemy you hit is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Lesser Ringing Weapon
Some of the most dangerous magical predators use invisibility or natural camouflage to stalk their prey. In order to protect yourself from such creatures, you have developed a trick that uses your weapon's strike to create a loud noise that makes it easy to locate the predator.
Daily+ Martial Personal Minor Action Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your ska/d's aura gains the following effect: Allies in the aura gain a + 2 power bonus to damage rolls, or a +4 power bonus to damage rolls against bloodied enemies.
Disruptive Words
Tricky fey creatures such as satyrs and gnomes tell stories designed to mock their enemies. These tales tend to drive enemies who hear them to distraction; merely the tone of your voice can be enough to cause your enemies to let their guard down.
Disruptive Words Lesser Ringing Weapon
Bard Attack 1
You drive your weapon into an enemy and then channel a spell throuah it, causina it to rinalike a tuninafork and draw the attention of others. Encounter + Arcane, Thunder No Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The enemy you hit takes 5 thunder damage. Until the end of your next turn, that enemy grants combat advantage and cannot benefit from partial concealment.
Cautionary Tale
One of the most common kinds of stories you pick up in your travels is the cautionary tale, one that provides some warning to the unwary. Though most commonly told to children, you know a number of such tales that can inspire even the most hardened soldier to tread lightly in the face of an enemy. Bard Attack 1
Your warnina inspires your allies to be viailant aaainst danaer , from all sides. Your comrades exercise caution, waitin& until one of them can strike with areatest effect. Daily+ Martial Personal Minor Action Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Allies in the aura do not grant combat advantage while flanked. In addition, once before the end of the encounter, one of your allies in the aura can deal 2d1 0 extra damage on any one attack that hits an enemy.
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Bard Attack 1
You call out to your enemies with words that distract and confuse them, drawina their attention away at a critical moment and openina them up to your allies' attacks. Daily + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Enemies in the aura grant combat advantage. Once before the end of the encounter, when an enemy in the aura takes damage from any source, you can choose for that enemy to be dazed (save ends).
Level 2 Utility Power
Level 1 Daily Powers
Cautionary Tale
Bard Attack 1
You beain chantina a dira e that makes every strike from your allies cut just that much deeper into your doomed enemies.
Bardic Lore Through your travels as well as your knack for collecting stories, you have collected a large amount of general knowledge on subjects both common and esoteric. You can recall useful bits of information, gleaned from people you have met or other bards with whom you have exchanged stories. Bardic Lore
Bard Utility 2
Usina your maaic to sharpen your memory, you recall an important piece of information that you picked up in a story or a sona you heard in your travels. Daily + Arcane Minor Action Personal Effect: You use Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, or Religion to make a knowledge check, but instead of rolling a d20, resolve the check as if you had rolled a 20.
Level 3 Encounter Powers
Echoing Weapon
Bard Attack 3
You place your hand on the weapon, and it beains to rumble
Chilled Blade
Satyr bards claim that the original enchantments for making weapons that exude an unnatural cold were forged by the Prince of Frost deep within the Fortress of Frozen Tears. Whatever the truth, those satyrs-or someone like them- taught you how to turn a weapon as cold as ice.
Chilled Blade
quietly, as thouah a boomina thunderhead is contained within.
Encounter + Arcane, Thunder Minor Action Melee 1 Target: One weapon Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the next weapon attack made with the target weapon deals 2d6 thunder damage to one target of the attack, regardless of whether the attack hits or misses.
Bard Attack 3
Frost forms alona the edae of the weapon as you lay your hand on it, a fine mist fallina off it toward the around.
Encounter + Arcane, Cold Minor Action Melee 1 Target: One weapon Effect: The next weapon attack made with the target weapon before the end of your next turn slows the attack's first target until the end of its next turn. On a hit, that target also takes 1 d1 0 extra cold damage.
Echoing Weapon You developed thi s enchantment to impart your strikes with more noise, allowing you to intimidate your opponents by h aving your attacks echo with the crash of thunder.
Seek Weakness
Some bards claim to have come across weapons imbued with such great magic that they develop minds of their own. You know magic that allows you to imbue a weapon with the desire to seek out the weak spots in an enemy and plunge into them.
Seek Weakness
Bard Attack 3
T he weapon you enchant quivers under your fina ertips as thouah eaaer to strike.
Encounter + Arcane Minor Action Melee 1 Target: One weapon Effect: Until the end of your next turn, weapon attacks made with the target weapon have combat advantage and gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls.
Nistyncia and A ndronus find comfort and safety in the home of an old woman who dwells in the Murkendraw C HAP TER 3
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Level 5 Daily Powers
Level 6 Utility Powers
Haunting Thne You have mastered songs so beautiful that they touch the soul. When you sing one of these haunting tunes, it can affect even the most hardened hearts with its beauty, sapping your foes' willingness to continue fighting.
Reactive Wards Eladrin masters of warding magic long ago developed protections to combat harmful magic already affecting a victim. You've learned some of these wards and can cast them to help an ally shake off a malicious effect.
Haunting Tune
Bard Attack 5
Reactive Wards
Bard Utility 6
You chant a hauntin& dirae that seems to reach riaht into your enemies' psyches, leavin9 them shaken.
You quickly inscribe a runic shape into the air, a ward aaainst further harm, and then cast it on one ofyour allies.
Daily + Arcane, Fear, Psychic Personal Minor Action Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Enemies that end their turns in the aura take 3 psychic damage. This damage cannot drop an enemy below 1 hit point. If the damage would normally drop an enemy below 1 hit point, that enemy must immediately move up to its speed as a free action if it can, ending the move as far from you as possible.
Encounter + Arcane Minor Action Ranged 1 0 Target: You or one ally Effect: The target makes a saving throw against an effect that a save can end, with a +2 power bonus to the saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the target gains temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier.
Scathing Rebuke In your arsenal of stories and legends are a few designed to rebuke those who would do you harm. When you recite one of these tales, your enemies think twice before laying a hand on you. Scathing Rebuke
Bard Attack 5
You keep a barbed to neue handy for your enemies, offerina them no quarter with your disparaaine words. Daily + Arcane, Fear Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Any enemy in the aura whose Will is equal to or lower than 1 2 + your level cannot attack you, unless that enemy is marked by you or in your defender's
Song of Hope
You have mastered several heroic ballads, stories of survival and success despite long odds. When you sing one of these songs, your allies' minds are filled with visions of victory and the will to succeed despite any disadvantages they face.
Song of Hope
Revitalizing Incantation
Bard Utility 6
You whisper a few phrases in a secret laneuaee, W'tJina your ally's body to mend itself. Encounter + Arcane, Healing Minor Action Ranged 5 Target: You or one ally Effect: The target can spend a healing surge. Additionally, the target gains temporary hit points equal to his or her healing surge value.
Level 7 Encounter Powers Alter Fate
Sometimes great change can be wrought by a matter of mere inches. Instead of deflecting off the enemy's helm, your ally's arrow punches through an eye slit, dropping the foe. You can bend fate so that your allies' attacks always seem to find just the right spot.
Bard Attack 5
You sin& a sone that inspires your allies, aivina them the confidence to triumph. Daily + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your ska/d's aura gains the following effect: Your allies in the aura gain a +2 power bonus to skill checks. Once before the end of the encounter, when one of your allies makes an attack roll, as a free action you can choose to have that ally roll twice for the attack and use either result.
Revitalizing Incantation A spell derived from ancient satyr songs of merriment, this incantation revitalizes a wounded ally. Bards learn this spell to heal allies who are unconscious or cannot hear their inspiring words and songs.
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Alter Fate
Bard Attack 7
You curl your hand in a twistina motion, and a strike that mieht have been aalancina blow becomes aarievous hit. Encounter + Arcane Immediate Reaction Ranged 1 0 Trigger: An enemy within 1 0 squares of you is hit by your ally's attack. Target: The triggering enemy Effect: The target takes 1 d12 extra damage from the attack.
Prescient Warning This magical technique allows you to send a short m essage backward in time, warning one of your allies of an imminent attack. The m essage arrives just in time to allow a first strike, perhaps stopping the enemy from attacking in the first place.
Exposure of Weakness A good tale can not only provide listeners with entertainment and lessons, it can expose the faults and foibles of the audience. By studying the reactions of an audience to certain tales, you can tell where a listener's vulner0 abilities lie and then exploit them with further words. a: <(
Prescient Warning
Bard Attack 7
You utter words of warnina that fly upstream throuah the river of time, warnina your ally of danaer. Encounter + Arcane Immediate Interrupt Ranged 1 0 Trigger: An ally within 1 0 squares of you is hit by an enemy's attack. Target: The triggering ally Effect: The target can make a basic attack against the attacking enemy as a free action, dealing 1 d8 extra damage on a hit.
Urge to Victory
Sometimes, the forces of fortune seem to conspire to keep your allies on their heels. When one of your allies stumbles after being dazed by a blow to the head, or when an ally has to dash madly across the battlefield just to get into position, you can use this spell to give him or her a nudge in the right direction.
Urge to Victory Bard Attack 7 You cast a spell of haste and direction on one ofyour allies, allowina your friend to strike when it seemed as thouah he or she could not. Encounter + Arcane Immediate Reaction Ranged 1 0 Trigger: An ally within 1 0 squares of you ends his or her turn without having made an attack. Target: The triggering ally Effect: The target can either make a basic attack or charge an enemy as a free action, even if the target is dominated or stunned. If the attack hits, it deals 1 d1 0 extra damage.
Level 9 Daily Powers Anthem of Aggression
Many songs passed down by warriors are meant to stoke the fires of battle within their veins. You've spent time studying these battle songs and can replicate them to drive your allies to victory.
Exposure of Weakness
You tel! a tale that reveals the aaps in your enemies' armor, exposinB them for your allies to see. Daily + Arcane Personal Minor Action Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your ska/d's aura gains the following effect: Enemies in the aura gain vulnerable 2 to all damage dealt by your allies.
Level 10 Utility Powers Enchantment Ward You know spells that can prepare you and your allies for the dangers that you face, even warding you against harmful spells that might be cast your way. Enchantment Ward
Bard Attack 9
You sin& a sana that aets the hearts ofyour allies racin9, sendin& them into battle with fervor. Daily+ Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: The first time each turn one of your allies in the aura misses with an at-will attack, that ally deals damage to the missed target equal to your Charisma modifier.
Bard Utility 10
You place wards on an ally well in advance, allowina him or her to resist harmful effects before they can take hold. Daily + Arcane Minor Action Ranged 1 0 Target: You or one ally Effect: The first time before an extended rest that the target is subjected to an effect that a save can end, the target can make a saving throw to end that effect, with a +3 power bonus to the saving throw. If the effect has the arcane, charm, fear, or illusion keywords, the bonus instead equals your Charisma modifier. Special: If the target is still under the effect of this power when he or she is subjected to an effect that can normally be removed only by the Remove Affliction ritual, that effect and this power both end.
Project Vitality When the situation is dire, this spell enables you to exude your own vitality so that your allies can benefit from it. It effectively broadcasts magical healing on the strength of your own willpower, and it can bring your allies back from the brink of death. Project Vitality
Anthem of Aggression
Bard Attack 9
Bard Utility 1 0
You allow your eyes to slip ha!fc!osed, then project both strenath and health out to your allies. Daily + Arcane, Healing Minor Action Close burst 5 Target: You and each ally in the burst Effect: Each target regains a number of hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. In addition, until the start of your next turn, the healing benefit of your skald's aura can be used as a free action instead of as a minor action (it can still be used only once per turn).
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Level 13 Encounter Powers Dimensional Step
What was once stolen knowledge-the secret ofteleportation magic-has now become a full-fledged weapon in your repertoire. As you learn more about the subtleties of teleportation, you unlock new secrets about its nature. Just like powerful eladrin warriors, you can use your ability to teleport to let one of your allies make a devastating attack.
Dimensional Step
Bard Attack 13
You warp the fabric of the world around you, transportinB you and your ally instantaneously into positions from which your comrade can strike. Encounter+ Arcane, Teleportation No Action Close burst 5 Trigger: You hit an enemy within 5 squares of you with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The attack deals 1 [W] extra damage to the enemy you hit, and you and one ally in the burst can teleport to squares adjacent to that enemy. The ally can then make a basic attack against the enemy as a free action.
Flash of Distraction
Small distractions and arcane tricks once served you well; now a greater degree of mastery over such magic enables you to more deeply confuse your enemies' minds. Images and sounds form the basis of the distracting flash you place before your enemy, but there is also a pattern underneath it that lingers in your enemy's mind and makes it hard for the foe to focus on you .
Flash of Distraction
Bard Attack 1 3
You create a burst ofimaBe and sound that startles your opponent and leaves the distractinB visa9e lin9erinB in its mind for a short time. Encounter + Arcane No Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The enemy you hit is dazed and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Ringing Weapon When you channel magic through a weapon you wield, you can strengthen the sound it makes to create painful vibrations that inflict harm on your enemy while keeping it from slinking away.
Ringing Weapon
Bard Attack 13
A sur9e of sound rin9s out across the battlefield as you strike, makinB it impossible for your enemy to hide its presence. Encounter + Arcane, Thunder No Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The enemy you hit takes 1 0 thunder damage, and until the end of your next turn, that enemy grants combat advantage and cannot benefit from partial concealment.
Level 15 Daily Powers Directed Aggression Sometimes when you tell a story, you alter it in such a way that it has more immediate meaning. Whether you change the names or embellish on the details, you can use a story to communicate information relevant to the current situation-inspiring one of your allies to strike where you intend, without tipping off your enemies to your tactics. Directed Aggression
Bard Attack 15
You twist a common tale to make it so that your ally knows where to attack, while your enemy has no idea what is comin9. Daily+ Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Once before the end of the encounter, when you or an ally in the aura hits an enemy with an attack, that character can deal 3dl 0 extra damage to the enemy with that attack.
Song of Solidarity Many great ballads tell tales of stalwart companions standing side by side in the face of danger. When you perform one of these ballads, it inspires your allies to mimic the heroes of the song, supporting one another when lesser warriors would be tempted to run. Song of Solidarity
Bard Attack 15
Your words rinB out over the battlefield, ur9inB your allies to come to one another's defense. Daily + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: When an enemy uses a melee attack power against an ally of yours in the aura, that enemy provokes opportunity attacks from any of your allies who are in the aura but not targeted by that attack power.
BARD'S TALE: HALAGAR'S STAND Once upon a time there was a man named Halagar, who was a well-loved storyteller of his people. As all men do, Halagar grew old and withered, to the point where his hands no longer had the strength to grip his sword. One day, the old man was traveling from his village at the foot of the Barrier Peaks to a nearby keep, planning to spend a few days entertaining the people who lived there and keep their spirits high. As he traveled alone through the wilderness, Halagar was set upon by a pack of vile gnolls, intent on slaying him and stealing his belongings. However, Halagar was an imperious man, even in his advanced age, and he set about berating the gnolls, casting insults upon them and scouring them with every piece of savage mockery that he had learned in his many years spent traveling and collecting tales. The gnolls were so taken aback by the vitriolic words of the old man that they stood transfixed for several long minutes, their weapons forgotten in their hands. Halagar kept the gnolls distracted long enough for several soldiers from the keep to sneak up on the gnolls and fall upon them, saving Halagar from a grisly fate. Thereafter, whenever the keep fell under attack by outside forces, the stewards of the keep would always send word to Halagar, begging him to come to their aid, for it was said that his very words could stop entire armies in their tracks.
Level 16 Utility Powers Dramatic Intercession Like fey creatures themselves, fey magic is often described as nimble by its admirers, or slippery by those who have been on the receiving end ofit. You've learned to quickly interpose a spell between your allies and certain death, intervening in the nick of time. Dramatic Intercession
Fearless Example Though fear can blind even the most courageous hero from time to time, you know ways to break through the fear and inspire your allies to keep fighting. You can use this spell to project fe arlessness into the minds of your allies, not only protecting them against fear but also helping them shake off other lingering maladies. Fearless Example
You project a surae of couraae into the minds ofyour allies, allowing them to push throuah and keepfightina. Daily + Arcane Close burst 5 Minor Action Target: You and each ally in the burst Effect: All fear effects end on each target. In addition, each target can make a saving throw against each effect that a save can end.
Level 1 7 Encounter Powers Greater Chilled Blade The magic used to create a weater chilled blade spell, as well as its lesser versions, is said to draw power from the P rince of Frost's domain. When you cast this spell, you widen that connection, allowing through it a cold infused with the arcane power of the Feywild, a cold so deep that it can make living fresh brittle. Greater Chilled Blade
At the last second, you create a shield made offey maaic that appears between your ally and danaer, aivina the ally a moment to recover and keep fiahtina. Daily + Arcane, Healing Immediate Interrupt Ranged 1 0 Trigger: An ally within 1 0 squares of you drops bel ow 1 hit point. Target: The triggering ally Effect: The ally instead has 1 hit point and can spend a healing surge, regaining additional hit points eq ual to 1 0 + your Intelligence modifier.
Bard Attack 17
You touch a weapon and lay your enchantment upon it, sheathina the weapon in a thin layer ofjaaged ice. Encounter + Arcane, Cold Minor Action Melee 1 Target: One weapon Effect: The next weapon attack made with the target weapon before the end of your next turn slows the attack's first target until the end of its next turn. On a hit, that target also takes 2d1 0 extra cold damage.
Greater Echoing Weapon Your skill with the lesser version of this spell has improved, and the rumbling thunder you can place on a weapon now sounds more like the coming of a storm that threatens to wipe entire villages off the map. Greater Echoing Weapon
Bard Utility 16
Bard Utility 16
Bard Attack 17
Your touch causes vibrations to shoot from one end of the weapon to the other, fill ina the air with a low rumble. Encounter + Arcane, Thunder Minor Action Melee 1 Target: One weapon Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the next weapon attack made with the target weapon deals 3d6 thunder damage to one target of the attack, whether the attack hits or misses.
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Greater Seek Weakness You have honed your ability to create spells that seek out your enemies, and now your enchantments have been fine-tuned to the point of deadliness. Since your temporary enchantment lasts longer than many others of its kind, you or an ally capable of making multiple strikes quickly can take advantage of it repeatedly before the magic fades. Greater Seek Weakness
Bard Attack 17
After you place your hand upon a weapon and enchant it, the weapon seems to point to your enemy's weak spots. Encounter + Arcane Minor Action Melee 1 Target: One weapon Effect: Until the end of your next turn, weapon attacks made with the target weapon have combat advantage and gain a +4 power bonus to damage rolls.
Level 19 Daily Powers Fable of Focus You have learned several stories that tell of great concentration leading to great success. Likewise, you have mastered the art of telling one of these tales in such a way that, for your allies, your words fade away into background noise, drowning out other distractions and leaving your allies in a state of intensity. Fable of Focus
Bard Attack 19
You weave a tale that forces your allies to concentrate on the task before them, ensurinB that every attack counts. Daily + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: You and each ally in the aura can reroll any result of 1 or 2 on any damage die, keeping the second result for each die rolled.
Song of Flagging Strength
Daily + Arcane, Psychic Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Twice before the end of the encounter, when you or one of your allies hits an enemy in the aura with an attack, that enemy is weakened and takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends both).
Level 22 Utility Power Aura of Reverence
You have seen the worst that the world has to offer, and you did not flinch. You carry with you the knowledge of a thousand tales and songs, and you are treated as an honored guest in the halls of greatest power. You can harness the confidence that this knowledge gives you and use it to project your assuredness, making your enemies back down.
Aura of Reverence
Bard Utility 22
Enemies crinse before you, skulkins away lest you turn your · attention to them. Daily + Arcane, Fear Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Any bloodied enemy that starts its turn in the aura must use the first action of its turn to move out of the aura, if possible.
Words of Manipulation
In many cultures, when a bard talks, others listen. There is an art to manipulating one's voice to inspire fear, hope, joy, and even obedience-the last of which makes bards such effective leaders on the battlefield.
Words of Manipulation
Song of Flagging Strength While many of your songs are directed toward inspiring your allies, some are designed to demoralize your opponents and draw away their will to keep fighting. In fact, the right notes and words at the right time can cause an enemy that has been struck to fight halfheartedly for a time as it reconsiders its dedication to the battle.
Bard Attack 19
Your sons seems to sap the spirit ofyour enemies, takins some ofthe zest ofbattle out of them.
Bard Utility 22
You choose your words carefully, promptins one ofyour allies into action. Daily + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: As a standard action, you can choose one ally in the aura; that ally can then take a standard action as a free action.
Level 23 Encounter Powers True Alter Fate
Greater forces offortune and fate know of your existence, and they favor you with gifts. Now, when all seems arrayed against you, you can call upon the supernatural forces that alter the patterns of fate· and luck to benefit your allies' attacks, such that every hit might be a killing blow.
Level 25 Daily Powers Chant of Devastation Often, the songs you sing require precise timing in order to inspire your allies in just the right way. You can weave a tune so perfectly that your allies are inspired to land devastating blows on your enemies. Chant of Devastation
True Alter Fate
Bard Attack 23
Your outstretched hands bend the fabric of reality, turnina an unspectacular attack into a devastatina hit. Encounter + Arcane Immediate Reaction Ranged 1 0 Trigger: An enemy within 1 0 squares of you is hit by your ally's attack. Target: The triggering enemy Effect: The target takes 3d12 extra damage.
True Prescient Warning
While your other spells have improved thanks to your mastery over the magic that governs them, the effectiveness of this spell comes largely from your mastery oflanguage. You choose the perfect combination of words to travel back through time, telling your ally exactly what he or she needs to know to avoid harm.
True Prescient Warning Bard Attack 13 A few quick words sail backward in time a few seconds, aivina your ally timely insiaht. Encounter + Arcane Immediate Interrupt Ranged 1 0 Trigger: An al ly within 1 0 squares of you is hit by an enemy's attack. Target: The triggering ally Effect: The target can make a basic attack against the attacking enemy as a free action, dealing 3d1 0 extra damage on a hit.
True Urge to Victory
The enemy of any great bard is time; even the nigh-immortal fey races must grow old and fade some day. You have mastered the art of twisting time, giving you the ability to hasten your allies to victory even when they might not be in control of themselves for a moment.
True Urge to Victory
Bard Attack 23
You let no opportunity for triumph pass, usina arcane power to urae an ally into makina a quick and brutal attack. Encounter + Arcane Immediate Reaction Ranged 1 0 Trigger: An ally within 1 0 squares of you ends his or her turn without having attacked. Target: The triggering ally Effect: The target can either make a basic attack or charge an enemy as a free action, even if the target is dominated or stunned. If the attack hits, it deals 3d1 0 extra damage.
Bard Attack 25
You chant a sona that drives your allies to strike, and strike hard. Daily + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Once per round when you or an ally in the aura hits an enemy with an attack, that enemy takes ongoing 1 5 damage (save ends).
Zeal-Inspiring Tale Stories are meant to instill emotions in their listeners, and you know how to whip your listeners into a frenzy. You can tell stories that fill your allies with zeal, so that they seize any opening to strike at an enemy that shows any sign of weakness. Zeal-Inspiring Tale
Bard Attack 25
You tell a tale that fills your allies with a zeal unmatched by the words of even the most skilled demaaoaue. Daily + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Each time one of your enemies in the aura misses one of your allies with a melee attack, that enemy provokes an opportunity attack from that ally.
Level 2 7 Encounter Powers Greater Dimensional Step Time and space bend themselves to your command, treating you with the respect that a king would give to a bard of your stature. When you bend reality and hurtle your ally toward an enemy, he or she arrives with such speed that the resulting attack can be devastating. Greater Dimensional Step Bard Attack 27 You and an ally vanish from one place, appearina near an enemy in a flash. When your ally strikes, the momentum of the transport aives weiaht to the attack. Encounter +Arcane, Teleportation No Action Close burst 5 Trigger: You hit an enemy within 5 squares of you with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The attack deals 1 [W] extra damage to the enemy you hit, and you and one ally in the burst can teleport to squares adjacent to that enemy. The ally can then make a basic attack against that enemy as a free action, dealing 1 d1 0 extra damage if the attack hits.
I Classes
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Greater Flash of Distraction Your ability to create a distraction no longer simply muddles the mind of a foe for a moment, it seizes that mind and paralyzes it. The patterns you choose when creating a weater flash of distraction seem to trigger something in all creatures that causes them to freeze for a moment, unable to clear their heads. Greater Flash of Distraction
Bard Attack 27
You create a dizzyinB array of imaaes and sounds that scrambles your foe's senses. Encounter + Arcane No Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The enemy you hit is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Greater Ringing Weapon The thunder that rolls out of weapons you touch is no longer that of a dangerous gale; instead, your thunder is drawn from the depths of the Feywild, the vestiges of a great primeval maelstrom that lives only in stories and legends.
Greater Ringing Weapon
Bard Attack 27
A areat clap of thunder accompanies your strike, which seems to linaer on your enemy, callinB your allies' attention to your foe's position.
Encounter + Arcane, Thunder No Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The enemy you hit takes 1 5 thunder damage. Until the end of your next turn, that enemy grants combat advantage and cannot benefit from partial concealment.
Level 29 Daily Powers Climactic Crescendo The method of a bard's telling is as important as the tale itself, and you know better than any others how to craft a story that reaches its dramatic peak at the right moment. You can bring your tale to its climax at just the right time, inspiring one of your allies to deal a crippling blow to an enemy. Climactic Crescendo
Bard Attack 29
As your tale reaches its peak, so too does your ally's deadliness.
Daily + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Once before the end of the encounter, when you or an ally in the aura hits an enemy with an attack, that character can turn that hit into an automatic critical hit against the enemy.
Demoralizing Dirge Some songs are so filled with depressing imagery that the listener cannot help becoming despondent upon hearing it. It is said that master bards have passed on the knowledge of the song sung by the Raven Queen to the dying, and they can use that song to literally exhaust their enemies with sorrow. Demoralizing Dirge
Bard Attack 29
You sin& a sorrowful tune that demoralizes your enemies each time they are struck by your allies.
Daily+ Arcane, Psychic Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Each time one of your allies hits and damages an enemy that is in the aura, that enemy also takes ongoing psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (save ends).
I Classes
Druid Druids are exceptional masters of primal magic. Capable of summoning creatures out of thin air and shapeshifting, druids are found among many races of the Feywild, defending the primeval regions of the plane from despoilers. This section includes new powers and a new subclass for the druid, the protector.
PROTECTOR Primal Controller: You have mastered the power and magic of nature, using it to create a line of defense between the natural world and those that would harm it. Key Abilities: Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity Though most people associate the Feywild with arcane magic, it is also home to some of the most pristine regions of natural growth across all of the planes. Primeval forests sit untouched by civilization since their creation, alongside mountainsides and hilltops upon which no intelligent being has ever set foot. It should be no surprise that there are those who have chosen a life of protection and guardianship over the n atural treasures of the plane. As with all druids, protectors are the masters of ihe magic first shared with mortals by the primal spirits. The primal spirits might dwell chiefly in the world, but the druids of the Feywild hear their call and heed their guidance even in the fey realm. Th ough it might seem as though the presence of the primal spirits in the Feywild would be at a diminish ed level, in truth primal magic is often among the m ost effective tools to use in a plane infused with arcane magic. Where many of the dangers of the Feywild have evolved over the eons to deal with the om nipresent nature of arcane threats, primal magic is still untamed and unanticipated by most creatures of the plane. As a protector, you learned your primal magic from a druid circle, which trained you to protect nature and punish those that would do it harm. By ensuring that the land, the water, and the sky inhabited by ihe primal spirits is protected, you become a staunch defender of those who live in harmony with nature and show respect for their natural surroundings. You might go out into the world to seek new experiences and powerful artifacts of primal magic. Though you will stray far from your druid circle in the course of your adventures, your efforts reflect on its goals, and you will use the knowledge it has granted you to battle despoilers and defilers throughout the world and across the planes.
Creating a Protector A protector is a type of druid, a class introduced in Player's Handbook 2. To create a protector, use the character creation rules in the Rules Compendium or the Player's Handbook. The Character Advancement table (page 160) summarizes how many powers and feats your protector should have at each level, as well as when ability scores increase. A protector lacks some of the druid class features from Player's Handbook 2: Balance of Nature, Ritual Casting, and wild shape. A protector gains new class features: nature's wowth; Druid Circle, which determines the druid's Primal Aspect; Primal Attunement; and summon natural ally. Also, rather than gaining druid daily attack powers, a protector gains additional uses of summon natural ally as he or she advances in level. A protector also gains the ability to summon more powerful creatures at higher levels.
Protector Traits Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to 12 +your Constitution score. You gain 5 hit points each time you gain a level. Bonuses to Defenses: +1 to Reflex, +1 to Will Healing Surges per Day: 7 +your Constitution modifier Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged Implement Proficiencies: Staffs, totems Class Skills: Arcana (lnt), Athletics (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), History (lnt), Insight (Wis), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis) Trained Skills: Nature, plus three more from the list of class skills
Ability Scores When you determine your ability scores, remember that a protector depends on intuition and instinct to channel primal power, so make Wisdom your highest score. A high Constitution or Dexterity lends increased potency to many of your attack powers, depending on your Druid Circle choice. Make Constitution your second highest score if you are a member of the Circle of Renewal, and make Dexter· ity your second highest score if you are a member of the Circle of Shelter. When thinking of your character's personality, consider your highest scores other than Wisdom and Constitution. A good Charisma score might suggest that you are one of your druid circle's ambassadors to the settlements you protect. With a high Intelligence score, you might have been a sage in your druid circle-almost a wizard of primal magic. A high Strength score might suggest a past as a hardworking C HAPTER 3
Nature's Growth
Druid Utility
A thicket of vines, plants, and touah shrubs erupts as iffrom nowhere to clutch at your foes.
Encounter + Primal, Zone Minor Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares (burst 2 at 11th level and burst 3 at 21st level) Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. The zone is difficult terrain for all creatures except you. You can dismiss the zone as a minor action.
Druid Circle Each protector druid belongs to a druid circle, a group oflike-minded servants of nature. A druid circle bears some similarity to the orders of clerics and other servants of the gods. However, the druids of your circle serve a different entity as they revere and protect the natural world. A druid circle might be a secret society of masters of primal magic, congregating to enact an agenda known only to themselves. A circle is just as likely to devote itself solely to the communities that arise along the fringe of the wilderness, acting as mystics and advisors while they channel the wisdom of the natural world. Whatever its motive and structure, each druid circle is known for the wisdom of its older members, whose counsel is sought by influential members of all cultures and races. A druid circle has a hierarchy much like that of a religious organization. At 1st level, you are an initiate of your circle. As you gain levels, you improve your standing. Even as your adventuring career brings you experience and prestige, it grants you influence with your fellow druids. With the growth of your mastery of primal magic, you gain greater understanding of the secrets kept by your order. Many druid circles guard mysteries of primal power said to have been handed down in the first days following the Dawn War. The higher you rise through the ranks, the more of these pieces of ancient lore are revealed to you. Benefit: Choose a druid circle. You gain the benefits of that circle. farmer who mastered primal magic to produce bountiful harvests, then was formally invited to join a druid circle.
Class Features A protector has the following class features, starting at Ievell.
Nature's Growth One of your fundamental evocations, nature's wowth allows you to bring life to even the harshest conditions and climes. The power of nature erupts at your command to hinder your foes , even as you slip through the hindrance with ease. C HAPTER 3
Circle of Renewal As a member of the Circle of Renewal, your mission is to restore places ravaged by war and unnatural threats. Druids such as you make it their cause to bring life back to parched deserts and scrublands, or to seed life for the first time in areas that have never known it. Your druid circle teaches you that the life created by your nature's 9rowth can be used to heal the land of its wounds. The plants you draw forth even from rock or lifeless wasteland exude a primal energy that helps speed the restorative process for your allies. Benefit: You gain the following features. Primal Guardian: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC.
Healina Growth: When any ally in your nature's arowth zone or adjacent to it spends a healing surge
to regain hit points, he or she regains additional hit points equal to your Constitution modifier.
Circle of Shelter
A druid who chooses the Circle of Shelter has made a pledge to defend the bounty of nature. Members of your druid circle watch over forests, plains, and grasslands, keeping them safe from monsters, uncaring humanoids, and dark magic. Your druid circle teaches you to shape your nature's arowth for the benefit of your allies, giving them an advantage of movement in the midst of combat. Benefit: You gain the following features. Primal Predator: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your speed. Unhinderina Growth: Your allies ignore the difficult terrain created by your nature's arowth.
Primal Attunement
Your innate connection to the power of the primal spirits grants you a measure of control over the world around you. With your magic, you manipulate your surroundings to your advantage. Benefit: You gain three Primal Attunement powers of your choice.
Air Spirit
The primal spirits of the air are everpresent in the natural world and are always ready to lend their aid to your cause.
Air Spirit
Druid Utility
With aflick ofyour finaers, the air stirs before you to lift objects with ease. At-Will + Conjuration, Primal Minor Action Ranged 5 Effect: You conjure an air spirit in an unoccupied square within range. The spirit lasts until the end of your next turn or until you use this power again. When the spirit appears, it can pick up or manipulate an object weighing 20 pounds or less. As a minor action, you cause the spirit to pick up or manipulate a different object of the specified weight. As a move action, you move the spirit up to 5 squares. As a free action, you cause the spirit to drop an object it is holding. As a minor action, you cause the spirit to shed bright light in a 4-square radius. You can extinguish this light as a free action. Sustain Minor: The spirit persists until the end of your next turn.
Call the Spirits The greatest of the primal spirits boast a level of power that you can only dream of one day gaining access to. However, even the least of the spirits can prove useful in your everyday life.
Call the Spirits
Druid Utility
By directina the minor maaic of the primal spirits, you can subtly alter the world around you to suit your needs. At-Will + Primal Standard Action Close burst 5 Effect: You use this power to produce one of the following effects. + Cause one candle, torch, lantern, or campfire in the burst to burn more brightly, increasing the radius of its illumination by 1. + Open or close a door in the burst that is not latched, locked, or stuck. + Create a light gust of wind that can blow small, unattended objects in the burst that weigh less than 1 pound to any other location in the burst. + Create sparks from your fingertips that can light one candle, torch, or campfire in the burst. Special: Nothing you do with this power can deal damage or hinder another creature's actions. This power cannot duplicate the effect of any other power.
Senses of the Wild As a protector, you are one with the natural order, and you can detect disruptions in that order and the balance between life and death. Senses of the Wild
Druid Utility
You close your eyes, so that you miaht sense the upheavals in the balance of nature that otherwise cannot be seen. At-Will + Primal Minor Action Close burst 5 Effect: You use this power to produce one of the following effects. +Automatically detect the presence of a disease or a diseased plant or creature in the burst. + Detect the presence or absence of a type of mundane plant or animal of your choice in the burst. +Until the end of the current turn, gain a +5 power bonus to Perception checks and Insight checks to detect poison or hazards that deal poison damage in the burst. + Sense the presence of corpses in the burst.
Verdant Touch
Your touch can heal the land and direct its growth, letting you gently impose your will on plant life and allowing it to prosper.
Verdant Touch
Druid Utility
You lay your hands on the flora that surrounds you, arantina it a momentary semblance of life as it shifts and arows at your
command. Encounter + Primal Minor Action Close burst 1 Effect: You can turn difficult terrain in the burst into normal terrain until the end of your next turn, but only if the terrain is composed of grass, underbrush, vines, or similar growth and was not created by a power. You can also use this power to cause plants in the burst to blossom with flowers and to cause small plants or grass in the burst to begin growing in barren terrain.
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Vine Rope
The primal spirits of the earth send forth a sturdy vine at your command, providing a helpful tool or an easy escape at a moment's notice.
Vine Rope
Druid Utility
With a twist ofyour hands, you draw afast -wowin& vine from the wound before you, then watch as it weaves itself into a resilientrope. At-Will+ Primal Minor Action Personal Effect: You draw a vine from the ground that is up to 50 feet in length. The vine functions as a silk rope and lasts until the end of the encounter or until you use this power again. You can cause the vine to vanish as a minor action.
Summon Natural Ally You count the creatures of the natural world as your allies. With magic learned from the elders of your druid circle, you can call one of those creatures to you at any time and across any distance. With this ally at your side, you can tip the balance of combat in your favor. Because of this feature , you do not gain a druid daily attack power at levelS , 9, 15, 19, 25, or 29. Instead, you gain the summon natural ally power at level 1. At level 5, you can use summon natural ally twice per day, and at level 9, you can use it three times per day. CHAPTER 3
I Classes
Summon Natural Ally Druid Attack You call out to the spirits of the natural world, which send a faithful creature to do your biddin&. Daily+ Primal, Summoning Standard Action Ranged 5 Effect: You summon a creature associated with your Primal Aspect (such as Primal Guardian or Primal Predator) and of your level or lower. The creature appears in an unoccupied space within range. It is an ally to you and your allies. The creature lacks actions of its own. Instead, you spend actions to command it mentally, choosing from the actions in the creature's description. You must have line of effect to the creature to command it. When you command the creature, you and the creature share knowledge but not senses. When the creature makes a check, you make it using your game statistics, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties. The creature lasts until it drops below 1 hit point, at which point you lose a healing surge (or hit points equal to your surge value if you have no surges left). Otherwise, it lasts until you dismiss it as a minor action or until the end of the encounter.
Primal Guardian Levell: The creatures of the remote deserts of the world are among the most resilient, sharing a strength that they dedicate to you in combat. Said to have no natural enemies, the giant cobra has a venomous bite that can drop prey in a heartbeat. The desert hawk is a patient predator whose swooping strikes can stagger any foe. You can use summon natural ally to summon a giant cobra or a desert hawk Giant Cobra
Level1 Summoned Creature
Medium na tural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the cobra if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 6 f Standard Action (poison) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d6 +your Wisdom modifier damage plus 2d6 poison damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Minor Action+ At-Will (1 /round) Effect: The cobra either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. Instinctive Effect If you haven't given the cobra any commands by the end of your turn , it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Desert Hawk
Level 1 Summoned Creature
Medium natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the hawk if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 6, fly 8 t Standarc!_Action '! At-Will~ Effect: Before the attack, the hawk shifts up to 2 squares. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 +your Wisdom modifier damage, and the hawk can slide the target 1 square. Minor Action+ At-Will (1/round) Effect: The hawk either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. Instinctive Effect If you haven't given the hawk any commands by the end of your turn , it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Levell5: As your power grows, you are able to call on beasts from more desolate climes, capable of surviving conditions that would slay lesser creatures. The venomous scorpion is an instinctive killer whose poison will freeze a foe in its tracks. The rare bulette is a brute of a beast, its enormous claws raking through foes or enabling it to swim through solid ground as a shark moves through water.
