Download Mutual Fund Data To Excel
Is there a free Excel add-in to pull mutual fund current price data? Update Cancel a eEGls d RwO wNsor b V y El RZj M sjMb a EgPLk s i t nCT e UiAx r kNp w K o opMO r eEvd k ddr s fCqh. Bulk Quotes Excel, part of Trader Excel Package, downloads free historical stock, index and mutual fund data from Yahoo! Finance for major worldwide exchanges, and free historical end-of-day data for financial futures, commodity futures, and indexes from PiFin.
Looking to draw information into excel sheet using mutual fund symbol through
Hi all,
I'm working on a tool to work with mutual funds. Here's some basic info regarding the situation:
• This is for a task that is done anywhere from 1-5 times a day. Taking approximately 20-30 minutes each time.
• Using excel 2010
Download Mutual Fund Data To Excel 2016
• I'm open to using macros if needed (though I'll need to definitely brush up on that side of things)
• I have a sheet made to do a good deal of the work, but this thread is to automate part of beginning process

• I used to consider myself more of an intermediate level excel user, but I haven't used it in quite some time so its probably fair to say I'm a beginner

At the most basic level, I'm looking to have my first sheet allow me to input a mutual fund's unique 5 digit symbol (FCNTX for example). I then want that symbol to cause the cell to the right of it to populate the symbols category (for fcntx, it'd be 'Large Growth'). Here is where that data is located on their website with this being the URL to that page.
Historical Mutual Fund Data
Here is what I'd like the end result for this section to look like.
Do you guys/gals have any thoughts as to how this can be done? Let me know if you need more info from me.