You can use summon natural ally to summon a bulette or a venomous scorpion.
Level15 Summoned Creature
Venomous Scorpion
Level 15 Summoned Creature
u L.LJ
0 Large natural beast a: HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can Cl. expend a healing surge for the bulette if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 6, burrow 6 f Standard Action + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level+ 5 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 +your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. ~ StandaJd Action + Encounter Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); your level + 5 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target falls prone. Minor Action+ At-Will (1 / round) Effect: The bulette either walks , shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. Instinctive Effect If you haven 't given the bulette any commands by the end of your turn , it uses its melee attack power against an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy. Large natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the scorpion if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 6 f Standard Action (poison) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + your Wisdom modifier poison damage, and the target is immobilized and takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save e nds both). Minor Action+ At-Will (1/.;und) Effect: The scorpion either walks, shifts, runs , stands up, squeezes, or crawls. l~stinctivlj Effect If you haven't given the scorpion any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Level29: When you are at the height of the epic tier, the creatures you summon are the fiercest predators of the wastelands. A blue dragon wyrmling that answers your call is no less formidable for its relatively small size, but it overcomes its naturally wicked tendencies to do your bidding. When you summon a desert roc, you claim the allegiance of a fell bird of prey that can descend on your enemies and snatch them up b efore they can escape. You can use summon natural ally to summon a blue dragon wyrmling or a desert roc.
CHA PT ER 3 I C lasses
Blue Dragon Wyrmling
Level 29 Summoned Creature
large natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the wyrmling if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties
r•~~~;~ 8, fly ~ _ +Standard Action + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + S vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the wyrmling marks the target until the end of your next turn. Standard Acti o~ (lightning) + Encounter Atta~k: Close blastS (creatu res in the blast); your level + S vs. Reflex Hit: 4d1 0 + your Wisdom modifier lightning damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Ml nor A~ti~n t~At-Will (1/rou ~d) . Effect: The wyrmling either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. lnsti~ctive Effect If you haven't given the wyrmling any commands by the end of your turn, it uses its melee attack power against an adjacent enemy if it can, preferring an enemy marked by it. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Desert Roc
Level29 Summoned Creature
large natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the roc if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 8,fly 8 R+ Sta~dard Action • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level+ S vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 +your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is grabbed if the roc has fewer than two creatures grabbed. The grab lasts until the end of your next turn. Sustain Minor: The grab persists on any creature grabbed by the roc until the end of yournext turn. I~.Minor Action At-Will (1/round) '-'•~ Effect: The roc either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. If the roc has a large or smaller creature grabbed, it can pull the grabbed creature with it. The creature remains grabbed, and the roc does not provoke opportunity attacks from the grabbed creature for this movement. ~ Instinctive Effect ~-lfyou haven't given the roc any commands by th~ end of your turn, it sustains a grab if it is grabbing a creature. If it is not grabbing a creature, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy. vti?
Primal Predator Levell: The creatures of the wilderness live in harmony with nature, but they are fierce in defense of their territories and their young. You call on that fierceness when you summon the grizzly bear or the pack wolf to fight at your side. You can use summon natural ally to summon a grizzly bear or a pack wolf. Grizzly Bear
Level1 Summoned Creature
Medium natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the bear if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 6 [J RStan~r.cJR~~j.ipn + A~tVlll Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level+ S vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is grabbed if the bear has no creatures grabbed. The grab lasts until the end of your next turn. Sustain Minor: The grab persists until tEe end of your ne)(t tur!!. Minor Actjpn +At-Will (1/round) Effect: The bear either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. Instinctive Effect If you haven'~th:be;' any com r:;;;d s your turn, it sustains a grab if it is grabbing a creature. If it is not grabbing a creature, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Pack Wolf
Levell Summoned Creature
Medium natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the wolf if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Sp!_ecJ~6 ~­ +Standard Action +At~Will • Attack: M; l;;; (~·n;· c-r~;ture); your level + S vs. Reflex Hit: 1d10 +your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target falls prone.
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Effect: The wolf either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. lnstin-~tl~e Effect If yo;h-.;~~~given the wolf any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Level15: Your commitment to defending nature grants you sway over the strongest and most perilous creatures of the forest and jungle. The dire bear is a larger, primeval version of the deadly grizzly you earlier learned to tame. The hunting tiger is an enormous feral beast of the jungle, a lone stalker with fangs like daggers and a thirst for blood.
CHAP TE R 3 [ Classes
You can use summon natural ally to summon a dire bear or a hunting tiger. Dire Bear
Level 15 Summoned Creature
Large natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the bear if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 6 f Standard Action + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature}; your level + 5 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the bear pushes the target up to 3 squares. Minor Action +At-Will (1/round) Effect: The bear either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. Instinctive Effect If you haven't given the dire bear any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Hunting Tiger
Level 1 5 Summoned Creature
Large natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the tiger if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 6 f Standard Action + At-Will Effect: The tiger shifts up to 1 squares. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature}; your level + 5 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target falls prone. Minor Action+ At-Will (1 / round) Effect: The tiger either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. If the tiger has either superior cover or total concealment when it ends this movement, it can make a Stealth check to hide with a +15 power bonus.!o the check. Instinctive Effect If you haven't given the tiger any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Level 29: The most fearsome creatures of the living world are now yours to command. The raptor behemoth is a jungle predator without peer, whose talons and fangs can bring any enemy down. The dire lion is the true king of the jungle, with a roar that can frighten its foes to death. You can use summon natural ally to summon a dire lion or a raptor behemoth.
Dire Lion
Level 29 Summoned Creature
large natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the lion if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 6 f Standard Action + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target falls prone. <+Standard Action (fear, thunder)+ Encounter Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst}; your level + 5 vs. Will Hit: 5d8 +your Wisdom modifier thunder damage, and the target takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn . 1 Minor Action +At-Will (1/round} Effect: The lion either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. Instinctive Effect If you haven't given the lion any commands by the end of your turn, it uses its melee attack power against an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Raptor Behemoth
Level 29 Summoned Creature
large natural beast HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend a healing surge for the behemoth if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties Speed 6 f Standard Action +At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature}; your level + 5 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d8 +your Wisdom modifier damage. Effect: If the target ends its next turn within 1 squares of the behemoth, the behemoth shifts 1 square as a free action to a square adjacent to the target_and deals 15 damage to it. Minor Action+ At-Will (1/round) Effect: The behemoth either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. Instinctive Effect If you haven't given the behemoth any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Powers Your protector starts with six druid powers of your choice.
-+ Two 1st-level druid at-will attack powers -+ One 1st-level druid encounter attack power -+ Three druid powers granted by the Primal Attunement feature See the Character Advancement table (page 160) for the powers you gain as you advance in level, but rather than gaining druid daily attack powers, you gain summon natural ally.
I Classes
'0 1-
' 0..
When selecting your powers, consider the druid powers introduced in this book. Player's Handbook 2, Primal Power, and Heroes of the For8otten Kin8doms present a variety of other druid powers to choose from.
Skills As a druid, you walk a fine line between the natural world and the world of civilization. You need to b e able to communicate with the inhabitants ofboth worlds, making skills such as Diplomacy and Insight important to you. Likewise, Endurance and Heal rep· resent your time spent learning the mysteries of the natural world. The other skills you select say something about how you fulfill your role as a memb er of your druid circle. If you have training in Arcana, you might have b een a student of magic who abandoned that path in favor of a more natural power source. Training in History might mark you as a scholar studying the impact of humanoid encroachment on nature, or seeking insight into how the world has been shaped by cities, war, famine, and disease. If you were a farmer or a woodcutter before taking up the path of the protector, the Athletics skill reflects a life spent working the land.
Feats Implement training feats help you maintain an edge in combat. Both Implement Focus and an expertise feat for your implement (either Staff Expertise or Totem Expertise) are straightforward feat choices that will boost your accuracy and damage. The primal soul feats are also appropriate for a protector. Such feats not only grant good benefits in combat, they mirror your dedication to primal power and your connection to the natural world. As a defender of nature, you might consider feats from the vigilant reflexes category. These feats reflect the eternal watchfulness you embody as part of your druid circle. When you put yourself in danger in order to further the goals of your circle, improvements to your mobility and defenses can make the difference between life and death.
Equipment You have proficiency with the following types of armor: cloth, leather, and hide. You have proficiency with the following types of weapons: simple melee and simple ranged. You also know how to use staffs and totems as implem ents. You h ave 100 gp to buy your starting equipment. Purchase an implement of your choice that represents your relationship to nature and your commitment to defending the natural world. Then choose your weapons and armor. You should also consider CHAPTER 3
I Class es
The following races are particularly good choices for a protector druid. Drow: Though their race enjoys a reputation as aloof spellcasters, many drow have an uncharacteristically strong connection to the power of nature. The Underdark that is their birthplace is a brutal landscape teeming with as much life as the surface world. Drow protectors are trained to deal with the deadly flora and fauna found throughout their subterranean realm, and they act as guides for their peoples' exploration ofthe Underdark. Those drow protectors who make their way to the surface world find that their knowledge and abilities easily translate to this less familiar world. Indeed, drow protectors often have an edge in dealing with the darker creatures and magic of nature because of . their experiences beneath the earth. Half-Elf: As a child of two races, the half-elf is a natural fit for a class that stands astride two worlds. Half-elves inherit their relationship to nature from their elf parents. They have an innate connection to the land that they share with their elf kin, enabling them to hear the whispers of the primal spirits. Many half-elves prefer to live as loners or to dwell on the fringes of society, granting them ample opportunity to reflect on their place in the natural world. Half-elves shunned by their communities can find a new community in a druid circle, appreciating the chance to dwell among people willing to accept them for who they are. Human: Humans make exemplary protectors, thanks largely to the versatility that is their birthright. Human protectors often come from the ranks of those who have eschewed life in the settlements of their people. Acting as emissaries between their kin and the primal spirits, they dwell along the frontier between the civilized and the natural worlds. A human protector is as flexible as the reed that bends before the blustering wind, yet remains strongly rooted to his or her ideals. In the aftermath of the fall of the Empire of Nerath, human druid circles and the protectors they train have become an increasing presence in the regions between isolated points of civilization.
Viltham and Lyrindelflee from a horde of aoblins in the kinadom of N achtur
gear for surviving in the wilderness. Though your allies no doubt have survival gear of their own, they will look to you as their guide and advisor on long treks through inhospitable terrain. Such gear lets you deal with the threats of the natural world easily, letting you reserve your magic for more important challenges.
NEW DRUID POWERS The druid powers in this section expand on those found in Player's Handbook 2, Primal Power, and other sources. These powers are among your options when you choose druid powers of the given levels.
Level 1 At-Will Powers
jolt of Lightning
Druid Attack 1
A bolt ofliahtninB streaks down from empty air, cripplina your foe with a numbina pulse of power.
At-Will + Implement, Lightning, Primal Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d1 0 +Wisdom modifier lightning damage, and the target cannot take opportunity actions until the end of your next turn. leve121: 2d1 0 +Wisdom modifier damage.
Magic Stones
By imbuing mundane stones with the strength of nature , you fuel a deadly primal attack. The magic stones you create drive your enemies back as if the earth had moved beneath their feet, serving as a potent challenge to those that violate the land you are sworn to renew.
Jolt of Lightning
The power of the storm is yours to command even from your first steps along the druid's path. Your jolt ofliahtnin& can balance the odds against the most opportunistic foe, curbing its ability to react in the heat of combat.
Three small stones clutched in your hand a low with a areen liaht as you throw them, then explode when they strike your foes .
At-Will + Implement, Primal Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One, two, or three creatures Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex .Hit: 1 d4 +Wisdom modifier damage, and you can push the target 1 square. leve121: 2d4 +Wisdom modifier damage. CHAP T ER 3
I Classes
Spirit Briar Many stories tell of ghosts of departed humanoids haunting their former abodes. In the Feywild, the destruction of some primeval vines leaves behind an echo of their existence in much the same manner. Druids who have seen these spectral plants of the fey realms can mimic their appearance and create them using primal magic.
Wall of Smoke
You draw on the power of the primal spirits of fire and air, creating a caustic haze that swirls and rises at your command. By laying down a wall of smoke at the opportune time, you can create a hazy barrier that thwarts your enemies' sight and chokes them if they try to pass through it.
Wall of Smoke Spirit Briar
Druid Attack 1
Phantom thorns aouae the flesh of those who move aaainst them. At-Will+ Implement, Poison, Primal Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Hit: 1 d8 +Wisdom modifier poison damage. Choose either yourself or one ally you can see. If the target ends its next turn adjacent to the chosen character, the target takes poison damage equal to your Constitution or Dexterity modifier. Leve/21: 2d8 +Wisdom modifier damage.
Level 1 Encounter Powers Gust of Wind This evocation subjects the power of the wind spirits to your command. Creatlues caught by your attack cannot hope to stand fast, leaving enemies prone and vulnerable to your allies' follow-up attacks. The gust affects all creatures, however, so be careful that allies do not stray into its path. Gust of Wind
Druid Attack 1
A blast of air buffets nearby creatures, hurlina them backward as it drives them to the around. Encounter+ Implement, Primal Standard Action Close blast 3 Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d8 +Wisdom modifier damage, and you knock the target prone. Effect: You push the target up to 2 squares.
Insect Swarm You call forth thousands of buzzing insects that swarm around you in a tight cloud. Creatures that stand too close to you feel the brunt of their stings and bites and are hard-pressed to see you through the cloud. Insect Swarm
Druid Attack 1
A buzzina drone fills the air as a heavy cloud of insects swirls
around you. Encounter + Implement, Primal Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 +Wisdom modifier damage. Effect: The area of the burst is lightly obscured for your enemies until the end of your next turn.
Druid Attack 1
The around blackens as foul smoke rises in a roilina wall that shrouds the battlefield. Encounter+ Implement, Poison, Primal Standard Action Area wall 5 within 1 0 squares Target: Each creature in the wall Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d1 0 +Wisdom modifier poison damage, and you can slide the target 1 square. Effect: The wall of smoke lasts until the end of your next turn. The squares of the wall are lightly obscured, and any creature that ends its turn in the wall takes poison damage equal to your Constitution or Dexterity modifier.
BARD'S TALE: THE LADY OF THE WOOD Once there were two princely brothers who lived in a faraway kingdom. The elder brother concerned himself with the duties of rulership and warfare. The younger hawked and hunted, for he loved the forest more than any other man in the kingdom. One day, the younger brother came to court with a beautiful lady whom he introduced as his bride. She was tall and fair as the sunrise, with eyes as calm and golden as autumn hearth fires. When the elder brother saw her, he knew his reign would mean nothing if she were not his queen. The next day when the young prince went hunting, the elder prince waited in ambush. As he prepared to strike, an oaken branch knocked him violently to the ground. Suddenly, standing over him was a terrible female creature of bark and vine, with blazing eyes as fierce as wildfires. It said to him, 'I am the spirit of the wood, and this curse I cast on thee: Strike at thy brother, and you shall lose all you desire.' Terrified, the elder prince fled the wood. That very night he commanded that the entire forest be burned to the ground, his brother along with it. The next morning as he walked among the cinders, the elder prince saw the beautiful lady standing alone amid the charred stumps, her eyes like smoldering embers. He reached out to touch her, and as he did so, her body turned to ash, for the lady his brother had loved was the spirit of the trees. And when his subjects saw what beauty he had destroyed, they turned on the elder prince and buried his remains in an unmarked grave.
Level 2 Utility Powers
Form of the Sprinting Elk You take on the form of the sprinting elk, becoming a bounding creature of the forest. You can cross vast distances with ease, allowing you to outdistance your foes or come quickly to the aid of those who need you. Form of the Sprinting Elk
Druid Utility 2
Your form shifts as you assume the auise of a areat elk and quickly bound away. Daily + Polymorph, Primal Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the form of the sprinting elk until you take an extended rest or until you end the form as a free action. While in this form, you gain a +4 bonus to speed, but you cannot attack, manipulate objects, or use any magic item powers. Also, your gear becomes part of the form and is inaccessible.
Lesser Restoration You call on the energy of nature's growth and resilience, channeling that energy to enable an ally to shake off the effects of combat. lesser Restoration
Druid Utility 2
Motes ofareen ene1;gy suffuse your ally, lettina him or her draw strenath from the essence of the world. Daily+ Healing, Primal Minor Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One ally Effect: The target can make a saving throw and spend a healing surge.
Level 3 Encounter Powers Call the Crows The crows that blacken the sky above a battlefield are nature's response to the wars of the mortal races. Called by your primal power, a spectral flock of such crows appears in the midst of the fray to tear at your enemies. Be wary of leaving your allies exposed, however, because the crows you call cannot tell friend from foe. Call the Crows
Druid Attack 3
With a shriekina hiss of winas, a ahost!y flock of crows descends on your enemies. Encounter+ Force, Implement, Primal, Zone Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier force damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature that ends its turn in the zone takes force damage equal to your Constitution or Dexterity modifier.
Quills Many animals have developed natural deterrents to predators, including spines and barbs. This power allows you to transform your body to adopt this lethal defense, striking enemies that believe they are out of range of your melee attacks. Quills
Druid Attack 3
Poison-tipped quills emerae from your body, then shoot out to
strike the foes that press you. Encounter + Implement, Poison, Primal Standard Action Close burst 2 Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 +Wisdom modifier poison damage. Effect: Each target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Wind Wall
By calling on the spirits of air, you tame the winds that blow across the battlefield. This evocation creates a barrier whose strength is the swirling storm, assailing your enemies and turning aside ranged attacks with ease.
Wind Wall
Druid Attack 3
Swirlina wind stirs up a wall of dust and debris, tossina your foes about and dejlectina projectiles that pass throuah it. Encounter+ Implement, Primal, Zone Standard Action Area wall 8 within 1 0 squares Target: Each enemy in the wall Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 +Wisdom modifier damage, and you can slide the target 1 square. Effect: The wall creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. The zone grants superior cover against ranged attacks made through it that target AC or Reflex.
Level 6 Utility Powers
Level 7 Encounter Powers
Meld into Stone Though stone and rock are impassable for most creatures , you recognize and take advantage of stone's connection to the natural world. By slipping inside living rock, you create a safe haven that even the most dedicated foe struggles in vain to break.
Charm Beast
Meld into Stone
Druid Utility 6
Your link with the primal spirits creates a conduit between your mind and the mind of another, granting you a connection to that crea· tures. Your power is most potent when used to charm the beasts of the n atural world, but your will can be imposed on sentient beings as well.
Charm Beast
Druid Attack 7
Your body mer9es with stone, lettinB you slip out of si&ht and away from harm.
You 9aze hard at your f oe, momentarily brin&inB that enemy under your control.
Daily+ Primal Move Action Personal Effect: You shift into an adjacent square occupied by an object made of stone or earth that is your size or larger, such as a wall, a statue, or a boulder. While you occupy this square, you can see normally but you do not have line of effect to anything, and nothing has line of effect to you. You remain in this state until the end of the encounter, until you end this effect as a minor action, or until the object is destroyed. When the effect ends, you appear in the nearest unoccupied square.
Encounter+ Charm, Implement, Primal Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Will. You gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll when using this power against a beast. Hit: The target is dominated unti l th e end of your next turn. Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Nature's Stride The bond you forge with nature lets you sense the contours of the world around you. Just as the wind shifts around rocks and trees, the primal spirits can direct you to avoid any object or obstruction that might bother you as you move. Nature's Stride
Druid Utility 6
You Bain a hei&htened sense of the world around you, lettinB you move unhindered. Daily+ Primal Minor Action Melee 1 Target: You or one ally Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the target gains a+ 2 power bonus to speed and ignores difficult terrain.
Verdant Surge
Even after your resources have been expended, this evocation allows you to tap into the p ower held by the n atural world around you. You open yourself to that reserve of primal energy, which enables you to channel again the p ower oflife and growth.
Verdant Surge
Druid Utility 6
The power you learned at the earliest sta9e of your traininB can be unleashed a9ain. Daily + Primal Minor Action Personal Requirement: Your nature's wowth must be expended. Effect: You regain the use of your nature's wowth, and you can use it as a free action.
C HA PTE R 3 I Class es
Grasp of Winter
The chill winds of the distant reaches of the world are drawn forth at your command. Like a creature trapped in an icy wasteland, your foe is drained oflife and frozen to the quick, unable to move as it is seized in winter 's clutches.
Grasp of Winter
Druid Attack 7
A cold wind swirls around your enemy, slashinB it and waspinB it with icy claws. Encounter + Cold, Implement, Primal Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier cold damage. Effect: The target is restrained until the end of your next turn.
Swarm of Scarabs This evocation allows you to call forth a cloud of scarab beetles that swarm at your command. Filling a vast space, the scarabs feast on any creature they can find-including you and your allies, if you draw too close. Swarm of Scarabs
Druid Attack 7
A chitterinB swarm of ravenous insects sprays out from your hand, coverinB all creatures in its path. Encounter+ Implement, Primal, Zone Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: W isdom vs. Refl ex Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures grant combat advantage while in th e zone. Any creature that ends its turn in the zone takes damage equa l to your Constitution or Dexterity modifier.
Level 9 Daily Power
Level 13 Encounter Powers
Pain from Perseverance Primal magic taps into the foundations oflife and can be used to transform some of the most fundamental aspects of a creature's nature. Druids of the Feywild often use this evocation to strip away the defenses of malicious fey before turning their own weapons against them.
Bolt of Lightning You call down the energy of the deadliest storms, channeling it through your body and unleashing it as a bolt oflightning that can leave any foe reeling. Bolt of Lightning
Druid Attack 13
An arc of enersy lances out from your hand to strike a foe.
Pain from Perseverance
Druid Attack 9
Your wrath sends a bitter spirit throush your foe, transformins its resistance into weakness. Daily + Implement, Primal, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 +Wisdom modifier psychic damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Choose one damage type: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. The target loses any resistances to that damage type and gains vulnerable 5 damage to that damage type (save ends both). Until the end of the encounter, your druid attack powers can deal damage of the type you chose instead of their normal damage type.
Encounter+ Implement, Lightning, Primal Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Ta rget: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 2d1 0 +Wisdom modifier lightning damage. Effect: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Primeval Thunder This evocation calls on the echo of the storms that swirled across the world during its creation. With that power at your command, you produce a pulse of thunder that explodes out from you, blasting your foes and leaving them out of position for their follow- up attacks. Primeval Thunder
Druid Attack 13
Level I 0 Utility Powers
A deafen in& clap of thunder unfurls around you to thrust your foes back.
Form of the Hunting Falcon
Encounter + Implement, Primal, Thunder Standard Action Close burst 2 Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d6 +Wisdom modifier thunder damage. Effect: You push the target up to 3 squares.
This evocation grants you the ability of flight by transforming you into a hawk, a falcon, or a similar bird. Though being in this form might take you out of the fight, you can soar long distances with almost perfect perception of the world below you.
Form ofthe Hunting Falcon
Druid Utility 10
You chanse into a nimble bird of prey that easily soars out of reach ofyour foes. Daily+ Polymorph, Primal Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the form of the hunting falcon until you take an extended rest, or until you end this effect as a free action. While in this form, you are Small, you have a fly speed of 8, and you gain a +5 power bonus to Perception checks. However, you cannot attack, manipulate objects, or use any magic item powers.
You have learned to whisper to the wind and have it answer your call. As long as you maintain your control over the spirits of the air, they can carry you and your allies wherever you want to go.
Druid Utility 10
A sust of wind swirls around you, liftins you into the air.
Daily+ Primal Move Action Ranged 10 Target: You or one ally Effect: The target flies up to 5 squares. Sustain Move: The target flies again, or you use t he power on a different target. CHAPTER 3
Verdant Retaliation
The rise of civilization has inflicted many wounds on the world, but this evocation gives you the ability to let nature take its revenge. As the ground churns with life beneath your enemies, those foes will experience the wrath of nature firsthand.
Verdant Retaliation
Druid Attack 13
Writhing plants thrust up beneath your foes, assailing them with poisonous barbs and thorns. Encounter+ Implement, Poison, Primal Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier poison damage. Effect: Each enemy in your nature's growth zone that was not hit by this power takes 1 0 poison damage.
Level 16 Utility Powers Form of the Raven Flock Though many evocations allow you to take on the shape of a wild beast,Jorm of the raven flock lets you scatter your body and mind between a group of creatures. With your life force spread out in this way, you are better protected against individual attacks, and you can swarm around creatures that would block your path. Form of the Raven Flock Druid Utility 16 A shadow passes over you as you are scattered and reshaped, becoming a flock of ravens that quickly takes to the air. Daily+ Polymorph, Primal Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the form of a flock of ravens until you take an extended rest or until you end this effect as a minor action. While in this form, you have a fly speed of 6 and can move through enemies' spaces. However, you cannot attack, manipulate objects, or use any magic item powers. You take only half damage from melee attacks and ranged attacks, but you gain vulnerable 15 to close attacks and area attacks.
Level 1 7 Encounter Powers Bloodthirsty Vines The most dangerous creatures of nature are nothing in comparison to the deadly flora you command. Vines that you call forth from the earth drag your enemies closer to you as they drain those foes oflife. Bloodthirsty Vines
Level 15 Daily Power World-Warp
The first druids to develop this power were eladrin members of a circle guarding a fey crossing in the natural world. Their order had been founded to keep mortals from wandering into the Feywild, and they developed ways to use primal magic to manipulate the fey crossing's inherent thinness.
Druid Attack 15
A ripple in the natural world transports your enemy and protects you from its attack. Daily+ Primal, Teleportation Immediate Interrupt Close burst 1 0 Trigger: An adjacent enemy makes a melee attack against you Target: The triggering enemy Effect: The target and one of your allies in the burst teleport, switching places. The triggering attack now targets another creature of your choice adjacent to the target. If the triggering attack now has no legitimate target, the attack is lost.
Druid Attack 17
Rope-like vines spring from the ground, sinking their thorns into your foes. Encounter + Implement, Primal Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 3d1 0 +Wisdom modifier damage. Effect: You pull the target up to a number of squares equal to 2 + your Constitution or Dexterity modifier.
Center of the Vortex
The eye of a storm offers a safe haven that you take advantage of when you call on the power of storms to destroy your foes. Caught in your vortex, enemies are thrown out of position and forced to watch as you teleport away from possible retribution.
':sz C>
Center of the Vortex
Druid Attack 17
A spiralinB storm forms at your command, drawinB your enemies toward its center even as you slip away. Encounter+ Implement, lightning, Primal, Teleportation, Thunder Standard Action Close burst 3 Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d6 +Wisdom modifier lightning and thunder damage, and you pull the target up to 2 squares. Effect: You teleport up to 4 squares to a square outside the burst.
Rolling Earth By drawing primal power from the earth, you cause the ground to buck up, forcing nearby creatures away from you and leaving a wall of dirt and stone that will keep them away. Rolling Earth
Druid Attack 17
You strike the wound with your open palm, causinB it to shift and roll like the waves of an ocean storm. Encounter+ Implement, Primal Standard Action Close blast S Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 3d6 +Wisdom modifier damage, and you push the target up to S squares. Effect: Choose up to S contiguous, unoccupied squares in the blast that are on a solid surface. Until the end of your next turn, those squares are blocking terrain that is up to 2 squares high.
Searing Winds You have seen much of the world in your lifetime, even as you draw primal power from places you might never visit. When you use this evocation, you reach out to the distant desert to steal the strength of a burning storm. Searing Winds
Druid Attack 17
DrawinB power from the storms of the deepest deserts, you hammeryour enemies with a pulse ofblisterinB heat. Encounter + Fire, Force, Implement, Primal Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 +Wisdom modifier fire and force damage. Effect: The target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Level 19 Attack Power Thorns of the Hinterlands
High in the mountains ofBrokenstone Vale are said to be druid circles composed oflycanthropes that gather near fey crossings into the mortal realm's hinterlands. Many of these lycanthropes believe that the key to controlling their urges lies with the primal spirits of the world, and the druids' understanding of primal magic is twisted by their own shifting nature. As
such, many of their evocations cause the world to transform into something more deadly, just as lycanthropes do.
Thorns of the Hinterlands
Druid Attack 19
All across the field of battle, thickets and brambles rise up to entrap your foes. Daily+ Acid, Conjuration, Implement, Poison, Primal Standard Action Area wall12 within 20 squares Effect: You conjure two walls of thorny, writhing vines, which cannot have any squares adjacent to each other. Each wall contains 6 of the power's 12 squares and can be up to 4 squares high. The walls must be on a solid surface, and they last until the end of your next turn. Each wall provides cover and blocks line of sight. Entering a wall square costs 2 extra squares of movement. If a creature enters the wall's space or starts its turn there, that creature takes 1 d1 0 +your Wisdom modifier acid and poison damage (a creature can take this damage only once per turn), and it takes ongoing S acid and poison damage (save ends). Sustain Minor: The walls persist until the end of your next turn.
Level 22 Utility Powers Wall of the World
A living barrier channeled by your primal power, the wall conjured by this evocation recognizes your allies even as it holds your enemies behind an impenetrable expanse of stone and dirt, bark and vines. You can cause the wall to heal ifit is damaged, thwarting your enemies' attempts to break through it.
Wall of the World
Druid Utility 22
Earth, stone, and plants rise up at your command, forminB a livinB wall to hem in your foes. Daily + Conjuration, Primal Standard Action Area wall12 within 1 0 squares Effect: You conjure a wall of earth, trees, vines, and other plant life that lasts until the end of the encounter. The wall can be up to 6 squares high and must be on a solid surface. The wall is blocking terrain for your enemies, but your allies can move through (though not occupy) the squares of the wall. Each square of the wall can be attacked, has your defenses, has SO hit points, and crumbles into difficult terrain if it is destroyed. As a minor action, you can repair 1 unoccupied square of wall within range that has been destroyed, causing it to be restored with SO hit points. The whole wall crumbles into difficult terrain at the end of the encounter.
Level 23 Encounter Powers Dominate Beast Your command over the natural world lets you reach into any creature's mind and use your primal magic to break that creature to your will. CHAPTER 3 I Classes
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Dominate Beast
Druid Attack 23
Your mind reaches out to touch that ofyour enemy; bringing that creature under your sway. Encounter + Charm, Implement, Primal Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Will. You gain a + 2 bonus to the attack roll when using this power against a beast. Hit: The target is dominated until the end of your next turn. Miss: This power is not expended.
Ice Spikes
The power of winter is yours to command. You channel icy shards that strike like a storm of daggers, slashing at your foes and pinning them in place as fast-frozen statues.
Ice Spikes
Druid Attack 23
The air swirls white before you, congealing as a blast of icy spikes that launch themselves at your foes. Encounter+ Cold, Implement, Primal Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier cold damage. Effect: Each target is restrained until the end of your next turn.
Whipping Vfnes
When you use this power, the spirit trees spawned at the world's creation send for th vines that do your bidding. These tendrils can turn the most well-ordered force into a shambles, sending even the largest foes careening out of position at your command.
Whipping Vines
Druid Attack 23
Flailing vines wrap themselves around an enemy you gesture to, binding that foe as they sling other enemies across the battlefield. Encounter + Implement, Primal Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 3d1 0 +Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Effect: You slide the target and each of your enemies adjacent to it at the beginning of the slide up to l squares.
Level 25 Daily Power Writhing Henge
The great primal spirit known as the Steadfast Henge is one of the most ancient powers of the mortal world, its existence dating back to the days immediately following the Daw n W ar. In those days, the foundations of creation were often unstable, and the Feywild intruded upon the world for a short time. Among the primal spirits present at this intrusion was the Steadfast H enge, which has since become a patron to druid circles of both the Feywild and the natural world.
Writhing Henge
Druid Attack 15
The limbs of the Steadfast Henge protrude from the earth, fling· ing and rending at your command.
Scalding Geyser By combining the forces of water and fire, you create an attack far deadlier than either on its own. The ground shatters where you call forth a geyser of boiling water and superheated steam that scours your foes. Scalding Geyser
Druid Attack 23
The earth cracks and breaks open at your command, releasing afountain of searing water whoseforce slams your foes to the ground. Encounter+ Fire, Force, Implement, Primal Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each creature in th e burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier fire and force damage. Effect: Each target falls prone. C H AP T E R 3
C lass e s
Daily+ Implement, Primal, Summoning Standard Action Close burst 1 0 Effect: You summon up to six Medium briar-covered tendrils in unoccupied squares in the burst. The tendrils have a speed of 0 and are immune to being pushed, pulled, or slid. You lose a healing surge only when all the tendrils have been destroyed. You can give the tendrils the following special command. On the turn you summon the tendrils, you give this command as a part of using this power. Standard Action: Each tendril makes an attack against a different target: Melee 1; targets one creature; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, ongoing 5 damage (save ends), and the tendril slides the target up to 3 squares. Instinctive Effect: If you haven't given the tendrils any commands by the end of your turn, each one attacks the nearest creature within l squares of it, if it can.
Level 2 7 Encounter Powers Barrage of Lightning This evocation enables you to harness the might of the deadliest planar storms, letting you hurl multiple bolts oflightning at your enemies while leaving your allies unscathed. Even a foe that escapes being harmed by the storm is left reeling in the aftermath of your attack. Barrage of lightning
Druid Attack 27
With a clenched fist, you create an arcins storm oflishtnin& bolts that lash and debilitate even the most resilient foes. Encounter+ Implement, Lightning, Primal Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each enemy in the blast Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage. Effect: Each target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Cast in Stone
When your most powerful foe seizes control of the battlefield, you can negate its advantage by trapping it in an unbreakable crust of stone. By continuing to concentrate, you can hold that foe in this state, preventing it from engaging your allies.
Cast in Stone
Druid Attack 27
As you hold out one hand and lock it into a fist, your enemy is frozen in a shell of stone. Encounter+ Implement, Primal Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: The target is petrified until the end of your next turn. Sustain Standard: You repeat this attack against the same target, but only if the target is still petrified by this power.
Lava Vents
This evocation reaches down into the depths of the earth, calling up the molten rock and volcanic gases that pool there. When you open up the ground to release this storm, all nearby creatures are consumed by it, so you must be careful to keep your allies at a safe distance.
lava Vents
Druid Attack 27
Great cracks split the wound beneath your feat, ventin& caustic sas and lava that turns the area around you into a maelstrom. Encounter + Acid, Fire, Implement, Poison, Primal Standard Action Close burst 3 Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 +Wisdom modifier acid and fi re damage. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the area of the burst is difficult terrain, and any creature other than you that ends its turn in that area takes 15 poison damage.
Phantom Serpent When you call on the power of this evocation, you manifest an aspect of an ancient primal spirit whose poison blinds any creature it touches. A throwback to the primal guardians
of the earliest world, the phantom serpent can help debilitate even the most formidable of foes.
Phantom Serpent
Druid Attack 27
A shostly serpent materializes and wraps around your Joe, subjectins it to a poisonous bite and a blindin& cloud of venom. Encounter + Implement, Poison, Primal Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier poison damage. Effect: The target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Level 29 Daily Power Hinterland Exile In certain regions of the mortal realm, the walls between worlds are particularly thin, and the fabric of the world is weakened, influenced, and besieged by other worlds, including the Feywild. These regions , known to many druids as the Hinterlands , contain gaps in creation filled only with nothingness. The most powerful druids can banish creatures to this void. Hinterland Exile
Druid Attack 29
You send your Joe to a place between worlds, where the planes meet and the fabric of creation is torn by cosmic force. Daily+ Force, Implement, Primal Standard Action Ranged 20 Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Hit: 5d1 0 +Wisdom modifier force damage, and the target is removed from play (save ends). Third Failed Saving Throw: The effect ends, but the target is permanently trapped on another plane (OM's choice), unless the target has some means of planar travel. Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Vizard In the Feywild, wizards and spellcasters in general are far more common than they are in the world, thanks to the plane's strong ties to arcane magic. The following section presents new powers for wizards with a strong Feywild theme, as well as a new wizard subclass, the witch.
WITCH Arcane Controller: You practice the first, most ancient form of arcane magic, which allows you to charm, transform, and curse your enemies. Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom Part religion, part ritual, and all mystery, witchcraft is an ancient practice that came about in an age before arcane magic was studied, institutionalized, and etched in writing, when monstrous titans ruled over creation and the secret of making fire was yet undiscovered. In this chaotic dark age, the gods had little influence on the titans' world. Instead of seeking their aid, the primitive peoples called out to the night for protection and power, and a voice from the darkness answered. Those who accepted its arcane gifts became the first witches, and they wielded such power as only immortals had known-seen by some jealous gods as an affront that they have never forgiven. Witches gain their power from a patron who instructs them by way of a mystical familiar that comes and goes as it pleases, unbound by the strictures of the material world. The most prevalent patron among witches-the original voice from the darkness-is the moon goddess Sehanine, referred to by witches as simply the Goddess. Other entities have since seen the advantage of imbuing mortals with power, and so your patron might be an archfey, a god, an angel, a primordial, a demon lord, a devil, or another legendary being that believes it can benefit by imbuing you with a gift of arcane prowess. It might prefer to remain anonymous. The circumstances by which you obtained your gift can vary widely. Some witches seek out the gift in order to fulfill a personal desire or vendetta, while others were brought up in a coven. Some receive their power after making a pact with a devil, as a warlock might do, and others have it bestowed upon them by a fairy godparent or a witch queen. Though witches are common among the fey races in the Feywild, as a witch in the natural world you must be mindful of whom you trust. In the world, common folk fear your kind. Envious wizards refuse to acknowledge you as a peer and would CHAPTER 3
I Classes
see your wondrous powers vanish from the world, while clerics of jealous gods decree you an unholy menace, sending witch hunters to track you down and destroy you.
Creating a Witch A witch is a type of wizard, a class introduced in the Player's Handbook. To create a witch, use the character creation rules in the Rules Compendium or the Player's Handbook. The Character Advancement table (page 160) summarizes how many powers and feats your witch should have at each level, as well as when ability scores increase. A witch lacks some of the wizard class features from the Player's Handbook: Arcane Implement Mastery, Ritual Casting, and Spellbook. A witch gains
new class features: W itch 's Familiar, Moon Coven, andau3ury.
Witch Traits Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to 10 + your Constitution score. You gain 4 hit points each time you gain a level. Bonus to Defenses: +2 to Will Healing Surges per Day: 6 + your Constitution modifier Armor Proficiencies: Cloth Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, quarterstaff Implement Proficiencies: Orbs, staffs, wands Class Skills: Arcana (lnt), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), History (lnt), Insight (Wis), Nature (Wis), Religion (lnt) Trained Skills: Arcana, plus three more from the list of class skills
Ability Scores When you determine your ability scores, keep in mind that a witch is best served by a superior Intelligence or Wisdom score. Intelligence is the primary ability associated with arcane magic, and a high Intelligence contributes to both the accuracy and the damage of your attacks. Wisdom is a strong secondary ability, however, reflecting every witch's need to be canny, perceptive, and self-sufficient in a world that hates and fears their kind. A high Wisdom contributes to the side effects of some of your spells. Witches tend to be loners, and most spend periods of each day in solitude living by their wits in the wilderness, gathering herbs and components for their spells or conferring with their familiars high on isolated hills or in sheltering groves beneath the moon. This constant activity makes witches hardier than most other wizards, and since some witch abilities grant the capacity to m ake attacks at close range and in reach of enemies' swords, your witch might benefit from a good Constitution. Your very presence unnerves and intimidates other creatures, which naturally find your eldritch powers either awe-inspiring or frightening. A good Charisma score enhances the dread or awe they experience when you intimidate or charm them.
Class Features A witch has the following class features, starting at Ievell.
Witch's Familiar
Unlike other wizards, a witch receives the gift of arcane power from a patron such as an archfey, a god, a devil, an angel, a demon, or another powerful being. The witch might or might not be aware of the patron's true identity or its
reasons for bestowing power, but such entities always :I u have their reasons , which become clear in time, for tgood or ill. $ A witch's familiar takes the shape of a Tiny creature, usually a natural or a fey beast such as a cat, a serpent, or a raven, and acts as an intermediary between the witch and the patron of the witch's power. Bound to the witch 's soul, this familiar instructs the witch in the use of supernatural powers. Your familiar can have as active a role as you like. Familiars have a distinct personality and a unique relationship with the witches they instruct. Your familiar might provide hints and lore, or it might be a subtle presence in the background that appears and disappears without a sound, if you prefer to downplay its role in your story. Benefit: You gain the Arcane Familiar feat (page 126) as a bonus feat. At the end of each extended rest, when you confer with your familiar you can replace one of your wizard daily attack powers or wizard utility powers with another wizard power of the same type. The new power must have a level, and its level must be the same as the old power's level. When you reach level 24, your familiar enables you to spend an action point on your turn to regain the use of one of your expended wizard encounter attack powers, instead of taking an extra action. If you do so, you gain combat advantage against every target of that power the next time you use it during the current encounter.
Witch Cantrips
A witch knows a few tricks at the outset of his or her career that can be of great use even when other potent eldritch powers are also at the witch's disposal. Benefit: You gain three cantrips of your choice. (This book includes the chameleon's mask cantrip. See Heroes of the Fallen Lands or the Player's Handbook for other cantrip options.)
Moon Coven When you create your witch, you choose a moon coven with which you are affiliated. A moon coven is a loose order of witches that share a philosophy of witchcraft. Each moon coven represents one of two phases of the moon- full or dark (new)-and symbolizes the witch's quintessential attitude toward the application of his or her craft. Each moon coven reflects a member witch's philosophy regarding the use of magic-not necessarily corresponding to the witch's alignment, since witches of all alignments are found in each coven. Nevertheless, a greater number of evil witches gravitate toward the dark moon and its powers over ill fortune and necromancy, whereas good witches more frequently affiliate themselves with the full moon coven and favor its charms and healing magic. C HAP TE R 3
Nistyncia commands a bewitched werewolf in the Brokenstone Vale to defend her, while Keldar attempts to break throu9h the door to a dun9eon
Witches are solitary by nature, requiring little arcane instruction beyond the teachings of their familiar, and most prefer to keep their craft secret lest they be targeted by witch hunters. Therefore, a moon coven typically convenes only once during the course of a year, in an isolated location in the wilderness often near standing stones, ley lines, or other sites that thrum with arcane power, on an evening when the coven's moon phase displays in its ideal state in the dark heavens above. Despite their opposing philosophies on witchcraft, the two moon covens sometimes come together on the night of a lunar eclipse, when both are symbolically represented in the night sky. Such meetings occur only when all witches, or the world in which they live, are threatened by forces bent on their extermination. In addition to, or instead of, meeting with their moon coven, some witches gather in local covens attended by witches that inhabit the area. Such local covens are often the way new witches are initiated into the craft, and they show the initiate the way to call on a powerful entity and receive the gift of its power in the form of a familiar. These local covens usually have their own aims and goals related to their immediate surroundings, and might or might not adhere to the philosophy of either of the moon covens. CHAPTER 3 [ Classes
Many witches learn their craft in isolation, unaware of the presence of the fundamental moon covens, or even of other witches. Regardless of whether a witch or a local coven identifies with a moon coven, every witch makes a choice concerning the type of witchcraft he or she wants to practice. Benefit: Choose a coven, and gain its benefits.
Dark Moon Coven The witches of the dark moon coven believe that the night is a witch's birthright. Powers over fate and darkness are theirs to command, and they strive to further their own ends at any cost. Good dark moon witches use their powers of fear, terror, and darkness against the wicked, whereas evil dark moon witches blight those that cross them with ill fortune and plague, heedless of the mortal lives that fall in their wake. Dark moon witches call on the tides and the night winds and summon the dead from their graves; they conjure objects from nowhere, or imbue them with momentary life. Benefit: You gain the dread presence power (page 92). In addition, you gain training in the Intimidate skill. At level 5, you gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks and Stealth checks.
WORLDS WITH MANY MOONS Some worlds, including Athas of the DARK SuN ca mpaign setting and the world of the EBERRON setting, have multiple moons, which has an impact on the nature of moon covens on those worlds. For a witch in one of these settings, you have several options for describing how the multiple moons interact with your moon coven. Here are two sug· gestions to help you reconcile multiple moons and your coven. Single Moon: You focus your attention on one of the moons. This means that you are accustomed to a regular rhythm of ebb and flow in the world. You and others of your coven are likely patient and able to think long·term, and you don't let setbacks slow you down. After all, it's only a matter of time before the moon changes phases again. You make plans, watch for signs of change, and take no action without careful consideration. All Moons are Equal: Your coven treats all of your world's moons equally, meaning that at any given time you have one moon full, one moon new, and others waxing or waning. As a result, you and other members of your coven are often seen as mercurial at best, or conflicted and con· tradictory at worst. Your eyes constantly flit to the heavens at night, and every day brings a different mood upon you.
Because of their intimate connection with powerful otherworldly entities, witches are well 1versed in the arcane arts of fortune telling and proph- $ ecy. The witch's familiar instructs them in the means to look deep into the spirit world and see the patterns and images that reveal the future. Some learn to read runes, decks of cards , tea leaves, knucklebones, or weather patterns. Some gaze into crystal balls or boiling cauldrons, and some channel spirits directly into their bodies, which foretell the future. As a witch, your method of prophecy might be one of these or it -~1 could be a ritual of your own devising. W itches are ~' said to achieve the most favorable resu lts beneath the light of the moon. Augury Wizard Utility You read the mystic sians and alean a notion of the future. Daily + Arcane Personal Standard Action Requirement: You must use this power during an extended rest. Effect: You ask a question and receive a vague notion of the future. You might receive a clue as to whether a spe· cific course of action is likely to have positive or negative results. This notion can take the form of a single image, a hint about a danger that might be faced, or just a positive or negative feeling about the current course of destiny.
Powers Your witch starts with six wizard powers of your choice:
+ Two 1st-level wizard at-will attack powers + One 1st-level wizard daily attack power + Three wizard cantrips granted by the feature Witch Cantrips
Full Moon Coven Witches of the full moon coven believe in the sanctity oflife, the tidal pull oflove, and the capacity of pure beauty to enchant the eye. These witches use their powers to beguile, charm, and inspire. Many full moon witches are kind and good; others are stark, aloof, and compassionless, idealizing the image of beauty and grace but not the heart of it. When they manifest their power, full moon witches awe allies and enemies alike with the celestial m ajesty of their presence. Benefit: You gain the glorious presence power (page 92). In addition, you gain training in the H eal skill. t 5th level, you gain a +2 bonus to H eal checks and Diplomacy checks.
Your 1st-level wizard encounter attack power is determined by your Moon Coven choice. See the Character Advancement table (page 160) for the powers you gain as you advance in level. When selecting your powers, consider the wizard powers introduced in this book, which include many of the magical effects witches display in folklore. The Player's Handbook, Arcane Power, and Heroes of the Fallen Lands present a variety of other wizard powers to choose from.
Skills Novice witches keep the secret of their craft well hidden, preferring to spend time in the wilds gathering h erbs and spell components for complicated charms rather than socializing with the locals in village taverns or discussing magical theory among the academic elite. Despite that fact, m any witches are cunningly persuasive, choosing training in the Diplomacy skill, their wits sh arpened by perilous CHA P TER 3 [ Cla s s e s
WITCH RACE CHOICES The following races make good choices for a witch character. Hamadryad: Blessed with the accumulated wisdom of ancient trees that nightly stretch their branches toward the moon, hamadryads take naturally to the arts of witchcraft. Charm magic is inherent to hamadryads, whose spellbinding beauty enhances the witch's ability to make others do her bidding. Hamadryads dwell in harmony with the birds and tiny beasts of the wood, and learning to adopt such familiar shapes comes easily to them. As a hamadryad, magic runs deep in the roots of your heritage. Your grandmothers were the seasons themselves, and you received their gift under the light of Sehanine's moon. Alternatively, you might have been granted the gift of your magic from an archfey such as the Summer Queen or the Prince of Frost. Are you a witch who snares the minds of others with your spells, or one who brings the power of the night down upon those that incur your wrath? Did you leave your home to battle those who would destroy the woodlands, or did you accept the gift of magic to aid you in pursuit of a quest or to help you unravel the riddle of mortal thought and emotion? Human: Outside the Feywild, most witches originate in rural villages and the wild borderlands far removed from civilized centers of arcane learning. Humans become witches for a variety of reasons. Many seek a quick path to power, burning with ambition. Ordinary folk desperate for harmony in a brutal world of monsters, famine, and strife gain some measure of control over their lives with the abilities witchcraft bestows upon them. Others are seduced by devious entities that grant them power in order to terrorize an unwary populace. As a human witch, you most likely keep your power a secret. Word of strange doings spreads quickly, and you have heard tales of how ordinary folk accused of being witches for the most trivial of reasons were captured and executed by frightened mobs seeking a scapegoat for their troubles. Unlike the witches of the Feywild, who usually receive their gift from Sehanine or the archfey, human witches are endowed with power from any number of sources, not the least of which include devils and demon lords. For this reason, witches in the world have an evil reputation, and clerics of many deities hunt and destroy witches of any kind.
interactions with fey beings and otherworldly entities. Your exploits in the natural world , studying its flora and fauna , might give you an expert grasp of the Nature skill. It is also likely that through the rituals you learned to call your familiar, you gained insight into the nature of immortal entities that promise power to witches, from gods to devils. The Religion skill reflects this choice, and gives you the ability to identify undead.
Feats Since you use an implement, consider feats from the implement training category. Implement Focus or one of the expertise fe ats, such as Orb Expertise, can make your attack powers even more potent. Likewise, feats from the quick reaction category, such as Improved Initiative, allow you to unleash your spells before your enemies can react, giving you an edge at the start of combat. Witches have a number of abilities that move them into close contact with their foes. You might consider taking Toughness, Improved Defenses, or Defensive Mobility to give yourself a better chance of escaping close encounters.
Equipment W itches are proficient with cloth armor. Many simply wear robes, gowns, or traveling clothes. As for weapons, you have proficiency with the dagger and the quarterstaff, but you rarely use them; your powers of witchcraft are far greater than any mere weapon. You start with 100 gp to buy your starting equipment, as normal. Purchase a dagger or a quarterstaff for contingencies, but you should otherwise spend your money on adventuring gear and supplies of use to you and your allies. You use an implement-an orb, a staff, or a wandas a conduit for your spells. Magic implements add to your attack rolls and damage rolls with your arcane powers, just as magic weapons do to weapon powers. You should purchase the proper implement if you have taken one of the implement training feats. Perhaps your witch uses an orb like a crystal ball that you gaze into to make predictions and prophecies, or maybe you possess a willow wand made from the bark of an infamous dryad witch, or a staff that manifests the face of every creature you have cursed patterned in the wood grain. When you choose to play a witch, you're playing a character who possesses exciting story-focused abilities such as the ability to instantly turn an enemy into a frog, so your equipment should have an equally interesting story flavor or personality.
Breath of Night
NEW WIZARD POWERS The powers in this section expand on those found in the Player's Handbook and other sources. They can be selected by any wizard of the appropriate level.
Whether you stand in the fastness of a sunny elven grove or in a dark cavern beneath the surface of the world, the night wind knows your voice, and you can call it to your command.
Chameleon's Mask
This cantrip lets you put your arcane learning to practical use, bending light and sound to make you almost invisible. Wizards use this power to hide from strong creatures that get too close, or to spy on creatures that happen to wander into their lairs.
Chameleon's Mask
Wizard Utility
You pull strands of shadow, blendin& your colors and sounds with your surroundinas to help you hide from your enemy's siaht and hearina. Encounter + Arcane, Illusion Free Action Personal Trigger: You make a Stealth check. Effect: You make an Arcana check instead, using that result to determine the outcome of the Stealth check.
Level 1 At-Will Powers Beast Switch Some polymorph spells can transform a creature from one form to another for a moment, and others for all time. Beast switch contains only the barest essence of a transformation spell, ideal for transforming a foe just long enough to confound it and take advantage of its disorientation. Beast Switch
Wizard Attack 1
You reach out to touch your foe, and for an instant it transforms into a small,friahtened beast that runs in a wild panic before returnin& to its true shape. At-Will+ Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Transmutation Standard Action Melee 1 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. You knock the target prone and can slide it 1 square. The target cannot make opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn. Level21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.
3 0
Breath of Night
Wizard Attack 1
At your whisper, the chill niaht wind answers, a forcefulaust
Can trips
that heeds your will.
At-Will +Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and you push the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. Level21: 2d6 +Intelligence modifier cold damage.
Winged Horde
A wizard, and particularly a witch, cultivates knowledge from practical experience, and your study of(or perhaps unpleasant contact with) the tiny but vicious sprites of the Feywild has given you new fodder for creating nightmare visions in the minds of your enemies.
Winged Horde
Wizard Attack 1
A horde offlesh-devourina sprites appears in your foes' minds. The enemies shriek in horror and swat at the menace, leavina them unable to react to your allies' maneuvers. At-Will +Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 1 d6 psychic damage, and the target cannot take opportunity actions until the end of your next turn. Level21: 2d6 psychic damage.
Witch Bolt
You have mastered the ability to create bolts of energy and hurl them against your enemies. Wizards use this spell to ward off enemies that approach too closely, or to punish a foe that does not have the ability to escape.
Witch Bolt
Wizard Attack 1
You hurl a bolt of cracklina eneray.formina a line ofliahtnin& betw.een you and your foe. At-Will + Arcane, Evocation, Implement, Lightning Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 1 d1 0 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Level21: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Sustain Standard: Reroll the damage and deal it to the target again. Once the target is out of range, you can't sustain this power.
Level 1 Encounter Powers
Level 1 Daily Powers
Dread Presence Spellcasters from the Feywild have mastered the art of appearing to be more frightening than they are, scaring off enemies with a presence so terrifying that it causes pain in the minds of those who look on the caster.
Bewitching Charm When the mind is seized by a strange attraction or dazed under the influence of a spell, a person is said to be bewitched. Bewitchin& charm defines this effect, overtaking the senses and captivating the subject, setting its mind to wander as if in a dream.
Dread Presence
Wizard Attack 1
Your shadow len9thens and wows, loominB over your enemies and overcominB them with dread. Encounter+ Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic, Nethermancy, Zone Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 1 d1 0 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone takes necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Special: All damage from this attack and its effect ignores 5 points of necrotic resistance.
Glorious Presence The Sidhe lords and other eladrin nobility are often described as having the epitome of regal bearing. Many eladrin learn to project a strong presence that inspires awe and wonder in those who look upon them, so much so that the eladrin seem to burn brightly with pure silver energy. As happened with many eladrin secrets, it did not take long for knowledge of this spell to spread to other races. Glorious Presence
Wizard Attack 1
Radiant moonli9ht streams from you in all directions, and those who behold you are stricken with awe. Encounter + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Radiant Standard Action Close burst 2 Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and you push the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. Effect: You and each ally in the burst gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Bewitching Charm
Wizard Attack 1
You chant the twistinB words of the bewitchinB charm, !ullinB your foes into a waking dream. Daily + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: The target is dazed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead dazed and immobilized (save ends both). Miss: The target cannot make opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn.
Charm of Forbiddance The charm offor biddance places a punishing hex on a creature that intends you harm. Whenever it tries to resist the charm and make an attack, it suffers the same pain it means to inflict. Charm of Forbiddance
Wizard Attack 1
Your voice tremulous with thunder, you invoke the charm of forbiddance on your enemy. With each further attack it makes against you, it howls its torment. Daily + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 20 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The target takes psychic damage equal to 2 +your Wisdom modifier whenever it hits or misses you or one of your allies (save ends).
Level 2 Utility Powers
Level 3 Encounter Powers
Charm of Protection In moments of desperation, a wizard can hastily summon objects to block an attack that might otherwise have proved fatal. The charm of protection places a physical barrier between the wizard and the coming blow and grants a slight amount of magical protection.
Call the Night Winds In the night, beneath the moon, it is said that witches are at their most powerful. You have learned to call the night winds to you and to swirl them about you in a flurry of darkness that grants protection from your foes. Call the Night Winds
Charm of Protection
Wizard Utility 2
The instant before a blow connects, your spell interposes a spectral object in its path. Encounter + Arcane Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You are hit by an attack. Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses against the attack, and you gain temporary hit points equal to 2 + your Wisdom modifier.
Herbal Healing Some wizards, and most witches, are famous for their knowledge of magical herbs and poultices that harm and heal. Wild plants and restorative herbs prepared with a healing incantation can ease pain and aid in the recovery of an ally's stamina. Herbal Healing
Wizard Utility 2
Usin& a mix ofherbal lore and witchcraft, you work a spell that binds a wound. Encounter + Arcane Minor Action Melee 1 Prerequisite: You must have training in Heal. Target: One creature Effect: The target can make a saving throw and use his or her second wind if it is available.
Simple Animation Many wizards are solitary folk. In order to weed gardens, wash clothing, and organize herbs and spell components, they learn to animate ordinary objects and set them to tasks. In magical duels, they move such items to take shelter behind them, or to deny such protection to their opponents. Simple Animation
Wizard Attack 3
Howlin& ni&ht winds spiral around you, blottin& out li&ht, chillin& your foes, and heedin& your every command. Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement, Zone Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage. Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. The zone is heavily obscured to creatures other than you, and any creature but you that starts its turn in the zone is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Grim Shadow Those that stand before you cower beneath the shadow you cast. Deeper and darker than any ordinary play of the light, it originates in the Shadowfell, and you can extend it to tower over your foes, freezing the blood in their veins. Grim Shadow
Wizard Attack 3
Reachin& into the Shadowfell, you cast a tan&ible, loomin& shadow that strikes fear into the livin&. Encounter + Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic, Nethermancy Standard Action Close blast 3 Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Effect: Each target takes a -2 penalty to Will until the end of your next turn.
Wizard Utility 2
At your command, an ordinary object sprin&s to life and moves where you bid.
Encounter + Arcane Move Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One Medium or smaller object that is not fastened in place or held by a creature Effect: The target animates until the end of your next turn, and you slide it up to 5 squares. While the target is animated by this power, you can move it farther by sliding it up to 5 squares as a move action. Sustain Move: The animation persists until the end of your next turn, and you slide the target up to 5 squares.
Level 5 Daily Powers
Level 6 Utility Powers
Foe to Frog In stories and folk tales, witches transform unfortunate mortals into toads, mice , and other tiny animals. Foe to jro9 turns a powerful threat into a tiny, harmless creature of the wizard 's choice.
Evanesce W hen a wizard casts this spell, he or she does not reappear immediately. Some believe that you exist for a moment removed completely from time and space.
Foe to Frog
Wizard Attack 5
A billowinB cloud ofareen foB surrounds your fo e. When thefoB dissipates, your enemy is sane, and a minuscule creature such as a froB, a newt, or a mouse stands in its place.
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choosing (save ends). Miss: The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choosing until the end of its next turn. Effect: As a Tiny beast, the target is dazed, and the only actions it can take are to move its speed or shift. All of the target 's equipment transforms with it. If it takes damage from any source, this effect e nds.
Savage Transformation When you cast savaae transformation, you turn your target into a bestial, half humanoid monster driven by savage instincts. Use this power when your target is surrounded by its allies, forcing your enemy to choose between movement and taking damage from its friends. A brute is an especially good target for this power. Savage Transformation
Wizard Attack 5
You warp your enemy's form, chanBinB it into a monster covered with coarse fur or scales, theflam es of savaBery burninB in its eyes. Daily + Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you partially transform the target's mind and body into that of a savage monster (save ends). Until this t ransformation e nds, the target must make an opportunity attack against any creature that willingly leaves a square adjacent to it, and if any creature ends its turn adjacent to the target, the target must use a free action to deal damage to that creature equal to 5 +your Intelligence modifier. Miss: Half damage, and the target must make an opportunity attack against any creature that willingly leaves a square adjacent to it until the end of your next turn.
Cla ss es
Wizard Utility 6
The instant you f eel your enemy's attack, you vanish in a puff of black smoke. Daily + Arcane, Zone Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You are damaged by an attack. Effect: You are removed from play until the start of your next turn. The space you vacate becomes a zone that is heavily obscured and lasts until the end of the encounter. At the sta rt of your next turn, you reappear in a square of your choice up to 5 squares from the zone.
BARD'S TALE: THE FOOLISH PRINCE Once upon a time there was a young, brash, and spoiled eladrin prince whose parents left their home to join the court of the Summer Queen, bequeathing their castle in the Feywild to him. One day, a traveler arrived at the gates of his castle. The foolish prince ordered his soldiers to turn the traveler away, but they refused his order, and instead escorted the man into the prince's audience chamber. The man was old and gnarled, like an ancient tree, and wore fu rs and a tattered suit of leather armor. The man introduced himself as a bard from the mortal realm, and requested food and shelter for the night. The prince refused and personally threw the bard out of the castle, mocking him the entire way. Months passed until the day that the prince found his castle besieged by cyclopses. The prince sent messengers to nearby castles, requesting help, but they were refused. When the walls of the castle fell, the prince and his retainers fled into the forestThere, they came upon a group of satyrs, lounging by the riverbank, and asked for shelter. The satyrs also refused him. Finally, days later, the prince and his few remaining retainers arrived at Senaliesse. Falling to his knees at his parents' feet, the young prince said, 'Forgive me, I could not hold your castle when none would come to my aid.' His father looked down upon him, then turned his back, saying, 'I have no son. My son died the day he refused hospitality to a bard and lost the respect of the entire kingdom.'
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To even the odds a9ainst a pair of cyclops guards, a witch changes one of them into a froB
Oracular Maneuver With their powers of prophecy, witches witness brief flashes of events that might come to pass. Oracular maneuver enables you to take action in response to such a vision. Oracular Maneuver
Wizard Utility 6
You witnessed this encounter in a dream, and you told your companions that it would come to pass. Encounter + Arcane Immediate Reaction Close burst 5 Trigger: An enemy ends its turn within 5 squares of you. Effect: You and each ally in the burst can shift 1 square as a free action.
Revitalizing Charm With a sprinkled handful of dried herbs and a brief incantation, you cause the subject of your spell to reach deep into his or her reserves of inner strength. Revitalizing Charm
Wizard Utility 6
You crumble enchanted herbs between your fina ers and command your flaaaina companion to steel herself or himselffor battle. Daily + Arcane Minor Action Ranged 5 Target: You or one ally Effect: You remove one effect from the target that a save can end.
Level 7 Encounter Powers Puckish Sprite The puckish sprite spell con· jures forth a glimmering fey creature, or at least an impressive simulacrum of one, that grabs an enemy and whisks it a short distance away, causing it to attack one of its companions. Before the sprite vanishes, it dances around, taunts your enemies, and otherwise distracts them from their tasks. Puckish Sprite
Wizard Attack 7
You call forth a mischievous fey creature, aa low with fairy liaht and as meddlesome as a satyr. Encounter+ Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, Radiant Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 1 d1 0 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage. You slide the target up to 2 squares, and it makes a basic attack as a free action against a creature of your choice. Effect: You conjure a puckish sprite in an unoccupied square adjacent to the target. The sprite lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy of yours adjacent to the sprite takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls.
I Classes
Vile Vermin
This spell causes swarms of skittering, crawling creatures to answer the spellcaster's call. These creatures bite, sting, and nip at a chosen foe , harrying enemies that get too near to the swarm.
Vile Vermin
Wizard Attack 7
The around seems to burst upward as a surae of centipedes, beetles, rats, and snakes work their way to the surface around your fo e. Encounter + Arcane, Implement, Poison Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier poison damage. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any enemy that ends its turn adjacent to the target takes 5 poison damage.
Level 9 Daily Powers Fool's Charm The fool's charm sends a creature carelessly wandering about, heedless of any possible danger. Wizards who wish to rid themselves of troublemakers place the charm upon them and send them out near cliffs, down into mine shafts, or into the sea. Fool's Charm
Wizard Attack 9
You turn your implement round and round, invokina the words to the charm that will rob your enemy of all tactical sense. Daily + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 20 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and you slide the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. The target also takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends). Each Failed Saving Throw: You slide the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target up to a number of squares e qual to your Wisdom modifier.
Hex of Madness Mortal creatures seldom realize how close th eir fragile minds rest to the brink of madness. This power nudges them over the edge. Hex of Madness
Wizard Attack 9
You incite a mob ofyour enemies, turnin& them into a frenzy of ravina madness. Daily + Arcane, Enchantment, Implement, Psychic, Zone Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d12 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Each enemy that ends its turn in the zone takes psychic damage equal to 2 +your Intellige nce modifier. Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of your next turn. C HAP TER 3
C lasses
Level 10 Utility Powers Witch Thorns
Your expertise with plants, h erbs, and the powers of transformation has given you insight into a sp ell that creates a climbing wall of twisting black thorns that expands and grows m adly in all directions. Many a witch has cast this spell to bar intruders or to create a temporary sh elter in the wild.
Witch Thorns
Wizard Utility 1 0
As you utter the command word, the veaetation at your f eet writhes like snakes, twistina into a hiah wall of black thorns that snaa those who try to pass throuah it. Daily+ Arcane, Transmutation, Zone Standard Action Area wall 3 within 10 squares Effect: The wall creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. The zone can be up to 4 squares high and must be on a solid surface. The zone can provide partial cover and blocks line of sight. The zone is difficult terrain, and when any enemy attempts to leave a square in the zone, the creature must succeed on a saving throw or be immobilized until the start of its next turn_ Once per round as a minor action, you can expand or contract the zone by 2 squares in any direction. Special: If the zone is created in an area of natural vegetation, the zone's squares can be attacked, and it doesn 't vanish at the end of the encounter, instead remaining until destroyed. Each square of the zone has 25 hit points and vulnerable 10 fire and can be hit automatically by any attack, but it is immune to forced moveme nt, all conditions, and attacks that target Will.
Level 13 Encounter Powers Improved Dread Presence Fear can b e a potent power in any spellcaster's arsenal. W hen you unleash the fury of your presence upon your enemies, you not only make them want to fle e b efore you , but can also cause them to quake with such fear that they seem unable to do more than cringe at the sight of you . Improved Dread Presence
Wizard Attack 13
You becom e aareat shadow made manifest, a thina of nia htmare that causes your enemies to cower before you. Encounter + Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic, Nethermancy, Zone Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone takes necrotic damage equal to your 5 +your Wisdom modifier. Special: All damage from this attack and its effect ignores the first 1 0 points of necrotic resistance.
Keldar sits enchanted upon a throne of thorns in the Brokenstone Vale, while Nistyncia attempts to draa him away before a as fills the chamber
Improved Glorious Presence When you release the energy bound within you, it no longer flashes quickly and vanishes. Instead, the very world around you seems to warp with the impression you made on it, causing vestiges of your prowess to linger long enough to inspire your allies. Improved Glorious Presence
Wizard Attack 13
The bri&ht li&ht of the full moon erupts from within you, leavin& thousands of&litterin& motes offaint li&ht lin&erin& nearby. Encounter + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Radiant Standard Action Close burst 2 Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and you push the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. Effect: You and each ally in the burst gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier+ one-half your level.
Level 15 Daily Powers Charm of the Dark Dream You can change into the form of a dream to haunt your enemies and drive them to madness and murder. Wizards in the Shadowfell cast this spell to eliminate their enemies without a trace. Charm of the Dark Dream -
Wizard Attack 15
As a wisp of black smoke, you enter your enemy's mind and control it with sinister whispers.
Daily + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target is dominated (save ends). Until the domination . ends, you are removed from play. You can end the domination at the start of your turn. When you return to play, you appear in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of the target. Miss: Half damage, and you are removed from play until the start of your next turn. When you return to play, you appear in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of the target. CHAPTER 3 [ Classes
Hex of Woe The hex ofwoe is used by wizards to make themselves appear mighty before their enemies. The charm quenches the spirit of your enemy, removing its will to fight, thus granting your allies a momentary advantage. Hex of Woe
Wizard Attack 15 .vhen you complete the spell, yoUY foe resigns itself to the chill of death, leaving holes in its defenses. Daily + Arcane, Cold, Implement, Necromancy, Necrotic Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 4d1 0 + Intelligence modifier cold and necrotic damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The target gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends).
Level 16 Utility Powers Mare's Body When you need to travel swiftly across the battlefield or make a quick overland journey, mare's body grants you additional legs. You can even transport a companion who can fight from your back. Mare's Body Wizard Utility 16 You partially transform your body into that of a swift horse, a monstrous spider, a scaly lizard, or an even stranger creature. Daily +Arcane, Polymorph, Transmutation Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you transform your body from the waist down into the body of a creature with more than two legs, such as a horse, a lizard, or a giant spider. While in this form, you retain your equipment and gain +4 power bonus to speed. When you move willingly, you can choose one adjacent ally, and for each square you move you can pull that ally 1 square. Your size category also increases by one (from Medium to Large, for instance); however, your weapons do not grow, and when you use a close power, you must choose a single square in your space as its origin square. You can end this form as a minor action.
Tides of Fate
As the beneficiary of arcane might from a powerful entity, you can call upon it to sway the balance of fortune in your favor. As the moon pulls the tides of the ocean, so you bring luck back to your allies , just as those who oppose you learn too late that it is bad luck indeed to tangle with you.
Tides of Fate
Wizard Utility 16 With a cry to your mighty patron, you alter the course offate, turning the tables on your enemies. Daily + Arcane, Aura Minor Action Personal Effect: You activate an aura 3 that lasts until you end it as a minor action or until you fall unconscious. Any ally who fails a skill check in the aura gains a + 2 bonus the next time he or she makes the same kind of skill check, and any ally who fails a saving throw in the aura gains a + 2 power bonus to his or her next saving throw. Any enemy in the aura that hits you or an ally in the aura grants combat advantage until the end of its next turn.
Level 1 7 Encounter Powers Choking Shadow
Some witches can draw upon the dark of moonless nights to animate their own shadows with necrotic energy. Many a murder has been committed in this way, with shadows materializing above their sleeping victims and strangling them before drifting away to reunite with their masters.
Choking Shadow
Wizard Attack 17
Your shadow separates from you and flits across the ground to throttle your enemy with spindly talons made offreezing darkness. Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Conjuration, Implement, Necrotic, Nethermancy Standard Action Ranged 20 Target: One creature Effect: You conjure your shadow in an unoccupied square adjacent to the target. The shadow lasts until the end of your next turn or until the target is not adjacent to it. The shadow then makes the following attack against the target. Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier cold and necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Miss: Half damage, the target is slowed until the end of your next turn, and you cannot sustain the shadow. Sustain Standard: The shadow persists until the end of your next turn or until the target is not adjacent to it, and the shadow repeats the attack against the target.
Night Tempest Now that you have mastered the night wind, you can control its temper, inciting it to destruction or calming it to a gentle breeze. When enemies press upon you, you can call down a windstorm to sweep them away. Night Tempest
Wizard Attack 17
Your will is as strong as the chilling wind that comes at your call, grasping your enemies and tossing them like toys. Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and you push the target up to 5 squares and knock it prone. Miss: Half damage, and you can push the target 1 square.
Level 19 Daily Powers Fragile Form W izards use fraaile form to transform their enem ies into dolls m ade of flimsy, easily destroyed materials. A spark or a flame typically consumes such creatures so quickly that there is little left of them by the time the spell has run its course. A wizard typically reserves this spell for an enemy that poses so great a threat it must be eliminated quickly.
Preserving Sleep
The powerful preservina sleep spell places an enchantment on the subject at the moment death would take it, putting it in a deep slumber until it can be awakened to life. Some wizards cast the spell on themselves, sleeping through the ages to reawaken in an unsuspecting world that believed them to be only legends.
Preserving Sleep Fragile Form
Wizard Attack 19
With a word, you transform your enemy's body into a livin& dol! made ofslass, dry paper, or threadbare doth. Daily+ Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you trans· form the target's physical form into glass, paper, cloth, or another fragile material (save ends). Until the transforma· tion ends, the target is slowed and the target gains your choice of vulnerable 10 to all damage or vulnerable 15 fire. Miss: Half damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends).
Mass Transformation Your mastery of shape changing nearly complete, you can now cast spells you learned long ago in the form of powerful incantations strong enough to reduce armies to flopping , scurrying creatures. Mass traniformation removes several enemies from the battlefield, allowing you to concentrate on one threat at a time. Mass Transformation
Wizard Attack 19
When you utter the powerful command, your foes disappear in plumes of smoke, to be replaced by fross, mice, hermit crabs, or some other tiny creatures. Daily+ Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choice (save ends). Aftereffect: The target takes 3d8 +your Intelligence modifier damage from the transformation. Miss: The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choice until the end of its next turn. Effect: As a Tiny beast, the target is dazed, and the only actions it can take are to move its speed or shift. All of the target's equipment transforms with it. If it takes damage from any source, this effect ends.
Level 22 Utility Powers
Wizard Utility 22
With words as soft as fallin& wains of sand, your spell places the subject into a deep slumber, preservin& it from death. Daily + Arcane Immediate Interrupt Ranged 20 Trigger: You or an ally within 20 squares of you dies. Target: The triggering character Effect: The target does not die. All harmful effects end on him or her, and the target's hit points reset to 0. The target falls into a stasis that resembles sleep. In this state, the target does not age, although he or she can be killed, and the target is immune to hunger, thirst, poison, disease, and suffocation. This stasis lasts until th e target is healed.
Umbral Stride With this power you transform your being into shadow substance, allowing you to merge with the darkness and transport yourself from one creature's shadow to another. Where the veil between shadow and the world is thin, some wizards use this power to cross freely between planes. Umbral Stride
Wizard Utility 22
You chanse into an insubstantial entity that flits from shadow to shadow. Daily + Arcane, Nethermancy, Teleportation Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you are phasing, and you can use a move action to teleport up to 1 0 squares to a square adjacent to a creature that you can see. Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Level 23 Encounter Powers Brutish Construct Many wizards spend months or years laboring over the construction of artificial guardians. This spell enables you to bring together pieces of debris, discarded materials, and anything else that is lying around to build such a construct on the fly. This construct is stable enough to last for only a short time, but before the bindings that hold it together dissipate, it is capable oflanding at least one great blow.
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Brutish Construct
Wizard Attack 23
Pieces of debris and discarded fra&ments fly to& ether to form a lumberin& construct that obeys your commands. Encounter + Arcane, Conjuration, Implement Standard Action Ranged 5 Effect: You conjure a construct in an unoccupied square in range that lasts until the end of your next turn. The construct occupies its square, and while you are adjacent to the construct, any enemy that ends its turn adjacent to it takes 1 5 damage. When the construct appears, it makes the following attack. Target: One creature adjacent to the construct Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 4d1 0 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the construct pushes the target up to 5 squares.
Horde of Puckish Sprites Much like the puckish sprite spell, this spell calls forth tiny fey creatures that act as distractions for your foes. In such a large group, these glowing sprites are even more capable of mischief than they are individually, and by the time they cease to exist, they will have sown chaos on the battlefield. Horde of Puckish Sprites
Bewitching Gaze Some wizards, particularly witches, become so beautiful or so terrifying that not even devils can look upon them unmoved. Beneath the gaze of such an individual, supplicants bow, their minds ready to carry out the wizard's desires. Bewitching Gaze
Wizard Attack 25
Under the puH ofyour steady &aze, your foe bows to your every command. Daily+ Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 20 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target is dominated until the end of your next turn. On the target's turn, you can command it to take a full set of actions (standard, move, and minor). Sustain Standard: You repeat the attack against the target. On a miss, the power ends. Miss: You do not expend this power.
Wizard Attack 23
Several&limmerin&, mischievous sprites seem to sprin&forth from nowhere, wreakin& havoc on nearby foes. Encounter+ Arcane, Implement, Radiant, Zone Standard Action Area burst 2 within 1 0 squares Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and the target is slowed until the end of its next turn. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. When any enemy of yours ends its turn adjacent to one or more creatures in the zone, choose one of the creatures in the zone to make a melee basic attack against that creature as a free action.
Level 25 Daily Powers
I Classes
Moonlight and Darkness You channel the twin forces oflight and darkness and loose them upon the battlefield, dousing your enemies in the full , clear light of the moon while concealing your allies within the shadow of the new moon. This power represents the apex of accomplishment for a witch that is a master of the full moon and the dark moon. Moonlight and Darkness
Wizard Attack 25
The stark, pure li&ht of the moon min&les with darkness and shiftin& shadow in such concentration that it sears your enemies. Daily+ Arcane, Evocation, Implement, Radiant, Necrotic, Zone Standard Action Area burst 3 within 20 squares Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 4d8 + Intelligence modifier radiant and necrotic damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Allies in the zone have partial concealment. Enemies in the zone have vulnerable 1 0 radiant and vulnerable 1 0 necrotic, and they grant combat advantage.
Level 2 7 Encounter Powers Supreme Dread Presence So strong is your dread presence that your very shadow has practically become a living, animate thing. Occasionally it might disobey you, reflecting an action wholly different than the one you are taking. However, when you command it to obey you in your strongest voice, it becomes an implement of the terror you inspire. Supreme Dread Presence
Wizard Attack 27
You become a vision of niahtmare, cloak ina yourself in the dread shadow that is inexorably bound to you, wrappina it around you like a mantle. Encounter + Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic, Nethermancy, Zone Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in the blast Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that e nds its turn in the zone takes necrotic damage equal to your 1 0 +your Wisdom modifier. Special: All damage from this attack and its effect ignores 1 5 points of necrotic resistance.
Supreme Glorious Presence Yours is the glory of the bright, full moon. You are radiant and terrible all at once, and your enemies cannot help but bow before you when they are caught within your moonlit thrall. The power you draw upon to cast this spell is that of the moon at its strongest and brightest, and it is said that a witch who casts this spell under the light of the brightest moon of the year can transcend his or her physical existence and become a thing of pure moonlight. Supreme Glorious Presence
Wizard Attack 27
As the liaht ofyour radiance repels your enemies, it also brinas them to their knees before you, aivina your allies a chance to draw near and rejuvenate themselves. Encounter + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Radiant Standard Action Close burst 3 Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 4d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and you push the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier and knock the target prone. Effect: You and each ally in the burst gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + one-half your level.
Level 29 Daily Power Visions of Wrath
Though many see the trickery and confusion inspired by spellcasters of the Feywild as little more than mischief, some such spells can be truly terrifying. The most accomplished spellcasters of the Feywild can bring to bear such powerful spells that they completely muddle the minds of their enemies, bringing the foes under the caster's control by presenting them with an alternate reality composed solely of illusion.
Visions of Wrath
Wizard Attack 19
At your command, your enemies fall upon each other with bloodcurdlina cries. Daily + Arcane, Illusion, Implement Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). If you or your allies attack the target, it gets a saving throw against this effect. If you do not compel the target to make any attack rolls during its turn, it automatically succeeds on its saving throw against this effect at the end of that turn. If you compel the target to make one or more attack rolls but it does not hit any targets, it automatically fails its next saving throw against this effect. Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
I Clas ses
TAKES all kinds of heroes to vanquish the malicious creatures that emerge from the Feywild. Similarly, heroes of all sorts find themselves thrust into the Feywild, either out of necessity or as a twist of their fortunes, and they must adapt to survive. This chapter provides several new options that reflect the kinds of abilities that can be learned from adventuring in the Feywild, fey heritage, or from coming into contact with fey creatures. Though some of the material in this chapter is class-specific and draws on material found elsewhere within this book, heroes created using other sources can still find useful options here. Additionally, this
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chapter includes material for races and classes from all the D UNGEONS & DRAGONS rulebooks. This chapter includes the following sections. + Themes to customize your character with fey qualities. + Fey-themed paragon paths. + Fey-themed epic destinies. + New feats, including n ew racial feats and feats available to characters of any class. + Selections of mundane gear and m agic items. + Fey gifts, benefits that your character can obtain from patrons in the Feywild.
BARD'S TALE: THE SIDHE LORD AND THE SATYR Once upon a time there was a young and arrogant eladrin nobleman, a son of one of the true Sid he lords of the Feywild. The nobleman called the great city of Mithrendain his home, and he was well known to the other people ofthe city as a boor and a snob, not to mentiona dangerous minor tyrant who wielded the influence of the Sid he lords as if he were a petulant child. One day, the lord was chasing after a pretty eladrin girl who had struck his fancy when the Sidhe lord stumbled across a crippled satyr slowly making his way to the city. Angered that the satyr had spoiled his sport, the eladrin shouted curses at him, and kicked the satyr over into the mud. 'You old cripple,' the eladrin screamed, 'how dare you stand in the path of your betters? Where the Sidhe lords go, the people bend knee and get out of the way!' The satyr pushed himself slowly up to his feet and whispered the words of a curse, pointing a crooked finger at the Sidhe lord. 'A true Sid he lord would not waste the day chasing women that do not want him,' the satyr replied. 'A true Sidhe lord would not abuse those who would be his subjects,' the satyr said. 'You are no true Sidhe lord; you are a monster!' And then the satyr cast his curse upon the eladrin, transforming him from a handsome young man into a hideous monstrosity, unrecognizable as his former self. Horrified, the Sid he lord fled back into the city, running straight for his home. The guard, however, did not
see the young lordling returning, but instead viewed a screaming madman, hideous and twisted, demanding to be let in. They barred the door against his entrance and treated him like an unwanted vagrant. For days, the Sid he lord lived in the shadowed corners of Mithrenda in, begging for food and trying his bestand failing- to convince the guards to let him into his home. The young Sid he lord had lost everything, and he was filled with despair. One day, the twisted wretch who has once been the lord overheard some of those who had sworn loyalty to his house speaking about his disappearance. 'Good riddance,' they said. 'The boy was a tyrant in the making.' Soon after, the Sidhe lord was approached by the very satyr that had transformed him into a monster. The satyr said that he thought the lord had been punished long enough, and offered to change him back. The young Sidhe lord refused. He claimed that he now knew he did not deserve his post, and the Feywild was better with him absent. The satyr took pity on the young man and reversed most of the curse, transforming his visage from monstrous to simply scarred and blemished. The satyr told him to go and make his way in the world of men, and that as he proved himself more worthy, the scars and marks would fade, eventually restoring him to his former appearance when he was truly ready to accept the mantle of a Sid he lord.
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Charact e r Options
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Character The1nes Just as race and class help to define who your character is in the world, theme adds a third component to refine your story and identity_ The themes presented here explain what your character knows about the Feywild and provide story hooks that you can use to roleplay him or her. A theme generally embraces characters of many different classes. A few more narrowly focused themes are limited to a small selection of classes or races-for example, a tuathan must be a human. Each theme has a sidebar that describes any such restrictions. This section presents four themes. + Fey beast tamer, master of fey creatures + Sidhe lord, noble of the fey + Tuathan, human or half-elf touched by the Feywild + Unseelie agent, ally of an unsavory patron
CHOOSING A THEME A character can have only one theme, which you choose when you create your character. You don't have to select a character theme if you don't want to. When you select a theme, it grants you the following benefits. Background: You can use one of these themes as a background for your character. Each theme has a 'Background' sidebar that lists skills associated with the theme. If you choose the theme as your background, you can gain a +2 bonus to checks made for one of those associated skills, or you can add one of those skills to your list of class skills before you choose your trained skills. Starting Features: Each theme includes one or more features that you gain when you select the theme. Additional Features: Most themes offer additional features at levels 5 and 10. You gain additional features automatically when you reach the appropriate level; they don't replace your normal class features. Optional Powers: Each theme includes a small number of attack powers, utility powers, or both that become available at 2nd level or higher. These powers are added to the list of powers you can choose from when you gain levels. For example, if you're a 6thlevel fighter, you can choose a 6th-level fighter utility power or a 6th-level utility power from your theme (if such a power is available). Prerequisites: Just like classes and races, themes can be prerequisites for feats , paragon paths, and other features. CHAPTER 4
Character Options
THEMES IN CHARACTER CREATION Themes offer a wide array of character creation tools. You might choose your theme first and then pick a class or race to reinforce that identity. For example, a character who has the Unseelie agent theme can be of any class, but choosing the warlock class might strengthen your pact with your patron. You can also use a theme to take your character in a new direction, adopting a story role that your class or race otherwise might not provide. For example, if you play a dwarfbarbarian who has the fey beast tamer theme, the combination can offer new opportunities for story hooks and roleplaying. Which of your ancestors was connected to those who could tame the creatures of the Feywild, especially given your race's history of distance from the elves? What legacy did that ancestor pass on to you? Use your chosen theme to inform the background of your character and how you roleplay him or her. Like class and race, your theme is only part of who your character is.
THEMES IN THE PARTY The themes in this section can provide story elements that are unique to your character. Perhaps your character has knowledge that he or she wants to keep secret from other party members, or your character might have a hidden agenda. Such secrets are meant to create fun roleplaying opportunities, not to set your character against the others. Every theme in this section has a good reason to want to work with the others. Think about your character's theme and how he or she would interact with the other party members. Discuss these possible interactions with the DM and the other players in the same way that you might talk about each party member's class or role.
Changing Character Theme You can retrain your theme choice when you gain a level. However, if you have any feats or powers that require your theme as a prerequisite, you first must retrain those feats or powers. Then you can change your theme by retraining at the next opportunity.
FEY BEAST TAMER 'Of course you can domesticate an owlbear! Want me to show you how?' When the natural world was young and humanity was in its infancy, callous elf nobles intentionally opened fey crossings between their realm and the natural world, sending dangerous monsters through to terrorize early mortal civilizations. Many of humanity's oldest folk tales concern these first encounters with creatures such as owlbears and displacer beasts. Although eladrin scholars have tried to disprove the assertion that their ancestors were responsible, there is no doubt that an unusual number of stories passed down by human cultures involve such occurrences. However troublesome or malicious the ancient elves might have been, they inadvertently gave the people of the natural world a familiarity with fey creatures. During these formative years for human culture, contact with Feywild beasts had a great impact; the magic of that plane touched hearts and souls in the mortal world. As a result, some members of mortal races developed an affinity for dealing with creatures from the Feywild. They could command the beasts of the fey realm just as mortal nobles could command their subjects. Renowned fey beast tamers, many of whom have been immortalized in story and song, rode into battle with powerful denizens of the Feywild at their side. Generations passed, empires rose and fell, and wars came and went. Bloodlines that once had been strong were thinned out by centuries of marriage and expansion. The beast tamers who commanded armies of fey creatures died out, and every generation of their offspring grew weaker in their control over fey beasts until the ability was almost forgotten. Once every few generations, however, a mortal is born of parents who still have strong blood ties to the ancient beast lords. Such individuals grow up with the inherent ability to bond with fey creatures. Though many never realize their full potential, some discover-through chance encounters-that they can influence fey beasts by sheer willpower. These special mortals usually bond with a single creature, forming a connection that is as strong as the one shared by soldiers who serve together in battle. You are one of these rare individuals with an ability that reaches back to the dawn of civilization. You have formed a connection with a fey creature and can command it to aid you and protect you from harm. Over time, as you develop this bond further, you will begin to absorb the inherent magic of the creature and find yourself capable of things you never thought possible.
BACKGROUND You have learned to exploit your bond with a creature from the Feywild, learning much about your own world or the workings of the fey realm. Associated Skill: Arcana or Nature.
Building a Fey Beast Tamer Fey beast tamers are able to control feral creatures from the Feywild, although the creatures are never truly domesticated. A fey beast tamer creates a bond with his or her companion animal and usually has a natural affinity for beasts of all kinds. Class Prerequisite: None. The ability to bond with a fey creature has little connection to other aptitudes, instead reflecting something deep within a person's soul. That said, heroes who have a strong connection to the natural world, such as druids or shamans, might be more inclined to create such a bond. Race Prerequisite: None. A fey beast tamer need not hail from the Feywild to be able to tame the creatures of that plane.
Starting Feature The primary feature of your status as a fey beast tamer is your magical beast companion. You have formed a bond with a creature of the Feywild. Benefit: Choose one of the following creatures: blink dog, displacer beast, fey panther, or young owlbear. You gain it as your fey beast companion. Your fey beast companion is considered an ally of you and your allies. It can be affected by powers in the same way that any other creature can be. It has animal intelligence, so you can communicate with it only at a basic level (like a trained pet), and it doesn't understand complex ideas. Your fey beast companion's level is equal to yours, and its hit points, defenses, and attack values are determined by your level, as noted in its statistics. Your companion shares your healing surge total. Whenever an effect requires your fey beast companion to spend a healing surge, the surge is deducted from your total. Whenever you use your second wind, your companion also regains hit points equal to your healing surge value. At the end of a short rest, your fey beast companion regains all its hit points. CHAPTER 4 I Character Options
If you die or your companion drops below 1 hit point, it retreats back into the Feywild. If that occurs, you can use one of these two ways to call it back. Minor A ction: You lose a healing surge, and your companion appears in the nearest unoccupied space, with hit points equal to your healing surge value. Short R est or Extended R est: At the end of the rest, you lose a healing surge, and your companion
appears in the nearest unoccupied space, with full hit points .
Blink Dog Companion You have attuned yourself to a blink dog, a common pack hunter of the Feywild. These strong, yellowcoated canines can teleport short distances, and they use this power to surround prey. With enough training, you and your allies can benefit from this ability. Trained Blink Dog
FEY BEAST COMPANION ACTIONS While you are within 20 squares of your fey beast companion, it relies on your guidance. You take actions so that it can act, and during an encounter its initiative is the same as yours. Standard Actions: For your fey beast companion to take a standard action, you must take a standard action to command it to do so. Move Actions: Whenever you take a move action, your fey beast companion can also take a move action. Alternatively, you can stay put but take a move action to command your fey beast companion to take a move action. Minor Actions: For your fey beast companion to take a minor action, you must take a minor action to command it to do so. Free Actions: Your fey beast companion can take a free action without your taking an action to command it. Triggered Actions: If one of your fey beast companion's triggered actions is triggered, the companion can take that action only if you take the same kind of action to command it to do so. For example, if an enemy adjacent to your companion provokes an opportunity attack from it, you must take an opportunity action to command your companion to make the attack. Acting Independently: In situations when you can't give commands to your fey beast companion, it can act independently. For example, if you are unconscious or more than 20 squares away from your companion, it doesn't sit around waiting for you (unless that's what you commanded it to do). A fey beast companion acting independently does not have a full complement of actions on its turn. Instead, on its turn, it can take a standard action, a move action, or a minor action. It can also take opportunity actions and free actions, but it cannot take immediate actions.
C H APTER 4 [ Character Options
Fey Beast Companion
Medium fey beast HP your bloodied value Initiative equal to yours AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will13 Perception equal (Add your level to each defense) to yours +2 Speed 7 Low-light vision TRAITS
V Blinking Pack (teleportation) +
Aura 1 The blink dog or any ally in the aura can use a move action to te leport to anothe r square in the aura.
CD Blinking Bite (teleportation) +
At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. AC Hit: 1 d8 + one-half your level damage, and the blink dog tele ports up to 2 squares. Level 21 : 2d8 + one-half your level damage. Str 14 Dex 20 Wis 14 Con 17 lnt 2 Cha 6
Displacer Beast Companion Although feared throughout the Feywild as a cunning and deadly predator, a displacer beast can be tamed by someone wise in the ways of the spirits. You have managed to achieve this rapport, taking special pride in the wide-eyed stares that you and your companion receive during your travels. Trained Displacer Beast
Fey Beast Companion
Medium fey beast HP your bloodied valu e Initiative equal to yours AC 15, Fortitude 11 , Reflex 15, Will1 5 Perception equal (Add your level to each defense) to yours +2 Speed 8 Low-light vision TRAITS
(): Displacement (illusion)+ Aura 1 Allies gain a +1 power bonus to all defe nses while in the aura. STANDARD ACTIONS
CD Tentacle (illusion)+ At-Will Attack: Mel ee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. AC Hit: 1 d8 + one-half your level damage, and th e displacer beast gains part ial concealment until the end of its next turn. Level 21 : 2d8 + one-half your level damage. Str 15 Dex 20 Wis 16 Con 16 lnt 2 Cha 6
Fey Panther Companion A black-coated fey panther might not have the fearsome reputation of a dis placer beast, but it is a capable predator in its own right. The panther's keen senses warn its pack mates of danger.
Trained Fey Panther Fey Beast Companion Medium fey beast Initiative equal to yours HP your bloodied value AC 13, Fortitude 13 , Reflex 15, Will11 Perception equal to yours +1 (Add your level to each defense) low-light vision Speed 8, climb 6 TRAITS
(;: Alert Companion + Aura 1 While in the aura, enemies cannot gain combat advantage aga inst the fey panther's allies. STANDARD ACTIONS
CD Claw + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 +one-half your level damage, and the target grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn. Leve/21: 1d8 + one-ha lf your level damage. Str 15 Dex 20 Wis 13 Con 15 lnt 1 Cha 6
Young Owlbear Companion Young owlbears are valued by the Feywild's goblins, who train the beasts to serve as guardians. Perhaps you freed your new companion from a goblin trap or beat it into submission after the goblins sicced it on you. However you two came together, the owlbear now fights for you. Trained Young Owlbear Fey Beast Companion Medium fey beast Initiative equa l to yours HP your bloodied value Perception eq ual AC 13, Fortitude 15, Reflex 11, Will1 5 to yours +1 (Add your level to each defense) Darkvision Speed 6 TRAITS
Ferocious Companion + Aura 1 Allies gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in the aura.
CD Claw + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 +one-ha lf your level damage. Leve/21: 1d11 +one-ha lf your level damage. Dex 11 Wis 14 Str 20 Con 17 lnt 1 Cha 6
Additional Features Level 5 Feature As you enhance the connection you have with your fey beast companion, you learn to act in concert with your companion whenever the situation warrants it. Benefit: You have combat advantage against enemies in your fey beast companion's aura. Level 10 Feature You have always been able to communicate with your fey beast companion. However, you have learned the secret language of your companion and can speak to it the same way it would communicate with others of its kind. As a result, you can now glean more complex information from a conversation with your companion.
Benefit: You can communicate normally with your fey beast companion and other creatures of the same kind. !-
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power The special connec- >tion you share with your fey beast companion makes LJ.J u.. it easy for you to transfer part of your vitality to the creature. With effort, you can send reinforcement to your companion. Heal Fey Beast Companion
Fey Beast Tamer Utility 2
You focus briefly on your bond with your fey beast companion, restoring some of its vitality. Daily -+ Arcane, Healing Minor Action Ranged 1 0 Target: Your fey beast companion Effect: The target regains a number of hit points equa l to your healing surge value.
Level 6 Utility Power The world can be a dangerous place, and you know when it's best to keep your unusual ally out of sight. The safe banishment power sends your fey beast companion to a haven in the Feywild, allowing you to travel in civilized areas without worrying about what might happen to your companion in such an environment. Safe Banishment
Fey Beast Tamer Utility 6
With a wave ofyour hand, your f ey beast companion vanishes. At-Will -+Arcane Move Action Ranged 1 0 Target: Your fey beast companion Effect: Your fey beast companion is removed from play. It travels to a safe location in the Feywild. As a move action, you can recall your fey beast companion, and it appears in an unoccupied square adjacent to you.
Level 10 Utility Power Your bond with your companion has grown so strong that for a short time you can take on a form that resembles your companion's. Companion Form
Fey Beast Tamer Utility 10
Your body shifts and changes, and suddenly you take on a form that is nearly a mirror image ofyour fey beast companion. Encounter-+ Arcane, Polymorph Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume a form similar to that of your fey beast companion. While in this form, you have the same aura as your companion. You gain the creature's senses and speed, but the form does not otherwise alter your game statistics. The form lasts until the end of the encounter, until you end it as a minor action, or until you use any other power.
I Character
Options J'
SIDHE LORD 'The archfey miaht seem the most powerful, but the real masters of the people are the Sidhe lords such as I.' Among the fey races, particularly elves and eladrin, powerful noble houses have arisen over the years as the authority in the Feywild. The various fey courts, including the Summer Queen's Court of Stars, are made up of representatives from these houses. Although the houses vary in makeup, goals, and methods, their members are collectively known as Sidhe lords-a title that paints them all with the same brush. The first true Sidhe lords were elves who lived before the great conflict that splintered the race into three factions. In the days when the race was in its youth, some ambitious elves claimed dominion over the untamed Feywild. When none could challenge them, these early Sidhe lords established themselves as pillars of power in the realm, and an order was born among the fey races. The common people showed deference to the Sidhe lords, and the lords protected those within their dominion. Later, as the people of the Feywild matured and the elf race split into elves, eladrin, and drow, a greater variety ofSidhe lords rose to prominence. Most of these were individuals of other races, such as drow and satyrs, who had gained influence and forged alliances. Rather than engaging in power struggles that could weaken their houses, the established lords acknowledged the new self-proclaimed nobles, giving them legitimacy. To this day, most of the Sidhe lords of the Feywild are eladrin (many of the elflords took their power bases with them into the natural world), but the newer noble houses have offspring of other races. The noble houses of the Sidhe lords behave much as their counterparts do in the mortal world; they work together, come into conflict with one another, plot and manipulate, and meddle in the affairs of common people. The fey houses typically choose colors and heraldry the same way that human nobles do, but their symbols are fey creatures such as displacer beasts and owlbears. Most Sidhe lords are eager to associate themselves with dominion over an aspect of the Feywild. The Prince of Frost, for example, claims sovereignty over the Vale ofLong Night, and he is known as the Sidhe lord who commands winter (at least, within the Feywild). Other Sidhe lords might hold sway over specific kinds of fey creatures (for example, displacer beasts). Formidable fey nobles make bargains with weaker beings or with those they favor. Sidhe lords have amassed a great deal of influence and arcane might, and a formal pact establishes a bond that allows a lord to transfer that power to a recipient. Many warlocks have such pacts, but Sidhe lords are free to enter into them with all kinds of creatures. CHAPTER 4
Character Options
BACKGROUND You have learned how to deal with others from your position of power. You might accomplish that goal either through polite but persuasive discourse or by pulling rank and throwing your weight around. Associated Skill: Diplomacy or Intimidate.
You are a Sidhe lord, a representative of a noble house of the Feywild. Whether you are a youth or someone just coming up through the ranks of your house, your station affords you certain privileges. Moreover, you have the power and authority to make pacts, bargains, and accords as a Sidhe lord, and you can use your status to your advantage.
Building a Sidhe Lord Sidhe lords are nobles among the fey races who rule over the civilized parts of the Feywild. They are similar to the nobles of the mortal world, and their authority is recognized by all the races (and many of the beasts) that inhabit the Feywild. Class Prerequisite: None. Most Sidhe lords begin to pursue their own goals and ambitions at a young age and are not recalled to rule their houses until they have a few decades of experience under their belts. Thus, young Sidhe lords follow whatever path agrees with them, whether it might be the study of arcane magic or the use of weapons and armor. Race Prerequisite: Half-elf, or any race that has the fey origin. Most Sidhe lords are elves and eladrin, but sometimes members of other fey races are accepted as nobles after achieving a certain level of power and prestige. Sidhe lords are not necessarily given their station by birthright, and the noble houses of the Feywild are often compelled to recognize the legitimacy of other self-made nobles as a matter of practicality. If someone declares that he or she is a Sidhe lord and has the power to back up the claim, it would be imprudent to reject that assertion.
Starting Feature A Sidhe lord is never without allies. Any noble house powerful enough to declare itself such has numerous bodyguards, soldiers, and other warriors among its ranks. As a Sidhe lord, you can call on these allies, and you have the magic to summon them at any time from your house's holdings in the Feywild. Benefit: You gain the summon Sidhe ally power.
Summon Sidhe Ally
Sidhe Lord Utility
You summon an ally ofyour nob !e house, bound to obey you. Daily +Arcane, Summoning Minor Action Ranged 5 Effect: You summon a Sid he house guard in an unoccupied space within range. The guard is an ally to you and your allies. The guard lacks actions of its own. Instead, you spend actions to command it mentally, choosing from the actions in the guard's description. You must have line of effect to the guard to command it. When you command the guard, you and the guard share knowledge but not senses. If you use a move action to move yourself, you can also command the guard to move up to its speed. When the guard makes an attack roll or a check, you make the roll using your statistics, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties. The guard lasts until it drops below 1 hit point, at which point you lose a healing surge (or hit points equal to your surge value if you have no surges left). Otherwise, the guard lasts until you dismiss it as a minor action or until you use this power again.
Sidhe House Guard
Summoned Creature
Medium fey humanoid HP your healing surge value; Healing Surges none, but you can lose a healing surge for the guard if an effect allows it to spend one Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties
Sflt;~.~..~...... Standaf'~...A.c.~i.o!l (w.eapon)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level+ 7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + highest ability modifier damage.
Level?}: 2d8 + highest abilitymodifier damage. .. Move A<:ti!)!l{f..el~pgr}.atjon)+ Eiico~Ater Eff~.Et.:.I~.t; g11ard teleports up to 6 squares. lmll1edi.Jilt~l!l.t~rruf1t + At·Will Triaaer: You are hit by a melee attack or a ranged attack while the guard is adjacent to you. Effect: The attack hits the guard instead of you.
Additional Features Level 5 Feature No one wants to offend a Sidhe lord, for fear of inviting the wrath of the lord's house. Thus, you can expect to be welcomed in any civilized area that recognizes your house. Benefit: When you are in a city or other civilized area that recognizes your house's prestige, you can receive a week's lodging in comfortable if not lavish quarters at no charge. The quarters include room for up to eight of your allies, as well as meals each day. You have the use of up to three servants, who perform common tasks for the duration of your stay. Level 10 Feature You are further attuned to your house guard. Where it goes, you go also. Benefit: Whenever your Sidhe house guard uses its teleportation power while you are adjacent to it, you can teleport up to 6 squares to a space adjacent to the guard's destination.
Optional Powers Level 2 Utility Power Youcanmake minor pacts based on the amount of influence that you and your house have accrued. One of the simplest examples is the bargain of time , which has been passed down from one generation of Sidhe lords to the next. You grant your ally an opportunity to act now in exchange for a similar gesture later. Sid he Bargain
Sidhe lord Utility 2
You offer a baraain to one ofyour allies: a little more speed now in exchanae for some of the ally's extra effort later. Encounter+ Arcane Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One ally Effect: The target can lose an action point to immediately take a standard action as a free action. If the target does so, you gain an action point.
Level 6 Utility Power Alone Sidhe lord is a formidable adversary-but when you are accompanied by your house guard, the two of you move deceptively swiftly and draw vigor from each other's nearness. Unified Front
Sidhe lord Utility 6
You move to a better position from which to fiaht, and you and your auard present a danaerous front to your enemies. Encounter + Arcane Move Action Personal Effect: You and your Sid he house guard can both move up to your respective speeds+ 2. If you end this movement adjacent to your guard, you and it both gain temporary hit points equal to your healing surge value.
Level 10 Utility Power Attimes,youcan afford to lend some of your power to an ally in need. Of course, such a pact is never wholly altruistic; you make sure to gain something in the bargain, too. Temporary Fey Pact
Sidhe Lord Utility 10
You forae a pact similar to those of warlocks, Bivin& some power to an al!y and drawin9 on that al!y's vitality in return. Daily + Arcane Minor Action Ranged 5 Target: One ally Effect: You enter into a pact with the target that lasts until you take a minor action to end it or until you use this power again. Once per encounter, while this pact is active, the target can take a minor action to cause you to lose the use of one encounter power or daily power of your choice that has a level. When the target does so, he or she regains the use of one of his or her expended powers of the same usage, type, and level. For example, if you lost the use of a 2nd-level encounter utility power, the target could regain the use of a 2nd-level encounter utility power. In addition, you can spend the target's healing surges as if they were your own, if the target allows it.
Character Options
Searchinnfor clues to their tribe's orinin, a pair of tuathans uncover an ennraved messane in the ruins of Cendriane
TUATHAN 'There's a reason why I always watch what I say when animals are around.'
Legend tells of a great tribe of humans that settled the world in antiquity. Some say these humans were shapeshifters, born of primal spirits or fey creatures; others say they were the warlike children of a fey goddess. With valor and magic untold, they came from the Feywild in great vessels with sails like white wings. Wielding items of vast power, they conquered all opposing tribes (commingling with some of the elves they subjugated), carved out a realm, and ruled it for centuries. Eventually they fell into decline. The great race receded, its empire crumbled, and it withdrew into the Feywild, leaving behind fragments of glorious epics, hidden troves of magic, and the name of the mighty tribe: Tuatha. 'The tribe' -for that is what the word meant in ancient Elven-dispersed throughout the land of the fey, where it is said its descendants remain to this day. Nowadays, any human or half-elfborn or blessed with a strain of fey magic might be a tuathan. Most tuathans are born in the Feywild, and the bold vibrancy of that realm courses through their veins as it did in the tribe of old. Tuathans born in the mortal world are the result ofbriefhuman trysts with beautiful faerie folk. Such children are usually raised by the mortal parent in the natural world, and they grow up with little idea of their enchanted heritage. Deep in their hearts, however, they yearn to strike out into the unknown.
Character Options
Tuathans are compelled to experience more wondrous adventures than have ever been told in tales. Perhaps this urge is what drove the conquering Tuatha from the Feywild in ancient times, and perhaps it is the reason the tribe returned to the fey realm after ruling for so long. When tuathans set their sights on a distant horizon, a love to be won, or a challenge to be met, fulfilling the goal occupies their thoughts as intensely as the pangs of first love. Perhaps unsurprisingly, most fairy tales that migrate to the mortal world are stories of the tuathans of the Feywild striving to attain their heart's desire. Some tuathans bear no outward mark of their fey heritage and appear as ordinary humans or halfelves in every aspect. Most appear as slender, exotic individuals with striking, well-defined features and thick, lustrous hair. Their most remarkable physical characteristics are the slight suggestions of fey or animal traits that delicately grace their faces, notably eyes, noses, hair, and ears. Some have eyes like those of cats, eladrin, or owls; others have shining manes of dark hair naturally interwoven with raven, peacock, or eagle feathers; still others have subtly elongated noses or ears suggestive of foxes, cats, or elves. These understated traits appear natural and are rarely noticed at a glance. A few tuathans are fey shapechangers, able to transform into the beasts or birds that their normal features suggest. In ancient tales, shapechangers served tuathan kings and queens as explorers, spies, and court magic users. Today, such individuals travel the Feywild as trader nomads. They visit villages, towns, and cities of the natural world to give
tuathans become clerics; inherently blessed with fey magic, they have little use for divine authorities. Race Prerequisite: Human or half-elf.
BACKGROUND Your blood pulses with the spirit of the Feywild, driving you toward action and excitement. You might be able to push your hale and hearty body to extremes, or you have knowledge about the ancient fey realm that many have forgotten. Associated Skill: Endurance or History.
mortals a spark of magic in their lives-but always for a price. A vow or a bargain made with a tuathan is binding and cannot be broken without consequences, which are often magical. Tuathans believe that powerful enchantments are inherent in spoken stories, vows, ba rgains, rhymes, names, songs, and chants. For a tuathan, to say a thing is to give it life, to make it real. 1uathans believe that nothing in the world is unobtainable, and when they accept a challenge, they seldom back down from it. They pursue their aims to the ends of the world, for it is by the magnitude of their deeds that they will be remembered in song and story through the ages, like the Tuatha of old. Tuathan naming conventions date back to the time of the ancient tribe. Most of the names bestowed upon children have their roots in the land from which ]uatha set sa il. Popular male names include Bran, Cadeyrn, Dylan, Eagan, Gawain, Iago, Lugh, Maedoc, Merrion, Morcant, Padraig, Roderick, Taliesin, Trystan, Urien, and Wynn. Females are often called Alis , An wen, Blaithin, Cara, Ceridwen, Elain, Fflur, Glynis, Gwendolyn, Gwyneth, Keelie, Kendal, Megann, Morrigan, Rowena, or Sioned.
Starting Feature You gain either Continue the Story or Shapech anger Physique.
Continue the Story
The tale of a tuathan does not end arbitrarily. In the mortal world, death and hardship occur haphazardly and at random. But the fairy-tale magic of the Feywild surrounds a tuathan hero, saving his or her life in unlikely circumstances. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to death saving throws. In addition, whenever you make an Endurance check, you can roll twice and use either result.
Shapechanger's Physique Tuathans who h ave a strong strain of shapechanger blood display features suggestive of Feywild animals or fey creatures, and sometimes they have capabilities to match. Benefit: Whenever you make an Athletics check, you can roll twice and use either result.
Building a Tuathan A tuathan is a human or a half-elf touched by fey magic. Some are native inhabitants of the Feywild, and others are descended from fey ancestors or blessed by a fey (such as a fairy patron or a godparent). Humans and half-elves who have been honored by the touch of the fey are the indomitable heroes of fairy tales and legends. Class Prerequisite: None. Tuathans are complex and versatile, and they can pursue any class. Magic, mischief, high adventure , and trickery come naturally to them, and tuathan warlocks, wizards, barbarians, bards, and rogues are prevalent. Few
Character Options
Additional Features Level 5 Feature You gain either Heightened Senses or The Tables Are Turned. Heightened Senses When you tap into your inner strength, every sound, smell, sight, and sensation becomes as clear as a Feywild dawn. Shapechanging tuathans who have this ability draw on the senses of their animal shape. Benefit: When you use your second wind, ene· mies gain no benefit from any cover or concealment against you until the end of your next turn. The Tables Are 1uned
When a cornered tuathan prepares to make a bold stand, the mysterious luck, favor, or storybook magic of the Feywild smiles upon him or her, reversing fortune in an instant. Benefit: When you use your second wind, you gain combat advantage against any enemy flanking you, and being flanked does not cause you to grant combat advantage. This benefit lasts until the end of your next turn.
Level 10 Feature You gain either Flying Animal Shape or Heroic Recovery. Flying Animal Shape Your shapechanging abilities have improved, and you have learned to take the form of a flying creature in addition to tuathan animal shape. Benefit: If you h ave the tuathan animal shape power, you can use it to assume the form of a Tiny fey or natural beast that can fly (such as a bird or butterfly) . In this form, you have a fly speed of 6. Heroic Recovery Bloodied, beaten, and hopeless, great tuathan heroes have returned from death 's door with the vigor of vengeful gods, their spirits unquenchable even to the last. Benefit: When you make a death saving throw, if the result is 20 or higher (after applying any modifiers) , you can immediately end any effect you are subjected to. You can also spend a healing surge as normal. If you do so, you can stand as a free action.
Optional Powers Level 2 Utility Powers Faerie Fortune Ordinary people who repeatedly h appen upon lucky circumstances are said to be Faerie-fortuned. In truth, many are tuathans born of fey parentage or blessed by a fairy godparent or guardian. CHAPTER 4
I Character Option s
Faerie Fortune
Tuathan Utility 2
The maaic ofthe Feywild flows from within you, causina the chaos of natural life to reorder itself to your benefit. Encounter + Arcane No Action Personal Effect: At the start ofthe encounter, roll a d20. Once before the end of the encounter, instead of rolling a d20, you can use this d20 roll as your result.
Tuathan Animal Shape
Although the abilities of most tuathans manifest as luck or fortune, a few have a strong strain of fey magic that physically transforms one's body into the form of a wild beast.
Tuathan Animal Shape
Tuathan Utility 2
Your body shifts in an instant, takina the shape of a tiny animal such as a cat, a hare, or a rat. At-Will (Special) + Arcane, Polymorph Minor Action Personal Effect: You change from your humanoid form to the form of a Tiny nonflying fey or natural beast (such as a fox, a cat, or a raccoon) or vice versa. While you are in this beast form, you can make Stealth checks to hide using any cover or concealment, including cover from your allies, and you take no penalty to Stealth checks for moving up to your speed. You cannot make attacks or use item powers. Your equipment becomes part of this form, and you continue to gain the benefits of the equipment you wear, except a shield. Your ability to communicate is not inhibited, and you can make skill checks only if they don't require you to be in humanoid form. Special: You can use this power only once per round.
Level 6 Utility Powers Bargain of Truth Tuathans place great value on words, especially with respect to their vows, pacts, and bargains with other creatures. Anyone foolish enough to break an agreement with your kind falls under your power, and those who refuse to make such a pact with you reveal something of their nature. Bargain of Truth
Tuathan Utility 6
Clasp ina hands, drawina blood, or placina marks on a scroll of maaic parchment, you seal a mystical pact with another creature to speak no lies. Daily + Arcane Close burst 5 Minor Action Target: One willing creature in the burst Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and the target must speak truthfully to each other. Whenever either target knowingly lies to the other, the listener knows it, and the liar is restrained and weakened (save ends both).
Set Determination When a tuathan vows to accomplish a valorous deed, nothing deters him or her from pursuing that goal. Tuathans test their skill against forces far mightier than themselves, exulting in each blow they land on their powerful foes.
While hidden from the view of the centaur patrol, a tuathan transforms into a fox before makinB his 9etaway
Set Determination
Tuathan Utility 6
You set your sishts on the most powerful fo e and swear an oath that you will brin& it down. Daily + Arcane Minor Action Close burst 5 Target: One enemy in the burst Effect: You mark the target until the end of your next turn. Until the mark ends, whenever you hit the target with an attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to 3 + your highest ability score modifier. Sustain Minor: The mark persists until the end of your next turn.
Level 10 Utility Powers Faerie Warding Charm Some fey creatures need only the effort of a glance to command others to do their bidding. Your tuathan heritage grants you a hint of that power. So strong is your fey presence that those who intend to harm you think twice before daring an attack. Faerie Warding Charm
Tuathan Utility 10
Your f ey charm compels others to obey your will. W ith a steady saze or a commandin& sesture, you turn your foe's attack.
Timeless Step
Some creatures native to the Feywild can step swiftly through the plane, moving fr om one space to another in an instant. As a tuathan, you can step partially into the fey realm. When you do, time slows in your midst as sweet scents and warm wind waft about you, and enemy attackers are caught between the two dimensions.
Timeless Step
Tuathan Utility 1 0
You move effortlessly within the timeless eternity of the Feywild, your motions swift and deadly. while your enemies seem to crawl ponderously throush time and space. Daily (Special) + Arcane, Aura Minor Action Personal Effect: You activate an aura 1 that lasts until the end of your next turn. Your melee weapon attacks and ranged weapon attacks against enemies in the aura gain the brutal 2 weapon property (against those enemies, reroll any weapon damage die that shows 1 or 2). In addition, any enemy that starts its turn in the aura is slowed until the end of your next turn. Sustain Minor: The aura persists until the end of your next turn. Special: You can use this power during an exte nd ed rest. If you do so, you require only 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest.
Encounter + Arcane, Charm Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5 Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares of yo u targets you with a melee or a ranged attack. Target: The triggering enemy in th e burst Effect: The target must choose a creature oth er tha n you to attack. If none of the target's other ene mies are in range, it must attack one of its allies in range. If no other creatures are in range, this power is expended with no effect, and the t arget attacks you.
CHAPTE R 4 I Charact e r O pt ions
UNSEELIE AGENT 'Go now-and do not let those fool eladrin know it is I whom you truly serve.'
The Feywild is a place of magic and enchantment, but within its shadows lurk creatures of mischief, malice, and malevolence that are the source of horrific camp· fire tales told about the plane. At best, these dark fey, or Unseelie, are indifferent about the harm they cause with their actions. At worst, they are creatures that carry the taint of shadow magic and seek to snuff out the light of the world. Despite their reputation, these fey attract outsid· ers seeking their favor-some people just cannot resist the lure of dark magic. The Unseelie are well versed in the shadowy arts and, like many other fey crea· tures, love the power of bargains. They haggle and barter for what they have to offer, sometimes taking more than the seeker wants to pay in exchange. You are one such seeker. You came to an Unseelie fey creature in search of knowledge, favors, a weapon, a charm, or something else. The asking price was too high, so you pledged yourself into your patron's ser· vice instead. As is the case with many fey pledges, the duration of your service seems open to interpretation. In the meantime, you act as an agent of your patron well beyond the borders of its dominion. The tasks that your Unseelie master asks you to perform do not seem suspicious, and they follow no pattern that you have been able to discern. In fact, most of what you are called to do seems trivial- delivering messages, transporting money or goods, and reporting back on individuals that you observe. Your patron has yet to ask you to do something truly odious, although you realize that such a request might be made one day. In exchange for your service, your Unseelie patron bestows gifts upon you. At the outset of your bargain, your patron gave you a shadow-wrought weapon, a magic item that cements the bond between you. In addition, your master occasionally teaches you small magic tricks or gives you insight into the workings of higher fey powers, expanding your knowledge and expertise. You worry, however, that every gift you receive leaves you further indebted to the Unseelie fey creature, and you fear that it might be difficult, perhaps impossible, to free yourself from its grasp.
Building an Unseelie Agent You are an agent of a malicious force of the Feywild . You have tied yourself to an Unseelie fey creature that might not have your best interests in mind. The creature has given you great gifts and taught you forbidd en magic, and all it asks in return is that you perform minor tasks from time to time. Class Prerequisite: None. The Unseelie make use of anyone who comes to them seeking a bargain. C HAP TE R 4
I Character Options
BACKGROUND Your continued contact with the Unseelie might have taught you much about their magic, or else your need to operate in secrecy has engendered in you a respect for silence and subtlety. Associated Skill: Arcana or Stealth.
The creatures are happy to oblige, provided that the price they demand is paid. Race Prerequisite: None. Desire for the gifts of the Unseelie knows no racial boundaries.
Starting Feature As a symbol of your agreement with your patron, you are given a gift in the form of a weapon, wrought from Feywild steel mixed with the stuff of shadow. Benefit: You gain the create shadow-wrought weapon power. When you select the Unseelie agent theme, choose a melee weapon or a ranged weapon with which you have proficiency. The weapon created by this power is the same kind of weapon.
Create ShadowWrought Weapon
Unseelie Agent Utility
You call forth the weapon Biven you by your master, a weapon that is cold to the touch no matter the temperature of its surroundinas. Encounter + Arcane, Shadow Minor Action Personal Requirement: You must have a hand free. Effect: You call to your hand a shadow-wrought weapon that lasts until you dismiss it as a free action or until you use this power again. The weapon has a + 1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, and it deals 1 d8 extra damage on a critical hit. Leve/ 6: + 2 enhancement bonus, 2d8 extra damage. Leve/11: +3 enhancement bonus, 3d8 extra damage. Leve/16: +4 enhancement bonus, 4d8 extra damage. Leve/ 21: +5 enhancement bonus, Sd8 extra damage. Leve/26: +6 enhancement bonus, and 6d8 extra damage.
Additional Features Level 5 Feature Unseelie creatures are secretive and cling to the shadows whenever possible. Because of their reluctance to risk exposure, communicating with them can be difficult. You receive the gift of a secret language, making it easier to exchange missives with your patron.
Benefit: You can speak, read, and write the secret language of the Unseelie fey. This language can be used to communicate securely with others of your ilk.
Level 10 Feature The shadow power of your patron has begun to corrupt you permanently. From time to time, in fits of rage or irritation, you change physically, taking on aspects of your Unseelie master. Your skin becomes gray, your eyes turn to pools of obsidian, and the air around you grows stifling and murky. For a moment, you appear to have hooves instead of feet, but that sensation passes quickly. Benefit: When you make an Intimidate check, you can roll twice and use either result. When you do so, you physically change for a moment, revealing to the person you are attempting to intimidate that you have a supernatural connection to a dark power.
Optional Powers Level 2 Utility Power
Many fey creatures can see in the darkness. Your patron has given you that ability, which sometimes manifests in ways that unsettle those around you.
Unsee lie Eyes
Unseelie Agent Utility 2
Your eyes take on a a olden sheen, and suddenly you can see in the darkness as thouah it were dayliaht. Encounter + Arcane, Shadow Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain darkvision until the end of the encounter. Additionally, as a free action, you can cause your eyes to glow, shedding bright light in a 2-square radius. You can end the glow effect as a free action.
Level 3 Attack Power The weapon given to you by your Unseelie patron is more than steel-it is a gift of the dark fey, imbued with malice on a fundamentallevel. When you wield this weapon, it doesn't merely cut your foes; with focus , you can cause some of its shadowy chill to seep into the wounds it inflicts. Cold Shadow Strike
Unseelie Agent Attack 3
The chill in your shadow-wrouaht weapon deepens so that it seems to sap heat from anythina that touches it. Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Necrotic, Shadow No Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack or a ranged attack using your shadow-wrought weapon. Effect: The enemy takes 1 d1 0 extra cold and necrotic damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Level 5 Attack Power
The malice within 1z the fabric of your shadow-wrought weapon can turn 1.1.1 stalwart agents of goodness to the dark taint of the ~ Unseelie fey. You have learned to discharge the latent !.1.1 corruption within your shadow-wrought weapon ...J when you strike a foe, potentially turning the victim !.1.1 !.1.1 into an ally of your patron. Vl
Unleash Corruption
Unseelie Agent Attack 5
Throuah force of will, you tap into the dark maaic that was used to create your shadow-wrouaht weapon, unleashinB its corruption. Daily + Arcane, Cold, Necrotic, Shadow No Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack or a ranged attack using your shadow-wrought weapon. Effect: The enemy takes ongoing 1 0 cold and necrotic damage (save ends). Each Failed Saving Throw: The enemy falls prone.
Level 6 Utility Power The Unseelie place a high value on secrecy. You have learned to reach out and physically grasp the shadows that lie in corners and cracks, pulling them over you like a cloak to hide you from prying eyes. Shadow Cloak
Unseelie Agent Utility 6
You wrap the shadows around you, just as your master tauaht you. Encounter + Arcane, Shadow Minor Action Personal Effect: You become invisible until the end of the encounter, until you move, or until you attack.
Level 10 Utility Power In the twilight of the Feywild, shadows connect locations where illumination cannot reach. This power allows you to use that connection as a conduit for your words, sending messages to your patron or another recipient no matter where you are. Umbra I Report
Unseelie Agent Utility 1 0
You whisper words into a nearby shadow, and the darkness carries them away to the person you desianate. Daily + Arcane, Shadow Standard Action Personal Effect: You whisper a message of up to twenty-five words into a shadow, then choose a creature you know on your plane. (If the creature is your patron, the message is received regardless of planar location.) Only that creature hears the message. If the creature is not on your plane, the message is lost, and you are aware that the message was not received. If the creature receives the message, it can respond within 5 minutes with a similar shadow message of up to twenty-five words. Doing so requires a standard action.
I Character Options
Paragon Paths The following paragon paths are available to any character who meets the prerequisites.
DEADLY BERSERKER Prerequisite: Barbarian (berserker) You have battled your way out of the dangerous wil· derness, faced ever· growing threats, and managed to keep yourself alive despite your occasional recklessness. You grow stronger both in your connection to the primal spirits and in your martial prowess. This marriage of power makes you a dangerous and skilled warrior when in control of your emotions, and a force of nature when you give in to your rage.
Level 11: Reaping Fury Though many might see the attacks you make while driven by your bloodlust as reckless and wild, those blows take a toll on your enemies. Benefit: While you are under the effect of your Berserker Fury class feature, whenever you miss with a weapon using an at-will attack power or an encounter attack power, you gain a power bonus to the damage roll of your next weapon attack that hits before the end of your next turn. The bonus equals your Strength modifier.
Level 12: Surge of Strength Whether it's a rush of adrenaline driven by urgency or invigorating power given by primal spirits, you are able to surprise your enemies with your resurgence.
Surge of Strength
Level 11: Berserker's Action When you succumb to your rage, usually you do not regain control until after all your enemies are dead or defeated. But you are starting to learn how to let small amounts of your rage bubble up to the surface when needed. With focus, now you can allow only a portion of that fury to fuel your attacks. Benefit: When you spend an action point to make a melee weapon attack, you dealldl2 extra damage to each target you hit with that attack.
Level 11: A Thousand Ways to Die You are a versatile warrior with many fighting styles honed to give you an advantage, and your skill does not fade when you give way to the beast within. Even when the primal spirits' power flows through you, your fighting instincts remain, allowing you to select the best technique to fight your foes.
A Thousand Ways to Die
Deadly Berserker Attack 11
Your prowess in battle is well earned, and whether you're raging at your enemies or in full control ofyour body; you have many ways to bring down your Joe. Encounter + Martial, Primal, Weapon No Action Special Trigger: You hit a creature with a melee basic weapon attack or a barbarian at-will weapon attack power. Target: The creature you hit Effect: The target takes 1 [W] extra damage from the triggering attack. Additionally, choose one of the following effects. +The target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. + The target falls prone.
Character Options
Deadly Berserker Utility 12
Even as your strength wanes and your health flags, you find a reserve of internal strength to continue the fight. Encounter+ Martial, Primal Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to your healing surge value. If you are under the effect of your Berserker Fury, you gain the following benefit instead: When you make your next attack roll before the end of your next turn, roll twice and use either result.
Level 16: Supreme Stamina As your enemies grow fewer, you grow stronger. Each foe's defeat fuels your fighting power and allows you to stand against long odds on the battlefield. Benefit: Whenever your attack drops a nonminion enemy to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 5 +one-half your level.
Level 20: Slake the Rage Sometimes, nothing will calm you until you have seen your enemies destroyed. Even when you are in full control, though, at times you must unleash some of your fury on a foe, satisfying your bloodlust.
Slake the Rage
Deadly Berserker Attack 20
When you enter battle, you are filled with a thirst for violence that can be satisfied only by striking down your foes. Daily + Martial, Primal, Weapon No Action Personal Trigger: You hit a creature with a melee basic weapon attack or a barbarian at-will weapon attack power. Target: The creature you hit Effect: The target takes 2[W] extra damage from the triggering attack. Additionally, choose one of the following effects. + The target takes ongoing 1 0 damage (save ends). +The target is dazed and slowed (save ends both).
MASTER SKALD Prerequisite: Bard (skald) You have learned much in your time as a collector of stories, and you have put that knowledge to use as an adventurer. As you progress into the paragon tier, your repertoire of tales and legends grows, as does your arcane scholarship. Your reputation and recognition extend across the world-and even across the planes themselves. Your skald has reached the rank of master, and you are regarded as such both by your fellow bards and by the world at large.
Level 11: Skald's Action Timing is the better part of heroism. When it comes time to strike quickly, either you do so on your own or you enable a friend to do so in your place. Benefit: When you spend an action point on your turn, you can forgo taking an extra action to allow one ally in your skald's aura to take a standard action as a free action.
Level 11: Cling to Your Words Your words of encouragement ring in your allies' ears even in the direst of times. When your allies would otherwise plunge into unconsciousness, they cling to your words in the hope of pulling out a victory. Benefit: Whenever an ally in your skald's aura drops below 1 hit point, you can use the aura's healing benefit on that ally as an immediate reaction, but only if the aura's healing benefit has uses remaining.
Level 11: Inspiring Success When you succeed, your allies see your triumph and take note. Though much of the time you are telling them tales of victory or singing songs of success, to actually see you drive your weapon into an enemy can do wonders to reinforce your words.
Inspiring Success
Master Skald Attack 11
Level 12: Assured Skill
Someone who has traveled as much as you have has ~ seen more than one person's share of amazing feats of ill skill. You can relay these tales of achievement to your 0.:: IJ.J allies, helping them succeed on a task that they might totherwise fail. ill
Assured Skill

Master Skald Utility 12
You provide words of advice that can help turn the most difficult task into something that is within your ally's grasp. Daily + Martial Close burst 5 Free Action Trigger: You or one ally within 5 squares of you makes a skill check. Target: The triggering character in the burst Effect: The target can choose either to gain a +5 bonus to that skill check or to reroll the skill check and use either result.
Level 16: Expert Rejuvenation When your words allow one of your allies to regain strength, they bring a level of comfort that soothes wounds better than even the most soothing balms. Benefit: Whenever you restore hit points to a creature with a healing power, the creature regains 4 additional hit points.
Level 20: Death March One of the most lethal arrows in your verbal quiver, this song can either be a dirge for the dead or a eulogy for the lost. When you recount it for your allies, it serves as a none too subtle reminder that death is what awaits them if they fail.
Death March
Master Skald Attack 20
You sing or speak words that exhort your allies not to fail,for death is all that remains for them if they do.
Daily + Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the following effect: Once per round, you or an ally in your skald's aura can roll twice for an attack roll and use either result.
VVhen you successfully lay waste to an enemy, your allies are bolstered by the inspiring example you set. Encounter + Martial No Action Special Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a weapon. Effect: The enemy takes 2d1 0 extra damage from the attack. In addition, you and each ally in your skald's aura gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier and can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end.
CHA PT ER 4 [ Character Options
LEGENDARY WITCH Prerequisite: Wizard (witch) Your reputation as a witch runs far and wide. Bards and other storytellers weave colorful tales about your frightening powers, carrying those stories from land to land. Whether the tales portray you as a saint, a villain, or an enigmatic hand of fate, ordinary folk pray to the gods that you do not one day darken their doors.
Level 11: Favor of the Moon When the moon enters the right phase, you grow stronger, drawing more deeply on your coven's experience while the moon reaches the peak of its power. Benefit: You can see invisible creatures that are adjacent to you, and you are immune to the blinded condition.
Level 11: Moon Coven Action Witches of the different moon covens learn to reach deep into their own reserves to inspire their allies, preserve themselves, or terrify their enemies. Benefit: You gain a benefit that is associated with your moon coven.
Dark Moon Coven Fear is the force that repels your enemies and causes them to think twice about challenging you. You wield fear as you would a beast on a chain, releasing it when you want to scatter your foes. Benefit: When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you push each enemy adjacent to you up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. Full Moon Coven Even in the darkest night, the light of the full moon illuminates the shadowed world. Benefit: When you spend an action point to take an extra action, any enemy within 3 squares of you grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Level 11: Moon Coven Encounter Power You have become a master at cursing your foes with the fate they deserve. Benefit: You gain an encounter attack power associated with your moon coven, either madness of the full
Character Options
moon for the full moon coven or terror of the dark moon for the dark moon coven.
Madness of the Full Moon The full moon is said to make lunatics oflovers and madmen. You know how to channel the moon's tidal pull and cast its radiance among your foes to send them into confusion. Madness of the Full Moon
legendary Witch Attack 11
Bri&ht moonli&ht streams into your enemy's eyes, causinB them to wow lar3e and wide as madness overcomes your Joe.
Encounter + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Effect: The target is subjected to a random effect. Roll a d6. 1-2: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn. 3-4: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. 5-6: The target takes a free action to charge or make a basic attack against the creature nearest to it (your choice if multiple creatures are nearest).
Terror of the Dark Moon The night holds few terrors for you now. The same cannot be said of your enemies, who cannot fathom the doom that awaits them. With but a gesture, you can take away the light or conjure a deeper darkness in which even creatures born to shadow will find their fears revealed. Terror of the Dark Moon
legendary Witch Attack 11
You lower your palm, and with it descends the dark of a cold, moonless ni&ht, awakeninB the instinctive fear within your enemies and paralyzinB them with dread. Encounter+ Arcane, Cold, Enchantment, Fear, Implement Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Effect: Your allies in the burst gain partial concealment until the end of your next turn.
Level 12: Moon Coven Utility Power Your mastery of witchcraft allows you to cast spells of even greater power. Benefit: You gain a utility power associated with your moon coven either dark moon's reckoning for the dark moon coven or moonlight's mischief for the full moon coven.
Dark Moon's Reckoning
Beneath the new moon, the tides rise in the springtime, when life begins anew. Drawing on this power, you can renew your fortune by turning the tides of fate in your favor and casting your enemies' hurts back upon them.
Dark Moon's Reckoning
Legendary Witch Utility 12
With a sneer, you twist the tides offa te to reverse the ill fortune your enemy seeks to visit upon you. Daily + Arcane Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5 Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares of you hits you or an ally with an attack. Target: The triggering enemy in the burst Effect: You slide the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier, and the target grants combat advantage (save ends).
Moonlight's Mischief The moon is known to play tricks on the eye, bending light and casting phantom shadows that make places appear different from what they had seemed. Your control of the full moon's silvery illumination gives you the power to transform the environment, moving your allies into optimal positions. Moonlight's Mischief
Legendary Witch Utility 12
Shimmerin& moonli&ht streams from your form, castin& lon9 shadows and traniformin& the scene around you. Encounter+ Arcane, Teleportation Move Action Close burst 3 Target: You and each ally in the burst Effect: You teleport each target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Level 16: Ride the Night Wind The most talented witches learn to cherish the night's embrace, for when they are beneath the moon, witches stand at the apex of their power. You have become able to tame the wild night winds. Whenever you call, they answer, enabling you to ride aloft in your true shape.
Ride the Night Wind
Legendary Witch Utility
You leap into the air and are borne aloft on the wind. Encounter + Arcane Standard Action Personal Effect: You gain a fly speed of 8 until the end of your next turn. When t he fly speed ends, you float to the ground without taking falling damage. While you are flying, you gain a +2 power bonus to Reflex. Sustain Minor: The effect pe rsists until the end of your next turn.
Level 20: Moon Coven Daily Power In the way th at moonlight and shadow change how forms are perceived, you can now take the sh ap e of a creature oflegend. Benefit: You gain a daily attack power associated with your moon coven, either niBhtmare form for the dark moon coven or unicorn form for the full moon coven.
Nightmare Form You have learned to transform into a dreaded creature that appears as a fl aming horse. In this form, you can gallop around the battlefield, using your hooves to set foes aflame. Nightmare Form
Legendary Witch Attack 20
Leapin& ton9ues offlame burst from the wound. In their midst, you chan9e into a black stallion with eyes offlame. Daily + Arcane, Polymorph Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the form of a Large nightmare until the end of the e ncounter or until you end the form as a minor action. While in this form , you have a speed of 8, a fly speed of 6, and resist 15 fire, and your equipment becomes part of the form . The only attacks you can make while in the form are melee basic attacks and the secondary power, which you can use only once. Secondary Power (Arcane, Fire, Implement) Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each e ne my in the burst Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and ongoing 1 0 fire damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
Unicorn Form The full moon sheds light by which the lost can find their way. When you change into a unicorn, your serene form inspires your allies to hold their ground. Unicorn Form
Legendary Witch Attack 20
The &low of the full moon encompasses your form in a luminous orb. When it recedes, in your place stands a resplendent unicorn. Daily+ Arcane, Polymorph, Teleportation Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the form of a Large unicorn until the end of the encounter or until you end the form as a minor action. While in this form, you have a speed of 8 and can teleport up to 4 squares as a move action, and your equipment becomes part of the form. Your allies gain a + 2 power bonus to all defe nses while within 2 squares of you. The only attacks you can make while in the form are melee basic attacks and the secondary power, which you can use only once. Secondary Power (Arcane, Implement) Standard Action Melee 1 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 5d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you can push the target 1 square and knock it prone. Miss: Half damage. C H APTER 4
Character Options
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of the presence of hidden or invisible creatures, you can learn what has happened recently in the area, and you can extend your senses in the hope of noting trails, secret entrances, and the like.
Prerequisite: Druid (protector) You become a pivotal member of your druid circle, having grown in both experience and influence. The powerful evocations you learn and the blessings you gain mark you as one chosen for greatness.
Level 11: Initiate's Action As you channel greater levels of primal power, the mysteries bestowed on you by your druid circle lend the force of nature to your attacks. Benefit: When you spend an action point to make an attack, you gain a bonus to damage rolls for that attack equal to the number of targets of that attack.
Level 11: Sheltering Growth As a paragon protector, when you channel your power into the land around you, a measure of that energy is given back to aid an ally. Benefit: When you use your nature's wowth power, one ally in or adjacent to the burst gains temporary hit points equal to his or her healing surge value.
Level 11: Thorny Vines You have long had the ability to call forth living plants even in the most inhospitable terrain. Now you channel a more formidable power, creating a burst of new growth that unleashes a primal destruction on your foes.
Thorny Vines
Inner Circle Initiate Attack 11
A mass of thorn-tipped vines sprin&s up from the &round, allowin& your allies to pass unscathed even as your foes are lashed to deadly effect. Encounter • Implement, Primal, Zone Standard Action Area burst 2 within 1 0 squares Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 +Wisdom modifier damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that starts or ends its turn in the zone grants combat advantage until the start of its next turn.
Level 12: Speak with Animals and Plants Your druid circle training has taught you to quiet your mind and listen to the nonverbal voices of the world around you. This evocation allows you to communicate with nearby animals and plants as though they were intelligent enough to converse with you. Through their senses, you are warned of danger and C HAPTER 4 [ Character Options
Speak with Animals and Plants
Inner Circle Initiate Utility 11
The whispered calls of animals and the wind throu&h the wass
resolve into messa&es that you can understand. Daily • Primal Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can speak to animal and plant life. Animals and plants can communicate what they have seen, heard, or otherwise sensed within the last hour (a hostile animal might try to mislead you). For the duration of the effect, you gain a +5 power bonus to Perception checks, and you cannot be surprised.
Level 16 : Fury of the Raging Storm When your enemies push you to your limits, they risk unleashing a storm that will quickly rage out of control. Benefit: While you are bloodied, any enemy that ends its turn adjacent to you takes 10 lightning and thunder damage.
Level 20: Call Cyclone The leaders of your druid circle are the masters of the natural world. They have shared with you the secrets of channeling the most potent force of nature. The great cyclone you can call now on is capable of pulverizing even the strongest foes . However, as you direct this storm across the field, your allies must be wary of its path.
Call Cyclone
Inner Circle Initiate Attack 10
Winds of destruction swirl as a storm ofli&htnin& and thunder pounds your enemies with nature's wrath. Daily • Implement, Lightning, Primal, Thunder, Zone Standard Action Area burst 2 within 1 0 squares Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d8 +Wisdom modifier lightning and thunder damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter or until you end this effect as a minor action. You can move the zone up to 4 squares as a move action. Any creature that ends its turn in the zone takes 1 0 lightning and thunder damage.
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Rowena and Viltham deliver the ever-blooming rose to the city ofMithrendain.
Epic Destinies The following epic destinies are available to any character who wishes to follow a destiny influenced by the Feywild and who meets the prerequisites.
SHIRADI CHAMPION You live to serve Tiandra, the Queen of Summer, and the Court of Stars. In exchange for your service, the queen lets you draw power from her to protect the Feywild and its inhabitants from evil. Prerequisite: 21st level, any nonevil alignment Myriad archfey band together several times a year at the congress known as the Court of Stars, where they engage in diplomacy, schemes, marriages, betrayals, and legendary revels. Although dozens oflesser factions make up the Court of Stars, they mostly acknowledge the leadership of Her Summer Majesty, Queen Tiandra. And the Queen of Summer, when the need arises, turns to her anointed warriors for the defense ofher subjects and allies. These warriors are known as Shiradi Champions, the shields of the fey.
Whereas eladrin nobles might rise through the ranks of coures, bralanis, ghaeles, and other complex titles , Shiradi Champions are usually individuals who have earned the respect and trust of Queen Tiandra. Archfey of all courts assemble at Senaliesse to bear witness to a champion's anointing. Some eye these protectors with suspicion, arrogance, or envy, but their pettiness is ill placed. Each Shiradi Champion is devoted to the lovely Queen of Summer and determined to justify her trust. Some eladrin Shiradi Champions are also shiere knights (see Player's Handbook 2). A very few champions are not born as one of the fey, and their ascendancy to the role of Shiradi Champion is an unprecedented event, a testament to the champion's unique valor and great worth. Whatever path a champion takes, he or she is assuredly an ally and protector of good-natured fey beings everywhere.
Living the Destiny You have become a legend among legends, and your anointment as a Shiradi Champion echoes throughout the world. Your name is used in bedtime stories and folk tales as a synonym for chivalry and courage. Fey seek you out, asking for your help. Mortals call your name out at fey crossings, seeking your might CHAPTER 4
I Character
against enemies equally legendary. It is your burden to help them, thus spreading the influence of the Court of Stars. Your greatest task is the defense of the Court of Stars from those who would see it torn asunder. You and your allies stand against cyclops warlords, mad fomorian kings, and dreadful hags, beating back their advances and recovering the lands lost during centuries of battle. In time, you might even receive a request for aid from the Queen of Summer to face down her own son, the Prince of Frost, mightiest of the Winter Fey. You strive to be ready for the task. As a Shiradi Champion, you are the ultimate defender of all the good things represented by the Court of Stars. Your powers reflect the ephemeral and radiant nature of the Feywild's rulers.
Level 21: Fey Anointment By the hand of Queen Tiandra, you are anointed as an exalted member of the Court of Stars. The blessings of the queen give greater power to your personality and quicker reactions to your body. Your eyes become the colored orbs common among the eladrin, but with a shining, golden tinge seen only among the higher nobles of the Court of Stars, and darkness poses no impediment to your sight. Benefit: You increase one ability score of your choice by 2. You are immune to charm effects. Your origin becomes fey, meaning that you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. You gain darkvision, and you gain immunity to the blinded condition.
Level 24: Armor of Stars The magic inherent to the Feywild suffuses your entire being, granting you a graceful majesty. As long as you are not injured, tiny motes oflight swirl about you like constellations, shielding you from attacks. The protection these 'stars' offer improves when other Shiradi Champions stand at your side. Benefit: While you are not bloodied, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and Reflex. This bonus increases to +2 if you are adjacent to one or more allied Shiradi Champions.
Level26: Audience with the Queen As a champion of the Court of Stars, you have the privilege of requesting immediate audiences with Queen Tiandra. Upon your arrival, Her Summer Majesty heals your wounds with a touch. With brief words that reveal much to her, you explain the dire situation you are facing. Queen Tiandra's wise CHAPTER 4
I Character
counsel offers you guidance through your trials. When you share this advice with other Shiradi Champions, they are also fortified by their queen's soothing words.
Audience with the Queen
Shiradi Champion Utility 26 You vanish from si&ht, only to return moments later, healed and bearinB the Bifts of the Queen of Summer. Daily+ Arcane, Healing Move Action Personal Effect: You are removed from play. When you end your turn out of play this way, you choose one of the following benefits to receive. When you have received all three benefits, you return to play at the start of your next turn. Alternatively, you can return to play at the start of your turn after receiving only one or two of the benefits. When you return to play, each allied Shiradi Champion within 5 squares of you gains temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier+ one-half your level. +You regain hit points equal to your bloodied value. + Until the end of the encounter, you gain a + 2 power bonus to attack rolls and skill checks. + Until the end of the encounter, allied Shiradi Champions gain a + 2 power bonus to saving throws while adjacent to you.
Level 30: Everlasting Champion As you reach the pinnacle of your power, you are no longer a mere mortal, but rather an archetype made flesh. As a version of you falls, another takes its place. Its appearance might be slightly different, but its determination is unshakable. Benefit: Once per day when you start your turn at 0 hit points or fewer, your body transforms into a slightly different variation of yourself, although your game statistics and equipment don't change. When you transform, you regain hit points equal to your bloodied value, you can stand up as a free action, and any adverse effects you are subject to end immediately. In addition, your attacks deal extra radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier until the end of the encounter.
Like the firbolas, you are a master of the Wild Hunt, dispensinajustice for those who cannot do so themselves. You call on the creatures of the hunt to help you seek your prey, so that it cannot hide from that justice.
Prerequisite: 21st level Deep in the Feywild, far from the stately halls of the eladrin, a tradition has been upheld for eons. In shadowy forests thick with moss and undergrowth, the baying of hunting hounds sounds, followed by the long strides of their masters. As storm clouds cover the sky, the forest is no longer a realm ofbedtime stories or folk tales. It becomes the province of the Wild Hunt. The tradition of the Wild Hunt originated among the firbolgs, fey giants devoted to the moon and the Three Fates, personified by Sehanine (the Maiden), Melora (the Mother), and the Raven Queen (the Crone). The firbolgs call for a Wild Hunt when they seek to punish an oath breaker, for oaths are powerful things in the Feywild. Some mortals, their trust betrayed by the Unseelie fey, have learned to summon these eldritch hunters to bring down those who wronged them. A select few learn the ritual for summoning the hunters, but instead of asking for justice, request to learn the secrets of the Wild Hunt. Such requests are rarely accepted, but a worthy few learn the ways of the Wild Hunt, bringing retribution to all traitors and oath breakers.
Living the Destiny As a Wild Hunter, you live for the chase. Your quests revolve around tracking down and dispatching oath breakers, either on behalf of those wronged by their failure, or simply to reestablish balance to the cosmos. As you bring down foe after foe, your prowess increases to the point that you turn your attention to the most infamous fey oath breaker- the evil goddess Lolth. At first , you might have to settle for taking down her favored abyssal drow or her exarch. But the day nears when the clarions will call for the greatest of all Wild Hunts, and the Demon Queen of Spiders will feel that primal fear shared by all prey of the hunt.
Level 21: Soul of the Hunter As you channel the raw power of the Wild Hunt, your very being is changed to match the fey origin of those who created the hunt. Your body becomes stronger and your reflexes quicker, even as your senses expand to reveal everything around you in clear detail. No track is too faint, no lie too convincing.
Benefit: You increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 2. Your origin becomes fey, meaning that you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to Insight checks and Perception checks.
Level 24: Strike of the Hunter Your prowess translates into unerring strikes, which inflict deep wounds on your foes. The sight and smell of your enemy's ebbing life force intoxicates you, drivingyou on. Benefit: Choose one of your encounter attack powers. Once per encounter, when you hit an enemy with that power, the attack also deals ongoing 10 damage (save ends). In addition, you have combat advantage against enemies taking ongoing damage.
Level 26: Hounds of the Hunt With a loud whistle, you can call forth a pair of hounds from the Wild Hunt to help you bring down difficult prey. The eyes of these powerful, blackfurred hounds flash with lightning, and their growls C HAPT E R 4
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rumble with thunder as they surge toward your enemies. They obey your commands without hesitation, ferreting out prey and leaving it open to your strike.
Hounds of the Hunt Wild Hunter Utility 26 Two powerful hounds appear, wowlina thunder at your prey: They start circlina it to cut off any escape. Daily + Arcane, Summoning Minor Action Ranged 5 Effect: You summon two Medium hounds of the hunt, each appearing in an unoccupied square within range. Enemies grant combat advantage while adjacent to either hound. Each hound has a speed of 8 and a fly speed of 8 (hover). Each hound has hit points equal to your healing surge value and uses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties, with a + 2 bonus to AC and Reflex. Each hound lasts until the end of the encounter or until it drops to 0 hit points. You lose a healing surge if both hounds are destroyed. As a minor action, you can mentally direct both hounds to crawl, escape, run, stand up, shift, squeeze, or walk. The hounds do not need to perform the same action.
Level 30: Avatar of the Wild Hunt The Three Fates worshiped by the firbolgs watch you with a keen interest. When an enemy dares strike you down, the Three Fates intervene, giving you a chance to prove that you are not destined to fall yet. The power of the Wild Hunt rushes into your form, turning you into an avatar of its will. Benefit: Once per day when you start your turn at 0 hit points or fewer, you assume the form of the Avatar of the Wild Hunt until the end of the encounter. When you assume this form, you regain hit points equal to your bloodied value, and you regain the use of every encounter attack power that you have used during the encounter. While in the form, your size becomes Large if it was Medium or smaller, and your melee reach increases by 1. In addition, when you use an at-will attack power, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.
I Character
WITCH QUEEN You are a master of witches and have learned the secret to incorporating the tremendous power of magic into your very being. With such power, your name is destined to be remembered with awe.
Prerequisite: 21st level, wizard Few heroes have borne the name Witch Queen (or Witch King), but those few have inspired awe, fear, and dread. These beings become living legends, the stock character in the myths, fairy tales, and horror stories of every race, as awe-inspiring as they are terrifying. Those who have accepted this mantle have learned to incorporate their power into their being, no longer treating it as a source separate from their form. Before becoming a Witch Queen, those who aspired to fill the role were conflicted between three aspects: one's power, one's familiar, and one's self But when one becomes a king or queen of all witches, these aspects merge, allowing a Witch Queen or Witch King to bring forth spells as easily as if his or her familiar had whispered the arcane words directly into their ear. These individuals are near equals to their patrons in power, and armies clamor to their banners, while mortals and immortals alike seek their counsel to beg their favor or plead for their mercy.
Living the Destiny As your power grows, you ascend to a status like that of royalty among others who practice your craft. Though you are not a monarch in the true sense, the power you wield means that many bow to your wishes, or face your wrath. You stand as an equal to fey nobles, and eventually grow in power to challenge the Summer Queen. More than a formidable spellcaster, you are now a player in the great power struggles of the Feywild. When you approach the peak of your power, others will challenge you, trying to end your rise before you become a rival to their masters. You might face assassins, powerful fey, or even armies that wish to put an end to your ascension, but those conflicts are the bedrock for the stories to come that extol your greatness. In time, you might fade into the myths and legends of the natural world, but your rise to powerand the deeds both cruel and kind that you become known for-will become the fairy tales of tomorrow.
Level 21: Witch Apotheosis
As one of the mightiest witches, you have experienced an apotheosis and become one with your power. Now, even when your foes would strike you down, your familiar can wh isk your spirit away so that you can regenerate. Benefit: The first time each day that you would die while your familiar is present, you do not die. Instead, your familiar seizes your spirit and is then removed from play as it carries your spirit away to a secret extraplanar sanctuary. After 24 hours, you build a new body for your spirit, and you can reappear near one of your allies that was present when you died. If none of your allies were present when you died, or those allies are no longer alive, you can reappear in the place where you last took an extended rest.
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Level 24: Witch Queen's Presence The power your patron has bestowed upon you radiates from every fiber of your being, manifesting around you like the majestic aspect of a god when you steel yourself against harm. Benefit: W hen you use your second wind, you gain resist 15 to all damage and a +5 bonus to saving throws. These benefits last until the end of your next turn.
Level 26: True Prophecy The future is always in flux, but a Witch Queen can behold the immediate course of events as easily as a common farmer gazes at distant clouds and predicts rain. To glean more concrete details about a nearfuture event, you can use the true prophecy power to view an event's possible outcomes and prepare for them. The context of the event might be ambiguous or surprising, but the knowledge you gain is enough to prepare yourself or an ally against the dangers that are to come.
True Prophecy
Witch Queen Utility 26
Level 30: Mastery of the Gift At last your learning is complete. Your gift of power is no longer a force you call upon, but a trait inherent in your very being. Now, even your least used spells form upon your lips in an instant, marshaling to your command as soldiers before a fearsome monarch. Benefit: At the end of a short rest, when you confer with your familiar, you can replace one of your wizard encounter attack powers with another wizard encounter attack power. The new power must have a level, and its level must be the same as the old power's level.
Your divination aives you a clear imaae of an event soon to transpire, allowin& you to prepare. Daily + Arcane Standard Action Ranged 5 Requirement: You must not be in a combat encounter. Target: You or one ally Effect: During the target's next encounter before his or her next extended rest, the target gains the following benefit: a +2 power bonus to initiative, skill checks, and all defenses until the end of the encounter.
C H A P TE R 4
Character Options
Feats The feats in this section enhance a character's connection to the Feywild, provide support for the classes featured in this book, and expand the options available to members of fey races. In the Feats table, the feats are separated into categories to ease your selection process. For example, if you're looking to focus on your character's racial connection to the Feywild, consider one of the new racial feats. Alternatively, if you're looking to flavor an existing character with fey traits, take a look at the new fey feats, such as Fey Bond.
Arcane Familiar [Familiar]
You have attracted a small creature into your service that will aid you in your adventures. (See page 131 for a selection of familiars.) Prerequisite: Any arcane class Benefit: You gain a familiar. For each familiar feat you have beyond this one, your familiar gains a +1 bonus to all defenses.
Arcane Porter [Familiar]
With great effort, your familiar can pick up a light item for you, using its limbs, mouth, or an invisible, magical force to move the object. Prerequisite: Arcane Familiar feat Benefit: Your familiar can pick up and carry an unattended object weighing 5 pounds or less. It can hold only one object at a time.
Battle Berserker [Multiclass Barbarian] The fury of a barbarian resides
MULTICLASS FEATS This section contains a handful of multiclass feats, each of which has 'Multiclass' in brackets next to its name. Such feats were introduced in the Player's Handbook and follow these rules. First, you can't take a multiclass feat for your own class. Second, you can't take class-specific multidass feats for more t han one class (for example, if you have a feat that is designated as 'Mu lticlass Barbarian,' you can't take one designated as 'Multiclass Bard'). Third, if you have a class-specific multiclass feat, you are considered a member of the class for the purpose of meeting prerequisites, such as those for feats and paragon paths.
I Character Options
within you, and you can unleash it when your anger is stoked. Prerequisite: Strength 13 Benefit: You gain training in a skill of your choice from the barbarian's list of class skills. You also gain the berserker barbarian's Berserker Fury feature , but you can use it only once per day.
Beastwalker Circle You gain the ability to take on the forms ofbeasts. Prerequisite: Druid, summon natural ally power Benefit: You gain the wild shape power. Additionally, you can take a druid daily attack power at any level where you would normally gain an additional use of the summon natural ally power. If you do so, you do not gain the additional use of summon natural ally. Wild Shape
.Druid Utility
You assume an aspect of the Primal Beast or return to your humanoid form.
At-Will (Special)+ Polymorph, Primal Minor Action Personal Effect: You change from your humanoid form to beast form or vice versa. When you change from beast form back to your humanoid form, you can shift 1 square. While you are in beast form, you can't use weapon or implement attack powers that lack the beast form keyword, although you can sustain such powers. You choose a specific form whenever you use this power to change into beast form. The beast form is your size, resembles a natural beast or a fey beast, and normally doesn't change your game statistics. Your equipment becomes part of your beast form, but you drop anything you are holding, except implements you can use. You continue to gain the benefits of the equipment you wear, except a shield. You can use the properties and the powers of implements as well as magic items that you wear, but not the properties or the powers of weapons or the powers of wondrous items. While equ ipment is part of your beast form, it cannot be removed, and anything in a container that is part of your beast form is inaccessible. Special: You can use this power only once per round.
Berserk Vitality When the rage overtakes you, you ignore fresh wounds for a time, allowing you to continue the fight. Prerequisite: Barbarian, Berserker Fury class feature Benefit: When you enter your Berserker Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your healing surge value. Call to the Wild You can summon powerful forces of nature to help in your adventures. Prerequisite: Druid Benefit: Choose one of your druid daily attack powers that has a level. You lose that power and gain the summon natural ally power, which you can use to summon a creature that is associated with your
FEATS Barbarian
Harbinger of Nature's Wrath
Other Prerequisites
Str 13, any class but IJ,a[~iJrian Barbarian: Skill training, h<>r<=<>rk<>r Wis 13, any class but druid Druid: Nature skill, nature'sBrowth 1/day, staff and totem proficiency Cha 13, any class but lnt 13
ba~< />
Guardian the Towering Oak Guardian of level 11, hamadryad aspects the Willow
Ignore forced movement as an immediate interrupt
Ignore need for food, gain extended rest in 4 hours, +2 to saving throws for ongoing damage +2 to Acrobatics increase reach with
Plant's Sap
Trai in Arcana Fey origin or Fey Bond level11
Weapon Training Prerequisites Two-Handed Weapon Expertise
with totems, ignore partial cover concealment on those attacks Benefit +1 to attack rolls with two-handed melee weapons, +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons
Character Options
Primal Aspect (such as Primal Guardian or Primal Predator) and that has a level equal to or lower than the daily attack power you lost.
Fading Sneak
Invisibility is a powerful tool, but you've learned to channel your innate power in a more subtle way, becoming slightly transparent to better blend in with your surroundings. Prerequisite: Gnome ,jade away racial power, trained in Stealth Benefit: If your fade away is not expended, you can reroll a Stealth check and use either result. Doing so expends fade away.
Fading Target Some gnomes are a bit too paranoid, instinctively disappearing from sight even when an enemy's blow fails to connect properly. You've learned to turn this trait into an advantage in combat. Prerequisite: Gnome,jade away racial power Benefit: As an immediate reaction, you can use fade away when an enemy misses you with a melee attack. Familiar's Vitality [Familiar] Your familiar's devotion to you emanates from it, empowered by its own magical nature. When you need it the most, you find strength in that devotion. Prerequisite: Arcane Familiar feat Benefit: When you use your second wind and your familiar is within 10 squares of you, you regain 3 additional hit points. The additional hit points increase to 6 at 11th level and 9 at 21st level. Fey Bond Through your knowledge and experience of the fey, you have acquired some of their qualities, perhaps as a reward from the Feywild's archfey, and you have learned the language of the elves and their kin. Prerequisite: Training in Arcana Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Bluff checks and Diplomacy checks. In addition, you can speak, read, and write Elven. Fey Cantrip You have picked up a magic trick as a result of your connection to the Feywild. Prerequisite: Fey origin or Fey Bond feat Benefit: Choose one wizard cantrip, such as mage hand or prestidigitation. You gain that power. Fey Duelist Eladrin swashbucklers are fond of usingfey step to confound foes. By teleporting rapidly around your enemies, you have developed a strategy to flank opponents without the help of allies. Prerequisite: Eladrin,fey step racial power Benefit: If your fey step is not expended, you can gain combat advantage until the end of your next CHAPTER 4
Character Options
turn against each enemy that is adjacent to you. Doing so expends fey step.
Fey Shift Harnessing a power that is innate to many Feywild creatures, you can step through planar shortcuts, albeit only for short distances. Prerequisite: 21st level, fey origin or Fey Bond feat Benefit: You can teleport up to 2 squares as a move action. Fey Thievery For all their nobility and poise, eladrin have seen more than their share of ne'erdo-wells. It was only a matter of time before these roguish eladrin found a way to use their ability to teleport for shady purposes, and you have mastered it. Prerequisite: Eladrin,fey step racial power, trained in Thievery Benefit: While your fey step is not expended, you can make a Thievery check at a range of 5 squares. If you do so, you take a -2 penalty to the check. Flitting Harrier You fly so quickly around your foes that they have trouble catching you. Prerequisite: 11th level, pixie Benefit: When you enter or leave an enemy's space, you do not provoke an opportunity attack from that enemy. Ghost Feint Playing tricks on others is second nature to gnomes, and a quick, well-placed illusory sound can divert the most alert opponent. You know how to combine the two to catch an enemy off balance. Prerequisite: Gnome, ghost sound power, trained in Bluff Benefit: When you use ghost sound, you gain a +5 power bonus to your next Bluff check before the end of your next turn. Guardian of the Towering Oak When you embrace your natural heritage, you seem to grow more imposing, like the mighty oak trees that your people venerate. Prerequisite: Hamadryad, hamadryad aspects racial power Benefit: If your hamadryad aspects is not expended, you can reroll a Diplomacy check or an Intimidate check and use either result. Doing so expends hamadryad aspects. Guardian of the Weeping Willow Your spirit is bound to that of the weeping willow tree, and like the willow you bend, but do not break, when strong forces push against you. Prerequisite: 11th level, hamadryad, hamadryad aspects racial power
Viltham uses his manic to distract a prowlinn displacer beast while he and Rowena explore the ruins of Cendriane
Benefit: If your hamadryad aspects is not expended, you can use an immediate interrupt to negate a pull, push, or slide against you. Doing so expends hamadryad aspects.
Harbinger of Nature's Wrath [Multiclass Druid] You can call forth the rapid growth of nature to hinder your foes while you deliver your vengeance to them. Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 Benefit: You gain training in the Nature skill. You also gain the protector druid's nature's growth power, but you can use it only once per day. In addition, you gain proficiency with the staff and totem implements.
High Elf Kin Fey magic runs strong in your family, a reminder of your race's beginning in the Feywild. Prerequisite: Elf, elven accuracy racial power Benefit: Immediately after you use elven accuracy, you can teleport up to 2 squares as a free action. In addition, you gain a +2 feat bonus to Arcana checks.
Honeyed Words You have a talent for choosing the right words in any situation, making it difficult for others to resist giving you what you want. Prerequisite: Satyr, lure of enchantment racial power Benefit: If your lure of enchantment is not expended, you can reroll a Bluff check or a Diplomacy check and use either result. Doing so expends lure of enchantment.
Master of Stories [Multiclass Bard] You have studied the lore and history of the world as a bard does, and you can inspire your allies with such tales. Prerequisite: Charisma 13 Benefit: You gain training in a skill of your choice from the bard's list of class skills. You also gain the skald bard's skald's aura power. You and your allies can draw on the aura for healing only once per encounter. In addition, you gain proficiency with the wand implement.
Nature's Roots By calling upon hidden roots deep within the earth, you can cause plants in the vicinity to rise and hamper your enemy's steps. C HAPTER 4
Character Options
Prerequisite: Wilden, Nature's Aspect racial trait Benefit: If the racial power granted by your Nature's Aspect is not expended, you can lose one use of the power as a minor action to create difficult terrain for your enemies in a burst 1 within 5 squares of you. The difficult terrain lasts until the end of your next turn.
Plant's Sap Your body is sustained by a thick, sap-like fluid instead of regular blood. You draw sustenance from water and sunlight, and you rest by rooting to the ground or to a spot. Your sap doesn't flow as freely as blood, making you resistant to cuts and bruises. Prerequisite: Wilden Benefit: You do not need to eat. You also do not need to sleep and instead enter a state of inactivity for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. While in this state, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. In addition, you gain a +2 feat bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage. Powerful Lure
You can use your enchanting tune to lead your enemies where you wish as quickly as they can follow. Prerequisite: Level11, satyr, lure of enchantment racial power Benefit: When you use lure of enchantment, you can slide the target up to 6 squares, instead of the normal distance, and you can slide it into hindering terrain.
Skald Training You follow a tradition similar to that of a skald, but with a stronger focus on the study of arcane magic. Prerequisite: Bard, majestic word power Benefit: You swap your majestic word for the skald's aura power. You and your allies can use minor actions to benefit from the aura only as many times during an encounter as you would b e able to use majestic word.
Streak of Light W hen you fly quickly toward your foe to attack, you glow brightly and startle even the most stalwart enemy. Prerequisite: Pixie Benefit: When you make a charge attack, you gain combat advantage for that attack. Teeny Target
You are so small that your enemies have a hard time picking you out from among your companions. Prerequisite: Pixie
Character Options
Benefit: While you are in an ally's space, you have partial cover against melee attacks and ranged attacks.
Totem Expertise
As you master the use of totems, the primal spirits guide your attacks. Benefit: You gain a+ 1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls you make with a totem. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. Also, you ignore partial cover and partial concealment on implement attacks you make with a totem.
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise You are a master of wielding two-handed melee weapons, and you can deal devastating amounts of damage when you charge. Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls you make with a two-handed melee weapon. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of charge attacks you make with a two-handed melee weapon. Both of these bonuses increase to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
Vine Arn1s
Your body is more flexible and double-jointed than the bodies of most other creatures. When you channel the power of nature, you can stretch your limbs like vines, allowing you to strike a distant foe. Prerequisite: Wilden, Nature's Aspect racial trait Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Acrobatics checks. In addition, when you use your Nature's Aspect racial power, your melee reach increases by 1 until the end of your next turn.
Walk among Men
You have learned to disguise yourself as a member of other races, allowing you to walk among humans, eladrin, and elves as though you were one of them. Prerequisite: Satyr Benefit: During a short rest, you can change your appearance to that of a male human, eladrin, or el£ Your face and build remain recognizably yours, but you otherwise appear to be a member of the chosen race. This illusion lasts until you end it as a minor action or until you die.
Witchcraft Initiate [Multiclass Wizard] You have the ability to gaze into the future, searching for signs and portents in the haze of uncertainty that will point the way toward success. Prerequisite: Intelligence 13 Benefit: You gain training in the Arcana skill. You also gain the witch wizard 's au9ury power. In addition, you gain proficiency with the orb, staff, and wand implements.
Familiars Each familiar description includes the benefits a familiar provides. For more familiars , see Arcane Power and D&D Insider. Constant Benefits: A familiar provides you with these benefits as long it has at least 1 hit point, regardless of its current mode. Active Benefits: When your familiar is in active mode, in addition to being able to take the actions available to it in that mode (see the 'Your Familiar' sidebar), it provides its active benefits. Bat Familiar Bats are common familiars for warlocks and those who prefer subtle maaic and stealth. Senses blindsight 5 Speed 2, fly 6 (hover) CoNSTANT BENEFIT
You gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks and Stealth checks. ACTIVE BENEFITS
See the Unseen: As a minor action, you cause enemies adjacent to your bat familiar to lose the benefits of partial concealment against you until the end of this turn.
Cat Familiar Cats are willful, independent familiars. Their willinaness to act alone makes them excellent spies. Senses low-light vision Speed 6 CONSTANT BENEFITS
+You gain a +2 bonus to Acrobatics checks. +You can make an Acrobatics check to reduce the damage you take from falling even if you are not trained in that skill. AcTIVE BENEFITS
Independent Spirit: A cat familiar has no range limit on the dis· tance it can exist away from you. Silent Predator: A cat familiar gains a +5 bonus to its Stealth checks.
Coure Attendant Familiar Sometimes the Court of the Stars honors promisina spellcasters with coure familiars, which look like miniature eladrin and have gossamer wings sprouting from their shoulders. Senses low-light vision Speed 4 , fly 6 CONSTANT BENEFITS
+You gain a +2 bonus to Arcana checks. +Once per round, you can retrieve or store an item as a free action instead of a minor action. ACTIVE BENEFITS
Feylight Form: Once per encounter as a minor action , the coure attendant can assume the form of a twinkling ball of light. While in this form, it gains a +2 bonus to all defenses and sheds dim light within 2 squares. Enemies grant combat advantage to you while in this light. The coure attendant is immobilized in this form. You can spe nd a free acti on to return it to its normal form .
YOUR FAMILIAR Your familiar is a spirit that accompanies you as your friend and ally. It doesn't need to eat or breathe. Modes: A familiar has two modes, active and passive. You can switch your familiar between these modes as a minor action. When your familiar is in active mode, you can gain the active benefit described in its statistics block. In passive mode, your familiar shares your space, perched on your shoulder or tucked inside your clothing, and it can't be targeted or damaged by any effect. If your familiar is not in your space when you switch it to passive mode, it appears in your space. In active mode, your familiar takes up the space of a Tiny creature. The familiar is immune to your attacks in this mode, although you can ignore this benefit. An active familiar can take actions-within its capabilities-but you must spend the relevant action for it to act. A familiar doesn't have its own set of actions. Attributes: In addition to the characteristics given in its statistics block, these facts are also true about your familiar. Attacks: It can't attack, and it can't flank. Defenses: It uses your defenses. Skills and Checks: It uses your modifiers for all skill checks and ability checks. Hit Points and Dyina: Your familiar has 1 hit point, but a missed attack never damages it. If your familiar drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed. After your next short or extended rest, it reappears in passive mode in your space. If you die, your familiar dies with you. If you are restored to life, so is your familiar. Communication: You and your familiar can speak to each other, but no one else understands what either of you is saying. The familiar can repeat what it hears in a language you know, but it can't understand other languages. Movement and Ranae: You can move your familiar as a move action. The familiar has its own speed and movement modes, and it can't move more than 20 squares away from you. If it tries to do so, it appears back in your space in passive mode. Objects: A familiar cannot pick up or manipulate objects, unless noted otherwise.
Character Options
Falcon Familiar Warrior spe!lcasters-those who love to wade into the fray-see the falcon as the ideal familiar.
Raven Familiar Ravens are known for their keen senses and skill in uncoverin& hidden knowledae.
Speed 2, fly 6 (hover)
Senses low-light vision Speed 2, fly 6 (hover)
+You gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks. +You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks. ACTIVE BENEFITS
Hunting Falcon: Once per encounter, you can determine range for your ranged arcane attacks from your falcon until the end of your current turn. Soaring Spirit: A falcon familiar has a range limit of 40 squares from you.
Fiddlin Gri Familiar This tiny sprite has the upper body of a humanoid, but the winas. antennae, and leas of a cricket. It wears a aaily colored vest and plays a miniature fiddle. Senses low-light vision Speed 4, fly 6 CONSTANT BENEFIT
You can master and perform bard rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. The grig can act as a focus for any bard ritual that requires a musical instrument worth less than 100 gp. ACTIVE BENEFIT
Irresistible Dance: Once per round, when you hit an enemy with an arcane attack power and the enemy is adjacent to the fiddling grig, that enemy cannot make opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn.
Owl Familiar A common symbol of wisdom and knowledae. owl familiars are known for their aood counsel and insiaht. Senses low-light vision Speed 2, fly 6 (hover) CoNSTANT BENEFIT
Whenever you make an Insight check or a Perception check, add 1 d4 to the result.
You gain a +4 bonus to Perception checks made to find hidden objects. ACTIVE BENEFIT
Raven's Speech: A raven can speak any language you know, and it can converse with other creatures. When it speaks, you hear everything it says and hear everything spoken to it. You can dictate its answers if you so choose.
Ser ent Familiar The serpent is a deceptive creature, and it offers its master the same masteryr ofauile and cunnina. Speed 6 CoNSTANT BENEFITS
+You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks. + When you shift, you can ignore the difficult terrain in a single square of that movement. AcTIVE BENEFIT
Serpent's Startle: Once per encounter as a minor action , all creatures adjacent to your serpent familiar can't make opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn .
S ider Familiar Spiders are auardians of hidden knowledae that weave webs capable of arabbina and movina small objects. Speed 4, climb 4 CoNSTANT BENEFITS
+You gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks to climb. + Enemies take a -1 penalty to saving throws against your arcane powers that immobilize or slow them. ACTIVE BENEFIT
Spider's Web: As a minor action, a spider can slide an object within 5 squares of it up to 2 squares. The object must be unattended , and it can weigh no more than 5 pounds.
Owl's Eyes: As a standard action, you can see through your familiar's eyes until the end of your next turn . You do not gain the ability to use powers or attack through the familiar, and you determine if a target has cover and concealment from you as normal , but you might spot an enemy coming around a corner or notice a fo e hiding behind a wall.
Rat Familiar The rat is a scavenaer capable ofinfiltratina even the most tiahtly auarded places. Speed 6
Sprite Familiar Sprites are almost as common in the Feywild as birds are in the natural world. You have befriended a minor sprite, who helps you with its innate sense of maaic and its alowina winas. Senses low-light vision Speed 4, fly 6 CoNSTANT BENEFITS
+You gain a +2 bonus to Arcana checks. +You can make an Arcana check as a minor action, rather than a standard action , to sense the presence of magic. AcTIVE BENEFIT
You gain a +2 bonus to Stealth checks. ACTIVE BENEFIT
Rat's Cunning: A rat familiar can carry an object that weighs up to 2 pounds, and it can manipulate objects to make Thievery checks. It gains a +2 bonus to such checks. A rat gains a +5 bonus to its Stealth checks.
CHAPT E R 4 j Character Options
light: As a minor action , you command the sprite to shed bright light in a 4-square radius. As a free action, you can command the sprite to douse the light.
FeyVild Gear In the Feywild, m agic is so common that extraordinary items imbued with a small amount of magic can seem ordinary to that realm's inhabitants. The following items can be purchased in the Feywild as easily as mundane items can be acquired in the world. Although they contain Feywild magic, these items aren't powerful enough to be wondrous items, and they are usually made by crafters who do not have the ability to enchant magic items. The items' magic is instead imparted through their crafting techniques or through the n ature of their source material. FEYWILD ADVENTURING GEAR Item Price Cockatrice venom 100 gp Cold iron shackles 30 gp Cold iron shavings, 1 bag 50gp Doppelganger mask 250 gp Faerie puppet 2 gp False path stones, 1 bag 100gp Feywine raisin 15 gp Flower of the dawn 25 gp Flowers of the Summer 65 gp Queen's gown Frozen tears (1) 25 gp Gray rainCloak 10 gp Hair of fairy hues 5 gp Night's mantle 1,000 gp Pixie music box 50 gp Rain stick 150 gp Screaming scarecrow 50 gp Senaliesse chrysanthemum 10 gp Snake oil 500 gp Spiderweb dream net 30 gp Star-indigo seeds, 1 pouch 5 gp Sweetheart's confection 10 gp Wolfsbane, 1 bundle 5 gp
Weight 1/10 lb. 10 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1/llb. 11b.
1/1 lb. 31b.
41b. 1 lb. 15 lb. 1/ 10 lb. 1/10 lb. 1/ 10 lb.
Cockatrice Venom Organic materials coated in cockatrice venom slowly turn to stone over the course of 4 hours. One dose is enough to turn a single, handheld object to stone. Creatures in contact with the venom do not fully turn to stone, but the venom does petrify the surface area of a creature's body that comes into contact with it, giving that area a stone-like appearance for a few minutes. Potters, sculptors, and other artisans who need to quickly set their work into a permanent state often use the venom.
Cold Iron Shackles Cold iron is anathema to fey, and such a creature imprisoned within these shackles cannot teleport. Otherwise, these shackles function like any other.
Cold Iron Shavings Fey creatures cannot abide contact with cold iron, and they will not touch any item placed in a bag filled 0 ....J with cold iron sh avings. Used as part of the Magic Circle ritual, cold iron shavings can prevent fey creatures from crossing the perimeter of the circle. Each bag contains enough cold iron shavings for the creation of a single circle, and if used as a part of that ritual, lessens the penalty to the Arcana check from -10 to -5 to determine the level of creatures that cannot pass through the circle.
Doppelganger Mask Gnome artists excel at crafting duplicates of creatures' faces and making them into masks. Not actually magical in construction , a doppelganger mask is so well crafted that it makes its wearer resemble one particular creature, usually as designated by the artist's patron. One of these masks attach es tightly to the face of any creature that dons it, allowing the wearer to p erfectly adopt the features of the creature that the mask depicts. A creature wearing a doppelganger mask gains a +5 bonus to Bluff checks to disguise itself as the kind of creature the mask depicts, as long as the wearer's body generally resembles that of such a creature. A doppelganger mask tears apart when removed from the face, so each can be used only once. Spies and members of the Unseelie underworld often use them, and some masks make their way to criminal organizations in the natural world.
Faerie Puppet Th is small fey animate, usually made of wood or cloth, is designed to entertain eladrin children. As with an ordinary puppet, its controller begins m oving it by manipulating it with strings. Thereafter, a minor en chantment allows the puppet to continue to move on its own after the puppeteer releases the strings. If the puppet encounters blocking terrain, it randomly turns left or right and continues in the new direction. It does not stop until a creature within 5 squares of it commands it to do so in Elven.
False Path Stones Devious creatures that want to bait unwitting mortals into entering the Feywild for the first time use these tiny, charmed stones to cruel effect. W hen a creature takes a few stones from the bag and places them on the ground, a small gravel path springs up that looks like a well-traveled route leading in whatever direction the creature chooses. Once a route has been started, the stones in a bag can be used only for that route, and the rest of them must be laid continually. The path can be up to 5 miles long, provided the C H A P TER 4 [ Charact e r Option s
creature blazing the trail walks the entire distance, dropping the rest of the stones from time to time along the way. The path lasts for a day before it disappears; the area it described returns to the state it was in before the stones were used, and the stones become like any other ordinary rocks scattered in the wilderness. Scouts in the wild use false path stones to create simple roads that make travel easier for those following behind them.
Feywine Raisin Grapes grown in the Feywild are so lush that even when they are dried and made into raisins, the raisins retain most of the grapes' essence and potential. When a feywine raisin is stirred into a goblet of water, the raisin dissolves and the mixture instantly ferments, creating wine.
Flower of the Dawn Found only near the Maze ofFathaghn, this rare flower emits a fragrance that instantly awakens a sleeping creature, even one in an enchanted slumber, as long as the enchantment was meant to last no longer than a day. The flower must be placed near the sleeper's nose and pinched (a minor action) to release the fragrance. This act destroys the blossom and awakens the sleeper.
Flowers of the Summer Queen's Gown As Queen Tiandra treads through Senaliesse, summer flowers bloom wherever the long train of her gossamer gown sweeps the ground. A flower brought to life in this manner blooms eternal in the Feywild, and its beauty never fades. Wherever the seeds of these flowers are scattered, even the hardest barren ground or frozen tundra blooms anew with flowers for one day.
Frozen Tears Many icicles hang from the Prince of Frost's Fortress of Frozen Tears. These icicles, known themselves as frozen tears, are said to be sorrow made manifest. Even when they carried away from the prince's demesne in the Vale of the Long Night, frozen tears do not melt, instead chilling any object or creature in contact with them. Although they aren't cold enough to cause damage, frozen tears are fervently sought by Feywild merchants, who use them to keep perishable goods chilled during transport-a handy trick for bringing specialized food and drink to the courts to satisfy the refined appetites of the archfey.
CHAPTER 4 I Character Options
Gray Rain Cloak A garment of this sort, made from the substance of a rainy Feywild afternoon, is created through the performance of a minor ritual. The garment looks and feels like a normal wool cloak, except that it keeps its wearer completely dry in the rain. When the cloak is spread out on the ground, it becomes a puddle of pure rainwater. You can turn the pool back into a cloak again by grabbing the water (a minor action), or water can be taken from the pool using a cup or a similar vessel. Doing so gradually uses up the cloak's material, making it shorter every time it reverts to a garment, until nothing is left of it after 2 gallons of its water are consumed.
Hair of Fairy Hues Courting eladrin sometimes apply a mixture of pixie dust and larkspur to their fine , silky hair, changing it to a new, vibrant hue. Spies from the Court of Stars or the Unseelie underworld often use such a concoction as part of a quick disguise, and the elders of eladrin royal houses use it to complement their rich fashions and contribute to their striking appearances. Some wild fey add a shapechanger's eyelash to the mixture, causing their hair to change color every seventh heartbeat. A single dose of one of these mixtures, collectively called the hair of fairy hues, can instantly alter the hair color of any individual. The new color lasts until the hair is washed in a still pond beneath the light of the moon, or until the hair grows out.
Night's Mantle This gauzy black cloth, woven by the gloaming fey, is spangled with star designs. When its wearer waves it in the air (a minor action) on a cloudy night, the clouds above in a half-mile radius drift away to expose the night sky for one hour.
Pixie Music Box This 'box' appears to be an acorn shell. When the shell is opened, a childlike chorus of pixie voices sounds from within it for the next six hours, drifting gently on the wind. At the end of that time, the pixie music stops, leaving only a plain, hollow acorn. While the music is sounding, natural beasts won't approach or attack anyone in the sound's area (a 20-square radius), heeding the pixies' beautiful song and staying away out of respect for those magical creatures.
Rain Stick Rain sticks are crafted from tree branches by dryads, hags , and other fey in the wilderness. When a creature breaks a rain stick, the act creates a sudden downpour of rain in a half-mile radius that lasts up to
one hour. If a stick is broken indoors or underground, the downpour occurs outside, centered above the location where the stick was broken.
Screaming Scarecrow Although hags originally created scarecrows, gnomes stole the idea and adapted it to their purposes. When a creature within 4 squares of a screaming scarecrow triggers a condition that was set when the scarecrow is placed (such as 'a creature passes through the area without saying a password,' or 'a human enters the area'), the scarecrow begins to scream. When this happens, any other screaming scarecrow within 50 feet of it also begins to scream. If a creature attempts to use Stealth to bypass a screaming scarecrow, the scarecrow uses the passive Perception of the creature that placed it, with a +10 bonus. Many fey use screaming scarecrows as an effi· cient alarm system.
Senaliesse Chrysanthemum Denizens of the enchanted forest beneath the Summer Queen's demesne ofSenaliesse sometimes befriend petitioners that are on a journey to the Court of Stars. The fey reward the visitors with chrysanthe· mums, marking the travelers as friends of the fey. The gift also offers a degree of protection; mischievous fey such as gnomes, nymphs, and pixies refrain from tricking or tempting those who bear such a flower, which remains a beautiful bloom until the bearer leaves the Feywild.
Snake Oil Harvested from the water snakes native to the coral reefs near Astrazalian, snake oil applied to aching joints and wrinkled flesh can rejuvenate an aging body. After a treatment of snake oil, the treated skin peels away from the body, leaving behind soft, smooth flesh. Full-body treatments of snake oil have been known to reverse the cosmetic effects of the aging process, removing an entire year of wear from the body with each treatment. The cost of doing so is a reasonable option only for the wealthy. Even though the treatment removes the physical effects of aging on the skin, as well as some of the associated aches and pains, all other bodily processes continue to age normally. Death cannot be put off by using snake oil, a fact seldom conveyed by those who sell it.
Spiderweb Dream Net Made from strands of fey spider silk, a spiderweb dream net is used to capture dreams for varied uses. While a creature sleeps, the net is placed over it, and the creature's dreams are absorbed into the net's filaments. When the creature awakens, the net can
be boiled in a cauldron or other large vessel. The ~ trapped dreams evaporate into steam that rises in 1.1.1 wispy shapes, playing out the events of the dream for u Cl any to view. ...J Instead of boiling a net that has captured one creature's dreams in this manner, the user of the net can cut it into small sections and consume a portion to experience the captured dreams directly, allowing the viewer to experience the same set of dreams over time. A dream experienced in this way is more intense and offers deeper insights about the dreamer. A dream that arises from a portion of a net being consumed cannot be captured by another dream net.
Star-Indigo Seeds The star-indigo plant grows only in the wild fields of the Feywild. By day, the plant's flowers resemble those of any other vegetation. In the twilight just after sunset, its flowers glow slightly. At midnight, gazing down on a field of star-indigo plants is like looking at the night sky in reverse, as its flowers shine as brightly as the stars. Feywild creatures often arrange star-indigo seeds in symbols and messages that can be seen only in the dark of night. Dyes made from star-indigo plants pass their nocturnal glowing quality to clothing and ink, and an object colored with these dyes emits light equivalent to that of a candle.
Sweetheart's Confection Gnomes employed by the eladrin arch fey known as the Prince ofHearts make this heart-shaped confection. It is split into two halves and shared between lovers right before they part company for a time. Until they next meet, the lovers share an emotional bond, each vaguely sensing the other's emotions. Each can sense when the other is in peril, though the link doesn't reveal precise details of the situation.
Wolfsbane A flowering plant found both in the natural world and the Feywild, wolfsbane is a key ingredient in a number of potions and alchemical formulas associated with warding off or harming lycanthropes. Wolfsbane is dangerous to handle, because it is poisonous to humanoids in sufficient quantities. A bundle of wolfsbane is usually enough to keep at bay a lycanthrope that lacks serious resolve; lycanthropes find its smell sickening, and though it cannot truly harm them, most go out of their way to avoid it. As a poison, wolfsbane has the same effect as ground thassil root (Dune eon Master's Guide, page 51). Lycanthropes experience a feeling of discom· fort when within 30 feet of a bundle of wolfsbane, and any lycanthrope with a Fortitude of 17 or lower cannot willingly enter a square adjacent to a bundle of wolfsbane. CHAPTER 4 [ Character Options
Redaimer's Totem
Magic Itetns The following magic items were originally created in the Feywild and are often in the possession of those from the fey realm.
TOTEMS A totem is a short length of wood or bone carved to resemble a patron animal or a nature spirit. One end is typically adorned with feathers, teeth, small bones, scraps ofhide, leaves, or other symbols of primal power. The following magic totems make good choices for druids and other wielders of primal magic seeking to enhance their command of nature.
Magic Totem The simplest enchantments placed on totems make the evocations cast through them more potent and more likely to penetrate an enemy's defenses.
Magic Totem
Levell + Common
This item is a simple totem that channels primal eneray. Lvl1 +1 360 gp Lvl 6 +2 1,800 gp Lvl11 +3 9,000 gp Implement: Totem Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Lvl16 Lvl 21 Lvl 26
+4 +5 +6
45 ,000 gp 225 ,000 gp 1,125,000 gp
and damage rolls
Reclaimer's Totem This totem is usually made of petrified wood taken from an area where the abundance of nature has given way to desolation and death. A reclaimer's totem remains linked to the land it was taken from, and some believe that when primal energy is channeled through it, the totem diverts a small amount of that power to restoring life to that land. Supporting this theory is the fact that over time, a reclaimer's totem slowly becomes supple and regains life, to the point that the most powerful of these items have become sprigs of flowering wood.
Level 3 + Common
VVhen you channel primal eneray throuah this totem and use it to aid a dyinB comrade, the spirits provide some of their own essence to the effort. 85,000 gp Lvl18 +4 Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl23 +5 425 ,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl28 +6 Lvl13 +3 17,000 gp 2,125 ,000 gp Implement: Totem Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Property When you use a primal healing power to restore hit points to a creature that has 0 hit points or fewer, that creature regains an additional1 d6 hit points per plus of this item.
Shepherd's Totem Nearly the size of a staff, this totem is constructed from a single straight piece of wood. Druids and sha· mans dedicated to protecting verdant landscapes and shepherding the land toward continued bounty usu· ally carry these implements as a symbol of their duty.
Shepherd's Totem
Level 3 + Common
This totem emits an atmosphere ofaentle command, lendina the weiaht of nature's authority to your attacks. Lvl3 +1 680 gp Lvl18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Implement: Totem Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical:+ 1 d6 damage per plus Property When you pull, push, or slide an enemy with an attack using this totem, you can increase the distance of the forced move· ment by 1 square.
Wrath of Nature Totem Usually made from a fragment of a tree that survived a storm that felled all the other trees around it, this totem is imbued with the raw power of nature's wrath, which its wielder can transfer to any evocations he or she casts. The totem responds quickly to the anger (righteous or otherwise) of its wielder, and some believe that it can actually goad the wielder into more aggressive action, especially against those who would defile the natural world.
Wrath of Nature Totem
level 2+ Common
This totem quivers with the pent-up forces of nature, waitina to
be released when your wrath is unleashed. Lvl2 +1 520gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp 13 ,000 gp Lvl12 +3 Implement: Totem Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls Critical: +1d12 damage per plus
Character Options
Lvl17 Lvl 22 Lvl27
+4 +5 +6
65 ,000 gp 325,000 gp 1,625,000 gp
and damage rolls
WONDROUS ITEMS Wondrous item s bring a particular delight to creatures of the Feywild, who appreciate the whimsical nature of many such creations. The following wondrous items are often found in the Feywild.
These life-size, featureless dolls are used by eladrin w izards to speak for them when they are absent. W hen a doll is activated, it takes on its owner's general features, but still moves like an animated construct.
a z
Bottled Twilight When dusk falls , Feywild hags collect its murky essence and seal it in glass bottle topped with a cork. W h en the cork is later removed, the essence escapes, and bright light turns dim as nearby torches, candles, and other light sources sputter and become faint. After a short time, the twilight dissipates and the ambient light returns to its former brightness. Bottled Twilight Levell Common This black alass bottle holds the power of dusk to make liaht Jade. Wondrous Item 360 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: You remove the cork from the bottle, and all light within 10 squares of the bottle becomes dim light until the e nd of the encounter.
Faerie Field Catalog One of these guides, compiled by mortal scholars from the n atural world, contains a wealth of information about creatures of the Feywild.
:tFaerie Field Catalog
Messenger Doll
levelS Common
From boaales to brownies, nixies to ny mphs, this volume keenly details the fey, aivina you access to obscure knowledae. Wondrous Item 1,000 gp Property If you have training in Arcana, you gain a +2 item bonus to mon ster knowledge checks regarding fey creat ures. If you do not have training in Arcana, you can make monster knowledge checks rega rding fey creatures as if you had training (with the +5 bonus).
Hill Tamer Crook Sometimes in the Feywild, small hills wander the land, making travel difficult. An eladrin shepherd created this wooden crook to keep unruly hills in line. Hill Tamer Crook level 23 Uncommon The path over the hill is much easier to neaotiate when the hill obliaes. Wondrous Item 425 ,000 gp Utility Power + Daily (Standard Action) Effect: You touch the crook against a hill , and the hill bows down submiss ivel y, losi ng its slopes and becoming flat land until you pass by. This effect causes no damage to th e landscape or anything bu ilt on it, since th e land changes to keep structures intact. The land remains passabl e in this way for 1 hour after you pass over it, then reverts to its normal shape.
Messenger Doll level 11 Uncommon 0 With f eatures resemblina your own, this wood and cloth doll $ acts in your stead when you are not present. Wondrous Item 9,000 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: The doll animates for 1 hour, adopting your voice and a vague resemblance to your features. It has a speed of 6 , a nd it can move to a location you specify. You can me ntally direct the doll to another location as a minor action. The doll is destroyed if it is attacked. You can hear through the doll and speak through it. If the doll moves more than a mile away from you, you ca n no longer hear through it or cont rol its actions , a nd the doll stops moving and stands rigid .
Shinaelestra Chalice of Fellowship Made by the eladrin, these silver feywine chalices come from the fading city of Shinaelestra, where by night a fellowship of eladrin rangers hunts. These rangers travel to the natural world to battle trolls and other horrors before returning home to celebrate their victories in their grand halls, bolstering the vitality and courage of all in their presence. Shinaelestra Chalice level 9 Common of Fellowship You make a toast with this chalice to honor heroism and friendship, bolsterina those who share the toast. Wondrous Item 4,200 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Standard Action) Effect: You raise the chalice in a toa st , and eac h ally within 10 squares of you can speak fair words of hi s o r her compan ions' deeds. Those who do so and th e n take an exte nd e d rest (without having an intervening encounter) gain 5 t e mpo rary hit points at t he e nd of t he e xtended rest. For each additional chalice prese nt during th e toast, the temporary hit points granted increase by 2, to a maximum of15 .
S targlass Eye Eladr in m aster crafters invented starglass, which exists between the worlds, revealing a view of the natural world or of the Shadow fell from its location in the Feywild. Extremely exp ensive and difficult to manufac ture, starglass is primarily used for windows in certain Astrazalian estates, and less frequently in viewing towers within eladrin cities that cross over to the natural world, such as Shinaelestra. Starglass windows let the eladrin survey the environment into which their city will make worldfall, CHAPTE R 4
Charact er Op tion s
Starglass Eye
level 9 Uncommon
This plain 3!ass marble becomes a !ens from the Feywild to the world and its shadowy echo. Wondrous Item 4,200 gp Property Whil e in the Feywild, you ca n peer into the staralass eye to see the corresponding location in the natural world or in the Shadowfell. Your sight has a range of 10 squares from the eye's square and is limited by light and other conditions, as normal.
Tuathan Road Whistle Mysterious guides grant tuathan road whistles to travelers who fear losing their way or who are already lost. Blowing on the wooden whistle produces a shrill note and creates a tiny dirt path from the traveler's feet toward the desired destination. The path doesn't harm any of the surrounding terrain, and it disappears when the traveler rests.
Tuathan Road Whistle
Level1 0 Uncommon
With a short blow on this whistle, you create a path that helps you quickly reach your desired location. Wondrous Item 5,000 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Standard Action) Effect: You sound the whistle with a specific destination in mind on the same landmass, and a path appears that leads toward that destination. Until th e start of your next extended rest, you and your allies are not slowed by difficult terrain outside combat while traveling overland toward that destination.
CONSUMABLES Consumable items in the Feywild are often crafted to suit the inhabitants of that realm for very narrow purposes. In a land of magic, having such items comes in handy.
Hag's Doorknob allowing them to ready their defenses against waiting threats. Starglass allows one-way viewing from the Feywild, and creatures in the worlds being viewed through it cannot see or affect the glass or those looking through it. In the Feywild, adventurers sometimes carry small pieces of the glass, called star9Iass eyes, as a way to view a small portion of the natural world or the Shadowfell that parallels their Feywild location.
C HAP TER 4 [ Character Options
Many a gnome has been known to steal the doorknob from a hag's dwelling as a prank. After tampering a bit with the knob's enchantments, the prankster then quickly sells it, not wanting to be caught by the dwelling's owner. When one of these doorknobs is placed against a wall no more than 10 feet thick, it attaches to the wall and creates a temporary door leading to the area on the other side of the wall, allowing easy passage back and forth through it.
Hag's Doorknob
level1 2 Uncommon
When you touch this tarnished doorknob to a wall, a door to the other side of the wall instantly forms. Consumable 500 gp Utility Power+ Consumable (Minor Action) Effect: You place the doorknob on a wall adjacent to you and create a 5-foot-diameter passageway. The opening can be up to 2 squares long, and it lea ds to the area directly on the other side of the wall. Until the end of the encounter, creatures can use th e passageway to move through the wall. The doorknob does not work on a horizontal surface. If a crea· ture is in the passageway when it vanishes, the creature is shunted to the nea rest unoccupi ed space. The passageway does not compromise the wall 's structural integrity.
Horse's Breath An essential component in creating wheels that ride on the air, a draught of horse's breath is also useful for allowing a mount or a creature pulling a vehicle to move like the wind for a moment.
Horse's Breath
level 6 Common
Inside this canvas baa is the hot breath of a champion stallion that will aive a mount or a vehicle a quick burst of speed. Consumable 75 gp Utility Power+ Consumable (Minor Action) Effect: A mount or a vehicle you are riding gains an extra move action this turn .
Ray of Feywild Sunshine
level1 7 Common
These rays restore dead or withered fo liaae, renewin&desolate lands with sudden summer arowth and causinafruit to arow and ripen in the dead of winter. Consumable 2,600 gp Utility Power (Zone) + Consumable (Minor Action) Effect: You release the ray from its vessel, and it creates a zone of bright light in a close burst 20. The light functions as sun· light, and the zone lasts until t he e nd of the encounter. In addition , plants in the zone are restored to peak life.
Unseelie Candle The lights of the Feywild penetrate the night, but sometimes they don't show all of what hides in the darkness. This candle sheds light that reveals what other light sources fail to illuminate.
Unseelie Candle
level 7 Common
This jlickerin& candle reveals those who miaht wish to remain unseen. Consumable 1 00 gp Utility Power+ Consumable (Minor Action) Effect: The ca ndle sheds dim light in a 6-square radius for an hour or until it is blown out as a minor action. While the candle remains lit, it reveals invisible creatures and objects within 1 square of it.
Ray of Feywild Sunshine Capturing a ray ofFeywild sunshine is an extremely tough task, which requires baiting a playful sunbeam into a well-lit room with plenty of stirring dust motes to be illuminated and glass surfaces to reflect off, while the day passes by and evening descends. Once a sunbeam is isolated in this way and unable to escape from the night that surrounds it, it can be captured in a box designed for the task. A ray oJFeywild sunshine can restore vegetation in a wide area around it after it is released. Druids often use these items to renew areas ofland tainted by creatures from the Shadowfell or the Far Realm.
Character Options
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FEY MAGIC GIFTS The Feywild's inhabitants, particularly those of a civilization that stretches back for millennia (such as the eladrin), are masters of a unique form of magic known as fey magic. Many practitioners of the craft consider it less powerful than other forms of magic, seeing it as more utilitarian in nature. Even so, those who understand fey magic keep its lore and knowledge hidden from those in the world. They sometimes reward mortals who have traveled to the Feywild and performed services for them with this knowledge , which they consider a gift. A fey magic gift is like a magic item in many ways. However, it occupies no magic item slot, and an individual can have and use as many fey magic gifts as h e or she can acquire. Most fey magic gifts can be obtained only in the Feywild, where they often change hands as a part of a bargain between an adventurer and a powerful fey creature. Fey magic gifts cannot be sold the way that magic items can be, for they are bestowed powers, not items. Some fey creatures might be able to remove a fey magic gift as part of a trade for some other favor.
Calm the Storm With this gift, you can tame a tumultuous storm. An unprincipled person who has this gift might be able to convince gullible peasants ofhis or her godhood.
~ Calm the Storm
Level 9 Uncommon
Your liltina words take to the wind, calmina the wrath of nature for a short while. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 4,200 gp Utility Power (Zone) + Daily (Standard Action) Effect: You create a zone in a close burst 20 that lasts for 6 hours. The severity of weather in the zone is drastically reduced. A blizzard becomes a gentle snowfall, torrential rain becomes a light mist, and a howling gale is reduced to a gentle breeze. Creatures in the zone gain a + 5 power bonus to Endurance checks caused by weather, and weather cannot heavily obscure the zone; it can only lightly obscure it.
Charm Token This gift allows you to place a minor enchantment on a small object, connecting it to your consciousness and allowing you to sense its location. One of these tokens is often used for tracking someone you give the item to, for finding your way back to an item that is lost, or as a means of retracing your path to a placed item. ~Charm Token
Level 7 Uncommon
You weave a simple charm on a small token, allowinB you to sense the direction in which it can be found .
FOR THE DM: ALTERNATIVE REWARDS Fey magic gifts fall into a category with divine boons, legendary boons, and grandmaster training, and share the same rules characteristics, as described in Dunaeon Master's Guide 2. You can use alternative rewards alongside traditional magic items. You might consider replacing one magic item per level with an alternative reward. An alternative reward lasts for five levels of play and then fades. This rule applies because characters normally sell or replace items as they gain levels. Alternative rewards occupy the same space in the game, so a similar process applies to them. You can use different durations, either longer or shorter, for alternative rewards, to fit your campaign.
I Character Options
Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 2,600 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: Choose an object you are holding. Until you use this power again or until the object is destroyed , you can sense the direction in which the object is located, as long as it remains on the same plane as you.
Eyes of the Owl Using this gift, you can bind your eyesight to that of nearby birds, giving you an appropriate view of your surroundings.
-Eyes of the Owl
Level 15 Uncommon
You close your eyes, but instead of darkness, you see the landscape from the viewpoint of nearby birds. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 25,000 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: For the next 10 minutes, you can sense the presence of birds within half a mile of you. You can choose one of the birds and see through its eyes rather than your own. You can switch back to your normal sight or to another bird's sight as a minor action. You can't use powe rs or your special senses, if any, through a bird.
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Invokin9 the debt of Rowena's fey pact, the Prince of Frost orders Rowena to slay Keldar
Feast of Recuperation
Gather Flames
Many tales tell of people from the world accidentally wandering into the lands of the fey, to find bountiful feasts laid out before them that they are forbidden to touch. You have learned the secret of producing such a banquet out of even the most bitter trail rations, and you can create a feast that bolsters the bodies and spirits of all who consume it.
One of the most exceptional fey magic gifts is the ability to pick up, carry, and set down small flames as though they were physical objects. This gift is often sought out by entertainers, who use the trick as part of their routines, as well as survival experts, who value the ability to quickly create many fires from a single source.
Feast of Recuperation
Level 11 Uncommon
You transform the most mea9er of provisions into a feast fit for a lord. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 9,000 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Standard Action) Requirement: You must use this power at the start of an extended rest. Effect: You transform one day's worth of rations into a bounti· ful feast , enough to feed ten creatures. The feast lasts for 1 hour. Each creature that partakes in the feast and then starts an extended rest can cut the length of its rest in half.
Gather Flames
level 3 Uncommon
You reach out and pluck a flame from its fuel source, then effortlessly carry it to a new location. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 680 gp Utility Power + Encounter (Minor Action) Effect: You pick up an adjacent fire, carrying it with a free hand without being burned. The fire requires no fuel while you carry it, and it can be as large as a torch flame. You can place the fire on a surface or an unattended object as a minor action. You cannot place it on a creature. Once out of your hand, the fire requires fuel as normal. If you are still carrying the fire at the end of the encounter, the fire goes out.
I Character Options
Ride the Winds When you use this gift, you place minor enchantments on the hooves or feet of a group of mounts. When the mounts move at full speed, their feet rise slightly off the ground, enabling them to move twice as fast as they normally would, as long as they maintain their pace.
Ride the Winds
Levell Uncommon
You whisper quiet words to a aroup of mounts, 9ivin9 them the ability to run like the wind. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 360 gp Utility Power + Daily (Minor Action) Effect: Choose up to eight creatures within 10 squares of you that have the mount keyword. For the next 8 hours, each of those creatures gains a +2 power bonus to speed outside combat.
Scent of Gold
Know the Path This gift is useful for a traveler in the Feywild, or any place where fey creatures hold sway. It allows the recipient to know the direction to a familiar place, no matter what impediment lies in the way. This gift taps into the power of nature to reveal the destination, and labyrinthine passages, tangled underbrush, or even illusions cannot foil it.
, Know the Path
Level 5 Uncommon
You can sense the way that you must 90 as clearly as if a tended path lay before you. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 1,000 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: You utter the name of a specific location you have seen before that is on the same plane as you. Until you take an extended rest, you can sense the general direction to that location and the distance to it.
Mount Growth Good for traveling quickly in a pinch, this gift transforms a tiny creature, typically a squirrel or a rabbit, into a creature of the same sort that is large enough to be ridden as a mount.
Mount Growth
Level 4 Uncommon
You imbue a tiny creature with the power of nature, and it arows to such a size that you can ride it. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 840 gp Utility Power (Polymorph)+ Daily (Standard Action) Effect: Choose a nonhostile Tiny natural beast within 5 squares of you that is on a surface that can support a Large creature. Until your next extended rest, the target becomes Large, gains the mount keyword , and acts as a willing mount for you. The creature has th e same statistics as a horse (Mon, ster Vault) .
C HAPTER 4 [ Character Options
A favorite trick mastered by gnomes during their days of enslavement, this gift allows you to actually sniff out gold and other treasures. Thieves from the natural world often seek out fey creatures that can bestow this gift, which allows them to quickly lo cate valuables at the sites they are robbing.
Scent of Gold
Level 3 Uncommon
You've aot a nose for aold, allowina you to ferret out hidden valuables. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 680 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: For the next 10 minutes, you can smell the presence of gold, silver, and valuable gems within 5 squares of you, allowing you to make Perception checks to locate such valuables, even whe n they are hidden from view.
Speak with Animals You have learned to speak the tongue of the animals, and you can call upon squirrels, owls, rabbits, deer, and similar creatures to act as informants.
Speak with Animals
Level 4 Uncommon
You speak to a creature usina the lanauaae of animals, learnina information from an unlikely source. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 840 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: For the next 10 minutes, you can understand the barks, chirps, roars, and other animal sounds of natural beasts, and they can understand your speech. This power does not make the beasts friendly or hostile toward you.
Speak with Sentinels Most people consider inanimate statues and scarecrows barely worth paying attention to-an assumption that fey creatures use to their advantage. This gift allows you to speak with these objects as if they were alive, gleaning valuable information about what they have witnessed in recent hours.
Speak with Sentinels
Level 5 Uncommon
You listen to what the shapes of stone and straw have to say. learnin& what recently transpired nearby. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 1,000 gp Utility Power+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: For the next 10 minutes, you can speak with statues, scarecrows, and other objects that look like creatures. They animate only enough to speak, and they display mode rate intelligence. You can question them and learn what has transpired within the last 24 hours in their immediate surroundings. Their knowledge includes only things that would be obvious to normal senses. For instance, they would know that a horse man passed by an hour ago, but they would not know that an invisible creature sneaked past.
Voice of the Archfey The commanding voices of the archfey are heeded throughout the realms of the Feywild. The technique that the powerful fey use to project their voices is a simple method of bending the wind to carry one's words in the sam e way it carries the sound of thunder, and you are now able to do the same thing.
Voice of the Archfey
Level 9 Uncommon
Your voice becomes as thunder, resoundin& with the authority of the archfey. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 4 ,200 gp Utility Power+ Encounter (Minor Action) Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to Intimid ate checks, and you can make your voice boom, allowing you to be heard over any other noises within 100 squares of you.
Whispers in the Willows You know that the trees of the forest are linked in a single, harmonious union, and you now understand how to take advantage of that connection to send messages to faraway friends.
Whispers in the Willows
Level S Uncommon
Your words are absorbed into the bark of a nearby tree, then quickly travel by root and earth to afriend. Alternative Reward: Fey Magic Gift 1,000 gp Utility Power+ Encounter (Standard Action) Effect: You utter a phrase of no more than twenty words to a tree adjacent to you. Then choose another tree you have seen on the same plane. When any creature of your choice moves adjacent to the chosen tree within the next 24 hours, the tree repeats your message to that creature .
BARD'S TALE: THE NIGHTMARE FAIRIES Once upon a time there was a woodsman who lived in a cottage on the edge of the Howling Forest. For years, the woodsman had lived in peaceful solit ude, but he had been plagued from time to time by a painful earache upon wakening. Every time this happened, the woodsman recalled that his sleep that night had been savaged by terrible nightmares. Believing himself to be the victim of some wicked fey creature, the woodsman taught himself how to appear to be asleep, though he was actually awake. Sure enough, his cottage was visited soon after by a shadow-winged fairy carrying a vial of dark liquid. The creature hovered over the woodsman and prepared to pour the vial's contents into his ear. Before the fairy could do so, the woodsman sat up and captured the fairy. The fairy begged for the woodsman to release him, and the creature promised that in return no fairy would never pour nightmare poison in his ear again. The woodsman was not satisfied with that bargain. Instead, he demanded that the fairy take him to the place where the plant that produced the nightmare poison grew. When the fairy showed the woodsman the grove where the plant was harvested, he was shocked to see a great assemblage of ot her fairies in the grove, each collecting the plant and creating the nightmare poison and carrying it out into the night, to pour into the ears of mortals and give them terrible dreams. Suddenly, the queen of the nightmare fairies rose up out of the crowd to make her own bargain with the woodsman. In return for his impertinence and his unwillingness to accept the fairy's original offer, the queen cast a spell upon the woodsman. Now, each and every night when he falls asleep, the woodsman's rest is assailed by horrible nightmares, and each and every one of his waking hours is marked by the pain of an earache that has no apparent cause. Indeed, just as the fairy had promised, no fairy has ever poured nightmare poison in his ear again. The woodsman soon realized that the queen's spell produces the same malady night after night without the need of a dose of poison, causing him to yearn for the days when the nightmare fairies came to him only on occasion. ~
I Character Options
THE FEYWILD is a realm of stories, folk tales, and legends. More than any other plane, the realm of the fey has a way of rearranging the lives of mortals, creating heroes from the lowest peasants and casting down the most privileged of nobles. To reflect the mercurial quality of the plane, you can use the material in this chapter as an optional way of building your character, letting the whims of fate be your guide as you mold your adventurer into a unique hero. Your character will journey to locations within the Feywild, choose activities, and make ability checks to test his or her aptitude at those activities. This system allows you to build your character's history as you go along, telling a story about his or her background that includes both hardship and triumph. Upbringing: First, you choose your character's upbringing to represent how he or she was raised.
Race: Based on your selected upbringing, you choose your character's race. Aptitude Tests: Throughout the process, aptitude tests measure your success at the tasks you attempt. An aptitude test is an ability check, and you can assign your ability scores as you make those checks. Before you begin the process, generate six ability scores-by using a standard array, customizing scores, or rolling scores (as described in the Rules Compendium)-but don't assign the scores until you take an aptitude test. For example, if you grew up in Astrazalian, the City of Starlight, and attended one of its grand colleges, your first aptitude test is an Intelligence check to measure your success in your studies. You can assign a high score to Intelligence before making that check, or you can decide that you were not a great student and assign a lower score to Intelligence.
BARD'S TALE: THE FUTURE-TELLER One upon a time in a small village in the Feywild there lived three young children. All of them knew that they were destined for great things. One day, a traveling storyteller rode into the village and started performing for the villagers. The storyteller was quite good, but the three children were unimpressed, being both precocious and also spoiled by the last storyteller to pass through. One day, the three approached the storyteller and demanded that he tell them a story that none of them had ever heard before. The bard was amused at their insistence, and instead of growing angry with them he decided to give them what they wanted. The bard promised them each a story that they were sure to have never heard before-their own futures. For the bard was not just a storyteller, but a future -teller, and he could read their futures just like an open scroll. The bard said that each would be given his or her story separately. When they agreed to this, he sent two of the children away and imparted the first story. Twice more he sent away the other two children, keeping only one to hear his or her individual story. After the bard gave the final child's future-telling, he packed up his belongings and departed the village forever. The three children snuck away, each now with
a story to be told. 'The bard told me a future that can't possibly be true,' said the first child. 'He told me that one day I would leave the village and never be heard from again.' Sure enough, the child grew into an adult and went away, not to return. The second child spoke up. 'The bard said that a stranger would come to town, and that I would leave as that stranger's apprentice, even though I wouldn't want to.' Soon thereafter, a band of traveling entertainers came through the village, and the child's father apprenticed the child to a member of the troupe, sending the child away from the village under the tutelage of a stranger. The third child refused to share the story the future -teller had passed on, claiming that to tell it would change the way the future turned out. Though the other two children mocked the third child for this, the child held fast, and the story was never told. When the other two children's stories came true, the third child was even more adamant that the story remain untold, for the secret future the bard had imparted was not a pleasant one. The third child kept the secret, and even now searches for a way to avoid the fate foretold in that bard's story.
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Build Your Sto r y
You can attempt any single aptitude test only once, unless an event specifies otherwise. Some events might give you a bonus or a penalty to your aptitude tests. Class: You might have a class in mind as you build your story, or you might let the story play out and eventually suggest a class choice. Once you have a class in mind, the number of class skills that class grants determines when your background story ends and your adventuring career begins. Skills: When you use this method to build your character, you ignore the normal limitations on class skills and having training in them at 1st level. Every upbringing and location in this chapter has two or more associated skills. You can choose to have training in one of these skills even if it is not one of your prospective class skills. Any time a location in this chapter would give you training in a skill in which you already have training (such as a trained skill predetermined by your future class), you can instead gain training in any other skill suggested by your experiences. You can never have more trained skills than your eventual class allows. If you receive a certain number of trained skills and then select a class that allows fewer trained skills than you currently have, eliminate one or more of the skills you selected so that you have the right number of trained skills. You cannot choose to not have training in a skill if it's one that your class gives you as an assigned trained skill. If you end up with fewer trained skills than your class allows, you can fill out your trained skills with other skills on your class's list or with other skills derived from your history-select additional skills from the associated skills of the locations of your story. Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Elven. If a location has an associated language, you can choose that language instead of choosing an associated skill. Replaces Background: If you build your story using the material in this chapter, do not choose a background for your character. This material replaces that choice. It all starts with those familiar words: Once upon a time . . ..
UPBRINGING Choose one of the following options to represent how you were raised during your early life. Some entries list appropriate races for that upbringing, but you are not limited to those races. If you wish to play a character who isn't native to the Feywild, you can choose one of the 'foster parents' options, which allows for any race. If you're not sure how to start or want to generate your character randomly, roll a dl2 and consult the following table. CHAPTER 5
I Build Your Story
d12 1 2 3-5 6-8 9-10 11
Upbringing Eladrin nobility Feydark refugees Merchants Peasants Slaves Foster parents (cruel)* 112 F~ster parents (kind)* *Roll a d1 0 and use that resultfor the status of yourfoster family when you were growing up.
Eladrin Nobility You were raised in a comfortable environment by a family of minor eladrin nobles. The head of the family was a coure, a bralani, or a shiere (roughly equivalent to count, baron, or knight in the mortal realm). Your family made sure that you received a formal education, and you had the option of several careers in your city. For all your sheltering, though, fate has a way of knocking mighty nobles down a few pegs. Race: Eladrin. Associated Skill: Diplomacy or History. Go to Astrazalian (page 14 7), Mithrendain (page 148), or Shinaelestra (page 149).
Feydark Refugees You were raised in a squalid environment by refugees fleeing the oppression of the Feydark, the subterra- . nean realm of the Feywild. Your family might have been drow pariahs, escaped gnomes, or eladrin exiles on the run from marauding fomorians and cyclopses. You had few opportunities in your early life, so you learned to fend for yoursel£ Perhaps you found a place where you could belong despite your hardships, or maybe you had to keep running. Race: Drow, eladrin, or gnome. Associated Skill: Dungeoneering or Thievery. Go to Mithrendain (page 148) or Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152).
Merchants You were raised among merchants who traveled the trails of the Feywild, carting all kinds of mundane and exotic goods. Your clan was made up of gnomes, half-elves, fey-touched humans, another fey race, or a group of mixed races. Eladrin rarely become merchants, but some former nobles might be forced to take up the trade business, catering to the current nobility's needs. During your youth, you probably stayed in one of the merchant quarters in a small village or in the eladrin capital of Astrazalian, the mercantile hub of the Feywild. You were raised and educated in the expectation that you would follow the family tradition and help run the business. However, fate had other plans.
Race: Eladrin, gnome, half-elf, or human with the tuathan theme. Associated Skill: Bluff or Insight. Go to Astrazalian (below), Brokenstone Vale (page 150), Fey Crossing Hamlet (page 151), or Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152).
Peasants You were raised in one of the small hamlets that dot the wilderness of the Feywild. You could be of any race, fey or non-fey, thanks to the fey crossings that bring unwitting travelers to the realm. You had a ordinary childhood, tending to crops and animals or hunting for food. You learned to deal with- or, rather, appease - the wilder fey creatures to keep them from disturbing your family. Then, during one of your forays into the wilderness, something happened that changed your life forever. Race: Any. Associated Skill: Heal or Nature. Go to Shinaelestra (page 149), Fey Crossing Hamlet (page 151), or Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152).
Slaves You were raised in terrible conditions, toiling under the yoke of an evil society. Perhaps you were a slave for the fomorians, forced to work in the Feydark raising food or crafting items for the giants. Maybe you were a captive in Nachtur, working on farms and furnaces under the lash of goblin and hobgoblin masters. Regardless, it is amazing that you survived as long as you did. Then something happened that delivered you from your horrid existence and thrust you toward a greater destiny. Race: Any. Associated Skill: Athletics or Endurance. Go to Harrowhame, Mag Tureah, Nachtur, or Vor Thomil (pages 155-156).
Foster Parents (Cruel) You were raised in a family other than your own, often mistreated by those who should have taken care of you. You received a poor education and were forced to stay on your toes to avoid the wrath of your guardians. Choose any race for your character, even if it doesn't match the race of your foster parents. Race: Any. Associated Skill: Bluff, Insight, or Stealth. Because your parents were cruel, you learned to lie, assess their moods to protect yourself and hide when necessary. Choose one of the associated skills listed above. Then choose another upbringing option to determine the status of your foster parents (do not select one of that option's associated skills), and go to the appropriate location.
Foster Parents (Kind) You were raised in a family other than your own, but they cared for you as if you were of their own flesh and blood. You received the best education your foster family could afford. Choose any race for your character, even if it doesn't match the race of your foster parents. Race: Any. Choose another upbringing option to determine the status of your foster parents. Because your parents were kind, they taught you well; choose one of the skills associated with that option, then go to the appropriate location.
CIVILIZED LANDS The civilized lands of the Feywild consist primarily of eladrin city-states, points of radiant beauty in the midst of verdant wilds. If you are instructed to choose a civilized land, you can select one or roll a dS on the following table. d8 1-3 4 -5 6 7-8
Civilized Land Astrazalian Mithrendain Senaliesse Shinaelestra
Astrazalian The City of Starlight, Astrazalian is the great capital of the eladrin. During the spring and summer, the city exists in the mortal world, covering the gentle green hills of its island with glittering spires. During autumn and winter, Astrazalian sits in a precarious location in the Feywild, close to the realm of the fomorians. The mad giants covet the city partially for its riches but mainly for its ability to cross planes. What did you do in Astrazalian? Pick one of the three possibilities below. Acquired Higher Learning: You attended one of the grand colleges of Astrazalian. Associated Skill: Arcana, History, or Religion. Aptitude Test: How well did you perform in your studies? Make an Intelligence check. If the result is 14 or higher, you excelled in your studies. Go to the Discovery event (page 157) and choose a revelation appropriate to your studies. If the result is 8 to 13, your studies were unimpressive. You showed no particular aptitude for your work. Choose an activity in Astrazalian that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Mithrendain, Senaliesse, or Shinaelestra). If the result is 7 or lower, you were a dismal failure in your studies or perhaps a troublemaker. Go
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to the Ruined event (page 158) and choose a result appropriate to your failed studies. Enlisted in the Sword Guard: You enrolled in the Sword Guard to defend Astrazalian from fomo rian attacks. Associated Skill: Athletics, Endurance, or Heal. Aptitude Test: How did you fare as a member of the Sword Guard? Make a Constitution check. If the result is 14 or higher, you showed great valor in fighting off fomorian attacks. Go to the Acclaimed event (page 157). If the result is 8 to 13, you didn't excel as a member of the Sword Guard or show any particular facility for the work. Choose an activity in Astrazalian that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Mithrendain, Senaliesse, or Shinaelestra). If the result is 7 or lower, you failed in your duty to the detriment of the city. Worst of all, you lost someone dear to you in a fomorian assault. Go to the Personal Tragedy event (page 158) and choose the consequence of your failure. Joined the Star and Dolphin Coster: You became a member of the grand mercantile house, promoting trade with many eladrin lands. Associated Skill: History, Insight, or Streetwise. Aptitude Test: How did you fare as a merchant? Make a Wisdom check. If the result is 14 or higher, you showed tremendous aptitude for the merchant's life. Go to the Acclaimed event (page 157). If the result is 8 to 13, you didn't excel as a member of the Star and Dolphin Coster or demonstrate any particular penchant for trade. Choose an activity in Astrazalian that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Mithrendain, Senaliesse, or Shinaelestra). If the result is 7 or lower, your ineptitude led to your being marooned in a distant location. Go to the Lost event (page 158) and choose the result of your disaster.
Mithrendain Also called the Autumn City, Mithrendain is a beautiful fortress city that embraces the majestic trees that surround it. Unknown to most residents, Mithrendain sits on top of a great entrance to the Feydark, and the safety of the seal is kept by the Citadel Arcanum and its wizards. The city and its invisibilitypreventing wards are protected by a secret police force, the grim Watchers of the Night, who go about their duty with zeal. What did you do in Mithrendain? Pick one of the four possibilities below. Became a Barrier Sentinel: You volunteered to fight in the defense of the Feydark seal. CHAPTER 5
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Associated Skill: Arcana, Endurance, or Perception. Aptitude Test: How well did you fight as a Barrier
Sentinel? Make a Strength check. If the result is 14 or higher, you showed great valor in defending the Feydark seal. Go to the Acclaimed event (page 157). If the result is 8 to 13, you didn't excel as a member of the Barrier Sentinels or show any particular aptitude for the work. Choose an activity in Mithrendain that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Senaliesse, or Shinaelestra). If the result is 7 or lower, you overestimated your prowess and were captured in battle. Go to the Captured event (page 157) and choose the outcome of your capture. Broke into the Citadel Arcanum: You decided to sneak into the grand citadel out of sheer curiosity or because you were misled by bad company. Associated Skill: Bluff, Stealth, or Thievery. Aptitude Test: Was your infiltration of the citadel successful? Make a Dexterity check. If the result is 14 or higher, the Watchers of the Night apprehended you, but they were so impressed with your prowess that they recruited you to join them. Go to Joined the Watchers of the Night and take the aptitude test with a +2 bonus. If the result is 8 to 13, you failed to infiltrate the citadel but managed to avoid capture. Choose an activity in Mithrendain that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Senaliesse, or Shinaelestra). If the result is 7 or lower, you failed to break into the citadel and were captured by the Watchers of the Night. The lords ofMithrendain banished you as punishment for your crime. Go to the Exiled event (page 158) and choose the result of your banishment. Joined the Watchers of the Night: You worked as a minor agent for the Watchers, keeping an eye on subtle threats to the Feydark seal. Associated Skill: Perception, Stealth, or Streetwise. Aptitude Test: How did you perform as a member of the Watchers? Make an Intelligence check. If the result is 14 or higher, your skill was noticed. Go to the Acclaimed event (page 157). If the result is 8 to 13, you showed no particular aptitude for the work of the Watchers. Choose an activity in Mithrendain that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Senaliesse, or Shinaelestra). If the result is 7 or lower, you were abducted by evil fey and sold to the goblins. Go to Nachtur (page 156). Learned in the Temple of Corellon: You sought formal training from Corellon's clergy.
Associated Skill: Heal, History, or Religion. Aptitude Test: How well did you master Corellon's teachings and understand his precepts_? Make a Wisdom check. If the result is 14 or higher, your devotion was rewarded. Go to the Discovery event (page 157) and choose the Divine Revelation benefit. If the result is 8 to 13, you showed no aptitude for the god's ways. Choose an activity in Mithrendain that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Senaliesse, or Shinaelestra). If the result is 7 or lower, you clearly were not clergy material. Perhaps you failed to grasp Corellon's doctrines, or you might have become convinced of some antithetical dogma. You were shunned. Go to the Ruined event (page 158).
Senaliesse Built atop enormous trees and hidden from casual view by rising mists, Senaliesse is a wonder to behold. The seat of Queen Tiandra's throne, this domain houses the Court of Stars and sees its share of intrigue and diplomatic dealings. Despite these similarities to a mortal court, Senaliesse is the home of ageless beings of great power, and mortals never stay here for long. What did you do in Senaliesse? Pick one of the three possibilities below. Attended Queen Tiandra: You were allowed to attend Queen Tiandra as a lesser aide. Associated Skill: Arcana, History, or Religion. Aptitude Test: How did you perform in the queen's court? Make an Intelligence check. If the result is 14 or higher, Queen Tiandra paid you compliments and rewarded your service with a diplomatic mission. Go to one of the other civilized lands (Astrazalian, Mithrendain, or Shinaelestra), choose an activity there, and gain a +2 bonus to the aptitude test. If the result is 8 to 13, you attracted no notice for good or ill. Choose an activity in Senaliesse that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Mithrendain, or Shinaelestra). If the result is 7 or lower, your behavior offended the court, and you were banished from Senaliesse. Go to the Exiled event (page 158) and choose the result of your banishment. Stopped an Assassination: You stumbled upon a plot to assassinate a minor noble, and your efforts foiled the attempt. Associated Skill: Insight, Perception, or Streetwise. Aptitude Test: What was the result of your brave effort? Make a Wisdom check. If the result is 14 or higher, Queen Tiandra rewarded your diligence with a place at her side. Go to Attended Queen Tiandra and take the aptitude test with a +2 bonus.
Vl If the result is 8 to 13, you foiled the assassinaCl tion attempt, but no one noticed. Choose an activity z in Senaliesse that you have not yet undertaken, or, if <( ..J you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Mithrendain, or Cl u.J N Shinaelestra). ..J If the result is 7 or lower, not only did you fail to earn recognition for your heroic deed, but the assas- > u sins also exacted their revenge on someone dear to you. Go to the Personal Tragedy event (page 158). Tasked by the Court: You were assigned a minor diplomatic task by the Court of Stars that took you to a distant land. Associated Skill: Bluff, Diplomacy, or Insight. Aptitude Test: Did you fulfill your mission? Make a Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, you were sent as a recommended envoy. Go to one of the other civilized lands (Astrazalian, Mithrendain, or Shinaelestra), choose an activity there, and gain a +2 bonus to the aptitude test. If the result is 8 to 13, you were assigned an unpleasant task-you were sent as an envoy to the Prince of Frost. Go to Fortress ofFrozen Tears (page 155). If the result is 7 or lower, you were viewed as expendable and sent as an envoy to a fomorian king. Go to Harrowhame (page 155).
Shinaelestra The Fading City is being reclaimed by the wilderness. Covered by trees and thick with undergrowth, Shinaelestra lies mostly in ruins, but that doesn't bother the rangers who live there. Every midnight, the Fading City appears in the midst of the Howling Forest in the mortal world, and each dawn it returns to the Feywild. The greatest threat to Shinaelestra is the fomorian realm ofVor Thomil. What did you do in Shinaelestra? Pick one of the four possibilities below. Battled Fomorians: You volunteered to fight against the fomorians ofVor Thomil. Associated Skill: Athletics, Dungeoneering, or Intimidate. Aptitude Test: How did you fare in battle against the mighty giants of the Feydark? Make a Strength check. If the result is 14 or higher, you fought well and earned a commendation for your valor. Go to the Acclaimed event (page 157). If the result is 8 to 13, you failed to distinguish yourselfin battle. Choose an activity in Shinaelestra that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Mithrendain, or Senaliesse). If the result is 7 or lower, you were captured in battle. Go to Vor Thomil (page 157).
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Guided Pilgrims: You shepherded mortal pilgrims through the Howling Forest during Shinaelestra's nightly worldfalls. Associated Skill: Athletics, Nature, or Perception. Aptitude Test: How well did you perform your guide work? Make a Constitution check. If the result is 14 or higher, you earned the favor of a patron, either a mortal pilgrim or a fey being. Go to the Made a Powerful Ally event (page 158) and choose the nature of this ally. If the result is 8 to 13, you failed to distinguish yourself as a guide. Choose an activity in Shinaelestra that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Mithrendain, or Senaliesse). If the result is 7 or lower, you angered a powerful fey creature by trespassing in lands where you did not belong, or you earned the wrath of a formidable mortal patron. Go to the Made a Powerful Enemy event (page 158). Studied the Wilderness: You spent time exploring the wilderness that is taking over Shinaelestra. Associated Skill: Acrobatics, Endurance, or Nature. Aptitude Test: How did you fare in your studies? Make a Wisdom check. If the result is 14 or higher, you gained great insight from your time in the wild. Go to the Discovery event (page 157) and choose the nature of your revelation. If the result is 8 to 13, you gained no great knowledge or understanding of the wild. Choose an activity in Shinaelestra that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Mithrendain, or Senaliesse). If the result is 7 or lower, you ended up lost in the woods. Go to the Lost event (page 158) and choose your fate. Trained as a Ranger: You sought training under Calenon Thray, the ranger lord of Shinaelestra. Associated Skill: Nature, Perception, or Stealth. Aptitude Test: How did your ranger training go? Make a Dexterity check. If the result is 14 or higher, Lord Thray complimented you and sent you on an exploration mission. Choose your destination: Cendriane (page 151), the Isle ofDread (page 153), the Maze ofFathaghn (page 153), or the Murkendraw (page 154). If the result is 8 to 13, you showed no particular aptitude for the ranger's way. Choose an activity in Shinaelestra that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel to another civilized land (Astrazalian, Mithrendain, or Senaliesse). If the result is 7 or lower, you ended up lost in the woods. Go to the Lost event (page 15 8) and choose your fate. CHAPT E R 5
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WILDERNESS LOCATIONS Far more numerous than eladrin cities, wilderness locations in the Feywild include ancient ruins, remote villages, mystic lakes, mysterious islands, and more. Most of the locations described below are distinguished by settlements, important sites, or populations of certain kinds of creatures. If you are instructed to choose a wilderness location, you can select one or roll 2d12 on the following table. 2d12 2-3 4 S-8 9-10 11-14 15 16 17 18-20 21-22 23-24
Wilderness location Brokenstone Vale Cendriane Fey crossing hamlet Feydark opening hamlet Feywild trails Isle of Dread lake of Dreams Maze of Fathaghn Murkendraw Plains of Echoing Thunder White Well
Brokenstone Vale This forested valley and the mine-riddled mountains that surround it are the province of werebeasts of all kinds, given free range by an ancient pact with the Court of Stars. In tiny hamlets on the boundaries of this realm, civilized lycanthropes can trade with merchants under the watchful eye of werewolflord Viktor Mazan. Underneath Brokenstone Vale lies an entrance to the fomorian kingdom ofHarrowhame. What did you do in Brokenstone Vale? Pick one of the two possibilities below. Hunted Lycanthropes: Inspired by the archfey known as the Maiden of the Moon, you joined the hunt for any werebeast that set foot outside the vale. Associated Skill: Athletics or Stealth. Aptitude Test: Were you successful? Make a Strength check or a Dexterity check. If the result is 14 or higher, the Maiden lauded your work. Go to the Made a Powerful Ally event (page 158). If the result is 8 to 13, you showed no particular skill in the hunt, but you still learned something from your travels. Go to Feywild Trails (page 152). If the result is 7 or lower, you were severely injured in battle with lycanthropes. Go to the Wounded event (page 158) and choose the result of your injury. Traded Goods: You bartered with civilized lycanthropes in the outskirts of the vale. Associated Skill: Bluff or Insight. Aptitude Test: Did you deal successfully with your unpredictable customers? Make a Wisdom check or Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, the
lycanthropes viewed you as a worthy ally. Go to the Acclaimed event (page 157). If the result is 8 to 13, you didn't make a good living and soon moved on to easier customers. Go to Fey Crossing Hamlet (below). If the result is 7 or lower, you were captured by lycanthropes that turned against you and gave you to the fomorians. Go to Harrowhame (page 155).
Cendriane Formerly the greatest city in the Feywild, Cendriane is now a ruin, having been devastated during the wars fought by the drow, eladrin, and elves. Giant spiders, displacer beasts, and other dangerous creatures stalk the deserted thoroughfares, and sinister undead lurk beneath the city. What did you do in Cendriane? Pick one of the two possibilities below. Found Arcane Lore: You came across a magic remnant of Cendriane's heyday and gleaned insight from it. Associated Skill: Arcana or History. Aptitude Test: What did you find in the ruins ofCendriane? Make an Intelligence check. If the result is 14 or higher, you found an ancient relic that
granted you a great insight. Go to the Discovery event (page 157) and choose the nature of your insight. If the result is 8 to 13, you became lost in the ruins and had to deal with the deadly creatures that dwelled there. Go to Ran Afoul of the Natives and take the aptitude test with a -1 penalty. If the result is 7 or lower, you stumbled into an ancient portal and were teleported to another location. Go to the Transported event (page 158). Ran Afoul of the Natives: You had to battle the spiders, fey monsters, and undead that infest Cendriane. Associated Skill: Acrobatics or Stealth. Aptitude Test: How did you fare in battle? Make a Dexterity check. If the result is 14 or higher, you beat back the dark creatures and escaped. Go to Feywild Trails (page 152) or Shinaelestra (page 149). If the result is 13 or lower, you were seriously hurt and barely survived. Go to the Wounded event (page 158) and choose the nature of your injury.
Fey Crossing Hamlet The typical Feywild hamlet houses a small number of families in an even mix of Faerie natives and immigrants from the mortal world. Due to the nature of
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fey crossings, these hamlets tend to be built within great woodlands, with crooked buildings surrounded by giant tree roots. Most inhabitants of the hamlets are farmers, herders of pigs and sheep, or trappers wise in the ways of the fey. Merchants are welcome in these hamlets, too, since they bring news and goods from the faerie realm. What did you do in a fey crossing hamlet? Pick one of the two possibilities below. Guarded the Crossing: You watched over the nearby fey crossing, keeping an eye out for troublesome travelers. Associated Skill: Intimidate or Perception. Aptitude Test: What happened as you guarded the crossing? Make a Constitution check. If the result is 14 or higher, a traveler asked you to work as a guide, and you led that person to an eladrin city. Go to Civilized Lands (page 147). If the result is 8 to 13, you eventually left your work and took up a wandering life. Go to Feywild Trails (below). If the result is 7 or lower, you were surprised by a raiding party and taken captive. Go to the Captured event (page 157). Ran a Trading Post: You traded with residents of the Feywild and the natural world, learning much in the process. Associated Skill: Bluff or Streetwise. Aptitude Test: How did your trading go? Make a Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, you overheard a rumor about a magic treasure that led you to adventure. Go to Cendriane (page 151), the Maze ofFathaghn (page 153), or the Murkendraw (page 154). If the result is 8 to 13, you joined a merchant caravan. Go to Feywild Trails (below). If the result is 7 or lower, you were accused of theft or another minor crime. Go to the Ruined event (page 158).
Feydark Opening Hamlet Located near passages to the underground realms of the fomorians, these hamlets are rough-and-tumble places where the seedier elements of the Feywild congregate. The ramshackle communities are more egalitarian than most Feywild locations-they threaten everyone equally. Yet for all their sinister appearances, these hamlets are safer than the dark lands offomorians, cyclopses, and goblins. What did you do in a Feydark opening hamlet? Pick one of the three possibilities below. Explored the Feydark: You went far into the Feydark, exploring its depths and learning about its denizens. Associated Skill: Dungeoneering or Thievery. Aptitude Test: What happened on your Feydark excursions? Make a Dexterity check. If the result is CHAPTER 5
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14 or higher, you found a mystic portal leading to Cendriane (page 151), the Isle ofDread (page 153), the Lake of Dreams (page 153), or the White Well (page 154). If the result is 13 or lower, you got lost and stumbled into a place of darkness. Go to Harrowhame (page 155), Mag Tureah (page 156), Nachtur (page 156), or Vor Thomil (page 157). Scouted for Trouble: You routinely sneaked close to the Feydark opening, prepared to sound an alarm in case of an incursion. Associated Skill: Perception or Stealth. Aptitude Test: What happened during your mission? Make a Wisdom check. If the result is 14 or higher, you earned a recommendation to the Barrier Sentinels. Go to Mithrendain (page 148) and take the Became a Barrier Sentinel aptitude test with a +2 bonus. If the result is 8 to 13, you didn't distinguish yourself during your mission. Choose another activity in a Feydark opening hamlet, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel the wilds and go to Feywild Trails (below). If the result is 7 or lower, you were surprised by a raiding party and taken captive. Go to the Captured event (page 157) and choose the outcome. Served as a Feydark Sentinel: You fought creatures of the Feydark routinely to keep them from attacking the surface. Associated Skill: Acrobatics or Athletics. Aptitude Test: What happened in your battles against the denizens of the Feydark? Make a Strength check. If the result is 14 or higher, you showed great valor and won renown in your community. Go to the Acclaimed event (page 157). If the result is 8 to 13, you didn't excel as a Feydark sentinel or show any particular aptitude for the work. Choose an activity in a Feydark opening hamlet that you have not yet undertaken, or, if you have exhausted those options, you can travel the wilds and go to Feywild Trails (below). If the result is 7 or lower, you overestimated your prowess and were captured in battle. Go to the Captured event (page 157) and choose the outcome.
Feywild Trails The Feywild is so thinly populated that one can walk for weeks without encountering a soul. Those who are wise in the ways of the fey know to stay to the trails that crisscross the realm. Travelers who stray from these paths might fall prey to dangerous creatures such as fey panthers, hags, or worse. Still, some inhabitants like the wandering life, spending most of their days between communities. Those who adopt this lifestyle end up mimicking the wild fey in experience and demeanor.
What did you do in the Feywild trails? Pick one of the two possibilities below. Lived on the Trail: You lived near the path, consorting with the wild fey and learning much of their lore. Associated Skill: Endurance or Nature. Aptitude Test: What happened on the trails through the wilds? Make a Constitution check. If the result is 11 or higher, you came across an interesting realm that drew your attention. Go to Wilderness Locations (page 150). If the result is 10 or lower, you became lost. Go to the Lost event (page 158). Traveled to Another City: You never strayed from the path, traveling to another city either alone or as part of a caravan. Associated Skill: History or Nature. Aptitude Test: What happened on your travels? Make an Intelligence check. If the result is 11 or higher, go to Civilized Lands (page 147). If the result is 10 or lower, you became lost on the way to your destination. Go to the Lost event (page 158).
The Isle of Dread Perhaps the most mysterious place in the Feywildand that is a considerable feat-the Isle of Dread is a volcanic island dotted with ancient ruins that seems to trap sailors intentionally. Survivors of shipwrecks band together for safety against the wandering monsters. What did you do on the Isle of Dread? Pick one of the two possibilities below. Explored Yuan-Ti Ruins: You ventured deep into the snake-infested ruins in the island's interior. Associated Skill: History or Stealth. Aptitude Test: What did you discover in the ruins? Make an Intelligence check. If the result is 13 or higher, you found an ancient store of knowledge. Go to the Discovery event (page 157) and choose the nature of your discovery. If the result is 12 or lower, you discovered an ancient portal and were teleported away without warning. Go the Transported event (page 158). Struggled to Survive: You were beset repeatedly by the bestial inhabitants of the island and struggled to outlast the siege. Associated Skill: Athletics or Endurance. Aptitude Test: What was your final fate on the Isle ofDread? Make a Strength check. If the result is 14 or higher, you were rescued by a passing ship and taken to a Feywild city. Go to Civilized Lands (page 147). If the result is 13 or lower, you were captured by pirates and taken to a place of darkness. Go to the Captured event (page 157).
The Lake of Dreams This lake, known for the glass-like stillness of its waters, is located in the middle of a particularly dark forest. The woods are rumored to be the personal fiefdom ofRazcoreth, the green dragon better known as the Whispering Wyrm. Your only hope for escaping the Lake of Dreams was to bargain with the dragon. Bargained with the Dragon: You ran into the fey that serve Razcoreth and were brought into the presence of the Whispering Wyrm. Associated Skill: Arcana or Bluff. Aptitude Test: What did the dragon do with you? Make a Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, Razcoreth was impressed with your force of personality and bestowed a boon on you. Go to the Made a Powerful Ally event (page 158). Alternatively, you can ask the dragon to wipe away your past and use the consequences for a result of 7 or lower. If the result is 8 to 13, Razcoreth dismissed you, and the attendant fey chased you away. Go to the Lost event (page 158). If the result is 7 or lower, Razcoreth submerged you in the Lake of Dreams, either as punishment for your impertinence or because you wanted to forget your past and get a fresh start. You slept for many years and awakened in an abandoned hut. Remove the effects of any other events that have befallen you (including skills you learned), and go to Feywild Trails (page 152).
The Maze of Fathaghn This enormous briar maze belongs to the dryad queen Fathaghn, and lost travelers are kept away from the maze's center at all costs. What did you do in the maze? Pick one of the two possibilities below. Dealt with the Dryad Queen: You approached Queen Fathaghn, promising to carry out a task for her if she would grant you a favor. Associated Skill: Diplomacy or Insight. Aptitude Test: How did Queen Fathaghn respond to your request? Make a Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, she granted your request. Go to the Made a Powerful Ally event (page 158). If the result is 8 to 13, the queen turned you away without honoring your request. You must take the Wandered the Maze aptitude test. If the result is 7 or lower, you angered the queen and she banished you through a teleporting portal. Go to the Made a Powerful Enemy event (page 158). Wandered the Maze: You were lost in the maze and endured repeated attacks by dryads and treants until you managed to find a way out. Associated Skill: Athletics or Endurance.
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Aptitude Test: How did you fare in your attempts to escape the maze? Make a Constitution check. If the result is 9 or higher, you found a way out without suffering undue harm and ended up in the wilderness. Go to Feywild Trails (page 152). If the result is 7 or lower, you barely survived the attacks of the maze's denizens before finding your way out. Go to the Wounded event (page 158) and choose the nature of your injury.
The Murkendraw An expansive swamp that stretches as far as the eye can see, the Murkendraw is a haven for dangerous beasts, mad treants, and conniving hags. ·what did you do in the Murkendraw? Pick one of the three possibilities below. Bargained with a Hag: You approached or were found by a hag and tried to strike a bargain with her. You wanted the hag to relieve you of a curse in exchange for a future service. Associated Skill: Bluff or Insight. Aptitude Test: What was the result of your bargain? Make a Wisdom check. If the result is 14 or higher, the hag agreed to your proposition. Go to the Made a Powerful Ally event (page 158). If the result is 8 to 13, the hag turned you away without honoring your request. You must take the Explored the Swamp aptitude test. If the result is 7 or lower, the hag turned on you and sold you as a slave. Go to the Captured event (page 157). Explored the Swamp: You spent a long time sloshing about the swamp, trying merely to survive. Associated Skill: Acrobatics or Endurance. Aptitude Test: How well did you survive the rigors of the swamp? Make a Constitution check. If the result is 9 or higher, you found a way out without suffering undue harm and ended up in the wilderness. Go to Feywild Trails (page 152) or Found the Murkroot Trade Moot, below. If the result is 8 or lower, you barely survived the dangers of the swamp before finding your way out. Go to the Wounded event (page 158) and choose the result of your injury. Found the Murkroot Trade Moot: Through chance or skill, you found your way to the underground marketplace run by the Bogbottom goblins. You might have come to the Moot with a purpose, or perhaps you simply stumbled in, resting just long enough to gather your wits. Associated Lanauaae: Goblin. Associated Skill: Intimidate or Stealth.
I Build Your Story
Aptitude Test: What happened during your time in the market? Make an Intelligence check. If the result is 14 or higher, you thrived in the Moot, earning a living and gaining a mystical benefit. Go to the Discovery event (page 15 7) to choose the benefit of your skills. If the result is 8 to 13, you struck a bargain with a mystical merchant. In exchange for a service you performed, remove the negative effects of one event you have already experienced, then go to Cendriane (page 151). If the result is 7 or lower, the goblins of the market turned on you and sold you into slavery. Go to the Captured event (page 157).
Plains of Echoing Thunder This open country of rolling hills and grassy plains is the stomping grounds of centaur tribes. Due to the centaurs' devotion to Kord, storms are particularly common. Your only hope of getting off the plains was to visit with the centaurs. Visited the Centaurs: You came across a centaur hunting band and asked for help in navigating the plains. Associated Skill: Athletics or Nature. Aptitude Test: How did you deal with the centaurs? Make a Constitution check. If the result is 14 or higher, the centaurs were impressed with your endurance. Remove the negative effects of one Q event you have already experienced, then go to Civilized Lands (page 147) or Wilderness Locations (page 150). If the result is 8 to 13, you pushed yourself too hard. Go to the Wounded event (page 158). If the result is 7 or lower, the centaurs mocked your weakness and chased you away. Go to the Lost event (page 158).
The White Well You wandered alone for many days through a serene forest that seemed to exude deep sorrow. Finally, you reached a pool that reflected the moon with unmatched intensity. You found the White Well, said to be the residence of its namesake Lady, an archfey of divine heritage. The only reason to visit the White Well is to approach the Lady. Approached the Lady of the White Well: You sought the Lady, begging for her favor or possibly her love. Associated Skill: Arcana or Insight.
Aptitude Test: How did the Lady respond to your entreaty? Make a Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, the Lady looked upon you favorably and offered a portion of her power. Go to the Made a Pow· erful Ally event (page 158). If the result is 8 to 13, the Lady was flattered by your offer and bade you good luck before dismissing you emptyhanded. Go to Feywild Trails (page 152). If the result is 7 or lower, the Lady was saddened by your coarse manners and rude demeanor, and she teleported you away with a wave of her hand. Go to the Made a Powerful Enemy event (page 158).
DARK LANDS Encompassing the subterranean Feydark and the surface realms ruled by malicious fey, the dark lands are places of greater danger than most of the Feywild. They include fomorian kingdoms, goblin clanholds, and vast underground expanses. If you are instructed to choose a dark land, you can select one or roll a cliO on the following table. d1 0 1-2 3 4-5 6-7 8-9 ~~·
Dark land Feydark wilds Fortress of Frozen Tears Harrowhame MagTureah Nachtur VorThomil
Feydark Wilds Between the lands claimed by fomorian kings and goblin warlords stretch endless tunnels in the wilds of the Feydark. Choked with phosphorescent fungi and dangling roots from the great trees aboveground, the Feydark tunnels are a wilderness in their own right. Travelers might spend years wandering, lost, without ever seeing the light of day. What did you do in the Feydark wilds? Pick one of the two possibilities below. Lived in the Shadows: You skulked in the eter~ nal twilight of the Feydark for a time, avoiding the fomorian and goblin kingdoms and dodging their raiding parties. Associated Skill: Dungeoneering or Stealth. Aptitude Test: What happened to you in the shad~ ows of the Feydark? Make a Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, you made a significant discov~ ery about yourself or the Feydark wilds. Go to the Discovery event (page 157). If the result is 8 to 13, you grew ill or encountered a foe you couldn't defeat. Go to the Wounded event (page 158).
If the result is 7 or lower, a raiding party of cyclop~ ses or goblins found you and took you captive. Go to the Captured event (page 157). Sought a Path to the Surface: Your time in the Feydark was shaped by your unceasing quest to return to the light of the surface world. Associated Skill: Athletics or Dungeoneering. Aptitude Test: Did you find your way to safety on the surface of the Feywild? Make a Wisdom check. If the result is 14 or higher, you reached a small vii~ lage at the mouth of a Feydark cavern. Go to Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152). If the result is 8 to 13, you ended up on the surface far from civilization. Go to Feywild Trails (page 152). If the result is 7 or lower, you found your way to the surface but suffered greatly during the journey. Go to the Wounded event (page 158).
Fortress of Frozen Tears Located in a desolate icy waste, the Fortress of Frozen Tears is the seat of power for the Prince ofFrost, mightiest of the winter fey. His contempt for mortals is legendary, and his rivalry with the summer fey is bitter, but he still receives ambassadors from distant lands. Eladrin with an affinity for winter live in the wilderness around the Prince's fortress , but they give their liege a wide berth. If you found yourself in the fortress , your only course of action was to approach the Prince. Sought an Audience with the Prince of Frost: You approached the dread fey lord and attempted to impress him, either through your meek behavior or your defiant demeanor. Associated Skill: Diplomacy or Insight. Aptitude Test: What impression did you make on the Prince ofFrost? Make a Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, you impressed him with your behavior. Go to the Made a Powerful Ally event (page 158). If the result is 8 to 13, you angered the prince and were frozen in ice. You thawed-after days, years, or centuries-and eventually found your way out of the glacier. Go to Feywild Trails (page 152). If the result is 7 or lower, you infuriated the Prince of Frost and made a lasting enemy. Go to the Made a Powerful Enemy event (page 158).
Harrowhame This underground fomorian kingdom is built on the slave trade. Its ruler, King Bronnor, is as mad as any fomorian , but he can be negotiated with-occasion~ ally. The lycanthropes of neighboring Brokenstone Vale often serve Bronnor as spies and assassins. What brought you to Harrowhame? Pick one of the two possibilities below.
CHAPTER 5 j Build Your Story
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Enslaved: You were forced to work under the lash of fomorian taskmasters. Associated Skill: Dungeoneering or Nature. Aptitude Test: How did you fare under your fomo· rian masters? Make a Constitution check. If the result is 14 or higher, you braved the tunnels ofHar· rowhame and eventually emerged in the realm of Brokenstone Vale (page 150). If the result is 13 or lower, you and other slaves were traded to another realm. Go to Mag Tureah (below), Nachtur (below), or Vor Thomil (page 157). Sent as an Envoy: Queen Tiandra or another fey noble sent you as an envoy to King Bronnor-a diplomatic task few would envy. Associated Skill: Diplomacy or Dungeoneering. Aptitude Test: How well did you fulfill your duty? Make a Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, you won the favor of King Bronnor, though the burden was not easy to bear. When you returned to the civilized lands, the fomorian's favor brought suspicion on you, and you were banished from the courts of the eladrin and their kin. Go to the Exiled event (page 158). If the result is 8 to 13, you were eventually dismissed from King Bronnor's court and returned to the surface world with no distinction or disfavor. Go to Civilized Lands (page 147). If the result is 7 or lower, you earned King Brannor's enmity. Go to the Made a Powerful Enemy event (page 158).
Mag Tureah The largest of the fomorian realms, Mag Tureah is ruled by King Thrumbolg, the First Lord. Although the military stronghold raids and pillages competently, the biggest challenge for Thrumbolg is mapping and testing the many planar portals found throughout the tunnels of his underground kingdom. To this end, he employs slaves in his portal tests and is always looking for more subjects with arcane knowledge. What happened to you in Mag Tureah? Pick one of the two possibilities below. Traded for Arcanist Slave: Since you lacked the appropriate arcane expertise, you were herded alongside other slaves to be traded to another realm. Associated Skill: Athletics or Endurance. Aptitude Test: What happened during the slave trade? Make a Dexterity check. If the result is 14 or higher, you managed to escape and made your way to a tiny hamlet on the surface. Go to Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152). If the result is 13 or lower, you failed to escape and were sent along with the other slaves to another Feydark realm. Go to Harrowhame (page 155), Nachtur (below), or Vor Thomil (page 157).
Build Your Story
Used as a Test Subject: You were forced to brave the tunnels of Mag Tureah in an attempt to analyze the portals scattered about the realm. Associated Skill: Arcana or Religion. Aptitude Test: What happened to you in the tunnels? Make an Intelligence check. If the result is 14 or higher, you discovered a portal that teleported you to safety. Go to Civilized Lands (page 147). If the result is 13 or lower, you stumbled through a portal that teleported you to a more hostile location. Go the Transported event (page 158).
Nachtur This goblin kingdom, under the rule of the hobgoblin wizard Great Gark, is one of the more civilized of its kind . The underground realm engages in diplomatic matters with many lands, and its goblin mercenaries serve anyone who meets their price. What did you do in Nachtur? Pick one of the two possibilities below. Served as a Mercenary: Through sheer force of arms, you earned a place alongside the goblin mercenaries, hoping to stay alive until you found a way to escape. Associated Lanauaae: Goblin. Associated Skill: Athletics or Intimidate. Aptitude Test: What happened in your time as a mercenary? Make a Strength check. If the result is 14 or higher, you fought well enough to secure your freedom. Go to Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152). For the rest of your background story, if a check result or an event sends you to Nachtur, go to Wilderness Locations (page 150) instead. If the result is 8 to 13, you managed to flee during a battle that turned against your forces. Go to Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152). If the result is 7 or lower, you were severely wounded and abandoned in battle. Go to the Wounded event (page 158
Toiled as a Slave: You worked in the farms of Nachtur, raising crops and cattle to feed the goblin armies. One day, you escaped. Associated Language: Goblin. Associated Skill: Athletics or Endurance. Aptitude Test: What happened when you escaped from Nachtur? Make a Constitution check. If the result is 14 or higher, you found your way to freedom on the surface. Go to Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152). If the result is 13 or lower, you ended up lost in the Feydark. Go to FeydarkWilds (page 155).
Vor Thomil The nearest fomorian kingdom to Shinaelestra, Vor Thomil endures at the whim of its mad Queen Connomae. Captured travelers are forced to perform for her entertainment as poets, singers, actors or gladiators. What did you do in Vor Thomil? Choose Entertained the Queen or Escaped. Entertained the Queen: With a desperate performance , you earned the goodwill of the mad queen, and she decreed your freedom. Associated Skill: Bluff or Insight. Aptitude Test: How much did you impress the queen? Make a Charisma check. If the result is 14 or higher, Queen Connomae released you and ordered the fomorians to escort you to the surface. Go to Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152). If the result is 13 or lower, the queen released you, but after you left the borders ofVor Thomil, you had to fend for yourself. Go to Feydark Wilds (page 155). Escaped: Fighting your way past guards and beasts, you managed to escape from the fomorian kingdom . Associated Skill: Dungeoneering or Stealth. Aptitude Test: Where did you end up after you fled Vor Thomil? Make a Dexterity check. If the result is 14 or higher, you fought your way to Shinaelestra (page 149). If the result is 13 or lower, you became lost in the wilds. Go to Feydark Wilds (page 155).
EVENTS Events describe the effects of common happenings that might occur as you create your character's story. You might be acclaimed as a hero or derided as a failure, make a powerful ally or enemy, or find yourself exiled or lost. Sometimes events move you along in your story, but an event can also be the impetus for you to leave the Feywild and start your adventuring career in the world. The choice is yours, but as a general guideline, when an event occurs, use the number of trained skills you have acquired to determine whether to bring this stage of your story to an end. When you have a class in mind, check the number of trained skills that class allows you. If you already have acquired at least that many trained skills, let the event lead you to begin your adventuring career. Determine the results of the event, then go to the Cross into the World event.
Acclaimed You performed a great deed that earned you accolades from the powers that be. You were granted an audience with an important figure. What was the deed, and which authority received you? Whoever it was , you were entrusted with an important task. If you have experienced the Exiled or Ruined event, you disregard the effects of that event. Go to Civilized Lands (page 147) and choose a location, an activity, and a skill, but don't take an aptitude test. Then go to Cendriane (page 151), the Maze ofFathaghn (page 153), the Murkendraw (page 154), or Fortress ofFrozen Tears (page 155), choose an activity there, and take an aptitude test there with a +2 bonus.
Captured What happened when you got captured? Did you put up a fight? Were you betrayed by someone you trusted? Go to Harrowhame (page 155), Mag Tureah (page 156), Nachtur (page 156), or Vor Thomil (page 157).
Cross into the World Your wanderings brought you to a fey crossing or a planar gateway, and you suddenly found yourself in a somewhat muted realm, a place less magical but no less wondrous. You crossed into the mortal world and are ready to begin your adventure. Go to Start Your Adventure (page 159).
Discovery What did you find that was remarkable? Maybe you discovered a family secret or a dark conspiracy. CHAPTE R 5 I Build Your Story
zU.l > U.l
Perhaps you learned a snippet of arcane lore or a sacred revelation from the gods. Whatever it was, you are determined to uncover the full truth. Choose one of the following discoveries. Arcane Secret: You have learned some eldritch lore that was imprinted on your mind. Your experiences might lead you toward choosing warlock or wizard as your class. Go to Civilized Lands (page 147). Divine Revelation: You have been granted a prophetic vision by Corellon, Sehanine, or another god. Your experiences might lead you toward choosing cleric or paladin as your class. Go to Civilized Lands (page 147) or Wilderness Locations (page 150). True Identity: You are not who you thought you were. You must find someone who can offer a glimpse of your true identity. Go to Civilized Lands (page 147), Fortress of Frozen Tears (page 155), or the Murkendraw (page 154).
Exiled What did you do to earn your exile? Did you truly commit that deed, or were you framed? Choose one of the following outcomes. Settled as a Hermit: Go to Brokenstone Vale (page 150), Fey Crossing Hamlet (page 151), Feydark Opening Hamlet (page 152), or the Murkendraw (page 154). Wandered the Wilderness: Go to Feywild Trails (page 152).
Lost What happened when you became lost? Were you alone, or did you belong to a caravan that lost its way? Did it happen while you were fleeing from a bandit or monster attack? Choose one of the following possibilities. Strayed from the Path: Go to Dark Lands (page 155). Wandered into the Wild: Go to Wilderness Locations (page 150).
Made a Powerful Ally Whom did you befriend? What do you owe in exchange for that ally's help? Whatever was promised, you can call on your ally for help. If you have experienced the Exiled or Ruined event, you disregard the effects of that event. Choose one negative event affecting you. You disregard the effects of that event. After this event, go to any location you choose. If you go to one of the civilized lands, you can choose any activity there and take an aptitude test, even if you failed it before. You gain a +2 bonus to the test. After you take the test, the Made a Powerful Ally event no longer applies to you. CHAPTER 5 [ Build Your Story
Made a Powerful Enemy How did you make an enemy, and who is it? Perhaps you incurred the wrath of an evil relative who seeks to do away with the rightful heir to a family fortune. Maybe your enemy is a former colleague who grew jealous of your success. However the enmity came to be, it has a deep impact on your life. You take a -2 penalty to your aptitude tests. You can remove this penalty by trading this event for Personal Tragedy or Ruined. If you do not trade this event, go to Dark Lands (page 155) or Wilderness Locations (page 150).
Personal Tragedy Someone close to you-a family member, a friend, a lover, or an ally-was killed. How did you react? Was an individual responsible for the death, or was it an accident or a cruel trick of fate? Whatever the details, the tragedy has steeled you for further challenges. On your next aptitude test, you can roll twice and use either result. Go to Civilized Lands (page 147) or Wilderness Locations (page 150).
Ruined What happened to make you lose your power, wealth, or fame? Were you slandered by jealous rivals? Cursed by a particularly vindictive fey? Perhaps you simply didn't find your true purpose in life. Choose one of the following outcomes. Fell in With the Wrong Crowd: Go to a random location in the Dark Lands (page 155). If you fail your next aptitude test, you are taken prisoner. Go to the Captured event (page 157). Sought Redemption: You take a -2 penalty to your next aptitude test. Go to Feywild Trails (page 152).
Transported Perhaps you found an ancient portal in lost ruins or were summarily dismissed with a wave of a fey lord's hand. However it happened, you were randomly transported to a new location. If you have acquired enough trained skills for your desired class, you can be transported into the mortal world. If you choose this option, go to the Cross into the World event. If you remain in the Feywild instead, roll a d8. On a 1-5, go to Wilderness Locations (page 150) and roll to determine a random location; on a 6-8, go to Dark Lands (page 155) and roll to determine a random land.
Wounded What happened when you were wounded? Did you sustain injuries in battle, or were you backstabbed in a dark alley by an unseen assailant? Choose one of the following outcomes. Healed-Barely: Your attackers kidnapped you. Go to the Captured event (page 157). Taken to a Healing Center: Go to Civilized Lands (page 147). Tended to by a Lone Mystic: Go to the Discovery event (page 157) and choose Divine Revelation. Whatever option you choose, you are no longer wounded.
START YOUR ADVENTURE When you finish this process, you should have a rich background for your character. You also have a race, at least one or two ability scores, and several trained skills. From here, you can choose a class and adjust your number of trained skills to match the number your class allows. (Remember that you don't have to conform to your class skills list.) When you choose a class, keep in mind your character's background. For example, if you studied at the temple of Corellon in Mithrendain and failed the associated aptitude test, you probably shouldn't choose a divine class. On the other hand, if you excelled as a mercenary in the armies ofNachtur, fighter would be a fine class choice. Your character has come a long way, and now your last step is to link your character's history to the starting point of your first adventure. If your character was acclaimed or made a powerful ally, you might have been given a quest that led you to the natural world and great adventure. If your character ended up exiled or ruined or made a powerful enemy, you probably fled to the mortal world in hopes ofleaving your past behind. When the adventure begins, none of the events in this chapter has a lasting effect on your character. Instead, the events offer the DM interesting hooks to include in the game. For example, a powerful enemy you made might show up as a nemesis of your party, or the acclaim you received could earn you some useful contacts. At this point, you can choose any features, powers, or fe ats that you still need to select, purchase equipment, and finalize the details of your character. Now you know where you came from and how you acquired your skills and talents, and you can provide your DM with the interesting high notes of your character's history. Your story began with 'Once upon a time.' The happily ever after is up to you.
~---------~~~~-,~~~~~~~--~----~----~~~::::l BARD'S TALE: THE WANDERING CHILD
Once upon a time there was a young girl, pretty and fair, who lived near a deep, clear lake with her parents. The girl was but a child, and headstrong as so many are. One day, she went for a swim in the lake. She dove underwater, and when she came up for air she found that the landscape around her had changed. Her home was gone, replaced by a lush forest bathed in perpetual twilight. The girl was not bothered, and set off through the forest exploring, her curiosity getting the better of her. Soon she came upon an encampment of kind people, travelers and traders who roamed the land. They welcomed her to their fires, and soon realized the girl was a bright and shining gem. They invited her to travel with them, and, wishing to see more of the fantastic realm, she agreed. When the caravan moved on, she went with them. The girl passed her days among the tuathans, as they called themselves, and she learned how to tend animals and even perform a few magical tricks. Some time later, the caravan stopped at an enchanted glade, where satyrs and nymphs frolicked. The girl met a satyr who could make plants grow and trees sing, and when the tuathans moved on, the girl stayed behind. For a time, she became infatuated with the satyr and hung upon his every word. Soon, she too could make plants grow and trees sing, and she lived peacefully in the glade. Yet all could not be placid forever. As she slumbered one evening, dark creatures emerged from underground, captured her and some of the dryads of the glade, and whisked them away into the underground realms of the fomorians. There she became a prisoner and lived for a time as a captive of the frightful giants. Just when she had lost any hope of returning to the surface, a group of daring and kindhearted heroes rescued her and the other captives, leading them out of the underground realm and back up into the light. By now the girl longed for her parents, and she returned to the lake where she had once swum. When she gazed into the water, a stranger stared back at her. During all her travels, she had grown taller and older, and was now a young woman. As she wept by the lake for her lost childhood, a group of tuathans came upon her, and recognized her as one of their own. 'Come,' they said. 'We see that you can speak to the animals. We see that you can make plants grow and trees sing. Come and join our circle.' The girl was grateful and agreed, and though she still longed to see her parents again, she was grateful to have found a new family.
Build Y our Story
zL.lJ > 0
ct: ::::l
Total XP 0
level 1st
1,000 2,250 3,750
7,500 10,000 13,000
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
~ 16;5oo
... ,.
~ ~,500
Ability Scores see race
+1 to two
+1 to two
Powers and Features clas.s features; racial traits; gain 1 feat; train starting skills; gain 2 at-will attack powers; gain 1 encounter attack power; gain 1 daily attack power gain 1 utility power; gain 1 feat ga.i!U ,~'l~ounter attack power gain 1 feat gain ~1 ~. daily attack powe~ gain 1 utility power, gain 1 feat gain J encounter attack power gain 1 feat gain 1 daily attack power gain 1 utility power, gain 1 feat
Total Powers Known (At-Will/Encounter/ Feats Known Daily/Utility) lt 2/1/1/0
2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
2/1/1/1 2/2/1/1 2/2/1/1 2/1/2/1 2/2/2/2 2/3/2/2 2/3/2/2 ~~ 2/3/3L2
Total XP 26,000
level 11th 12th 13th 14th
Ability Scores +ltoall
+1 to two
i.5th 69,000
83,0~00 ~,
17th 18th 19th 20th
99,000 119~000
+1 to two
Total Powers Known (At-Will/Encounter/ Feats Known Daily/Utility) 7 2/4/3/3
Powers and Features paragon path features; gain 1 paragon path encounter attack power; gain 1 feat gain 1 paragon path utility power; gain 1 feat replace 1 encounter attack power~~ gain 1 feat replace 1 dailyattackpower paragon path feature; gain 1 utility power; gain 1 feat replace 1 encounter attack power gain 1 feat repla~ce 1 daily attackp~ower gain 1 paragon path daily attack power; gain 1 feat
8 8 9 9
· ·i o 11 11 12
2/4/3/4 2/4*/3/4' 2/4/3/4
l/4/3*/4 2/4/3/5
T/4*7375' 2/4/3/5
.. 1/4]3*/5 2/4/4/5
EPIC TIER Total Powers Known (At-Will/Encounter/ Total XP level Powers and Features Feats Known Daily/Utility) JZS,OOO 21st epic destiny feature; gain 1 feat 13 .... 2/MM5 210,000 22nd gain 1 utility power, gain 1 feat 14 2/4/4/6 ~ ~255,9(f()·~~.2~rd ·· replace i encounter attack~ power 14 310,000 24th +1 to two epic destiny feature; gain 1 feat 15 2/4/4/6 ·.:~I~&Q~() ·~·· ~Sth replace 1 daily attack power 15 ... 2/4/4*1§~~ 450,000 26th gain 1 epic destiny utility power; gain 1 feat 16 2/4/4/7 ' 2/4*7477~ ['·..~~:5s'o,o()o 27th replace 1 encounter attack power 16 675,000 28th +1 to two gain 1 feat 17 2/4/4/7 ·~~-~825,0()() 29th replace 1 daily attack power 17 1,000,000 30th epic destiny feature; gain 1 feat 18 2/4/4/7 NOTE: In addition to the benefits summarized on this table, you always get more hit points when you gain a level. See your class description for details. * At these levels you replace a known power with a new power of your new level. t Humans gain one additional feat at 1st level. Some classes grant additional feats as well. Ability Scores +1 to all
Build Your Story
WILD AT HEART The Feywild is a bright reflection of the world, a place of enchantment and illusion where magic is master. For the unprepared adventurer, the Feywild can be perilous; cruel giants, fierce beasts, and devious fairies dwell there. For others, the Feywild is a land of opportunity, with vast tracts of unexplored wilderness filled with ancient ruins and lost treasures. If you're going to survive long, you'll need to embrace your wild side and channel the magic and primal power of the Feywild. Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild~ presents races, classes, character themes, feats, powers, and other character options that have a strong connection to the Feywild. It also gives players and Dungeon Masters background information on the inhabitants of this weird and wondrous plane, and how adventurers might cross paths with them.
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It comes loaded with a list of common pop-up ads to target, such as those that come from angelfire home pages. It's a full-featured ftp client that not only transfers files but also synchronizes directories and performs server-to-server mirroring and backups. Although converters with lots of options can be nice, we tend to favor the simple ones that cut right to the chase. Those running small businesses need a way to track their accounts. Although the program performed admirably on files large and DOWNLOAD GAIKWAD OP AMP FREE PDF RAMAKANT BY small, it is not without problems. Monthly and annual licenses are available, too. Extra features;-work in background with notification sound and vibration-change the background and alarm sound. We loved how smart the reminder feature was. Some found the dialog was displayed only for the first site surfed for each ie session. The process was simple, and password records are shown in columns.


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You're not going to get google docs' ease-of-use here. The outcome is clear, though: our highest recommendation. So does freeware. OP AMP BY RAMAKANT GAIKWAD PDF FREE DOWNLOAD's online help feature suggested that it could be firewall or antivirus problem, but after a thorough check, we found that none of our security software was blocking the program. We really liked the copper-style themes, especially orange-copper and blue-copper, and the ice themes were nice, too. Cocktail for mac offers a combination of cleaning, repairing, and optimizing tools to help you improve and maintain the performance of your mac. The installation automatically loads and installs another of the publisher's programs, inetformfiller, but that program isn't reviewed here. Unfortunately, OP AMP BY RAMAKANT GAIKWAD PDF FREE DOWNLOAD is light on special features, the best one being the aforementioned ability to play PDF BY AMP DOWNLOAD GAIKWAD RAMAKANT FREE OP with a joystick instead of a keyboard. If you work with sensitive information, you can lock actions with a password. For example, if you need to hone your english skills, you can take multiple-choice tests in grammar, spelling, or reading.

When you first set up the program, you can choose exactly what specs it shows on your screen. Since we have tested other programs that make project management simpler, we do not recommend this program. Its simple layout and smooth fusion of web pages make it a great program that we highly recommend. This program helps you plan and track the progress of your garden and even allows you to save pictures and videos. OP AMP BY RAMAKANT GAIKWAD PDF FREE DOWNLOADRAMAKANT GAIKWAD OP FREE AMP PDF DOWNLOAD BY has a simple purpose, but one that those who like using different desktops will really appreciate. OP AMP BY RAMAKANT GAIKWAD PDF FREE DOWNLOAD for mac lets you change the behavior of the top row of keys on your macbook keyboard, overriding the system defaults. The favor's since been returned: 3d graphics have revolutionized scientific visualization. This useful app complies fully with all skype rules, and it won't alter your logs or records stored in skype. This headline crawl offers a nice change of pace from the run-of-the-mill interfaces on most rss feeds. The pdf-based help file goes to 11 (pages, that is) while the about file includes an update button.

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